I'm glad I came back, and I'll keep coming back.
Rubens Naluti[4]
Rubens Naluti is one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Deconjuration and Calamity.
He is an agent of Ordo Realitas and long-time partner of Johnny Tabasco. Rubens was first introduced in the 7th episode of Deconjuration as a "bounty hunter" seeking for treasures. He ended up being kindapped alongside his friend by The Host's Production. In the end, Rubens and Johnny revealed themselves as Order agents, which were investigating the cult while undercover.
During the Calamity ARG, Rubens was shown as one of the silhouettes during the end of the enigma, and on August 30, 2021, he had his promotional art officially revealed on Paranormal Order's official Twitter page, becoming, then, a protagonist. He is one of the Marked on Ordo Realitas' side.
Rubens in Paranormal Order: Deconjuration is a 5.05 feet tall brown man with a skinny and short physique; he has brown eyes and shoulder-length white curly hair. He wears a yellow long-sleeved shirt, gray pants, red shoes and black fingerless gloves.[5] The agent also possesses a flamingo pendant tied to his pants.
In Paranormal Order: Calamity, Rubens grew a few centimeters, reaching 5.12 feet tall. He tied his hair, leaving a few strands loose, continuing with his long yellow shirt, in addition to a dark jacket with a raised collar, black jeans, black fingerless gloves and his flamingo pendant now as a necklace. After being captured again by The Host's Production, Rubens acquired scars around his whole body, with the most evident one being a great opening in the middle of his chest, sewn up by glowing electronic cables.[6]
After Johnny Tabasco became weakened after participating in one of the games of The Host's Production, Rubens wears his green flannel shirt around his waist.
Rubens is an intelligent man, but relatively fearful, due to his fragile physique, being described as the brain of the team by his partner Johnny Tabasco. Furthermore, Rubens has a lot of experience with computers and technology. The young man has strategic thinking, being the type of guy that always thinks before acting. He also demonstrated himself to be very observant, as seen in his game inside the The Host's Room. Rubens often communicates using only keywords.
After his appearance during the 7th episode of Deconjuration, Rubens became a more closed and serious person, refusing nicknames and reaction to jokes with indifference, despite having his moments of relaxation. Keeping his fearful nature and becoming a bit more paranoic and tense than previously, he is frightened by the actions of those around him and often avoids being on the front lines during combat. Rubens, however, is still friendly to his companions, as seen with Balu, when Rubens reveals fotos he took with Antônio in the Tower of Pisa.
- First Responder: Because of his knowledge in medicine, Rubens manages to treat and save the life of his allis when necessary.
- Computing: Rubens has a great proficiency when it comes to computers and electronic devices.
- Agility: Because Rubens is small and thin, he's capable of dodging several attacks in combat.
Rubens Naluti was born between 1996 and 1997. His past remains largely unknown. Everything that's known is that he eventually joined the Ordo Realitas and formed a duo with Johnny Tabasco, and both, with the help of Samuel Norte, began investigating an entity known as The Host. They learn about a place called The Host's Room, a place where a group of Occultists, known as The Host's Production, took their kidnapped victims and put them through a series of sadistic puzzles, which they filmed and retransmitted online.
Rubens and Johnny then allow themselves to be kidnapped to proceed with the investigation.[7]
After being kidnapped, Rubens and Johnny see themselves in a completely lit room, alongside two other people: Erin Parker and Fernando Carvalho, the duo then introduces themselves to the agents of D-Force as being simple "bounty hunters" that got to the place in search of treasures. The four then decide to help themselves in order to escape that place.
... Cable, copper, loose. Keywords, that's how I work.
Rubens Naluti[8]
After going through several deadly challenges, in the last room, where it seemed to have no exit, Rubens and Johnny reveal that they, too, were agents from Ordo Realitas. Then, they tell their plan of letting themselves be captured so they could destroy that place from the inside out. After they defeat all The Host's Production members there, Johnny informs the location of St. Menefreda Orphanage to Luciano and Erin, and they leave together with Rubens in their car.
