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Its empty gaze, when you look back at this fright, is as if all the sense of hope you’ve ever had in your life has just disappeared. You're all going to die. You all just found... your deaths.


The House is the fifth episode of The Secret in the Forest. It aired on May 9, 2020.


While they investigate the house in the forest, the team finds clues, aberrations and death.


Elizabeth and Arthur heals Thiago and Joui by the old wounds, and the group reviews the facts of the case, creating some theories. Soon after, they find a pile of land with short grass, very different from its surroundings. Joui sticks his hand in the dirt to see if he can find anything. They dig up and find a coffin, almost to pieces, empty.

The quintet enters the house, with a stench of mold and very strong urine. Immediately, they come face to face with a large wooden hall, totally destroyed, full of thrown papers, two stairs and locked doors. In the middle of the investigations, Cesar finds ID documents of Alice Montes and Camila Montes, along with a page from an old diary, written by Lurdete, about the paintings of her daughter, Ana Vitória, and a visit of the two to a mysterious cavern.

Soon after, the team hears a loud noise coming from across the room. From the door gap near the staircase, Liz sees a small red light flashing in the room, which then disappears. The scientist makes a paper ball with the crumpled papers to throw in that door, Cesar finds a sketch of the Aracnasite, Subject 02 from the Project HC, that attacked the group and killed his father. In addition, Cesar also finds a crossed out page, written by Eric Jour, concerning the operational basis of such a project.

As soon as they finish reading the doctor’s letter, Joui knocks down the door from which a hoarse sound was coming. Inside, filled with blood, there was a dead Blood Zombie, and also Gregório, gagged and badly wounded. After releasing him, healing him and talking to him, the group leaves him inside the car, as he became unconscious due to the injuries.

The team investigates a little more, and decides to open the bookcase near the stairs, revealing there a chained door.

You start to push, Thiago, and you see Arthur pulling it to the right, and when you push the bookshelf to the right, you see, revealed behind it, a hidden, wooden door. And it's completely chained. It has at least 3 or 4 chains crossing the door with a big lock on front...

Chained door's description, The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5

After defeating some zombies coming from the next door, they come across some gang members of the Haunteds, ready to attack. During this fight, Joui is attacked by a beastly blood zombie, that leaves him seriously injured. After the zombie and the gang members die, while the protagonists try to help Joui, more Haunteds emerge, including their leader Rodolfo, bringing Gregório as a hostage.

The leader of the Haunteds threatens the group, saying that Gregory would die if they did not drop their weapons and surrender. While one of the gang members takes the protagonists' weapons, Liz reacts, and Gregório is killed, thus initiating another fight. After much struggle and despair, only one of the Haunteds survives, and flees amid fright, but ends up being killed soon after by Brúlio, that arrives at the mansion with Murilo.

Desperate, Brúlio runs to his son, crying on his knees, and when he discovers that it was Rodolfo who killed Gregório, shoots him several times - even though already dead - in an outbreak of rage. In the meantime, Thiago and Cesar help Liz, badly injured, and even Joui tries to help her, despite being extremely injured. Arthur joins the group, and everyone helps each other, thinking that the worst has already passed. However, Brúlio warns that the rest of both gangs are coming, stating that the fight was far from over, and they should prepare.

Cesar, Brúlio and Thiago go investigate the rest of the mansion while the rest of the group is finishing tending to the wounds. The journalist finds a box with a password, and hands it to the forensic scientist, returning to the top floor shortly thereafter. Thiago and Cesar fight a small spider, and Joui goes running to help as soon as he hears the sound of shooting. A new scribbled diary page is found, mentioning phrases like "The Holy Cradle devours, the Holy Cradle prospers.", then Joui suggests the word to Liz, that when tries "cradle" as a password in thee mysterious box, makes the object open, finding three papers also scribbled, which talked about tests involving the Haunteds in research, other monsters, and subjects.

Shortly after, the missing members of the Vultures arrive, worried about the situation. Cesar asks Joui to stay upstairs, and the other asks him to be careful. Shortly after, the group hears a noise under a mattress in one of the rooms, and there was the Crazy Gramps, scared and panting, clinging to a paper that said things like "I’m the blacksmith". After leaving the room, the team heads to another, facing two Ooze Rats. After the confrontation, Elizabeth notices the Crazy Gramps running desperate out of the room where he was, he heads quickly to the chained door, taking something out of his pocket: a key. He unlocks the lock and takes the chains from the door, quickly entering through it, which now releases a fog that spreads in the main hall, and just when this happens, the motion sensor - which Thiago had prepared - whistles, warning that the rest of the Haunteds are coming.

The group investigates the door - hearing a loud cry and then just silence - and decide to put the bookshelf in place, to focus on the fight between gangs without any unpleasant surprise. However, after a confrontation in which some Haunteds die and the Vultures lose Marcelo, everyone hears something coming from behind the shelf, in the direction where the Crazy Gramps had entered:

You hear from behind you sounds of wood as if something is going up a staircase, and suddenly behind the door and the bookcase, you hear a big knock and the bookcase falls to the ground along with the door and in the middle of the fog, you see a black silhouette, male, thin and very muscular, walking slowly. When the face reveals itself, you see that what is his face is just a skull, what is left of a rotten human skull, in the last stages of decomposition. He’s rotten, brown, he’s repulsive. Coming up behind that broken skull is that black ooze leaking. It goes down and intertwines itself forming several tendons and forming the human muscle anatomy, only that it is all black and with his bones a little more grayish and in place of that meat material is all that black ooze. He has on his skull, in the middle of his forehead, the glowing red symbol, that’s the first thing you saw. You see him walking elegantly, he doesn’t seem like the other creatures you’ve seen so far. He even seems to have a certain arrogance in walking. It’s as if, in this room, there were only worms before what he is. Its empty gaze, when you look back at this fright, is as if all the sense of hope you’ve ever had in your life has just disappeared. YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE. YOU ALL JUST FOUND YOUR DEATHS.

