You are much better than you think you are!
Wanderley Nascimento[1]
Wanderley Nascimento de Jesus Maria,[2] or just Wanderley, was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in The Secret in the Island.
He was an agent from Ordo Realitas, that along with Cavalcante Bueno, headed to the island of Tipora, disguised as real estate agents using the name of a group known by the occultists. He first appeared in the 3rd episode of The Secret in the Island, arriving in Tipora through Adrian Vurtoren's boat and soon after going to the Moretti's Mansion.[3]
Wanderley was killed by the Imaginary Friend during the battle on the island's church, being dissolved by the creature.[4]

Wanderley was a tall, bald man, having brown skin and appearing to be in his 40s. He had brown eyes, a short black beard, plus a small scar on his lip and a strong physical build. He wore a striped white shirt with suspenders attached to the belt of his brown pants, as well as shoes of the same color.
After contemplating the cliff's painting on the island's church, Wanderley’s arms deformed in the area from the wrist to the elbow, taking a more resistant form as necrotic burns with lighter parts similar to bones. Shortly after revealing himself as an agent of Ordo Realitas, Wanderley went on to outfit a black ballistic vest over his social T-shirt.
Wanderley was very talkative, outgoing and curious, due to his real estate agent disguise, always looking for information about the things and people around him, however, when presented with more serious situations he completely changes his personality, becoming more centered and focused. Being an agent of the Order, he always sought to be the front line in problems, not wanting anyone to risk and suffer beyond himself.
Wanderley Nascimento de Jesus Maria was born in Amargosa, Bahia, in an unknown year between 1972 and 1982. His past is very unknown, but it is known that he had a sister who died due to a snake bite poisoning, which Wanderley tried to neutralize the poison with his mouth, but ultimately failed to save her, and also infected his entire mouth.[5]
In 2021, Wanderley was a tour guide who worked at a place called Lago Encantado (Enchanted Lake), in Chapada Diamantina. After cases of disappearances and other strange events, such as the water of the lake turning red, a man who passed as a tourist, called Cavalcante Bueno asked Wanderley to help him, showing the place. Wanderley accompanied Cavalcante to the enchanted lake, but arriving there, the water was red, and from inside the water, a figure that looked like a completely bloody woman emerged. This figure killed several people who were on the scene, but Cavalcante, along with a team of agents, managed to neutralize the creature. It is implied that time after, during preparation for the Calamity, Cavalcante presented Ordo Realitas to Wanderley, that accepted the invite.[6]
The Secret in the Island[]
Using the name of the Front Real Estate Company as a disguise,Wanderley is hired with Cavalcante Bueno to analyze and fix the problems of the Moretti's Mansion in the island of Tipora. After two days analyzing the place, Cavalcante reveals that he would switch places with his "colleague" on the third day, and says to Milo, Bárbara, Amelie and Olivier that he was leaving.
Early on the morning of the third day, Wanderley arrives on the island on Adrian's boat, and disembarks on the beach, being approached by Bárbara and Milo who guide him to the mansion. There he meets Olivier, Amelie and Montel, and after talking to them, everyone is approached by the villagers looking for Amora. They combine to look for the little one and Wanderley accompanies the girls through the forest.
During the search the three hear a scream coming from the beach, and when they get there they witness a terrible scene: Cavalcante dead and stretched next to huge stones, with his face open. After recovering from the shock and being interrogated by Evandro, Wanderley returns to the mansion and decides to sleep there, taking Cavalcante’s things that were still in his room and trying to process everything that just happened.
At night Wanderley strangely wakes up in his bed. He gets up and checks his surroundings, noticing the lighthouse outside the window, in a different way. At the same time, he begins to hear someone crying in his room, and as he goes to investigate this cry, he is interrupted by two more sounds, coming from the sides of his room. He begins to feel surrounded and tries to escape through the window, where there were already two snakes coming to attack him. The bedroom door breaks and Wanderley sees the figure of Cavalcante entering the room, with his face open. He climbs into bed and realizing the situation tries to force himself to wake up, but unsuccessfully. With no choice, Wanderley decides to kick one of the approaching snakes, waking up from his nightmare afterwards.
Disturbed, he awakens again in his room, on a new day on the island of Tipora. Wanderley gets up and notices the morning, leaving his room and hearing a ruckus. He quickly approaches and sees Montel and Angelina discussing with Lívia, until a fight breaks out and Wanderley goes along Olivier to calm everyone. Along with the two, the rest of the group arrives at the scene and separate the fight, with Wanderley managing to make Lívia return from her senses, since she seemed to be in a state of insanity. Everyone goes down to the first floor and Bárbara follows her to outside.