Post time-skip[]
After escaping the previous mission, the team obtained info about The Host. However, during another mission, the duo fell into a trap and got caught by surprise by the Production, participating in one of the cult's sadistic games unprepared. While they managed to leave alive, Johnny became extremely weak and Rubens had an opening in his chest, which was sewn together by cables.[7]
Rubens, now without his old partner, was realocated to a new team and sent to the interior of Mato Grosso, in charge of investigating an appearence of the "Devil". There, he united with Carina and Balu, starting an interrogation with the two residents, Cícero Gominho and Terezinha Gominho. After a while, they found Dante and Arthur Cervero, now with the Team Vultures. Together, the agents begin investigating the house of Elza Verlaz, a place which, according to Cícero, was commonplace for the "Devil" to visit during the night.
After investigation the vicinity, Rubens and the team entered in a trapdoor and found documents talking about someone who "only needed to open the door". After reading those papers, they hear bangs coming from outside Elza's door. The team then climbs up and find Cícero, Terezinha and Felipe Firmino there. After a brief conversation, Cícero reveals to the team that he made a pact with the Devil, and his part of the deal was to open the door. After a few failed attempts to convince him otherwise, Cícero opens the door, and the Ordo Realitas agents see themselves before The Needy, initiating a battle.
During combat, Rubens backs down, only shooting and acting as support, including teleporting Balu who was in front of the creature, using his Phantom Leap Ritual so he wouldn't receive a fatal blow by the monster. After an intense battle, the agents finally manage to defeat The Needy.
Four days passed, Rubens returns to his base to receive another mission and, while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive, he plays a game of snooker against Balu, in which Rubens wins without trouble. After all members arrive, they go directly to Mr. Verity's room. Uncovering several other informations about the Diary of God and the documents of Arnaldo, which they found in the previous mission. Verity then asks Arthur what their name will be. Rubens suggests the name "Team", but Arthur picks the name "Team Vultures". Connecting the dots, the agents are sent to Italy, in search of documents kept inside the vault of the Famiglia Leone, Arnaldo's friends and family members of Carina. During the trip, Clarissa, an agent recruited by the team for the mission, has a brief conversation with Rubens about Johnny.
After arriving in the great Leone's Mansion, the agents stumble upon a shocking scene; a bloody massacre with corpses and blood spilled everywhere. Little by little, they infiltrate the place until eventually reaching the underground, facing the semi-open door of the vault. First, they decide to check the registers in the computer room.
Analyzing the recordings, Rubens finds the exact moment in which a group of Escribes, show up out of nowhere, initiating the invasion and massacre of the Famiglia Leone, entering more and more until they arrive at the vault's entrance, when the screen begins to fill with blood and, afterwards, forming a bizarre symbol before the recording finishes. Upon entering the safe, the agents witness the body of Marco Leone transforming itself into a Blood Zombie, while pulled by a hooded figure that had red skin and horns, and left a giant slit of blood on the wall, The Devil.
Rubens, maintaining himself away from the frontlines, looks from afar while the team fights the hooded creature, which doesn't react and only gestures to Marco's transformed body. He removes from himself a locked box with the symbol of the Pact while he mentioned a War was approaching, before leaving the place. And as soon as the creature goes, a horde of Blood Zombies began going underground. At the start of the fight, Rubens returns to the computers room and took control of the turrets, staying there until the group eliminates the horde completely. Following along, when they find an abandoned nursery, Rubens offers himself to treat his allies' wounds, until they were interrupted by the arrival of a giant red creature, which is quickly eliminated, but not before hurting Balu severely, requiring more help from Rubens.
Upon realizing Carina's grief, Rubens offers himself to help her give a dignified burial for her family, but since he wasn't physically strong enough to help, he searched for a painting with the members of the Leone Family and gave it to his grieving friend. During the burial, Rubens realizes that Clarissa was isolated, crying among the gardens, and, after appearing worried, Clarissa unleashed all her frustration on the agent, and upon mentioning Johnny, Rubens was at a loos for words, making him turn around and leave immediately. After the event, everyone decides to rest and wait for the Order.
No, Rubens, there's no way to be fine, nothing is fine! Ask Johnny if he's fine, Rubens... is he fine? That's what I thought.
