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The real horror will start now, and there is nowhere to run.

Quarantine - Part 1 is the first episode of the two-shot of Paranormal Order: Quarantine. It aired on September 23, 2023.


Today is the day it will happen. Five people enters the facilities of Panacea Industries to try to get a quick buck. But soon, they realize this is not a good idea as they pass for their most traumatical life experiences.


The paranormal doesn't come to our reality easily. Or at least, that's how things should be. There are many evils that afflict our world. The greedy, the corrupt, the liars, but none of them compair to those responsible for bringing the entities from the Other Side to our reality. But there are those who stand in the frontline, giving their own lives to protect us from this horrors. People willing to sacrifice everything they know and love to make sure no one else needs to suffer what they've been through.

But our protagonists are neither of those. They are regular people, living regular lives. And as they prepare for a new day... they’re dragging people outside, they’re trapping them into the pillars. They keep yelling at them to let them go, even though they know what they were doing. It is needed.

Today is the day it will happen.

On a sunny day in Mexico City, at 388 Cayo Oso Blanco St., place with several buildings and commercial buildings, Benito Camelo is looking for the tallest building, the Panacea Industries, a "trusted" multinational pharmaceutical company that is offering easy money for running scientific tests for the creation of a new medicine. Entering the scene on the 7th floor, Benito meets two other people: Jeffrey Bacon and Luis Miguel Kennedy, people who share his same interest.

Recap Quarentena - Cientistas questionando os protagonistas

At the same time, on a hot day in another branch of the pharmaceutical company in the region of Copabacana in Rio de Janeiro, Diego Thalles and Lucie Pocharde present themselves to the place seeking the same unmissable opportunity. In the lobby, Lucie discusses with a child, Emi and her father Anderson due to the young kid’s lack of respect for not respecting the line for the last glass of water in the gallon. After the tempers calm down and they follow the protocol for the area of registration to the program, the doctor in charge, Bernardo arrives at the reception to direct the people to the testing area.

Similarly, at the Mexico City facility, the attending doctor, Osvaldo calls the three interested participants. There, the members of the localities enter a small room with a table in the center and two chairs at their opposite ends, being submitted to different questions that inflict their moral aspects and meet Satanás in one of the applied processes. At the end of the questionnaire, in both locations, the doctor in charge leaves the room, locks the door and throws an object that expels smoke and ends up fainting those present in the room.

Recap Quarentena - Protagonistas desacordados

Suddenly, Benito, Diego, Jeffrey, Lucie and Luis wake up together in a kind of bunker, inside a room with high temperatures unconnected and trapped by handcuffs through pipes, until at one point Jeff wakes up distraught and with his blurred vision and comes across a mysterious man using an unknown mechanism with glass ampoules on his arm, which is attached to everyone else’s arm. He then delivers a set of keys to the release of the others involved, informs them of the extreme circumstances they are exposed to and that he is the only person who can get them out of that location. During the conversation, an alarm begins to ring, he informs that he will return soon to assist them and that they must solve the threats in the room while waiting for his return.

In the course of the procedure, the test participants are subjected to boiling temperatures stemming from leaks in the piping pipes, as they cease the leaks and release all of their handcuffs, they feel a sting from the mysterious object they have trapped in their arm, Lucie tries to break it in order to remove the mechanism of her body, but is unsuccessful. In the meantime, Jeff searches for his pet hamster, Wallace, that is inside his pocket and safe. Timely, upon interruption of the alarm, the mysterious man returns to the room and presents himself as Micael, one of the Panacea Industries employees. He explains briefly to those present about the seriousness of the situation being subjected and asks them to follow him to help him in this threatening area.

