Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

You wanted to see Death? I'll bring you Death...

The Puppet is a creature of Death manifested from a desperate attempt to bring someone back from the dead through the apathy, sadness and denial of the person who originated it.

It first appeared in the 8th episode of Calamity, "helping" Team Vultures on the first part of the fight against The Host and serving as a distraction to its counterparts, since in addition to attacking them, it also bothered them because of its Death nature, consequently diverting the focus of the agents. Subsequently, it was killed by a shot from Arthur Cervero after this fight.[2]


The Puppet has a floating skeletal and stretched body, mixed with tied wires and Black Ooze that runs down its body. Its arms are long and twisted, being raised as if they were lifted by an invisible rope, having a large sickle formed of bones tied to its right arm, being the only thing of this floating body that touches the ground. Its jaw is forced open by wires that intertwine throughout its skull.

As it comes from a person’s mourning for the dead, the Puppet’s overall appearance varies from person to person. In the case of Dante, the creature had long black hair and a dark dress tied to its body.[1]


When manifested, the Puppet will attack its opponents or whoever is closest, prioritizing elements that Death hates, like the Energy. Even if it is summoned, it has no discrimination between ally and enemy, so after combat it will turn against those who summoned it.

It moves slowly and hard and crooked, like a doll held by several imaginary threads. When close enough to its target, the monstrous being uses a kind of scythe to tear the target.


