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Elementos do Outro Lado

The Other Side knowledge can be divided in five main elements...

The Other Side Elements are one of the main components of the Occultism. It can be divided in five main elements: Blood, Death, Knowledge, Energy and Fear. Each of these elements have unique properties and are responsible for defining the characteristics of the materializations of the Other Side in Reality.

The Relics of Calamity are the Bridge of each Other Side Element with Reality, being the responsibles to allow them to manifestate there.[2]

Element of Blood[]


The Blood is the entity of Feelings. It seeks the intensity: pain, obsession, passion, love, hunger, hate - everything involving feeling an extreme emotion pleases the Blood Entity.

The extreme feelings of Blood surpass the Knowledge's reason and calmness.

The Blood was the first element presented, through the Nostradamus High School in The Paranormal Order.

It is the impulse of the vehemence of the feelings of entities in Reality.

This element is related to extreme emotions such as hunger, pain, love, hate, passion and obsession. The colors that represent the Blood are shades of red. The Blood is effective against the element of Knowledge, because the extreme feelings of the Blood surpass the reason and calm of Knowledge, while the element of Death is effective against the Blood, because the temporal distortion of Death ruins the carnal perception of the Blood.

The behavior of the Blood entity seems to devour all available flesh and blood in Reality, causing as much pain as possible in the most extreme and intense way.

By transcending with 55% paranormal exposure, Arthur Cervero communicates with the entity of Blood. At that moment he saw a red ocean that seemed to have no end spreading through the skies. As Arthur watched this inverted ocean, formed by waves of an aggressive liquid that emits growling sounds, he was invaded by a stream of terrible and intense feelings.[3]

In the Deconjuration Order prophecy, it is possible to find the Blood's guide phrase:

Everything starts with Blood. Blood is the flow that drenches the eternity of the Other Side.

Blood's guide phrase


Alterações de Sangue em Sobrevivendo ao Horror

Having an affinity with the element of Blood means being chosen by your Entity. Among the various consequences of this, it is possible to mention: Acute senses, greater sensitivity to pain, veins jumped, red eyes, teeth and sharp nails, emotional intensity, change in body structure, such as weight, size, musculature, etc. The greater an occultist’s affinity with the Blood Entity, the greater his proximity to a beastly creature.


Blood rituals are always associated with physical and aggressive changes, with gross and brutal results. Some requirements for conjuring Blood rituals highlight the idea of feeling pain, they being self-mutilation, bloodshed and use of human or animal organs.

Símbolo Medalhão

The effects of rituals are also linked to specific conditions, as the Blood Paralysis Ritual, which leaves the person to whom the ritual has been conjured in a state of paralysis and causing them to only be able to resist its influence. The Flesh Out Ritual causes the target’s skin to be torn apart in a very painful way, stressing the feeling of pain.


The creatures of Blood are bestial, aggressive and disgusting, being mostly blind, but with other extremely sharp senses, especially touch. These entities always have a reddish color, and, for the most part, an exposed skin, with claws and sharp teeth, along with a disgusting and thick liquid, similar but different to human blood.

Miniatura Zumbi de Sangue Dentado em Calamidade Arte Aberração de Carne no Livro de Regras

The behavior of these creatures changed throughout the seasons, becoming more beastly and extremely aggressive, physically attacking anyone who is in their reach, and, to date, have not been seen performing rituals. Blood creatures are the ones who feel the most pain, among the other elements.

Some examples of Blood creatures are the Blood Zombies and the Flesh Aberration.

Element of Death[]

For the deaths in Paranormal Order, see Deaths.

The Death is the entity of Time. It seeks the lived moments, distorting the egocentric perception of each individual's existence for its own satisfaction.

The temporal distortion of Death ruins the Blood's carnal perception.

The Death was the second element presented, through the Black Ooze and Holy Cradle in The Secret in the Forest.

It must maintain the chronology of Reality so that all stories have an end.

This element is related to several characteristics such as spirals, repetition, black ooze and temporal distortion, in addition to distorting the egoic perception of the existence of each individual. The colors that represent this element are black and shades of gray. Death is effective against the element of Blood, because the temporal distortion of Death ruins the carnal perception of Blood, while the element of Energy is effective against Death, because the transformation of Energy overloads the effects of Death.

The behavior of the Death entity seems to revolve around itself, successively seeking the application of Potential Energy dedicated to the Death spirals. Every second one loses contemplating the spirals is a second that one could be doing other things, living other experiences. All those moments that could happen but did not happen, thanks to Death, are called "Potential Energy" or "Entropy", and seem to be the Death Entity’s ultimate goal. The contemplation of the spirals strengthens the temporal distortion effects of this entity, making it more powerful.