Leaving the Temperature Room, Luis tries to remove the mechanism from his arm by slamming it against the metal door, but when he does it, Micael prevents this from happening and warns them about the importance of the object that keeps them alive. In the underground corridors of the facility, they meet in a bloodied enclosure, with metal plates to all sides and bodies of people wearing lab coats to the corners and continue following Micael through the corridors towards the Control Room. Arriving at the scene, they realize that it will be necessary to locate the red access card to enter the room, meanwhile, those present begin to hear sintered human cries from a distance and when looking behind, they feel a bad feeling, on the corner of the corridor they come across an amalgamated creature in three bright green bodies, with pulsating veins and technological devices connected by cables among the bodies that act erratically towards the participants. It's running towards them. And it wants to consume them. They both start to run to the Energy Room.

During the chase, Lucie along with Diego fall behind the rest of the group, forcing Lucie to throw her phone in the opposite direction to slow the threat’s advance. However, Lucie is grabbed by the leg by the creature, suffering a bite and feeling something infecting her body and her veins began to flow a green liquid. However, the mechanism in her arm applies something inside, causing the feeling to be extinguished. In the meantime, Diego and Luis help her out of the hands of the Infecteds, but Luis suffers a few bites from the creature, activating his glove and protecting him from infection, Lucie then takes Diego’s phone and hurls it in the opposite direction to help Luis, empowering him to escape the creature and everyone enters the safe room.

On the site, they are in a large wet room, with several pipe structures and steam pipes connected by electrical panels by all mediations, with large glass windows at the bottom of the room and bodies at the corners, and at the opposite side, there's computers, books, a work desk with the floor plan of the premises of the place and various notes. Given the situation, the group begins to despair, Diego realizes that his loyable partner, his backpack, was removed from his possession and is shaken by his loss and Jeffrey suffers a traumatic crisis until everyone feels a sting in the glove and remains more cornered again. In sequence, the group then decides to put together a plan and investigate the area in search of answers to what may be happening.

Recap Quarentena - Micael introduzindo a Estação Glacius

After investigating, Micael presents to the group the site plan of the Glacius Station, informing that he's an employee of Panacea Industries, but from another station and complements saying that he invaded the station for being tired of seeing new victims being brought to the region and prevent the virus that Panacea is developing, but it will be necessary to leave the station before that. For this, Micael completes stressing the need to find the Control Room, but that'll need one of the access cards of the directors, so he has two points of interest: the Medical Bay, place where it would have at least one of the cards and the Research Laboratory, where it would have answers about the studies and the substance applied by the glove that controls the effects involving the virus. Thus, they decide to separate into two groups of three people to investigate the demarcated sites simultaneously to streamline the processes of access to the Control Room, thus being defined: Benito, Jeffrey and Micael going to the Lab and Diego, Lucie and Luis going to the Medical Bay.

The two groups separate and each head to their destination. Lucie, Diego and Luis easily find the entrance to the medical bay, and upon entering they come across a poorly lit room, several bodies on the floor and the glimpse of an unknown person. To the right of the group there is the compartment with the lockers, from where it is possible to hear the noises of one of the infecteds trapped there. They enterr through the room and take hold of some instruments that were left. They approach the man, who presents himself as Mathias Bergman, the creator of the mechanism that keeps them immune, that informs that his glove has been sabotaged and he is infected and that both the gloves that can save him and the access card that the team needs are in the lockers next to the infected.

Recap Quarentena - Jeffrey e Benito com o braço de Micael

Simultaneously, the group of Jeffrey, Benito and Micael leave the energy room and suddenly Micael decides to leave the group, trying to enter and close himself inside the director’s office, stating that he has knowledge that cannot be lost. Benito tries to stop him, grabbing his arm and making it impossible for him to enter, but the mechanism that closes the door had already been triggered and as they fought, the force of the door severs Michael’s arm, leaving Benito and Jeffrey with an extra glove. With another infected emerging from the hallway, the two pass through the kitchen, taking the opportunity to get some resources, and find the laboratory.

