Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki
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"Magic doesn't come to our reality easily."

The infos and events presented below are considered Non Canon in the Paranormal Order universe timeline.

Hello, I am Mr. Verity. [...] This is your first official case.

The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 is the first episode of The Paranormal Order. It aired on February 29, 2020.


Three paranormal detectives are called to investigate one mysterious case of a fireman found lifeless at a school.


On the early morning of February 29, 2020, three individuals receive an email containing an address and meeting time at a café, along with information about a coffee order serving as a code for the name Mx. Verity.

On the next day, at 9 AM, the forensic expert Elizabeth Webber, the journalist Thiago Fritz and the writer Daniel Hartmann goes to the local named Coffee Stain, and order what was requested on the message. When the order comes, they notice they all got their own favorite drinks. Soon after, they are called simultaneously by the attendant and they start a conversation, realizing that they are there for the same reason.

Then, the team follows the attendant to a van, that drives to a big commercial building. There, a middle-aged man, who calls himself Mr. Verity, joins them. This man informs them of the case they were assigned: a firefighter's death after a fire in Nostradamus High School at the previous night, that, according to what the Order members said, had paranormal interaction elements there. Liz, Thiago and Daniel are instructed to disguise themselves as office cops from the Irregular Crimes Sector (ICS), a police division created by the Order agents.

In the school, destroyed by the fire, the trio finds the designated officer for the case, Gonzales Medina, that found their presences strange, but gradually Thiago convinces him to cooperate. They analyze the body of George, the deceased firefighter, and discover that his eyes were gouged out and his jaw was opened beyond what is humanly possible. In the courtyard, Daniel and Thiago try to interrogate Wesleynardo, the colleague of the deceased firefighter, but he is too shaken to provide detailed information about what happened.

Elizabeth, with Thiago's help, gets permission to analyze the local and collect evidences, while Daniel notes the Veil becoming weaker. The new Order agents gather evidences about the case, but suddenly, the firefighter's body begins to transform into a Blood Zombie. Liz and Daniel stays in the cafeteria, where the body was, and are attacked by the monster, while Thiago goes out to distract the cops. Daniel gets hurt in the abdomen, but Liz saves him with a knife withdrawn from her briefcase, cutting out the zombie's hand and piercing its head afterward.

Following Wesleynardo's tip, the trio heads to the kitchen, where they find evidence that the fire was caused by a planned explosion. Gonzales lends his gun to Thiago and accompanies the rest of his team outside. Making their way to the chemistry lab, the three conclude that the elements used for the device were taken from there. Thiago uses Liz's computer to restore a SD Card's content found there and then, they watch a video of three boys. Among them, one of them is named Gabriel Opspor. Apparently, they were waiting for a girl to arrive, and after her arrival, the video stops due to the SD Card's storage full.

After recovering the boy's file in the school archives and exploring his dad's company site, owner of the Opspor Constructor, the team decides to go to Gabriel's house. Getting there as office cop, Thiago flirts with the boy's mother, Victoria Opspor, that tells him that her son was sleeping in a friend's house. While that, Liz and Daniel explore Gabriel's room, finding some informations about girl students from Nostradamus High School that were missing. Apparently, he was investigating the missing of Fernanda Pinto, Julia Correia and Evelyn Orlando, and also his girlfriend, Lina Kunsti, connecting all of these disappearances to an ex-history teacher, Alexsander Kothe.

These girls photos were connected to the suspect teacher's photo with an address. After blocking Gabriel's computer and spend their time in the Opspor's house, the team decides to follow this clue. The address leads them to a yellow building - Alexsander Kothe's house.

Getting into the apartment, the team hears fighting sounds and Thiago breaks in the door, just to find Alex watching an episode of Power Rangers in Space. The team tries to interrogate the man and extract the maximum of possible informations, threatening to use force and take him to the station if necessary.

As said by Alex, he was fired by supposedly beat a student, something that he doesn't remember. Besides that, he had constant flashbacks of girls asking for help, blood, and other people involved with the crime, that left him tormented and deeply emotionally fragile..

Liz argues that he could be useful in the investigation, if they take him to the school to get his memories back. The unsub tries to get a gun that he had at home, but is spotted by Liz, that confiscates his gun. Before resuming the investigation and leave the apartment, the trio makes clear that they don't trust the teacher. Soon, the Order contacts them, saying that Gabriel's father, Giovanni Opspor, was the owner of a company that made a work at Nostradamus High School. The school's contract with the company demanded sigil, therefore, if they wanted more information, they would need to go in the company's head office and invade there for it. Thiago makes a false worker identity on Alex's computer and then, the four goes to the company searching for documents talking about the school's recent reform. On the way, they go to Liz's apartment, where she gets her Corsa to continue the travel.

Outside the Opspor Constructor, Thiago and Liz, with Alex's help, turns off the security system and infiltrates to the head's office. There, they steal two blueprints of the Nostradamus School, that reveals a bunker underneath the library. After tricking Geraldo, the constructor's security guard, Liz and Thiago gets back to the car.