Wanderley goes to the kitchen and there is approached by Adrian, that tells him about the meeting that would take place in the church during the afternoon, and that he and Otávio were there to question them. The two talk together and prepare the breakfast for the rest of the group, who soon after arrive in the kitchen. Everyone eats and talks about the whole island situation, with Wanderley leaving in the middle of the conversation, after eating, to go to the village to look for Návia and participate in the rally.
He arrives at the village quickly and looks for the doctor’s house in order to pay homage to Cavalcante, but realizes that the village is completely empty, also hearing noises coming straight from the church. Arriving at the site, Wanderley sees the church crowded, with virtually all residents present. He sees Otávio, Návia and a priest in front of the church preparing themselves, and soon he arranges a place to sit, next to Iara Suna. He also sees the group of young people arriving at the church, and soon after, Evandro appears, heading forward to start talking.
Evandro raises his voice and tells everyone to calm down, warning that he is already working to find the culprit for the death of Cavalcante. Everyone starts arguing about what happened and Maíra tries to arouse suspicion to Bartô, who was not seen by anyone in the day. Barnabé stands up for Bartô and confronting the two, asking them to stop hiding things from the case. The merchant goes towards Cavalcante’s painting and removes the sheet that covered it. After that, Evandro asks him to sit down and approaches Bartô, pressing him more and more. But soon, Bartô enters a state of uncontrolled rage, with black veins in his eyes, and hits Evandro with a punch.
As Bartô screamed and Evandro fell to the ground, most of the villagers ran out of the church scared, while others stayed to try to calm the situation. Seeing the situation, Wanderley stands up and tries to get Bartô’s attention, believing the man to be very dangerous, but at the same time intending to calm him down. With everyone’s help, he is stopped and eventually regains consciousness. Evandro, seeing everything that just happened, arrests Bartô, starting to take him to the police station. Wanderley also notices the priest Francisco Oblito badly sick on the altar of the church with all the confusion and runs to help him. He, along with Amelie, Olivier and Návia help stabilize the priest and soon after leave the site, with Wanderley stealthily stealing the keys hidden in Francisco’s house. He then leaves with Návia to her home, to see and pay his respects to Cavalcante. Arriving there, he sees the body of his colleague and talks to Návia, revealing that Cavalcante was a person he cared about, not just an acquaintance from work.
Leaving the house after finally having time to digest what happened, Wanderley sets off to Barnabé's house, where he promised to meet with him to talk and pick up some supplies. Arriving at the house and meeting Adrian and Amora, Wanderley enters to talk to the merchant. The two have a brief conversation before Wanderley picks up some ingredients, with him calming down and giving advice to Barnabé. He notices the night coming and decides to return to the mansion, encountering Amelie, Olivier, Bárbara and Milo on the way.
The group meets and on the way discuss their suspicions about the mansion, with the youngers revealing to Wanderley what they know about the paintings and the history of the village, in which he remains skeptical about the subject but still trying to contribute, talking about the keys he stole and saying he would help them in the investigation.
They all arrive at the mansion exhausted and Wanderley takes them to his room, showing where the painting and the briefcase were, which he had taken from Cavalcante, stating that he was on their side and that if they wanted, they could see the painting. Everyone initially denies to see, but soon relents, preparing in group to see the painting and organizing so no one goes crazy. They feel a strange collective feeling, with everyone deciding to hide the painting again.
Wanderley descends with them to the kitchen where Angelina had already prepared a dinner. Everyone eats and agrees to search and investigate the island the next day, determined to finally understand what was happening in Tipora, Wanderley takes a bath and goes to his room, lying in bed and falling asleep.
The next day Wanderley wakes up in his room and gets out of bed, going out into the hallway and doing his morning routine. He comes down and cooks and begins to prepare the breakfast, until the youngers arrive to eat. While making their meals, they hear murmurs coming from the main hall, and when they come down to see what it is, they see Evandro along with Otávio arresting Montel, who was under suspicion of having painted the painting of the death of Cavalcante. Angelina desperate, tries to reason with the delegate, but without success. Wanderley first tries to go to Evandro, however, after seeing Otávio’s despair to contain everyone, and the turmoil that the youth began to do around the scene, he gives up, just waiting for the nerves to calm down.