In the Paranormal Order RPG Playbook it is revealed what happens when communicating with the entity of Death when transcended in 55% of paranormal exposure: according to the book, it is like a spiral in the center of an infinite immensity where time does not exist and each moment is eternal and sudden at the same time, the black ooze as an eternal whirlpool guards all the moments stolen by Death and the spiral immensity faces your soul longing for its future. You are insignificant to the splendor of time.

In one of Cellbit' streams, the guide phrase for Death was revealed:

Everything has a start and an end, and Time takes everything with it. Nothing transformed by Death can return to what was before.

Death's guide phrase


Alterações de Morte em Sobrevivendo ao Horror

Having an affinity to the element of Death means being chosen by your Entity. Among the various consequences of this, it is possible to mention: change in skin color, having a more grayish appearance, change in hair color, changing to black or white tones, black stripes marked on the face, completely black eyes, darkened blood, spontaneous aging, enhanced reflexes, weight loss, change in bone structure, change in temporal perception, as well as a cooler and apathetic personality, having an disaffection in relation to the impact that death can generate.


The rituals of Death are always associated with temporal distortion and organic degradation, either by the perception of time altered physically or psychologically. Some requirements for conjuring Death rituals, such as human or animal ashes, convey the idea of things that are no longer alive.


The effects of rituals highlight the idea of changing the passage of time, as the Cicatrization Ritual, that accelerates the healing of a wound in a spiral shape. The Consume the Source Ritual allows the user to absorb the Potential Energy around them, temporarily increasing their vitality.


The creatures of Death are apathetic, always showing cruelty, coldness, indifference and fickle movements. The temporal perception of Death creatures is completely distorted and can be extremely slow or accelerated. In some cases, Death creatures can accelerate their own temporal perception, becoming momentarily accelerated and then temporarily slowed down. Its anatomy always presents a skeletal and slender shape, along with the characteristic Black Ooze of Death, and may also have spiral shapes.

Arte do Enraizado no livro de regrasMiniatura da Marionete em Calamidade

The behavior of these creatures is hostile. Some creatures have erratic, inconstant, and anachronistic motion due to the change in the passage of time in their own body, causing their movement to be accelerated and slowed down in moments. Creatures of Death have been shown to be capable of performing rituals.

Some examples of Death creatures are the Roottens and The Puppet.

Element of Knowledge[]


The Knowledge is the entity of Consciousness. Discovering, learning, knowing, deciphering. Having one's own perception of the Other Side and its entities pleases the Knowledge element.

The reason and logic of Knowledge reintegrate and suppress the Energy's chaos.

The Knowledge was the third symbol presented, through the Transcend Ritual and the Escribes in Paranormal Order: Deconjuration. Although this was its most direct introduction, it already appeared in The Secret in the Forest in the form of Sigils of Knowledge in the Holy Cradle Spiral Symbol.

It must maintain balance so that Reality will elicit a purpose.

This element is characterized by discovering, deciphering, understanding and learning, and is directly linked to the "Whispers of Knowledge". The colors that represent this element are white and shades of yellow. Knowledge is effective against the element of Energy, because the reason and logic of Knowledge reintegrate and suppress the chaos of Energy, while the element of Blood is effective against Knowledge, because the extreme feelings of Blood overcome the reason and calmness of Knowledge.

The behavior of the Knowledge Entity seems to be directly connected with the idea of discovering, remembering, learning and recording information. Events that were a great source of Fear, recorded in texts, words or even Sigils, please and strengthen the entity of Knowledge. To fully understand Knowledge would be the equivalent of knowing absolutely everything on the Other Side.

By transcending with 55% paranormal exposure, Carina Leone communicates with the Knowledge entity. She sees herself in the infinite immensity of Fear listening to a familiar noise that gets louder and louder, bordering on the unbearable. This noise was actually composed of millions of voices that were screaming in a desperate and evil chorus, while whispering words, possibilities, nightmares and stories.[4]

In the Deconjuration Order prophecy, it is possible to find the Knowledge's guide phrase:

To know all is to lose all.

Knowledge's guide phrase


Alterações de Conhecimento em Sobrevivendo ao Horror

Having an affinity to the element of Knowledge means being chosen by your Entity. Among the various consequences of this, it is possible to mention: Yellow or whitish eyes, inscriptions on the skin, lack of emotions, golden aura, body parts such as arms, legs and fingers elongated and thin, brittle bones, disappearance of lips/ mouth and ears, dark circles, and result in a more logical, strategic and often manipulative personality.


The rituals of Knowledge are always associated with the perception of Reality, manipulation of human communication, and any means of communication with the Other Side and its Entities. The most common requirement for conjuring Knowledge rituals is to focus on symbols, with the exception of the Paranormal Insight Ritual that requires being near to a candle.

Símbolo Triangular

An example ritual that allows the user to grant an effect is the Change Memory Ritual, making the target become unable to recall certain moments of their life. The Knowledge Passage Ritual has the effect of transferring consciousness from one individual to another, the results of which can be varied.


