Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

I don't know how it will be to live together with him without having his love.

Luciano Carvalho[3]

Luciano Carvalho was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present on Deconjuration.

He was a former military and agent of Ordo Realitas. After being a victim of a ritual, he started to divide his body with his husband and singer Fernando Carvalho, something that Luciano was forced to do in order to save the life of his husband. Luciano took control every time Fernando felt nervous or when he knew there was a dangerous situation.[4]

Currently, Luciano has his body in control of Kian, being the responsible for the death of his own husband and other markeds.


Miniatura Luciano em Desconjuração

Luciano is a 38-year old black man, being 5'8 feet tall.[5] He has a shaved head, unshaven beard and yellow eyes. When Fernando is in control he usually wears a white social shirt with red flowers on the sleeves, and a brown denim pants[6].

During the battle against The Lurker, Luciano got shot in the face by one of the "devoureds" created by the entity, hurting him, and after Dante heals him he gained a scar on his face.[7]

Anel marcado com símbolo ocultista

To make easy his rituals process, Luciano uses rings with the ritual symbols marked on them, having them accessible at all times for the fulfillment of the ritual. Eventually he starts to use two rings, one to React and another one to Flesh Out.



Luciano is a serious and methodical man, whose military historic indicates his coldness in crisis moments. He has a strong and decided personality, even arrogant sometimes, which is very contrasting with Fernando. However he reveals a more insensitive and selfish side when dealing with his husband and his well-being. Even though he was starting to become more friendly with the team, he didn't lose the tough posture and behavior, accumulating hate, at every combat and battle, against his enemies.

After the fight with Sukkalgir, and seeing his partner Erin Parker lose her sanity completely and still mad at the subject about Bruno being uncontrollable before, Lu reveals that he was displeased with the agents' attitudes, and that, from that moment forward, he would focus on saving lives and shooting anyone that was on the way, including his teammates, if necessary.[8]


  • Paranormal Possession: Fernando had his "soul" trapped inside Luciano's body, when he was on the verge of death. Due to that Lu would only have control of the body in dangerous situations or when Fernando is scared. Lu acts way more violently and intelligently than his husband, Both of them, even living in the same body, didn't have a bad relationship, dealing relatively well with the weird situation. In the 14th episode of Deconjuration it was revealed that Luci was, now, able to switch with Fernando when he wanted, he also would have the memories of what happened when Fer was in control. Fernando didn't appear to have that abilities.[9]
  • Ex military: Because he spend a lot of time serving the military, Lu was methodical and right to the point, knowing how to use a lot of different types of guns very skillfully.[10]



There are not much information about Luciano's past, and the little information given is about his time on the brazilian military army, before joining Ordo Realitas, when he fought on a war and acquired a bunch of trauma.[10] Because of that he tends to be as fair as he can and fights for justice for others, when he couldn't in the past. With time, he got to know Fernando Carvalho with whom he ended up marrying.

At some point in the past, Luciano joined Ordo Realitas. His first missions were Scouts, together with other agents, in the time that the members used masks and the codename Verity to protect their identities. In one of the missions, Luciano, together with Arnaldo Fritz, Antônio Pontevedra and Johnny Tabasco, participated in the extermination of the family of Theodore Bagwell.[11]

Some time passes and in the beginning of 2020, being part of Team Ember, Luciano made an deal with Leonardo Gomes to heal his husband Fernando, that was in a terminal state, through an unknown ritual. To do the ritual, Leonardo Gomes instructed Luciano to kidnap an orphan kid that was also in terminal state named Denis, and take both the kid and Fernando to the place where Leonardo and Dante would make the ritual.

The ritual was actually part of a plan of Kian, that was on Leonardo's body, to put his mind on Luciano's body. Dante was manipulated to do a sequence of specific rituals that would store Kian and Fernando's mind on Luciano, the knowledge of Kian in Fernando's dead body and Denis' mind on Leonardo's body. Denis' body became empty and transformed into a monster, making everyone believe the ritual had gone wrong. This way stayed in Luciano's body waiting for the moment he would reach enough paranormal exposure to then, manifest and take control.[12]

How Fernando was now in his husband's body, he was trained by Erin Parker and Tristan Monteiro and became an agent of Ordo Realitas.