The group goes back to the school to investigate the undergrounds, where they find Gonzales gain. After a bad gun steal trying of Alex in Gonzales, the group cuffs the teacher, that tries to instigate Daniel to not trust Thiago, quoting his book's tale, "The Tales of a Needy Criature". Daniel doesn't believe him and says that the only one unreliable there was himself. After this, the four enters the school and ends exploring the ground floor, while Alex has flashes of the imprisoned girls being tortured there. They get to the library, where they find a bushy fog, indicating the high fragility of the Veil.

The team analyses a video of a camera found in the library, that shows a boy named Mathew Geleerd recording Gabriel killing a mysterious girl in a place that, apparently, was the secret room underneath the library. After seeing the video, they hear steps and finds Gonzales, worried, because according to him, they were there for like more of two hours. But none of them have felt this time passage. However, he is surprised by a creature that the agents never seen before: with a girl's appearance, wearing the school uniform. Its body was composed of something material that couldn't choose one state: sometimes solid, sometimes fluid, sometimes gaseous. It takes Gonzales, putting its hair inside his eyes and mouth, killing the officer, making Thiago furious. Liz tries to escape to the secret passage, but she doesn't know how to activate and escapes there with Alex. Daniel tries to do the same, but, after convincing Thiago to giving up shooting the creature, he feels transfidex with it and tries to fight to escape.

The agents are devastated with their loss, specially Thiago, that nourished a friendship with the cop. Consequently, with all the current confusion and insanity in their minds, an intense brawl fires up with the group. Alex has a mental crisis, temporarily assuming a new personality named Ricardo, that doesn't recognize the group. Daniel sees in this fact one more reason to a paranoia that was growing in his mind, fruit of his decreasing sanity: Alex was possessed and acting against the team, planning to take them there to the death in the library. With this, between everyone' screams, he shoots in Alex's collarbone, that makes him returning his normal identity. Thiago blows up with Daniel, shooting up to get the group's attention, and at the end, pointing the gun to his teammate. Then, after hearing a police siren, Thiago runs and hides in the side of the school. Liz takes Alex to her car, and eventually, Daniel convinces her to take him together to her apartment. Later, Thiago walks to a gas station, calling a Cooler to his home.

Documents and evidences[]

Main page: Documents
Evidence Description
Distintivo Falso
Irregular Crimes Sector's (ICS) false badge used by the agents in their first mission in February 2020.[2]
Pano branco
White tissue. Found in the hand of George's body in Nostradamus High School.[3]
Pedaços de Plastico
Burned plastic pieces scattered by the Nostradamus School cafeteria.[4]
Fio de cabelo da Agatha
Degolified's hair strands took from inside George's body mouth in Nostradamus School.[5]
Memoria Quebrada
Mathew Geleerd's memory card. Found in a bag at the side of Nostradamus School's entrance.[6]
Foto do Video
Gabriel Opspor's photo taken by the video recorded by Mathew Geleerd.[7]
Documento do gabriel
Gabriel Opspor's school file. Found in Nostradamus School files.[8][fn 1]

Gabriel Opspor;
birth: 03/21/2004;
gender: male;
father: Giovanni Opspor;
mother: Victoria Opspor;
height: 5′ 7″;
behaviour: agitated;
shift: day;
blood type: B+;
address: 1361 Urubuqueçaba Street;
phone: +55 11 9415487621;
Talks too much!
Really smart, but lacks interest in classes;
Absence excess

Foto Alex de Costas
Photo of Alexsander Kothe, Nostradamus School history teacher, with notes made by Gabriel Opspor, such as "Teacher Alexsander", "Fired?", "Missing?", "35 Augusto Liberdade St, ap. 42". Found by the agents in Gabriel's room.[9]
Photo of Gabriel Opspor and Lina Kunsti ripped in half. Found by the agents in Gabriel's room.[10]
Alexsander Kothe's resignation letter.[11]

Alexsander Kothe,
I come by this to inform you of your resignation from the faculty of Nostradamus High School, due to complications and physical involvement with students of the institution.
The necessary documents for your departure have already been processed, so there is no need to return to our premises.
Best regards, Álvaro Augusto

Escola Nostradamus
Nostradamus School blueprint. Found in Opspor Construction files.[12]

From up to down:
Chemical laboratory - Ward - Computer Room;
Room A1 - Warehouse - Kitchen - Lobby - Faculty Lounge;
Room A2 - Cafeteria - Files - Room B1;
Principal's Office - External Area - Library - Stairway

Subsolo Escola Nostradamus
Nostradamus School underground blueprints. Found in Opspor Construction files.[13][14]
Câmera Quebrada
Mathew Geleerd's broken camera. Found inside the Nostradamus School library.[15]
Cartão SD intacto
Undamaged microSD card. Found inside Mathew Geleerd's camera.[16]

Episode cast[]

Notes and references[]


  1. The birth year was a mistake from the master, being corrected to 2004 posteriorly.


  1. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 17m52s)
  2. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 20m16s)
  3. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 40m57s)
  4. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 43m42s)
  5. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 44m45s)
  6. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 52m35s)
  7. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h57m00s)
  8. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h59m50s)
  9. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h28m55s)
  10. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h30m52s)
  11. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h03m18s)
  12. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h21m10s)
  13. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h22m12s)
  14. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h33m16s)
  15. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 5h07m17s)
  16. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 5h08m29s)