Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

Goal I have lost for a long time, but I’m already here. So if it's to kill or die... I want to hit first.

Theodore Bagwell[1]

Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Calamity.

He was one of the Markeds from Kian's side, helping him on his plans to destroy the paranormal with the help of other Occultists, although being more interested in the Escribes' protection to help him on his survival. He first appeared in the 2nd episode of Calamity, helping in the Escribe invasion to the Mansion of the Famiglia Leone,[2] helping in the fight against the agents and eating who he could due to his bloody obssesion.

After the events of the 11th episode of Calamity, T-Bag allies with Team Vultures, turning against Kian. In the middle of the battle against him, T-Bag gets attacked by Kian, being knocked down in the floor dying, and finished with a stomp, having his head blown up by his old leader.[3]


Miniatura Theodore Bagwell em Calamidade

Theodore was a middle-aged man, with a thin, worn semblance, had dark, yellowish eyes, long nails, pointed teeth, scars all over his body and a white hair and the top of his head completely bald. He wore an orange flannel shirt with yellow details, walked most of the time wearing a jumpsuit hanging only on his right shoulder, walked barefoot and with a bandana tied around his neck.[2] After the events of the 7th episode of Calamity, T-Bag began to use on his neck the necklace of Artemis, with the remaining paw of her deceased pet, Gambá, devoured by T-Bag himself.[4] From the 11th episode of Calamity he proceeds to wear the necklace as a bracelet on his right hand.


Theodore was a man of animalistic and impulsive behavior, being indifferent and apathetic to other individuals around him most of the time, devouring fresh meat, especially humans still alive, whenever possible, almost as if guided only by his instincts. Even with his wild behavior, T-Bag was able to communicate like any ordinary person, only being ignorant of technology because of his wild roots.



Little is known about Theodore's past, but one of the known facts is that he lived along with his family away from society, where everyone had their specific role, until one day a team of agents of Ordo Realitas (being them Luciano Carvalho, Antônio Pontevedra, Arnaldo Fritz and Johnny Tabasco), invaded their home and killed everyone that were there during a Scout, leaving only T-Bag behind. So subsequently he sees an opportunity to take revenge on the Order by killing his "allies", making his life harder, joining the Escribes as one of Kian's markeds.


After joining Kian and the Escribes, T-Bag participated on the invasion of the Leone's Mansion, killing several residents and feeding himself from some of them. After the invasion he joins Gal and the Escribes seeking for the Relics at Domus Aurea, where they battle several creatures alongside Kian's markeds, but turns against him during the battle in The Colosseum, after seeing how much stronger Team Vultures was, and following his instincts of being in the stronger side, he betrays his old leader, and he gets motivated to kill the occulltist after knowing that Luciano was one of the agents that killed his family, since he was now Kian himself, but T-Bag ends up killed in the battle against the Escribe, having his head stomped and blown up.

Rituals and Abilities[]


Símbolo Vomitar Pestes

Vomit Pests Ritual: Theodore, after devouring a body, bends forward and opens his mouth abnormally vomiting a pool of red larvae in front of him.[5] Ethis ritual allows the user to vomit from his mouth, a group of small creatures, a type of swarm that remains in a place until they are moved by the will of its user,[6] and any target that begins its turn stepping in the swarm takes 2d12 Blood damage.[7]

Símbolo Velocidade Mortal

Deadly Speed Ritual: Theodore pulls out of his pocket a dirty bag, full of ashes and bones, which he quickly devours, causing his eyes to become black momentarily, leaving him agitated and restless. This ritual allows the user to acquire superhuman speed, gaining an extra action, and can be used as an attack or movement.[8]


Affinity with Element of the Other Side: T-Bag has affinity with the Element of Blood, allowing him to conjure Blood rituals without requiring ingredients and as a main action rather than a full action.

Devour: Allows its user to finish a dying victim and consume their flesh and blood, gaining 2d8+2 temporary health points, until the next rest of the character using 2 EP. This skill is not cumulative.[9]

Prowler: Allows the user to easily enter stealth mode, hiding behind objects, not suffering penalty in the movement when dragging, during the combat.[10]

Sneak Attack: When attacking an enemy that does not know of its presence or flank it, the user does +1d6 additional damage to each 10% paranormal exposure.[11]

Nose for Clues: Theodore didn't get to use this skill, but he has it. It allows the user, when finding a clue in an investigation, to use 2 EP to have an additional clue.

Hit and Reposition: When attacking a target that is flanked or attacking a target that is unprepared, the user can use 2 EP, inhibiting the target from dodging or counterattacking.


  • Artemis Deordelin Rodrigues: Despite the resentment Artemis had for T-Bag devouring her pet, he did not return the feeling and tries to make amends whenever possible, even not understanding the reason for this hatred. After her death, Theodore began to wear the necklace with the paw of the animal on himself, thus using the little and almost null empathy within him.
  • Boris and Damir Lukic: Theodore seemed to be indifferent about the two brothers, only seeing the two as common teammates.
  • Carina Leone: Carina, in the first encounter with T-Bag and his team, was angry, attacking T-Bag because she saw him do terrible things to her family, hitting him with one of her knives. Later, the two teams unite, and then the Leone apologizes with T-Bag, the Escribe showed no resentment and returned her knife with the tip facing him, to show his trust to her and the team.
  • Gal: T-Bag respected Gal and saw him as an authority within his team, following his orders without question.
  • Kian: Despite following his plans, T-Bag only compacted with Kian for his survival instinct, thinking that perhaps following the stronger would help him in the case. Theodore, after finding by Team Vultures that Kian as Luciano killed his entire family along with other agents, turned on him along with his other teammates.


Arco de Theodore em Calamidade
Makeshift Bow
A simple bow that seems to have been made by hand, held by small ties and made of branches. T-Bag uses it a lot in the distance attack and seems to have enough experience with it.
Facão de Theodore em Calamidade
"Kukri" machete
A machete style "Kukri", is a sword that can be used both as a weapon and tool. It has rust marks and scratches, and is constantly bloody because of its main use: cutting meat.
Machado de Theodore em Calamidade
An ordinary axe, with some tracks keeping it standing, it seems to be quite old and rusty, and is used more as a tool. But T-Bag also uses it as a weapon, seen the visible blood.
Sanguineous Dagger A paranormal dagger, cursed with Blood, wrapped in veins, seeming to be made of flesh and bones.[12]


  • T-Bag's name is a reference to the homonymus character from the series Prison Break.[13]
  • T-Bag's appearance is inspired in the character Three Finger from the horror movie Wrong Turn.[13]
  • His name was sometimes said as Theodoro instead of Theodore in the episodes, being confirmed by the Game Master that the second one was right.



Episodes Appearances
Calamity - Episode 1 - "The Beginning of the End" Only Video
Calamity - Episode 2 - "Revenge" Full appearance
Calamity - Episode 7 - "Betrayal" Present
Calamity - Episode 11 - "Warrior" Present
Calamity - Episode 12 - "Eyes" Death


  1. Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 2h21m02s)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 9m25s)
  3. Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 1h02m48s)
  4. Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 4h49m04s)
  5. T-Bag's ritual description in Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 20m56s)
  6. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 45m58s)
  7. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 25m20s)
  8. T-Bag's ritual description in Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 1h02m49s)
  9. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 11m27s)
  10. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 43m17s)
  11. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 44m09s)
  12. Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 3h30m10s)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Twitch. Stream "Transcendendo com Leo Santi - Episódio 12 com Cellbit, Zero" of Cellbit in December 2, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 11m01s)