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You made a serious mistake coming here, Gatekeeper... Now I'm going to have to deal with you all at once!

The Miner[1]

The Miner, formerly known as The Blacksmith's Helper, was a Lusidii and one of several residents of Holy Cradle, responsible for working in the Holy Cradle Mines alongside other miners.

The Miner had his first appearance in the 9th episode of The Secret in the Forest, being seen in the city's Tavern while The Blacksmith showed the city to the Team H.[2]He ended up dying during the 13th episode, entering in combat with Team H,[3] and being pierced by the sword of Thiago Fritz.[4]


Miniatura do Minerador em O Segredo na Floresta

The Miner was a tall and strong man, with long brown hair and beard, who, like all the inhabitants of the village of Holy Cradle, had gray skin, completely black eyes, pointed ears and stripes on his face, which in his case it's two stripes coming out of both eyes and down his face. He wore a helmet with a red crystal, used to light the way, armor covering only his shoulders, with his large belly exposed, a brown belt connected to a pouch, brown pants , metal knee pads and black shoes. He was usually seen carrying his massive pickaxe.[2]


The Miner appeared to be a friendly and very playful man, helping where he could and making everyone happy, regardless of the situation. He didn't usually show concern for the Cave's monsters, already used to their constant attacks.

When the Team H threatened to uncover the gruesome secret that keeps Holy Cradle alive, his true form came to light and his jokes gave way to a man filled with rage, without any kind of guilt for killing and dismembering your enemies.[3]


Blacksmith's Helper[]

According to the Miner himself, he was born and raised in Holy Cradle. When he was young, he worked at the Ferraria, as an assistant to Blacksmith, the leader of the community.[5]

During this time, he began to spend more and more time in Holy Cradle Cavern, showing interest in the place.

With the arrival of the Team Kelvin to Holy Cradle, he began to feel a certain discomfort with Ferreira's relationship with Miguel Cariad.[6] However, within Miguel's first two weeks in the village, he formed a great friendship with him. When Miguel's colleagues - Mariana and Kenan - returned to the village, he and Ferreira surrounded the three in the center of the labyrinth, and, after being defeated in battle, saw the new friend betrays Team Kelvin and becomes Lusidii definitely.[7]


In the following decades, he established himself as the Miner, while Miguel became the new leader of the village, The Blacksmith. Their friendship remained strong, so much so that they passed on to him all the secrets that keep Holy Cradle alive, such as the influence of the black crystals in the Cave and the role of the Source.

In the Cave, he learned to live with the constant battles against the monsters coming from the mist, until they started to ignore him, either by custom or by influence of the "Holy".

At a certain point, when a group of five Ignarus - Thiago, Liz, Joui, Cesar and Arthur - arrives at the village, they are instructed by the Ferreiro do his plan to nullify his pending threat. He meets the future Team H at the Tavern, and tries to present himself as someone trustworthy, posing next to The Tailor and The Tavernkeeper.[2] After the murder of two Luzidios, The Helper[8] and The Collector,[9] the Blacksmith hastens to send the ignorant to the Cave, in order for them to touch the Crystal and absorb the spiraling hypnosis at once.[10]

Under the pretense of opening the sealed door inside the Cave, the Miner guides the five through the crystal galleries, helping them to face the monsters on the way, Ooze Moles, Batterflys and even the Succ.

Unable to open the door, he guides the team to the Black Crystal gallery, when he is surprised by The Gatekeeper, responsible for the murders in the village, trying to prevent the hypnosis of the Ignarus. At this, the Miner turns against those he was protecting and engages in a violent battle against the group.[3] In a fit of fury, he manages to brutally rip off Arthur's arm with his pickaxe, and tries to drag Cesar to the Crystal. However, on the way Thiago crosses him with the sword and he dies. His last words were "No... no... my Holy...".[4]




  1. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 2h22m06s)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 His first appearance in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 2h02m32s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Miner's real intentions in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 2h17m01s)
  4. 4.0 4.1 His death on The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 2h51m00s)
  5. The Miner working as a Blacksmith in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 1h37m41s)
  6. The Miner bothered with Miguel in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 2h57m18s)
  7. Miguel Cariad becoming The Sidekick at The Secret in the Forest - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 3h21m43s)
  8. The death of Helper in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 3h44m40s)
  9. The death of Collector in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 2h39m37s)
  10. Blacksmith's Plan starting at The Secret in the Forest - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 3h16m31s)