Recap Quarentena - Ataque de Infectado

The group in the medical bay plans how to use the infected to contaminate the computer that controls the cabinets, to open them. After luring the creature out of the compartment, Lucie enters and climbs into the computer, while Luis and Diego push it in. Now aiming at Lucie, the being approaches and merges into the device, opening one of the cabinets. However, unlike to what Mathias claimed, there was only one gun inside them. The scientist reveals that there was no hope for him anymore and he wanted to die before being completely contaminated. He hands the access card to the team and tells that he was only involved in the project due to his brother Noah, who was the infected they defeated. Luis decides to use one of the remaining two bullets to kill Mathias.

Recap Quarentena - Benito e Jeffrey salvando Emi

Benito and Jeffrey, already at the entrance of the laboratory, come across Anderson fighting an infected, noting that the other two subjects didn't have the gloves with the antidotes. While Benito helps the man to defeat the creature, Jeffrey lets Wallace go, and after the end of the fight, Anderson reveals that something had been put in them and that the scientists were fighting for the gloves, which had apparently been stolen. He also asks them to save his daughter Emi, while passing out. To better understand the glove, the two decide to put the glove on the child, generating the disappearance of her infection. Jeffrey, searching for Wallace, finds several vials with contaminated fetuses, deciding to take one with him, and some huge test tubes. The investigation is interrupted by the child waking up and fighting with both of them over the death of her father. They convince her to stay in the pantry, and look around again. Both find notes from scientists on the vulnerability of the virus to the cold and an emergency protocol. However, a deeper analysis is impossible due to the infected bodies starting to awaken. Just before leaving, Jeffrey finds Wallace, only to know that the hamster is contaminated and fused with one of the bodies, and unable to do much Jeffrey leaves Wallace behind and leaves the lab with Benito and Emi.

With the necessary information to save themselves, the three head to the control room where they meet Lucie, Diego and Luis with the access card to enter the place. Both groups tell each other what they discovered and did while they were separated, and after some discussions the group enters the lobby. Lucie and Emi decide to analyze the computers, managing to release a message in the control room and open the door that leads to it. Lucie also discovers that the virus, also called I-413, is being produced by Panacea as a solution to an even bigger problem and the plan is to release it, being mentioned two products: the one from Glacius Station and the other from Igneus Station.

After opening the door of the control room, the group finds themselves in a room full of computers, with several screens showing the images of the cameras from all the other rooms of the station. Jeffrey decides to try his luck with the main computer, accessing the message in Portuguese that had been released by the lobby. The message is signed by Alice and appears to be intended for her daughter/son, appearing to have contact with the board and receiving updates on the project. Something unknown is mentioned that they would be trying to attract, the subjects and effigies being part of this plan. Lucie activates the emergency protocol that shuts down the heating system, but to activate the protocol it is necessary to trigger a lever in the power room. Before leaving they investigate a bit the place, finding a document about the mechanism of the gloves they are wearing.

Recap Quarentena - Infectado atacando Jeffrey

They leave the control room, and suddenly a group of infecteds emerge, with many more numbers than before, starting to chase them. Luis tries to shoot the creatures, but fails; Lucie, Diego, and Jeffrey fail to run fast enough and fall behind. Benito throws his phone and Luis throws his lighter into barrels with flammable contents, exploding them; Jeffrey dodges the explosion, but Lucie is hit and thrown forward. Benito and Jeffrey, who were in front, are cornered by another infected, being grabbed and bitten by them. Lucie and Emi manage to get away from the creatures. Benito manages to free himself, but Diego is now caught and attacked, Emi reaches the energy room, but she doesn't manage to understand what to do and ends up not being able to activate the lever, starting to cry thinking that she's not enough. Everyone but Jeffrey and Diego reach the energy room, and due to one of the attacks Jeffrey begins to hemorrhage. At the same time, Luis reaches the lever and freezes the entire station, stopping the attack of the infected and freezing them. Everyone rushes to try to help Jeffrey who ends up being saved by Diego, who stops the bleeding and Lucie who uses some medical resources, which she had found, to help stabilize him.