The creatures of Knowledge present themselves as logical and vaguely intelligent, demonstrating a kind of awareness of their own actions, having their individual motivations among themselves. Many creatures of this element are created from the human mind and its greatest fears. The appearance of these entities has great similarities with humans, emphasizing that their origin comes from the human mind.

Arte do Vulto no Livro de RegrasArte do Lembrado no Livro de Regras

These creatures have a more neutral behavior compared to creatures of other elements, only attacking if they are attacked first. They act less bestial and more thinking, and may even feel fear and anxiety, being creatures capable of performing rituals.

Some examples of Knowledge creatures are the Figures and the Remembereds.

Element of Energy[]


The Energy is the entity of Chaos. Everything that cannot be explained, the intangible, anarchy. The constant change, the heat and the cold, the light and the darkness. Everything that involves unpredictability and transformation pleases the Energy Entity.

The transformation of Energy overloads the Death's effects.

The Energy was the fourth element presented, through the Energy Existeds and the Production in The Host's Room in Paranormal Order: Deconjuration. However, this entity only received greater prominence in Paranormal Order: Calamity, with the effects caused by The Host in the Ordo Calamitas Ruins.

It determines unpredictability, since not even the chains of Reality should control everything.

This element is characterized by everything that cannot be controlled, the intangible, anarchy and transformation. One of the most striking manifestations of this element is in a ghostly ethereal form, described as a matter that is in constant transformation between the solid, liquid and gaseous states that acquires a "liquid flame" appearance, in the colors that represent the Energy, shades of purple, blue, cyan, green and pink. Energy is effective against the element of Death, because the transformation of Energy overloads the effects of Death, while the element of Knowledge is effective against Energy, because the reason and logic of Knowledge reintegrate and suppress the chaos of Energy.

The Energy Entity behaves differently from the others, appearing never to follow a specific logical pattern. Their motivations seem to be connected only with their own entertainment, causing pain and agony to others. Energy represents all chaos, anarchy, constant change and unpredictability.

By transcending with 55% paranormal exposure, Rubens Naluti communicates with the Energy entity. He sees himself in the infinite immensity of Fear and begins to see as if the galaxy is changing, with the stars colliding, merging and deforming without end or beginning. The environment spins wildly in opposite directions, like a huge whirlwind of bright flame energy, with explosions happening in all directions and at all times. This environment looks like a spectacle of endless fireworks, completely illogical and chaotic, with some of them imploding as supernovas, in constant transformation.[5]

In the Deconjuration Order prophecy, it is possible to find Energy's phrase guide:

Chaos is inevitable.

Energy's guide phrase


Alterações de Energia em Sobrevivendo ao Horror

Having an affinity to the element of Energy means being chosen by your Entity. Among the various consequences of this, it is possible to mention: multicolored eyes, glowing veins, uncontrollable tics, shaking, anxiety attacks, hyperactivity, burns, hair and skin with vibrant colors, parts of the body mixed with technology or metal objects, eyes glowing in the dark, plus an unpredictable, chaotic and insane personality.


Energy rituals usually have a very exorbitant result, where the same manifestation can cause an extreme or subtle effect. The effects of distortion in Reality due to Energy are always associated with the transformation of natural elements, such as water, fire, temperature, wind, electricity, among others. The Energy element is also associated with technology and electronic objects such as televisions, computers, cables, the internet, etc. The requirements shown so far to perform rituals of this element are to hold a technological object in your hands, be close to a power source and squeeze two batteries.


As an example ritual, we have the Curse Tech Ritual, which makes the user’s chosen firearms work beyond their ability, giving the weapon additional modifications. The rituals of "Ghostly Shape" and Phantom Leap are able to transform the user’s body, being the former able to deal damage to the mind of its target.


Energy creatures are chaotic and unpredictable, often acting completely irrationally and randomly, and can often be something immaterial, such as a computer program, a sound wave or even a spirit. These creatures often show in their appearance an ethereal form, exuding a paranormal plasma energy in constant transformation, almost like a moving flame.

Miniatura Perturbado de Energia três cabeças em DesconjuraçãoArte de Tempestuoso em Livro de Regras

These creatures have hostile behavior and, unlike most creatures of other elements, their attacks primarily affect the mind of their targets, through the use of rituals. Some of them are able to show disturbing visions when attacking, which affects only the sanity of the target, while others are able to hit their targets physically, affecting the sanity together.

Some examples of Energy creatures are the Chaos Disturbeds and the Tempestuous.

Element of Fear[]


The Fear is the entity of the unknown and the infinity. Present since the dawn of humanity, it changes the nature of the universe. Its differentiated existence is a mystery.