After the delegate leaves the mansion carrying Montel and everyone is left behind, Wanderley talks to everyone to let him alone try to convince Evandro, leaving at the same time. Arriving at Otávio and Evandro, Wanderley tries to argue against the two, but without success. Soon, he comes back to realize that it would be useless to keep trying. He goes back to the mansion and tells the youngers that it is impossible to convince Evandro, until Angelina decides to accompany them to the village to release Montel, taking her husband’s medical examination to prove that he is unable to make paintings. Everyone leaves together running through the forest trying to get before Evandro to the police station, while planning a way to get the other documents that the delegate keeps on site.
As they ran through the middle of the forest, everyone stops to hear a thunderous noise, like an animal in agony. Wanderley prepares and sends everyone back, until the origin of the scream appears in front of them: a giant boar full of veins, with its teeth being abnormally large and with a grotesque appearance. After realizing what it was, Wanderley pulls out a revolver, telling everyone to run and leave it with him. He faces the creature and even coming out badly injured, he manages to kill it.
After dealing with the monster they leave for the village, where more shots are heard. Arriving there, everyone comes across the empty village and Evandro scared in front of the police station with two other transformed animals in front of him. Wanderley approaches and talks to the delegate, ordering the youngers to enter the place and stay safe, while he and Evandro take care of the monsters that were coming.
The two manage, with relative ease, to kill all the creatures that advanced to the police station, except for a dog, who was leaving furious for the church. Wanderley then goes after the monster, while Evandro goes to investigate the origin of the creatures through the forest. While running to the police station, he sees that the dog was blindly running towards something, completely ignoring Vagner who was chasing it, and Francisco who was organizing his Mass. The two manage to kill the creature, before it enters a mysterious room that was locked in the church, and after everything calms down, Wanderley sees Amelie and Olivier arriving behind him. After calming the situation and sending Vagner and Francisco to the police station, Wanderley realizes the creature’s strange obsession with the door, deciding to open it next to the brothers and Adrian, who was sleeping in his room inside the church and was awakened by the uproar. Upon opening the door, Wanderley comes across a bizarre room, completely burned and at the end of the room a painting, in which Wanderley for a second feels called but manages to resist. He sees that there is no danger and decides to enter.
Seeing the painting propped up on the wall, the brothers despair and Olivier quickly covers him with his coat. They keep talking about, and in a moment, Wanderley feels an irresistible urge to see the painting. He convinces everyone to leave him alone only for a second, and when they leave the room, Wanderley begins to focus on the painting. He begins to feel a horrible feeling, remembering how he failed to save his sister and how he wanted to forget that feeling. However, he soon finds himself in the middle of a garden, in front of a mansion. With a note in hand, he heads to the cliff behind the mansion, where he meets a male figure, that was waiting for him. The man says he has no choice and that he loved him, and confused Wanderley looks around, realizing that his hand is not his hand, and that he was wearing a dress. By being called Noralma, he tries to dislodge the man, who tries to approach again, starting a fight.
Wanderley starts fighting with this figure as he yells at him, saying that he was not able to see a future together and that he did not love him. Wanderley also sees several letters scattered around him, as if they were forming a name: Tobias F. Conclior. At the end of the fight, he manages to push the figure off the cliff, but suddenly he switches places with the figure, being he who falls. The letters rearrange again, forming only one name: Francisco Oblito.
At the end of this memory, Wanderley returns to his senses, screaming in despair as his arms begin to burn, as if they had been burned, but at the same time strengthening him. Amelie, Olivier and Adrian enter the room to help him, but Wanderley leaves the room looking for something to ease the pain. He tells about what he saw to the brothers, revealing that Tobias killed Noralma and that he was actually the priest. He also says that it is not for them to waste time, asking them to return to the police station soon.
Everyone leaves the church and comes across a crowd in the middle of the village arguing. Wanderley hears that Amora is missing again, and then he asks Barnabé if he knew the last place he saw her. Barnabé replies that the little girl had only left two drawings, with one of them saying that she "needed to go to him or he would take someone else". After reading this, Wanderley immediately volunteers to look for her, along with Amelie and Olivier. The three join Barnabé and Adrian and head to the same beach where Cavalcante’s body was.
