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For the episode with the location's name, see The Secret in the Island - Episode 1.

Tipora is a small island located in Espírito Santo 250 kilometers away from the coast. The village of Tipora emerged due to the construction of a mansion of a famous painter, which attracted workers to the region and which subsequently settled on the island. Tipora has about 20 to 30 inhabitants only.

Appearance and Structure[]

Tipora is an island of common appearance, having similarities with anachronistic civilizations in aspects of absence of advanced technologies for the time. Location that, where on its coast, previously was present the Bell Tower, and today, is located the Lighthouse. The structure of Tipora's Village consists of houses, a church and old buildings. More to the suburb is present a cemetery and, opposite, an imposing mansion located on the side of the island, at the bottom of a large cliff.

Although Tipora appears to be a place like any other, the island demonstrates mysterious environments and paranormal activities present in its past. Where there are records of mysterious deaths and even strange behavior of its former residents.

Population and Culture[]

The island has exactly 24 inhabitants - counting with the mascot of the island, Bisteca, inhabitants who came from their ancestors who settled during the period of the building of the Moretti's Mansion. The residents of the island hold positions and their activities are key factors for the survival of its residents.

The village, in addition to basic services for the population, such as medicine and commerce, also has points of attraction, in which, at opportune times on Sundays, the traditional Church Barbecue is celebrated. Not having the presence of electricity in much of the island, most of the times is made use of lamps for better viewing at dusk, because of this absence of any sources of technology. However, despite not using technological objects, they have knowledge of their features. The island’s wildlife is composed of the most diverse species, from docile animals to the most lethal hidden among the forest trees.

In economic aspects, the internal movement factor of the products present on the island is carried out through the exchange between residents, in which there is an exchange of goods between individuals without the existence of a centralized financial structure, a currency. In addition, periodically, the boatman is responsible for bringing new visitors to the island and also promoting the transport of goods to be marketed in the merchant's shop, thus generating sustainability to the consumption of Tipora residents, ensuring activities and the flow of products around the village.


Miniatura Vulto de Nativo 1 em O Segredo na IlhaMiniatura Vulto de Nativo 2 em O Segredo na Ilha
Tipora Island natives

Approximately in the 1500s, during the period of colonization, it marked the arrival of Ângelo Amadeu Moretti, patriarch and leader of the Order of Hunters on the island of Tipora. The family is of Italian origin in which most were composed of explorers and bon-vivant, who travel the world in search of new discoveries.[1]

Once there, several conflicts were found with the natives of the Island of Tipora, being perceptible the physiognomy of hooded individuals who contained a face painting of the substance of the paint, through the vision of the painting of the Lighthouse, the residents performed mysterious actions in the Tenebris' Hall. Currently, they are presented as statues in the same place.

In mid-1962, the famous Brazilian painter Constantino and his wife Noralma moved to the remote island of Tipora and there they built a mansion. It is known that the construction of this mansion required workers who moved to this island to carry out the work, and that this caused a settlement of these people on the site, thus beginning the existence of the village of Tipora. Many of the workers also went to work inside the mansion as servants of the Moretti family, living entirely on the site.[2]


Tipora Island is subdivided into 4 regions, separated by dense forests that have wild animals, one can use shortcuts in the middle of the forest to move more quickly among the points of interest of the Island. Among the regions, are detailed as follows:

South Beach[]

Farol de Tipora abertura

Tipora's Lighthouse

  • Docks: Region where it is intended for loading and unloading of goods brought by the boatman, place that was used to dock on the arrival of the Florence family, and next to it is the lighthouse.
  • Lighthouse: Place with a strong smell of kerosene, having a mysterious air and the presence of a frame of the lighthouse itself. Room where the lightkeeper, a man that holds many secrets, lives. Previously, centuries ago it was the place of the Bell Tower.

North Beach[]

Casa Pescador de Tipora abertura

Tipora's Fisherman House

  • Castello's House: The Castello's House is located by the sea of the island, opposite the lighthouse, is a simple house made of wood where the fisherman of the island lives, responsible for fishing and marketing in Barnabé's shop.

