Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

The Five Guardians was the name later adopted by the organization headed by Eric Jour and led by Eva van Gloss, being formed by a team of scientists who aimed to study their great find, a Spiral Symbol following the mysterious Deconjuration Order.

After a series of tests performed by Eva van Gloss, it was discovered that this symbol had temporal alteration properties, something that refers to the Element of Death. And with this discovery she contacts Eric Jour to start the Project Holy Cradle. This group maintained activities around Carpazinha, inland Rio Grande do Sul.



In November 2018, Doctor Eva van Gloss undertakes an archaeological expedition, financed by occultists on behalf of the Deconjuration Order, to the remote island of Heilag Vagga, where Eva discovers the existence of a ancient society that thrived for hundreds of years that worshiped a strange Spiral Symbol and had a social development far above its region.[1]

After this discovery, it was ordered that tests with this symbol be continued until relevant information was obtained. Still in 2018, Eva starts two types of experiments, one with direct exposure to the Symbol and another indirect form, resulting in accelerated degradation and decomposition in the first experiment and an accelerated evolution in the surroundings in the second experiment.[2] With the experiments completed, Eva contacts Eric Jour to assemble a team of specialists for the initiation of the Project Holy Cradle.

Project Holy Cradle[]

The Project Holy Cradle, named after Subject 01's responses, aimed to use the temporal distortion caused by the spiral symbol to study it and its paranormal properties. By settling in a site of damaged veil next to Sources as PE sources would take this research to levels never seen before.[3]

On October 7, 2019, the operational base of the project is defined, the Batista's House, in Carpazinha, a city with social isolation, historical events and low government efficiency, which made it the perfect location. In the following days, the installation and adaptation of life without technology begins along with the cataloging of the Holy Cradle tests. On the night of that same day, the scientists discover that the house was already used by a biker gang as a torture club using the weakened veil as entertainment, the scientists bribe this gang to avoid trouble.[4]

The following week, on October 15, PE radiation tests with mortal remains are started and have a promising result, but not enough to sustain the entire project. About 2 weeks later, on October 28, Eva finds Lurdete Batista's diary and finds out about the location of the cave and the Holy next to the house. After a few days of calculation, new sources of PE are acquired and the migration to the place where the foundation of Holy Cradle is carried out.[5]

On November 23, Eric clashes with the other scientists, who had been convinced by the Constructor to abandon studies of the Other Side and adopt traditions such as not keeping written records, to force the future inhabitants into an ignorance so that they would feel blessed by the Dimensions Parasite. After realizing that his team had been compromised by connecting with the "Holy", Eric confronts them again on December 12, threatening to reveal the location of the parasite to Ordo Realitas, which caused him to have his tongue cut out. by his colleagues and when he tries to escape from Holy Cradle, he has his sanity compromised without being able to leave the vicinity of Carpazinha and alert agents of the Order about what he and his colleagues had created.[6]


Those who are exposed to the Parasite's influence demonstrate a number of unique characteristics such as being able to shift into a form with gray skin, completely black eyes and stripes on their face being self-styled as "Lusidii" in addition to a great emotional dependence on the Symbol. being able to just feel very close to him and if away from him the individual feels uncomfortable and/or violent in his prolonged absence. If an individual marks the Spiral Symbol on himself, he gains the ability to feel the presence of the "Holy" and can guide himself to him with ease.


  1. ā†‘ Quoted in the document regarding the island of Heilag Vagga found in the 14th episode of The Secret in the Forest.
  2. ā†‘ Reported on Environmental Exposure Analysis sheet with regional exposure found in 14th episode of The Secret in the Forest.
  3. ā†‘ File with procedure and expectations of the Project Holy Cradel described found in 14th episode of The Secret in the Forest.
  4. ā†‘ First and second pages of Eric Jour's diary found in 5th episode of The Secret in the Forest.
  5. ā†‘ Third, fourth, fifth and sixth page of Eric Jour's diary found in the 5th episode of The Secret in the Forest and 7th episode of The Secret in the Forest.
  6. ā†‘ Seventh and eighth page of Eric Jour's diary found in the 14th episode of The Secret in the Forest.