In the following morning, Balu takes Rubens to visit the Tower of Pisa and, before going away, tells him they can be good friends. After having breakfest in a famous french cafeteria, Rubens arrives at the garden of Leone's Mansion and, upon seeing Clarissa, goes toward her; the agent says she wasn't fair with him, that both carried the will of those who couldn't fight anymore. She wonders why he turned around when the team entered in combat, to which he replied that it was his instinct and that he had to fight it. Clarissa ends the chat saying "Stay strong, Rubens".
After investigating, the Vultures uncover their next destiny: The Colosseum. When they arrived, they tried to deceive the local security, being taken to the presence of the director of the monument. He reveals that, alongside his employees, he was involved with The Host, beginning another combat. Rubens ends the last enemy with Johnny's knife.
After a while, the team finds a passage that required five masks from the ancient Colosseum emperors to be opened. Everyone is interrupted by screams and, going towards them, they find one of the enemy employees being killed by a masked figure: Joui Jouki.
Upon Joui's reception, the group solves the enigma of the statues and the door for Semper Clausa opened. Inside, the Vultures find the Cult of the Masks, which tell them about how the memories of that place were unpredictable. After the silhouettes disappear, Verity and the rest of the Order arrive at the ruins and talk to the group. They decide to separate into squads and, in the intersection, Team Vultures moved forward. On the way, the door closed itself and isolated the group from the rest of the Order. Going downstairs, they found a hall with doors marked with The Host's symbol. Then, Rubens began to explain a bit about what he knew to the team and even showed his chest's scar, caused by the Host's last game. Balu was worried for Rubens and thanks him for sharing those hurtful events with them. Inside the big hall, there were stateus of people with their names and titles written below. After Joui touched one of them and passed out, everyone decides to do the same to try to help him in whichever place he was. Rubens touches Amalia's statue, The Arrow, and passes out like the rest.
They wake up at A.D. 67 in Ordo Calamitas and inside the bodies of the people of their statues respectively, however, only after a while that their consciousness realize who they are. A wave of Death attacks and everyone runs to the room where the Relic of Energy was stored. The relic chooses Gaius and he becomes The Host. Afterwards, the group returns to their original bodies and start discussing how to proceed. Hearing that one of the doors had opened, Balu takes a look and finds a door with a type of energy mantle blocking the way. When he touched it, his mark appears in one of the two sockets. Balu suggests Rubens goes with him and so he accepts it.
The two return to consciousness after the game. While the others investigated the room, which now had opened, Balu and Rubens rest and talk. Balu tells Rubens that he doesn't fear death because he already had many near-death experiences and said to him that he'd get used to it. In the end, the two reunite with the group and go to the library. There, the pages of the books transformed into the same page about the Blood Relic. In the library, there was also an energy mantle, this time with spaces for five Marks. Everyone besides Carina enters the second game.
When the group returns from the game, they notice Dante hasn't woken up. Rubens checkes his pulse and realizes that his heartbeats were really slow. Another door opens with sockets for four Marks, and they discuss about who should go in. In the next game, Rubens touches the door with his hand, and enters the game alongside his team, once again as Amalia. The last marked wins another time and then Rubens and Joui go to the last game, in which, upon awakening as Rubens in her body, allows Joui to kill her, this way staying in second place in the games of The Host.
After the end of the games, the team goes to a room where they find the Host and The Devil. Rubens paralyzes initally after he was provoked by the Host about his past and the two last games he had alongside Johnny, and when the team discusses among themselves whether to save Gal or not, he stays neutral, not showing any opinion on the matter. In the discussion of whether to stay on The Host's side or the Sect of the Masks' side, Rubens doesn't think twice, showed the middle finger to the Host and stood beside the cult.
In the fight against the many Hosts, Rubens doesn't get injured severely, yet, still treats himself in the middle of the battle. However, in his fight against the Host of Arnaldo Fritz, the agent also doesn't get injured. Except, in a specific moment, when the entity creates a button, Naulti runs and presses it without hesitation, saving his companions from getting more hurt. In the end of the battle, Balu falls, his heart not beating, and in his last breath, he's saved by Rubens which restarts his heart.
