Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

The Snakes are one of the wild animals inhabitants of Tipora's island, being a potential danger to visitors and locals of the Island.

These animals first appeared in the 2nd episode of The Secret in the Island, unexpectedly appearing in the beach attacking a Wild Dog and the protagonists.[1] In addition to the non-venomous snakes, there's also a species of venomous snake, that ended up poisoning Milo, almost killing him.[2]


The non-venomous snakes of the island have their heads in a more rounded shape, with their eyes completely black.

Miniatura Cobra Venenosa 1 em O Segredo na Ilha

The venomous snakes of the island have triangular head, yellow eyes and their pupils are similar to a pupil of a cat.


The non-venomous snakes, when they're going to attack their prey, wrap themselves in them using constriction to trap them and then bite their victim. The venomous snakes have a violent behavior attacking their prey with boats and injecting them with poison.


