Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

The Old Gatekeeper was a Lusidii and one of several residents of Holy Cradle, exercising his role as Gatekeeper in the village. At some point before Team H arrives at Holy Cradle, he passes away, and eventually The Gatekeeper takes over his position.


The Old Gatekeeper was a middle-aged man, with short white hair, who, like all the inhabitants of the village of Holy Cradle, had grayish skin, completely black eyes, pointed ears and stripes on his face, which in his case were one coming down from each side. side from the edge of your eyes. He wore a beige shirt over a long-sleeved white shirt and brown boots.


Like the other residents of Holy Cradle, the Old Gatekeeper was very receptive and friendly, guaranteeing everyone, visitor or resident, a good comfort. He also had great admiration for the city, loving living there and consuming its wonderful space.