Arriving there, Olivier explains how he and Milo had found Amora, and Wanderley notices a small trail leading to the forest. Going down this trail, everyone comes across something strange: a cave, and there, they enter and see a large statue with a broken face. Realizing that Amora was not there, they decide to separate, with Wanderley and Amelie going to the mansion.
The two run to the mansion, and hearing several screams on the way, they rush in. Arriving at the mansion, they come across a terrible scene: Otávio trying to help Evandro, Bárbara fiercely attacking the painting of Constantino, the body of Celestino dead by the stairs and Milo carrying Lívia’s dead body out.
Seeing this scene, Wanderley tries to calm the situation, trying to support Amelie, who was too shocked to see Lívia dead. After advising Otávio, who was also frightened by the whole scene, he tries to calm Bárbara, who was in front of the painting with a face of hatred. While trying to calm her down, she punches Wanderley, who even though he doesn’t feel it, pretends he did. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Wanderley takes his backpack and begins to tell a story to the three: the story of how he had known a good man named Cavalcante Bueno, how he felt helpless watching a creature kill a lot of people and how Cavalcante managed to neutralize it. At the same time, he begins to pick up several pieces from his backpack, forming a kind of rifle with a laser pointer for greater accuracy. He also says that it was time for them not to let the people of the island suffer more than they have ever suffered, handing a phone number to Amelie, saying that if something happens to him, it was for her to call that number, saying that Wanderley told to speak with the Order. He delivers some pistols to each younger, determined to save that island from what was tormenting it. They then leave the mansion towards the police station.
Wanderley arrives at the village with the group and hear a loud uproar coming from the police station, approaching he notices the chaos among the residents, finding Návia worried and helping her to take her brother safe to home. After talking to the inhabitants who were frightened, Wanderley enters the police station and witnesses the scene of Bartô dead next to a painting with a creature, having all that fear concentrated, he feels that he will die the next day, to that same monster.
Wanderley recovers from the shock and sets off to calm the rest in the room, getting ready to start guiding people on the spot, talking to Adrian and Barnabé, they agree to bring the villagers together to alert them and decide what to do. Wanderley opens the evidence locker at the police station and takes the things from Cavalcante, leaving there he separates from the youngers and goes with Amelie to Návia's house. There, Wanderley has a conversation with Barnabé about the day he and a few other people entered the mysterious third floor of the mansion. After this, Amelie and Wanderley go to find Olivier, Bárbara and Milo who had gone to the mansion, the two then decide to take Montel together, since he was in a clear state of madness and speaking nonsense, worried about leaving him alone.
Arriving there, Wanderley finds the three youngers and discovers that they were already behind the clues to enter the third floor, and after investigating the rest of the mansion with the keys that Wanderley found in Cavalcante’s belongings, they find the key to the third floor and decide to investigate it. Entering the place, Wanderley realizes the danger, noting the Paranormal fog in the surroundings, after a brief conversation, Bárbara decides to touch the paint present in one of the rooms of the place, almost going crazy in the process.
After this everyone decides to come down from there and Wanderley notes that the youngers were not prepared to face the creature that would come the next day, he then takes them to the courtyard of the mansion and begins to train each of them, giving theoretical and combat classes to prepare them better, keeping an eye on Montel who seemed to want to run away at all times.
After a long night of training, the sun came up and Wanderley was extremely tired, as he had spent the night training everyone. He enters the mansion and makes a breakfast for the young people who were waking up and receives them, they talk and decide what to do during the day, looking for and observing all the paintings that were left, getting the answers they wanted and finally getting on the third floor one last time.
But Montel, who accompanied them, did not seem to be comfortable in the place, he is asked why and at the same time flees from there, coming down to the door on the first floor, encountering the body of Lívia standing, transformed into a Blood Zombie, Wanderley follows him and also sees the creature, quickly preparing for combat. With everyone’s effort, they manage to finish the monster, but Montel was mortally attacked by her, Wanderley approaches and with the help of Amelie saves his life, staunching his injuries.
Again everyone goes up to the third floor and investigate the place, finding various documents and objects, but one thing catches the attention, a large briefcase under the bed of Constantino, Wanderley uses a key to open it and there he sees a flashy arquebus, having some pink decorations, he quickly realizes that it was a cursed weapon and, without wanting anyone to get hurt with it, takes the gun, accepting the curse and giving his rifle to Amelie.
Everyone leaves the room and already impatient leave to the painter’s studio, entering there, they witness a place with several old and dirty things, but mainly a painting standing out, they approach to contemplate it together, and discover a terrible secret. In the paint, the group realizes and finally understands that on the day that Cavalcante disappeared, he was actually trapped by Barnabé and killed by him.