Luciano met his new team only during dangerous occasions, that were when Luciano take control. Even with the disapproval of his actions towards his husband, his teammates were cooperating with him and together they tried to prevent the deconjuration. Luciano, in some moment, was attacked by the Traveler, that ran away scared, after looking in his memories. That occurred due to his contact with Kian's memories, that scared the creature.[13]

After some time, Luciano starts to know everything that happens during the time Fernando is in control, and controls when he wants to manifest or when he wants Fernando to manifest. Luciano always demonstrated being skeptical and determined about his objectives during his missions, suggesting to kill Beatrice immediately after she turned into an Existed, discarding the possibility to save her, and telling the other agents that they should be willing to kill each other to the greater good and the well being of the team, if it was necessary.[9]

At the end of Deconjuration, Luciano reached 50% Paranormal Exposure and Kian was able to take his body and transform him into just one of the multiple memories that he collected. Fernando was freed from Luciano's body, going back to his original body, after the knowledge of Kian reunited with his mind, and Fernando's body lose the Wretched Semblance. Currently, all Luciano's memories are inside Kian, but he cannot take control, being kept inside there with the others receptacles.[14]

Quirks and phobias[]


Temporary Delusional Paranoia: Due to the battle with the Traveler, Luciano developed an delusional paranoia making hear and see things that didn't actually happened.[15]

Uncontrollable Shaking: Upon seeing Tristan's body headless, he developed an habit of starting to shake and not being able to stop.[16]


"Why is everything always so dark? I cannot bear being this strong and tough person outside, but broken and destroyed inside. Why don't I dream? I was wrong, very wrong. Why is the pain still here? It was probably the love that made me sick. Why did I do all that? The more I ask myself the less I know. Why am I still trying, even among all this pain? I think it is because my nightmare is life and I don't want it to be like this to other people."[17].

Rituals and Abilities[]


Símbolo Reação

Reaction Ritual: During the process of transcendence, both Luciano and Fernando met each other, but only Luciano was accepted by the Other Side.[18] He then learned a defensive ritual that consists in being a reaction to when attacked, reflecting half of the damage to his aggressor in chaotic energy. Meanwhile, the other half affects the mind of your user rather than the body. To perform this ritual the user must hold an electronic device while it is attacked and concentrate on its symbol.

Símbolo Descarnar

Student Flesh Out Ritual: During the combat against Enpap-X, Luciano realizes that Henri was laughing in a sickly way while watching the combat, putting his gun away, staining his ring with blood, preparing his ritual and cautiously walking towards Henri and using the ritual on him, that weirdly seems to enjoy having his skin torn apart. To do this ritual is necessary to pour your own blood on the symbol and stare your target. After that the skin of the target will start to burn and fall apart very painfully and quickly;[19]


Macabre Identification: Allows the Occultist to identify the paranormal in objects without needing to roll the dices.

Unshakeable Mind: The occultist has an advantage in any sanity test by summoning a ritual or after encountering a paranormal creature.[20]

Unbreakable Focus: Allows the Occultist to focus in the symbol and do the ritual simultaneously.[21]

Cursed Items[]

Spiral Ring: A spiral-shaped ring, purchased by Fernando and worn by Luciano. The ring allows the bearer to shoot quickly, nullifying the disadvantage of firing two consecutive shots, but reducing the damage of the second attack by half.[22]


M4 de Luciano em Desconjuração
M4 Carbine
It is a rifle variant with a little flashlight in the inferior part, it is loaded with 30 cartridges of ammunition.[23]
Glock 17 A semi-auto gun.
Pocket knife A little knife to hand on hand combat.


  • Arthur Cervero: They didn't interact a lot, but after the events they went through in the Devilish Mansion, both had disagreements and experiences that exposed core differences in their opinions and principles, but they considered each other friends anyway.
  • Beatrice Portinari: They didn't interact much, but Luciano seemed to treat her like any other person, as an teammate. When she turned into an existed he showed to be worried about her possible suffering, being the first one to suggest "freeing her".
  • Dante: Luciano had a lot of anger towards him, once he was directly affected by him and Leonardo Gomes[24]. Their relationship got better with the time, due to Dante joining the Order and going through a lot along side the team, in the final episodes of Deconjuration he showed a lot of trust on him, treating him the same way as the others team mates[25]
  • Erin Parker: Erin and Luciano did some missions together and were on the same team with Tristan, both seemed to had a very close relationship. According to Kalera, they worked together on Ordo Realitas for at least 3 years. He cared a lot for Erin and both were capable to put their life at risk for the other. In the beginning she was the one he counted to update him when he took control of the body, always believing and following her instructions. During the confront with Enpap-X, Luciano call her "sister" when he was worried for her life.
  • Fernando Carvalho: Luciano and Fernando were married, until a fatality emerged upon them. Due to that, they divided the same body. Even in this weird situation, they seemed to love and care a lot for each other, always worried about the other and doing anything to make them being well and safe. Luciano said that Fernando was the love of his life, and was willing to do extremely selfish things to safe his life.
  • Joui Jouki: In the beginning their relationship was complicated, having a heavy disagreement with him in the Order's base, that lead to Luciano threatening to kill him if he informed Fernando about the full story behind the ritual that made them share the body. With time, Luciano started to shown respect to Joui as the leader of the team of the investigation on Kian, that both of them were part of. He had disagreements with Joui constantly, but liked him enough to call him "captain", and asking his husband to salute him on his parting to the Sect of the Masks.[27]
  • Kaiser: Even with their few interact, probably Luciano didn't have a good impression of Kaiser, once he pointed a gun at him when he threatened Joui. Their relationship got calmer with time, and they seemed to care for each other, and treat each other as teammates.
  • Leonardo Gomes: They both had an agreement before the situation, where him and Dante would save Fernando's life if Luciano collaborated with them. Fernando ended up in his body, and Leonardo was killed by a creature created after the rituals, since then, Luciano expresses hatred towards him.[28]
  • Tristan Monteiro: They were friends for years and appeared to had a good relationship, even though he reacted calmly to the news of his death, he showed to be very sad and affected by it.[29]


