Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

Everybody's gonna die. It's not fair... Is it?

Lucie Pocharde

Lucie Pocharde was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Paranormal Order: Quarantine.[2]

She was at Panacea Industries in Rio de Janeiro, registering for the medical trial in search of making quick money,[3] which led to her kidnapping and being subjected to various experiments with the Infecticide virus.

Later, Lucie was killed by a Nidere while saving Emi from the creature’s clutches and helping her cross the barricade left by Carol at the Igneus Station and being devoured and left in the gravely wounded place until her last breath.


Lucie was a white woman with short stature, olive-green eyes and black hair at chin height; she had round lens glasses with golden hoops and a gray cap with a silver brooch of an apple, in addition to having a small scratch in the center of the left eyebrow. She wore a dark-blue long neck sweater, overlaid by a white shirt with details of yellow buttons and a beige sweater on top. She wore a pair of baggy gray pants and black sneakers in white laces; Lucie carried with her a brown crossbody bag with golden details, on her shoulders, with the strap being tied by a hand-knotted knot.

Arte de Lucie Pocharde com roupas de frio e luva em Quarentena

Lucie also had small tattoos on her right arm, such as a rose, pickaxe, koala and a phrase ("ART", with the rest being covered by her robes).

After the events of the 1st episode of Quarantine and the preparation to face the cold of Igneus Station, in addition to wearing the glove with the antidote to the Infecticide virus, Lucie ended up taking some of the winter clothes that Panacea had left in the director’s office. She wore a gray cold blouse with the Panacea Industries symbol printed on the back and left sleeve over her outfit, plus a light blue scarf around her neck, a reinforced green pants and snow boots the same color as the blouse.


Lucie was a smart and determined young woman. She had a protective moral stance towards animals. Nevertheless, she engages in arguments when necessary, even with children, as she did when she argued with Emi. However, she demonstrated her empathy when she starts to protect Emi after the traumatic events in the laboratory.


Lucie was looking for some easy money and decided to participate in the research at the Panacea Industries offices. He and Diego will participate in the research along with a man and his daughter. The questionnaire is extremely simple, involving questions about personal preferences and tastes. However, at a certain point, the four find themselves locked in the room and an object is left inside, releasing smoke that makes them faint.

When Lucie wakes up, she finds herself in a very hot bunker with several pipes smoking. She is tied up in the room as are 3 other people, with the exception of a young man, who was untying another man. The young man, known as Jeffrey, hands the keys to the other man, who Luis then precedes to release the other people in the room, including Lucie, who, after being released, helps the others close the valves.

When everything calms down, she talks to Jeffrey, Benito, Luis and Diego about the situation. They notice the strange glove attached to their wrist, which injects an icy substance from time to time. They try to withdraw, but to no avail. Some time later a man, named Micael Cruzes, appears.

Micael says he works there, but he needs their help to escape with his life. Lucie and the group, without many options, follow Micael to a room where they find a map that indicates where the main information and items they need to escape are. Then, Luis, Diego and Lucie split from the rest and go to the medical wing to get an access card.

Arriving at the medical wing, the trio encounter a man named Mathias. This man claims to be a local scientist, but he had no hope of surviving and demonstrated his morbidity and little regret. They tell him about needing to find a card and Mathias says the card is inside one of the lockers. However, to access it, they need to unlock the closet and the only current way would be if the controlling computer became infected with the paranormal virus. Mathias then points them to the small room where an infected person was trapped, the same room where the computer and cabinets are.

The trio then plans ways to lure the creature to the computer. Eventually, Lucie opens the door and the creature comes at Luis, who starts trying to fight it. After a few pushes on the creature by Luis and Diego, it returns its attention to the small room, where Lucie was now. She heads towards Lucie, who dodges the creature by climbing the small control tower and causing it to infect the computer and become trapped there.

When the closet opens, they find only a revolver with two bullets inside. Confused, they talk to Mathias again, who tells them that the card was with him the whole time. He continues in his morbidity talking about all that and how his brother had become that creature they faced. In the end, he asks them to spare him and take his life once and for all. Luís then, without hesitation, uses one of his bullets and shoots the man, who falls dead.

