Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

Miguel Cariad, shoot! This is your mission!

Mariana Larona[1]

Mariana Larona was a secondary character present in The Secret in the Forest. Mariana was a personal trainer from the city of São Paulo. She was part of Team Kelvin, along with her partners Miguel Cariad and Kenan Thomas.



Mariana was a 1.80 meter tall black woman. Her hair was curly and medium-length, she had dark brown eyes and she had a very athletic and muscular physique exposed by the black tank top she wears, with black pants and shoes. Mariana had a correct posture and a serious look that increased her imposing aura. She shared the tattoo that covers her right arm with her Team Kelvin colleagues, being the shortest of the trio, but the one with the most prominent muscles.[2]


Mariana, like her colleagues, was one of the best paranormal investigators in the country. Therefore, she had a professional and cold attitude, saying only what was necessary to other people. In contrast, she was very open with her friends, laughing and joking often with them. Mariana acted towards people with respect, calling them by their surname due to her soldier-like military behavior.



Not much is known about Mariana's past, but it is very likely that she met Kenan and Miguel in her childhood or adolescence, and became friends with them both. By extension, she resides in São Paulo.

Ordo Realitas[]

Eventually, together with her friends, she enters the Order and is trained by Arnaldo Fritz, who teaches her how to deal with the paranormal. From this, together with Kenan and Miguel, Team Kelvin was created, which for years resolved various cases for the order, making them professionals.

Carpazinha Case[]

Team Kelvin is recruited to solve the case of Carpazinha, based on the body of Rafael Montes, who had a occultist symbol marked on the forehead. The symbol in question was related to the SB Project, familiar to Mariana, as well as to the other team members. After traveling to the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, the team talks to Victor Rott about the case, which leads her to go with her friends to the Ape Hangers bar, and meet The Blacksmith, which takes the three investigators, in the middle of the night, to Holy Cradle, and in the middle of the investigation, together with the two, Mariana gets to know a little about the place and books a room at the hotel there.

In the middle of the night, she ends up having to confront a Guilt Parasite. which incorporates the image of his former teacher, Arnaldo Fritz, revealing some relationship between Team Kelvin and his death. The group defeats the parasite and the next day, everyone wakes up and decides to visit the infinite labyrinth, where they speculate to be the center of everything. However, none of them get anywhere, even though they walk for a long time, and in the end, they decide to separate, leaving Miguel in the city. Mariana and Kenan return to Carpazinha with the objective of getting an internet signal and writing a report and sending it to the order. Halfway through, the two realize that the time and date in the outside world is inconsistent with the time they were in Holy Cradle. Despite everything, they write the report and return to the paranormal village.

Upon entering the place, she and Kenan meet Miguel, who tells the two that two weeks have passed since they left. And in a complementary way, he explains how Holy Cradle works, its time differences with the rest of the world and explains several other things related to the nature of the environment there. The group begins to discuss and based on Cariad's explanations, they come to the conclusion that if they mark the spiral symbol, they can guide themselves through the maze. Mariana draws the symbol on Miguel with a survival knife, which manages to guide them through the mist-filled paths. They arrive in a dark cave and decide to explore the place in search of answers. But they end up being cornered by Ferreira and her assistant, who attack them, suspecting the team's intentions regarding Holy Cradle. The group manages to defeat the two in a fight, and Cariad pulls a firearm against Ferreira's head, and in the process, he takes the form of a Lusidii. Together with Kenan, Mariana asks Miguel to kill Ferreira so the three of them can destroy the place, and finally advance in the investigation. Mariana's last moments were marked by tension between the group, which began to question the sanity of Cariad, which had been taken by the temptation of Holy Cradle, as it was an apparently utopian place. He then shoots Mariana in the head, who dies at the scene.


Knife A melee blade.[3]


  • Arnaldo Fritz: Arnaldo and Mariana's relationship was never shown, but it was possible to see that just like Kenan and Miguel, Mariana respected him as a mentor.
  • Kenan Thomas: Kenan and Mariana were best friends and spent a lot of time together working on missions and outside the Order, they played a lot of jokes with each other and had a great relationship.
  • Miguel Cariad: Mariana and Miguel were best friends, and just like her relationship with Kenan, she spent several moments with him at work and outside of it, but, in her last moments of life, she was clearly nervous with having her best friend pointing a gun at her.


  • While Kenan and Miguel were constantly called by their respective surnames, Mariana was called Mari instead of Larona, making her the only one on Team Kelvin not to be called by her surname once.