  • LJoga stated that Luciano didn't have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder).
  • We see Luciano cry for the first time in the 15th episode of Deconjuration.[30]
  • LJoga confirmed that Luciano fought in a war. According to him, the war only exists in the RPG universe, idealized by him and the GM.[31]
  • Combining the couple name, Luciano and Fernando, it forms LuciFer, alerady confirmed by LJoga that it was intentional.
  • Luciano's favorite cartoon was Saint Seiya.[32]



Episodes Appearances
Deconjuration - Episode 1 - "Ordo Realitas" First appearance
Deconjuration - Episode 2 - "Blood" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 3 - "Transcend" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 4 - "Orphanage" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 7 - "Host" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 8 - "Reunion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 9 - "Devilish Mansion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 10 - "Photographs" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 11 - "Remember" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 12 - "Change" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 13 - "Remorseful Witch" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 14 - "The Lurker" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 15 - "Divine Comedy" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 16 - "Melody" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 17 - "Sacrifice" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 18 - "Enpap" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 19 - "Tirigan" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 20 - "Kian" Body taken by Kian
Calamity - Episode 2 - "Revenge" Body (Amalgamated to Kian)
Calamity - Episode 7 - "Betrayal" Body (Amalgamated to Kian)
Calamity - Episode 11 - "Warrior" Body (Amalgamated to Kian)
Calamity - Episode 12 - "Eyes" Body (Amalgamated to Kian)


  1. Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 2h08m0s)
  2. Said in one of LJoga's streams, later uploaded on YouTube (watch on YouTube in 5m59s)
  3. Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 1h05m48s)
  4. Luciano taking control of the body in Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h59m02s)
  5. Twitch. Clip "altura" from LJoga.
  6. Fernando's first appearance in Luciano's body in Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 21m16s)
  7. Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 2h25m36s)
  8. Luciano making his decisions in Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 4h38m58s)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Paranormal Possession in Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 2h16m07s)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Excerpt from a video of LJoga talking about Luciano’s participation in the war. Link of the video on YouTube.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 1h29m10s)
  12. Twitch. Stream "acabou..." of Cellbit in May 23, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 0h59m48s)
  13. The Traveler running away after seeing Luciano's memories in Deconjuration - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 3h56m20s)
  14. Kian's returnal as a marked in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h32m15s)
  15. Temporary Delusional Paranoia in Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 6m04s)
  16. Uncontrollable Shaking in Deconjuration - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 12m29s)
  17. Said in LJOGA FALA SOBRE O FINAL DE DESCONJURAÇÃO. Checked in June 6, 2021.
  18. Fernando being expelled by the Other Side in Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h44m29s)
  19. Student Flesh Out Ritual in Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 3h06m35s)
  20. Unshakeable Mind in Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 1h00m20s)
  21. Unbreakable Focus in Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 1h01m35s)
  22. Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 55m44s)
  23. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h19m14s)
  24. Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 57m20s)
  25. First interaction between Dante and Luciano in Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 56m00s)
  26. Deconjuration - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 4h17m15s)
  27. Conflict between Joui and Luciano in Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 59m26s)
  28. Luciano's hatred by Leonardo Gomes in Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 58m32s)
  29. Deconjuration - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 12m02s)
  30. Luciano crying for the first time in Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 2h09m55s)
  31. Twitch. Luis' stream on Twitch (05/03/2021) in 28m00s. Checked in May 3, 2021.
  32. YouTube. answering questions about PARANORMAL ORDER. Checked in July 4, 2024.