GM's description

Everyone stops and looks in shock at the creature, knowing that the deadly confrontation would continue, but now with a new and powerful enemy: the Black Death Carrion. Panic and despair spread through the environment, and the episode ends.

Documents and evidences[]

Main page: Documents
Evidence Description
Diário de Lurdete (2)
Second page from Lurdete Batista's diary, found in the table from the main hall of the Batista's House.[2]

We found a beautiful viewpoint at the top of a hill! We could see some caves in the distance, Aninha has an incredible natural talent! The way she uses the colors is really unique!
Aninha is eager to see the caves closer. I think her idea is to hide Virgulino’s gift paintings inside and make a surprise!

Documento sobre Aranha Preta
Sketch of the Subject 02.[3]

Subject 02 - Project HC
Chelicers - Nails - Pedipalp - Tarsus - Metatarsus - Tibia - Femur - Patella - Thigh - Cephalothorax - Shell - Spinnerets
Bottom Part Analysis

Iniciação - 7 de outubro de 2019
First page of Eric Jour's diary.[3]

Initiation - October 7, 2019
Starting here my personal diary related to the project HC headed by me, Dr. Eric Jour, based on the archaeological findings of Dr. Eva van Gloss.
Complementary team:
Dr. This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored
Dr. This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored
Dr. Valter Luz, 42, This/these word(s) is/are censored
We found the operational team for the project HC. Historical events, local legend and social isolation determine This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored
Local criminal data also indicate little government efficiency, which gives us a comfortable space to This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored
The next few days will be installation and This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored then we will start This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored
This is the beginning of the future.

Mesa Caída na Casa dos Batista
Positive pregnancy test of Eva van Gloss, several archaeological notes on cults in the Middle Ages in Europe, several sheets of advanced physical calculations, and piles of books of autonomous survival and construction manuals. Found in a dropped table on Batista's House.[4]
Migração - 12 de novembro de 2019
Sixth page of Eric Jour's diary. Found by Thiago Fritz in a dropped table on Batista's House.[4]

Migration - November 12, 2019
This/these word(s) is/are censored It works as expected. Migration begins today. The Holy Cradle devours. It thrives. We will abandon the This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored initial experiment must stay locked, let’s just keep the This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored hide the door to the basement.
A This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored waits, the future has just been created. All claim the Holy Cradle.

Sketch of the Subject 04. Found inside a safe in one of the Batista's House rooms.[5]
Dra. Eva - outubro de 2019
Fourth page of Eric Jour's diary. Found inside a safe in one of the Batista's House rooms.[5]

Dr. Eva This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored October 2019
Praised be Dr. Eva van Gloss and This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored another gift for us! Apparently she found a lost diary of the former residents. The This/these word(s) is/are censored creature This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored I can’t sleep This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored that gives me time to calculate. Placing a shelf This/these word(s) is/are censored helps muffle the sound.
I will check the information of Eva’s find. If what I presume that is recorded in this diary is correct, we can This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored decrepit mortals and have a This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored The Holy Cradle will prosper.

Análise - 15 de outubro de 2019
Third page of Eric Jour's diary. Found inside a safe in one of the Batista's House rooms.[5]

Analysis This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored - October 15, 2019
Initial tests of This/these word(s) is/are censored mortal remains recovered by Dr. Valter This/these word(s) is/are censored promising, but not enough for This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored alone.
This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored gang of vicious biker primates that we are forced to bribe. What we are This/these word(s) is/are censored much bigger than This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored.
But their weapons are bigger than ours. Dr. Paula is optimistic and This/these word(s) is/are censored in the future they will be useful to us, This/these word(s) is/are censored dirty work of the kidnapping of This/these word(s) is/are censoredThis/these word(s) is/are censored.

Fifth page of Lurdete Batista's diary. Found in her house.[6]

We went to the cave. The 5 guardians will come. In the cave. We went there. The other side. The cave. We went to the cave. My hand is not my hand. We went to the cave. They will create. The infinite labyrinth. In the cave. The cave. The vision. The guardians. We went to the cave. We saw in the cave. We witnessed in the cave. The future in the cave. We went to the cave. The holy in the cave. We went to the cave. The 5 guardians will come. In the cave. We went there. The other side. The cave. They will create. We went to the cave. My hand is not my hand. We went to the cave. The infinite labyrinth. In the cave. The cave. The vision. The guardians. We went to the cave. We saw in the cave. We witnessed in the cave. We went to the cave. The holy in the cave.

Folha Velho Louco
Paper with several notes carried by Eric Jour. The bunch of words written are: DONT FORGET - NO GOD - OUR GOD - I AM THE BLACKSMITH - CONTROL - SYMBOL - HOLY - SCIENTIST - DONT GIVE UP - ON ME - THE SYMBOL - PARASITE[7]

Episode cast[]


  • The initial idea of the episode was that the agents would have to hide as soon as the Haunteds arrived, so they would hear a talk between the bikers that would reveal so much things in the RPG lore, including their relationship with the doctors involved in the Project HC. But, because the players rolls were bad, the team lost that information.
  • At the end of this episode a new photo is added, along with that of the original team (Elizabeth, Thiago, Cristopher, Joui and Cesar), showing the cross made at Cristopher’s funeral, with Arnaldo’s watch and Lucille’s photo.


  1. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 4h26m37s)
  2. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 51m30s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 59m54s)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h13m10s)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h17m20s)
  6. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h39m43s)
  7. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h47m53s)