For the events of the episode "Synthesis" Rubens stays more quiet, only talking sometimes with Balu, which appears to like the small agent. In the end of the episode, Rubens goes to the Leone's Mansion, as it was being invaded. Arriving there, Ruben, Balu and Arthur, the team's leader, face off several occultists dressed with egyptian garments, and after defeating them, they battle against the Sphinx Carrion. In battle, Rubens was essential, saving the life of Ivete and Fabrizio, when he teleports them to the living room and goes out of the monster's reach. After the creature's death, he helps Renan Geleerd treat Zio, who was very injured, and, at the end of the episode, he witnesses his partner Balu playing the guitar. Rubens ends telling about strength, and to give their best.
Returning to the colosseum, alongside his companions, they enter the arena and witness Kian along with other members of the Team Vultures and two other people, T-Bag and Damir. Rubens automatically enters combat, before getting hit with Balu's axe when the occultist takes it forcefully. Right after, Rubens, after talking with Verity, believes that he should put the ring, given by Marc Menet, in Kian's finger. So, he teleports himself next to him to try to put it in, without success. However, when Balu strikes Kian on the leg, he falls, but drops Rubens with him and takes hold of him, trying to choke him. Naluti stays strong, almost having his neck broken, before Kian releases him. Soon after, Arthur and Balu knock Kian out.
After the combat, Rubens returns to his base without talking much, appearing rigid to Damir, now that he was there. Following that, Rubens and his team return to Brazil. In his homeland, Rubens invites Balu to visit his old partner, Johnny Tabasco. Rubens always appears happy sending voice messages to his old partner, but upon seeing him laying in bed, he talks to him and takes a picture, while Johnny's heartbeats accelerated. Then, on Kaiser and Joui's funeral, Rubens stood, quiet and thoughtful.
Quirks and Phobias[]
- Hydrofobia: Rubens fears drowning. This was shown in the episode 7 of Deconjuration, when a Chaos Disturbed showed his greatest fear in a vision.[10]
Rituals and Abilities[]
Phantom Leap Ritual: The ritual allows the user's body to become an electric hiss with varying colors of pink, blue, cyan and green, and then, being able to transport rapidly to a place you've been of choice. This ritual costs 3 EP (Effort Points), to move a total of 9 meters from the original position, even if the place is outside field of vision. It can be improved by spending 1 EP to expand the maximum distance to 30 meters.[11] being able to be used as reaction spending another 2 EP, allowing the user to take another target to a familiar place 1,5 meters in distance. If there is a solid object in the teleportation's destiny, the user might take damage.
Affinity with the Element of the Other Side: Rubens possessed affinity with the Element of Energy, allowing him to cast energy rituals without requiring ingredients.
Quick Draw: Withdrawing weaponry becomes a free action during combats.
Elite Aim: Using 2 EP (Effort Points), the user may aim and shoot on the same turn, causing 1 extra dice of damage.
Paramedic: Heals someone during combat, however, it leaves them motionless and defenseless for 1 turn.
Treating Wounds: You can use a full action + 2 EP (Effort Points) to heal a targer in 2d8 + 1; After every 20 EXP (EXPosure Level), the user may use more 2 EP to improve the healing in 1d8 + 1.
Temporal Surge: Once per scene, during your turn, the user may use an additional main action.
Point-blank: Deals a long-range attack with a gun against an adjacent opponent, ignoring the penalty of attack and dealing 1 extra dice of damage.
Cursed Items[]
Elemental Protection Amulet: A small amulet with a Blood Symbol that Rubens keeps tied to his waist, ensuring an armor of +5 against Blood damage.
Arnaldo's Watch: The previous golden watch of Arnaldo Fritz, slightly stained and with a burnt aspect on the exterior.[12] Upon being utilized, it allows the bearer to use 1 EP to reroll any dice that had rolled 1.
Pulsing Heart: A human heart bathed in blood and still pulsing, as if inside a body. Once per scene, the user of the cursed organ can use a reaction and 2 EP to squeeze it, and so, reduce any damage received by half.
Silenced Glock |
A semi-automatic pistol with a silencer. |
Hammer |
Weapon made of a wooden hilt and a metal head. |
Combat Knife | Johnny Tabasco's medium combat knife that Rubens keeps on his thigh. |
- Antônio Pontevedra: Due to Balu's loud nature, Rubens gets a little uncomfortable when he speaks too loudly or calls him nicknames. However, Rubens cares about his safety and protects him when he can. Balu plays a lot with Rubens and his heights discrepancies, but treats him with respect and friendship during their interactions. After saving Balu's life, Rubens has shown his emotions much more when showing concern for him. He even prints and presents Balu with the photos taken in Italy, making it clear that he cares and considers him a friend. Later, Rubens would take him to meet his old companion, Johnny Tabasco.