East of the Island[]

Village and Buildings[]

Vilarejo de Tipora abertura

Tipora Village

  • Evandro's House: Place where the police chief lives, located near the police station, is a simple house that is used to store old cases of the island.
  • Davi's House: Place where the handyman lives, in the house it is possible to perceive the presence of several stolen materials resulting from his personality.
  • Helena's House: Place where the tailor of the island lives, besides being an environment described as a sewing factory, it has pictures on the wall like the other houses
  • Iara's House: Place where the carpenter and her son lives, in addition to serving as a house, Iara uses as a place to perform her sculptures.
  • Maíra's House: Place where the acolyte of the church lives, where Maíra remains when she is not assisting the priest. In the closet it is possible to notice the presence of paints for her paintings.
  • Návia's House: Place used as residence and hospital area, having herbs in front of the house, is where the medic of the island lives, in the environment there's some stretchers and is the point of the island responsible for the birth of the new children of the residents of Tipora.
  • Otávio's House: Place where the police officer lives, next to the police station, it is a simple house where it is noticeable the presence of a typewriter, where Otávio wanted to be a writer.
  • Vagner's House: Place where the lumberjack lives, when not exercising its function, Vagner resides in a simple house with a few frames and rooms for rest.
  • Aleno's House: Located next to Barnabé's Shop, is the house where the merchant and his daughter lives, described as a place with 2 rooms, living room and bathroom. It has a picture painted by Maíra Suna.
  • Nemiera's House: Place where the mason, the teacher and their sons lives, besides being a home environment, it is used as a school for the residents of the island of Tipora.
  • Cemetery: Located at the back of the Church, it is a place where the former residents of the island are buried. Place where Francisco Oblito visits Noralma Moretti's grave, giving her flowers.
  • Police Station: Place where the police chief and the officer works. There is a room with a table and chairs at the entrance and behind a door at the back, there is a room with bars and two cells.
  • Church: Located above a hill, it is used for cults made by the priest and gatherings, such as the Church Barbecue. The place is used to roast the meats for the event.
  • Barnabé's Shop: Market present in the village, where the exchange is made between the products of the village, managed by the [[Barnabé|merchant].

West of the Island[]

Mansion and Surroundings[]

Mansão dos Moretti abertura

Moretti's Mansion

  • Moretti's Mansion: Place where the famous brazilian painter Constantino Moretti and his wife Noralma Moretti resided before they both mysteriously disappeared years ago. After this disappearance, the site was unoccupied for about 20 years and, currently, the mansion was visited by the Florence family for the patriarch of the family, Montel Florence, could analyze the works left on the site by the painter and a large cave located below the structure.[3]
  • Lima's House: Also known as "the gardener's house". The Lima's house is located next to the Moretti's Mansion, opposite it, there's a vegetable garden with several flowers.
  • Cliff: Located behind the mansion, it is a place where it has a stool and in front of it a great fall.
  • Tenebris' Hall: The Hall is located under the Moretti's Mansion. Place where there is a stone arch with the symbol of Tenebris, with the presence of 3 leaning pillars, and other 3 statues positioned looking at the center of hooded figures, where there is a huge hole with a bell destroyed inside it.[4]

Island residents[]

Aleno Family[]

Castello Family[]

Eiland Family[]

Freitas Family[]

Gama Family[]

Lima Family[]

Moretti Family[]

Nemiera Family[]

Suna Family[]

Vurtoren Family[]

Other residents[]

Moretti's Mansion old employees[]

  • Alexandre Covinha (Bricklayer)
  • Aluísio Modesto (Handyman)
  • Carmelo S. de Barros (Handyman)
  • Cristiano R. Marques (Bricklayer)
  • Dorivaldo C. Filho (Mason)
  • Emério Cunha (Handyman-Butler)
  • Érico M. de Souza (Foreman)
  • Gerson Morão (Gardener)
  • Jorge Willmarth (Mason)
  • Laércio Borba (Bricklayer)
  • Lucas Fontoura (Foreman)
  • Marcela Sarmento (Environmental Engineer)
  • Mário Bezerra (Mason)
  • Máximo M. Zentuny (Bricklayer)
  • Nelson de Morais (Mason)
  • Orlindo Dias (Mason)
  • Roberta Tavares (Cleaner)
  • Ruan F. Reembarch (Bricklayer)
  • Santiago G. Marçal (Metallurgical)
  • Ulisses Numberg (Electrician)
  • Valdemar D. Madruga (Plumber)



  • Purposely or not, "Tipora" is an anagram for "Porta I".