Wanderley returns to his senses and quickly prepares to go after Barnabé, but before, he goes to Cavalcante’s briefcase he had picked up at the police station, and opens it with the password he now knew from the board, finding his diary, where he wrote down everything he discovered during his stay on the island, and also his veil meter, which contained an emergency call to the Order, being sent to Samuel Norte if they needed.
Wanderley sends the signal to the Order, and leaves for the village to confront Barnabé. On the way he comes across Otávio running away from Bartô's blood zombie, and already trained, everyone faces the monster and defeats it without any casualties, with Wanderley using the Consolata during combat. After the battle they talk to the policeman and go to the village, arriving there, they notice whispers coming from the church, understanding that the meeting of all would take place there. Wanderley decides to investigate Barnabé's house one last time before confronting him, finding that he suffered from a disease called "Prosopagnosia".
While they investigated the Barnabé's market, the group heard screams coming from the doctor’s house, and going there, they witness Otávio facing Cavalcante’s body transformed. After the battle Wanderley enters the place and finds Návia and Evandro, talking to the two about the situation and taking them to the church, to finally unmask Barnabé.
Upon arriving there, Wanderley calls the attention of everyone behind the door that was barricaded, however, Barnabé notes that he knows something, since Wanderley tells him that there is no monster, so it begins a great discussion, with Barnabé trying to convince the residents who were inside the church not to open the door to the group, while they also try to bring them to their side. After finally the door is opened, Barnabé without wasting time turns and removes the sheet that covered a large painting, containing the design of a hooded figure, everyone looks frightened and afraid, concentrating all fear in the painting, and thanks to the fragile veil, a creature starts to come out of the painting, and so the Imaginary Friend emerges.
Seeing that Paranormal manifestation in front of him, Wanderley promptly calls the attention of everyone inside the church, telling them to concentrate on escaping and removing the rest of the objects that covered the door, getting the attention of some. Wanderley remains helping and trying to save the people inside the place, entering and leading them out while the creature was still motionless in front of the painting. However, after it pulls Barnabé and melts him with the paint that dripped from its face, it starts trying to catch the remaining people, making more victims.
Witnessing this and after managing to save the survivors from the monster’s tentacles, Wanderley prepares the Consolata and attacks the creature, with the support of the youngers who remained for combat, but at a certain point, the Imaginary Friend finally understands and takes an offensive stance, attacking and grabbing Bárbara quickly, melting her face in a cascade of paint. Soon after, it advances and attacks Milo and Wanderley, leaving them badly injured, until the creature turns to Wanderley who was extremely injured and holds him, dissolving him and absorbing the agent inside. At the end of his life, Wanderley has a vision of his family, and before dying screams motivational words to the youngers, throwing his gun at Milo who was by his side.
Rituals and Abilities[]
Wanderley didn't demonstrate any ritual.
Ecletic: At the cost of 2 EP, Wanderley can perform a skill test as if trained on it.[7]
Touched by Art: After glimpsing the scene from the island cliff's painting, Wanderley has his arms burned.[8] The paranormal grants him two reduction points for physical, Death and Blood damage at the cost of two maximum sanity points.[9]
Expert: Choose two skills in which you are trained. When you take a test of one of these skills, you can spend 2 EP to add +1d6 in the test result.[10]
Eloquence: You can spend a full action and 1 EP per target to try to fascinate characters with your speech, performing a test of Diplomacy, Deception or Intimidation against the will of the targets, who, if they fail, are fascinated while you concentrate.
Machete | A knurled machete with the tip of the handle similar to a hammer.[11] |
Revolver | A common firearm.[12] |
Bulletproof vest | A bulletproof vest capable of reducing the damage taken by physical blows and shots.[13] |
Rifle |
A large firearm made from common mechanisms, such as pieces of wood and barrel, modified with a laser pointer, possessing greater precision.[14] In the 7th episode of The Secret in the Island, Wanderley abandons the rifle for Consolata, handing it momentarily to Amelie but in the end handing it with Olivier by seeing his shooting skills.[15] |
Consolata |
An arquebus with "Consolata" written[16] cursed by Energy formerly used by Ângelo Amadeu Moretti.[17] It was found by Wanderley and Amelie inside a briefcase under the bed of the missing painter Constantino Moretti, next to a letter from Ângelo leaving the weapon as an inheritance for his descendants to continue his legacy in the fight against the Paranormal. Whoever possesses it acquires an Energy Curse.[18] |
- Adrian Vurtoren: Wanderley and Adrian, although they met recently, treated each other well and in a friendly tone in all their interactions. Adrian was one of the people Wanderley trusted most, due to being the first one he called during the battle at the church.