- Arthur Cervero: Rubens respects Arthur as a leader and team partner. Although Arthur feels slightly at an advantage because he is taller than him, Rubens doesn't seem to mind when he speaks about this. Arthur treats Rubens with respect, protecting him when necessary and trusting his abilities.
- Carina Leone: Rubens and Carina have been very friendly with each other since they first met. Rubens trusts her and her abilities a lot. With the massacre of the Leone family, Rubens was very horrified and scared by what happened, however, he stayed focused as much as he could to help Carina understand the situation.
- Damir Lukic: After the fight against Kian, Damir followed Team Vultures. However, even though his leader Arthur accepted his company, Rubens remained rigid with his presence. In a given moment, Rubens tells Damir to enjoy his second chance, because there are people that don't have his luck.
- Dante: Despite not having had very close interactions, they both trust each other's abilities and respect each other as team partners.
- Johnny Tabasco: Johnny was a very efficient duo alongside Rubens, the latter being described as the "brain" and the other as the "muscles" of the team. During the events of Deconjuration, the duo investigated the cult of The Host, however, the outcome of the mission is not known. It is known that before the current events of |Calamity, the duo was disbanded, as after the last mission, Johnny Tabasco was seriously injured. Rubens appears to be very upset when talking about what happened with Johnny, remaining silent and reclusive when the subject is mentioned. Even so, constantly after a victory, he records audio for Johnny, and at a certain point, he goes to the hospital to visit his ex-partner. Rubens appears much happier and more excited when around his friend, proving the strong bond of friendship that both have built in the past.
- Joui Jouki: Due to Rubens being more closed, Joui and he rarely interact, but it is clear that they care about each other's well-being. Despite having known each other for a short time, Rubens appears to have a certain amount of trust with the young man, thus helping him win the games of The Host. As soon as everyone regained consciousness, Joui's first action was to hug and guarantee Rubens' safety after what happened. After Joui's death in the battle against Kian, Rubens was sad and thoughtful, paying respect to the agent at his funeral.
- Rubens was only supposed to be a cameo character in the 7th episode of Deconjuration, but he ended up returning in Calamity as one of the protagonists.
- During the investigation of the second floor of the Leone's Mansion, Rubens finds a nursery and begins to carry out treatments on the injured agents, and when asked if he had learned this skill in college, Rubens denies it and only answers "computer", giving understand that he is self-taught.
- Rubens appears to really like flamingos, having a necklace with one around his neck.
- One of Rubens' favorite ice cream flavors is flakes.[13]
- Rubens is really good at snooker.
- It is known that before Rubens entered Ordo Realitas, and started his hunt for The Host, he worked with something related to technology, but his former profession is unknown to this day.
Episodes | Appearances |
Deconjuration - Episode 7 - "Host" | First Appearance |
Calamity - Episode 0 - "Prologue" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 1 - "The Beginning of the End" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 3 - "Pact" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 4 - "Amphitheatrum" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 5 - "Ordo Calamitas" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 6 - "Games" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 8 - "Choice" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 9 - "Synthesis" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 10 - "Time" | Present |
Calamity - Episode 11 - "Warrior" | Only Visions |
Calamity - Episode 12 - "Eyes" | Present |
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 1h45m15s)
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 2h39m09s)
- ↑ Twitch. Stream "Transcendendo com Leo Santi - Episode 3" of Cellbit in September 30th, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 35m19s)
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 3h44m12s)
- ↑ Deconjuration - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 51m58s)
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h57m16s)
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Calamity - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h58m47s)
- ↑ Deconjuration - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 1h11m46s)
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h05m07s)
- ↑ Deconjuration - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 2h28m36s)
- ↑ Explanation of the ritual's distance was made by PedroK, one of the system's developers, during a livestream from Felps on September 5th, 2021. Twitch. Clip "Rubens' Ritual's Reach" from Felps.
- ↑ Arnaldo Fritz's Watch in Calamity - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 1h14m17s)
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 3h16m21s)