They return to the rest of the group, who found the information on how to control the virus with low temperatures. So, they access the system in the control room with the access card and try to turn on the site's HVAC. However, they need to turn the key in the energy room, so they go there together.

Along the way, many creatures begin to chase the group. Jeffrey and Lucie end up being held and bitten by several of them. After the risky explosion caused by Luis to lose the creatures, Lucie is injured. Diego then helps her walk away, saving her life. However, he and Jeffrey stay behind and are brutally attacked. While Luis, Emi, Lucie and Benito rush to try to turn on the HVAC system, Diego and Jeffrey try to survive the creatures' deadly bites.

Luis runs as hard as he can to the lever and eventually turns on the refrigeration and the creatures stop. So, Diego and Jeffrey manage to save themselves, much to Lucie's relief.

The group sees that the door to the room where Micael had locked himself was open, and they go to see what was there. They find Micael alive inside, with one arm torn and wearing a glove on the other. He begins to explain about the research in that place and thanked the group for their help. However, he goes on to say that the real hell would begin outside, where that creature was already hunting.

After a tense conversation, disagreements and distrust, the group realizes that the only way to leave that place would be via a helicopter that Micael would be able to request using a code. The group then changed into cold clothing, as with the HVAC system turned on, the entire bunker had become freezing. Missing Emi, Lucie leaves the room and goes to look for her in the bunker, and finds her talking to her father's creature, now frozen. Lucie consoles the girl and says they would do everything possible to save him.

The group then leaves the bunker and finds a cold, blizzard environment outside. They were in the middle of Greenland, miles away from home. They head to the radio tower, where Micael would request the helicopter. However, they realize that the power was off and so they have to go down to Igneus Station. With the help of a map and a note from a former station employee, the group decides to go down together, but Micael doesn't accept it and says that he should stay up there since he was the only one with the code to call the helicopter. After more discussion, Lucie settles for Micael's demand if he takes care of Emi while they go down. He promises to take care of her and then they go down and leave the two of them in the tower.

When they arrive in the energy room, they are scared by a man who was hiding in a closet. This was the janitor Pete, who had a shotgun in his hand. He tells the group that a creature was hunting that station and that they needed to be silent. They then investigate the room and find a guide on how to fix the electrical wiring. Diego and Jeffrey start connecting the cables, but after Jeffrey gets shocked, Lucie connects the last two wires and the power returns. However, the power grid makes a big noise and everyone decides to hide from the creature. Everyone remains silent in their hiding places, but Pete decides to shoot the monster. The group Pete unloads the shotgun at the creature, but then his screams of despair and pain resound as he is carried away from the room. Lucie and the others are extremely shocked and worried, but to get out of there they needed to act.

They head to another room, where they find a woman trapped in the rubble: Carol, a D-level employee at Panacea Industries. Lucie questions her about what Panacea does, but Carol deflects the questions a little and says that they were handing over low-level employees to the creature on the loose at that station and that she was hiding before everything fell apart on her.

Rituals and Skills[]


Lucie didn't have any ritual.


Nose for Clues: Once per scene, when doing a check roll to look for clues, the user can spend 1 Determination Point to get +5 on that test.[4]


Wrench A normal wrench, taken by Lucie at the Glacius Station's medical bay to self-defense.[5]


  • The apple brooch, present on her cap, refers to Pomme, the daughter of her player, Baghera, on the QSMP, a multinational Minecraft server created by Quackity.
  • The clothes used by Lucie were stolen from her friends.[3]
  • Lucie and Diego lived together.
  • Lucie carried with herself a sewing kit and a photo of Zendaya in Dune.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Twitter. Tweet from ober (September 30, 2023)
  2. Twitter. Tweet from Paranormal Order (September 19, 2023)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Her first appearance in Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 20m37s)
  4. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h54m08s)
  5. Quarantine - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h16m18s)