- Amelie Florence: Even with some "friction" elapsed from the 3rd episode of The Secret in the Island, Amelie and Wanderley developed a certain friendship, especially when he proved to be an agent of Ordo Realitas and paranormal events began to happen on the island of Tipora making Wanderley a kind of coach and guide for the young woman when it came to the Other Side and its dangers.
- Bárbara Lima: Bárbara was always very suspicious of Wanderley’s origin and his true intentions in the island, so they didn’t start with a stable and friendly relationship. However, with the events of the 5th episode of The Secret in the Island Wanderley tried to help her with the impacts of her mother’s death. In addition, he also acted as a coach to teach the girl to deal with the Other Side and its dangers.
- Cavalcante Bueno: At first, Cavalcante and Wanderley seem to be just coworkers, but over the course of the season it is revealed that the two considered each other friends, with both keeping each other’s secret of being part of Ordo Realitas. Wanderley was very shaken after learning of his death, since Cavalcante was someone in whom he was inspired daily.[19]
- Milo Castello: Initially, Milo distrusted Wanderley for acting strangely towards the paintings, even though Wanderley acted easygoing and friendly towards him. Milo gets close to Wanderley mainly after the paranormal events on the island, from the death of his father to the battle with the monster in the church. Wanderley acted as a coach to Milo, teaching him to use the Other Side to his advantage and guiding him to know how to use his rituals.
- Olivier Florence: Wanderley was indifferent to Olivier at first, especially the boy being very quiet and silent. Even so, he cared about his well-being, since when Oliver decided to contact the Paranormal, Wanderley always wanted to know his state after the event. He also served as a mentor to Olivier during his training, guiding him in his choice to be an expert of the Order.
- Wanderley came from Bahia, a detail that matches the fact that Rakin has long wanted to play with a character from Bahia.[20]
- Wanderley was allergic to cats, said by him in the 4th episode of The Secret in the Island right after petting Bisteca.[21]
- Wanderley appeared to be a religious person.[22]
- Wanderley’s name comes from the Lost Ark character that Rakin plays. The surname came from the religious idea that the character follows, although Jesus Maria was a joke of the same. But after realizing he forgot to change, Rakin only agreed to use his full name.[23]
- Before Wanderley appeared, Cellbit was intending to make a fake leak with his name, showing on his computer a file written "Wanderley (Fake Kian)".[24]
- On stream, Rakin revealed that Wanderley’s first lineart would have hair.[25]
Episodes | Appearances |
The Secret in the Island - Episode 3 - "Dread" | First Appearance |
The Secret in the Island - Episode 4 - "Nightmare" | Present |
The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 - "Cliff" | Present |
The Secret in the Island - Episode 6 - "Prophecy" | Present |
The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 - "Prosopagnosia" | Present |
The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 - "Florence" | Death |
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 2h03m27s)
- ↑ Twitch. Clip "slk rakinzao deus" from Rakin.
- ↑ His first appearance in The Secret in the Island - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 2h14m01s)
- ↑ His death in The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 2h02m17s)
- ↑ Wanderley mentions his sister's death in The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h11m02s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 4h30m13s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h27m21s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h23m31s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h29m02s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 4h22m10s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 4h57m39s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 1h24m41s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 4h30m07s)
- ↑ Wanderley mounting the rifle in The Secret in the Island - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 4h31m38s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 4h10m28s)
- ↑ Consolata in The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 2h54m06s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 2h44m38s)
- ↑ Energy Curse in The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 2h52m55s)
- ↑ The Secret in the Island - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 3h59m46s)
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 4m36s)
- ↑ Allergy in The Secret in the Island - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 2h34m20s)
- ↑ Wanderley praying in The Secret in the Island - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 4h03m42s)
- ↑ Twitch. Clip "Wanderley's Surname" from Rakin.
- ↑ YouTube. cellbit reacts to the MYSTERIOUS LOST CHARACTERS. Checked in September 16, 2022.
- ↑ Twitch. Clip "Wanderley's first lineart" from Rakin. Checked in August 14, 2022.