Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

It'll always be hunting you.

Paranormal Order RPG Playbook

The Nidere, also known as Ooze Dog, is a bizarre and distorted paranormal creature of similar shape to a wolf of Death with complements of Blood and Fear that lives in the forest and wild environments, being responsible for several disappearances of campers. The Nidere is a brutal creature extremely fierce and effective in hunting and, having been directly sighted very few times and having a mysterious nature, were created several groups and TV programs dedicated to finding him.

Its first appearance was in the 9th episode of The Secret in the Forest, after Thiago Fritz light a lighter in front of the Infinite Labyrinth and start the Holy Cradle's "Night".[1] The creatures in this manifestation originated from Holy Cradle, in order to protect it, also possessing a completely different nature, being a creature much smaller and weaker.

Later in the 2nd episode of Quarantine, a similar creature returns, now roaming the region near Igneus Station in Greenland, hunting and brutally murdering anyone who crosses its path, being responsible for the deaths of multiple employees of Panacea Industries, Lucie Pocharde and Carol, on site facilities.[2]


Nidere no Livro de Regras

Nidere is a huge twisted and disfigured wolf, walking on two legs, but with its spine completely inverted back, making it walk almost as if on its back. Its head is that of a skull of a wolf upside down, where originally would be the lower part of itss jaw, and it also has two bright red eyes.

Miniatura Nidere em Quarentena

Its front legs are shaped like human hands, with huge claws, similar to that of a werewolf, and its torso and other parts of its body are completely torn, with bones and muscles visible and leaking out of its body. Its ribs are large, forming like thorns in its "back" because of its inverted shape. Nidere’s neck is bizarre and deformed, having a much larger and thicker shape than it should, almost as if it had exploded from the inside out, with huge veins pulsing on the outside. Its tail is huge, and just like the rest of its body has a fur that varies between dark and light colors, depending on the environment in which it is located.

Ooze Dog[]

Miniatura Nidere em O Segredo na Floresta

Nidere's Holy Cradle manifestation has the shape of a large wolf with the body covered with ooze, possessing grayish coat, sharp claws and sharp teeth and ears.[1] In place of a normal head, an inverted wolf skull originates, covering its face and showing only its vibrant red eyes and a gigantic mouth full of black ooze. There are also some tentacles tied around its neck, forming a small mane.[3]


Nidere is a born and fierce hunter, being extremely dangerous and very difficult to deal with directly. Because of their senses, the Nideres have a perfect sense of direction and never get lost, easily finding their victims and possible traps that would capture them. The Nideres always have dens, where the reason for their manifestation can be found, a place that should not be accessed in the creature’s presence, since they are even more lethal when they are inside their homes. Still, the dens are more of a trap of the creature itself than a solution, since many traces leading to them are left by Nidere itself in search of more prey.


  • Fast Hunter: The Nidere is a powerful hunter, being fast, stealthy and accurate. It hunts its victims in an almost systematic way, never letting a prey escape alive.[4]
  • Inverted Claw: The Nidere strikes with its sharp claws, completely tearing its targets apart.[5]
  • Inverted Bite: With its face inverted, the creature opens its mouth, which spits out rotten saliva, and bites its prey, tearing out blood and flesh, bite by bite.[6]

Ooze Dog[]

  • Track and Kill: In addition to its enormous size and physical resistance, it can move extremely agile and quickly, with its main form of attack being its teeth and claws, capable of piercing human flesh easily and releasing the prey only after being heavily damaged.[3]
  • Adaptability: This creature has no internal organs or blood, formed only of ooze, which allows it to remain alive even after losing several members or even half of its torso. As long as the skull in its head is not destroyed the creature remains standing.[7]
  • Sociable Creature: The Nideres not only share the physical and behavioral characteristics of wolves, always walking in groups with other Nideres or with other similar creatures. They have been seen attacking along with Figures, Ooze Snakes and Ooze Horses.


  • The monster’s name backward, Eredin, is the name of one of Cellbit’s dogs.
  • The concept of Nidere arose from an optical illusion, when Cellbit was lying down and looked at Eredin, who was on top of him. He seemed to be upside down, as if he had an inverted skull with his eyes under his jaw, all due to the distorted point of view. This led to an inside joke in the community and this creature was named Nidere, which is the inspiration for the creation of the monster in the RPG.[8]
  • Nidere’s sheet in The Secret in the Forest was the first monster sheet revealed to the public, shown on one of Cellbit’s streams on his Twitch.
  • Nidere was the monster used in the playtest of Calamity.[9]
  • Nidere has a theme song: "Nidere".