Recap Quarentena - Micael explicando tudo

With the situation more controlled, the group realizes that the door of the director’s office opens. Inside, they find Micael who was waiting for them, still without one of his arms, but staying immune thanks to an extra glove he carried. Michael decides to explain the situation to them by opening the entrance door while telling them that he intended to stop the development of the virus and that Panacea purposely released the virus to its employees. What they called the Infecticide was brought to the Glacius Station as a weapon against something worse, mentioning this something as "it". He says that in fact, it is they who are invading the house of this and that Panacea planned to kill it. Micael says that now he understands what is happening. He needed to set him free. It is hunting outside the station. He says that the real terror will start now, and they don't have nowhere to run. The doors open and finally it is revealed: the group is in a secluded place, surrounded only by snow and some other buildings similar to bunkers.

Documents and evidences[]

Main page: Documents
Evidence Description
No illustration
In the Energy Room of Glacius Station, documents were found that clarify more about Panacea Industries. Among them:
  • A stack of newspapers from different locations around the world with varying dates inside boxes, from which Lucie deduces that employees do not have access to external information and receive newspapers in batches to make them aware of what is happening abroad;
  • A comparative spreadsheet on data from two different stations: Glacius Station and Igneus Station; It is
  • On one of the bodies, he carries the same glove that the group uses, functional, Benito deduces that it is used to inject some kind of medicine, lowering the body temperature;[2]
Glacius Plant in Quarantine
In Glacius, the site plan was located on the wall of the Energy Room.[3]
Labotatório de Pesquisa da Glacius - Fetos
In the Glacius Research Laboratory, a shelf was found with several jars containing fetuses infected with the same virus as creatures.[4]
Report on the I-413 Spreading Capacity
Report on the I-413 Spreading Capacity, made by Mathias Bergman, found by Jeffrey Bacon in the Glacius Research Lab.[5]
Labotatório de Pesquisa da Glacius - Calculos
In the Glacius Research Laboratory, a table was located with chemical calculations regarding studies regarding the virus, found by Benito Camelo.[6]
No illustration
In the Control Room Lobby, after research carried out by Lucie Pocharde on the local computer, it was discovered that Panacea was developing the I-413 virus as a product to make it stronger in order to combat a larger and later problem release of this virus. Furthermore, there is information about 2 different products, one from Glacius Station and the other from Igneus Station.[7]
Monitor 1 na Sala de Controle
In the Control Room, on the central monitor, a screen was located containing information about the Glacius and Igneus Project and its final stage activation.[8]
Monitor 2 na Sala de Controle
In the Control Room, on the central monitor, a message from Alice to her daughter is identified. Informing about the Glacius project and future plans.[9]
Working in progress
Note from Pete, the "janitor", asking about the location of the coats for Carmen, found by Benito Camelo in the Control Room lobby closet[10]
Report on the Manufacturing of the Gloves
Report on the glove manufacturing project, carried out by Noah Bergman, found by Lucie Pocharde in the Glacius Project Control Room.[11]
Monitor 3 na Sala de Controle
In the Control Room, the central monitor screen at the initiation of the Glacius Station temperature reduction process.[12]

Episode cast[]


  • This is the first Paranormal Order's session played in another language.
  • With exactly six hours of duration, this is the fourth longest session of the entire series.
  • This was the first session in over two years to be streamed remotely and not in the studio. The last session presented in this way was the end of the Deconjuration, "Kian".
  • With a peak of 220k viewers live, this is the most watched Tabletop RPGs stream in Twitch's history.



  1. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 5h19m32s)
  2. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h54m50s)
  3. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h02m25s)
  4. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h29m30s)
  5. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h39m50s)
  6. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h42m45s)
  7. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h07m00s)
  8. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h11m00s)
  9. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h13m05s)
  10. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h25m00s)
  11. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h27m20s)
  12. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h31m52s)