Maethe Lima, better known only as Maethe, is a streamer and content creator.
Maethe was one of the new players of the Paranormal Order series, playing as Ayla Valença in the Christmas special, Gruesome Christmas.
- Ayla Valença (POGC): An intelligent and helpful person, but rather afraid and averse to loneliness. Ayla boards a night bus to visit her family at Christmas without counting on the detour that will take her for a scary journey in the Goodwill Moon's Camp.
- Maethe is one of the various names that can be found on the gravestones in Enigma of Fear, more specifically in the Graveyard of Melodies maze. On her gravestone, has the phrase "Look, a kitty! Pspspspspsps." written.
Maethe as Ayla Valença in POGC