Official description[6]

Fear is the Entity of the Other Side itself and the most mysterious element. Nothing in it can be classified as in the other elements.[7][8][9] All paranormal manifestations are generated by fear. The physical manifestation of Fear in Reality is incomprehensible and impossible, as if it were a transparent flame, distorting all reality around it. The few who witnessed such a manifestation also described seeing "a glimpse of God" as if the human brain itself could not process an impossible event like this.

Despite all this, it is believed that the mysterious fog found in places with the damaged veil is the manifestation of the most present Fear within Reality.

The element of Fear is expected to be further explored in Enigma of Fear, as its plot will involve a cult focused on it.

In the Deconjuration Order prophecy, it is possible to find Fear's guide phrase:

Fear is infinite.

Fear's guide phrase


Fear rituals are directly connected with disregard for the rules of the Other Side, being capable of gigantic and terrifying deeds. Only the "Markeds", those connected with their "Marks" through Fear, can conjure Fear rituals.

Símbolo Invocar Névoa

As an example ritual, there's the Cineraria Ritual, a ritual that manifests the Paranormal fog, strengthening all paranormal manifestations of the area. Another example of a ritual of Fear is the Reject the Fog Ritual, whose ability is to summon a swirl of fog, capable of weakening all rituals in the area.


Some creatures associated with Fear can transcend the "rules" of their own elements, and facing them involves a complex process, requiring the solution of specific puzzles and mysteries.[10]

Miniatura Degolificada em Desconjuração

The behaviors of the Fear creatures are diverse, being usually dictated by some of their other elements.

The only Fear creature as the main element is the Degolified.[10]

Enigma of Fear[]

Monsters composed of this element have a mystery that surrounds its existence and is part of its history, being called "Enigma of Fear". If investigated the creatures and solved their mystery, the consequences range from the removal of some of their abilities or even the complete defeat of the creature.

However, there are monsters of the same type that despite having the same Enigma of Fear, their solution or details may vary depending on the monster’s manifestation individually. For example: two Degolifieds may arise from manifestations of different motives, but the answer to solving the mystery of the transformed child may lie in the way they were killed.

Elements Combinations[]

Although the elements are effective against each other, they can appear combined in the form of rituals or creatures.

SimboloMarcadoNoChaoArte do Parasita de Culpa no Livro de Regras

The Hear the Whispers Ritual is an example ritual that combines the elements Death, Knowledge and Energy, allowing the user to communicate with spirits of a particular location.

The Guilt Parasite is an example of a creature with several elements combined, being a creature of Knowledge with complement of Blood, Death and Fear.

The weakness of these creatures is determined by their main element, with the Guilt Parasite being weak to Blood and resistant to Knowledge; in the case of the Traveler, being weak to Knowledge and resistant to Energy.

Impossible Union[]

Símbolo de Tenebris

It is said that Tenebris represents, through its bells, "the impossible union of what repels each other". According to the main records, this connection refers to the distinct and opposing interactions that exist between the Elements of Blood, Death, Knowledge and Energy.

Each of these Elements carries its own unique essence, and when they interact with each other, they tend to act in opposing ways. However, under the influence of the Six Bells of Tenebris, these Elements find a paradoxical balance. This union manifests itself in unpredictable ways, resulting in the creation of creatures and manifestations of this colligation that defy logic and Reality. The known connections so far are as follows:


  • The Energy symbol first appeared hidden in one of the published arts on September 2, 2020 from the clothing set of The Secret in the Forest.[14]
  • The fact that each element is presented more directly in different campaigns is purposeful on the part of Cellbit, who develops these aspects of them as the story progresses.[15]
  • According to the information established in the universe and in the Paranormal Order RPG Playbook, it is impossible for anyone to have an affinity with the Element of Fear and its Entity.


  1. Deconjuration - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 02h58m49s)
  2. The Host tells about the Relics of Calamity in Calamity - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 57m33s)
  3. Calamity - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 1h41m29s)
  4. Calamity - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 1h45m22s)
  5. Calamity - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 1h48m27s)
  7. Dica de Cellbit sobre o elemento Medo
  8. Dica de Cellbit sobre o elemento Medo 2
  9. Twitch. Stream "DOMINGÃO DE REDDIT, QSMP, eu sou babaca, hollow knight, bookwalker" of Cellbit in July 19, 2023 (watch on Twitch at 5h8m50s)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Twitter. Tweet from OrdemParanormal
  11. Synchronic nature of the Paint noted by Cavalcante in The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 3h22m59s)
  12. Synchronic nature of the Paint noted by Arthur in The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 3h19m08s)
  13. Confirmation of the Signals being emitted by the Varminho's Bell in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 4211s)
  14. Twitter. Tweet from @Artcorvu (September 2, 2020)
  15. YouTube. Respostas do Outro Lado, com CELLBIT - ORDEMCAST Ep. 43.