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For the episode with the character's name, see Deconjuration - Episode 20.

What's in front of you is not a human being anymore, it never was. You're in front of a monster.


I am still immortal.


Kian, whose original name is Kushim, is the first Occultist in history and the main antagonist of Paranormal Order.

He is considered by his followers as the "God of Knowledge", and there are records of his cult, the Escribes, existing for over 4,000 years in Ancient Sumer. He has been able to survive to this day using a specific sequence of rituals known as the "Passage", thus transferring his mind and knowledge into various carefully chosen vessels by Tirigan.[4] Kian was the first human to achieve complete paranormal exposure, communicating directly with the Other Side by creating the first occultist ritual in history, the Transcendence.

After fully understanding the Other Side, Kian decides that he will be the one to put an end to the Paranormal because he is the only one who knows the truth to stop it. He then creates the Deconjuration Order,[5] a series of events that made Kian immortal and eventually turned him into a Marked, enabling him to actively use his Rituals.

In the 20th episode of Deconjuration, Kian finally manages to create his own Mark with the help of Gal.[6] Now inhabiting the body of Luciano Carvalho, Kian begins the journey to complete the final part of his plan: he will recruit other Markeds to fight alongside him in the quest for the Relics of Calamity, to use them, kill everyone who knows about the Paranormal, and destroy the relics.

Kian ends up being defeated by Team Vultures and is imprisoned by the Dark Restriction in the 12th episode of Calamity,[7], being kept in a specially made cell just for him, filled with chains generated by the Restriction itself.[8]


Despite there's no exact records of his original body due to his age, it is possible to define Kushim's appearance using the Vessel of Knowledge; for this would be the real appearance of Kushim, named "Wretched Semblance" as a constant reminder of his inability to use rituals.


Miniatura Kian sem capa em Desconjuração

Kushim was a fair-skinned boy with faded blond hair that was swept to the side.[9] As it can be seen in the case of Virgílio Scelto, the older Wretched Semblance has longer hair than his youthful form, along with a long blond beard of the same color as his hair. His face also bears dark circles and heavy wrinkles.[10] While acting as the Vessel of Knowledge, the body of Fernando Carvalho, despite Kian having yellow eyes, had whitened eyes and always bore a vacant and weary expression, as he was more of an "object" than a human, with the body merely serving as a vessel for Kian's knowledge. He had various texts on his skin and walked barefoot like the other members of the Escribes, wearing a loose white tank top that exposed part of his chest. He wore black jeans with chains on his right side, and his right arm was visibly covered with bands. Sometimes, he was also seen wearing a brown cloak that covered his body, complete with a hood.[11]

Miniatura Kian marcado em Desconjuração

After the transcendence of Luciano Carvalho during the battle against Gal, when his Paranormal Exposure level exceeds 50%, Kian reveals himself and becomes a Marked.[6] He then takes control of Luciano's body, altering his appearance. He had the same physical build as Luciano, with his shaved head and sparse beard, as well as his yellow eyes. However, in the transformation process, Luciano's floral shirt dissipates, and several noticeable changes occur on his body: various bright and patterned golden lines extending across his shoulders and torso; on the right side of his face, the cuneiform glyphs KI and AN, present in Sumerian and Assyrian scripts, respectively; and on the left side, three dark wave-shaped marks, with these same dark patches appearing on his torso and arm. His body now also featured various tattoos with Sigils of Knowledge that glowed in gold, although some did not shine.[12]

One of the texts displayed in the tattoos is a complete version of the Knowledge Sigils found in the Other Side Symbol, which reads as follows:

bSigils Translation
"The hidden knowledge of the Other Side can be categorized into five main elements. The knowledge of each element consumes a part of the human mind. Each element can be applied to eloquence sigils to form rituals. Knowing and understanding all the elements and their secrets results in the unconscious attempt at total comprehension of the Other Side by the mind, completely dismantling any sign of a considered sane consciousness."


Miniatura de Kian em Calamidade

Kian, still inhabiting Luciano's body, reappears in the 2nd episode of Calamity, while searching for hidden documents in the Famiglia Leone's safe. He appears with the same overall appearance but now with a much stronger and robust physique. Similar to his appearance in Deconjuration, he continues to go shirtless and wears the same beige pants and goes barefoot, with the same hairstyle. The only difference is a large black beard that stands out on his face. All the texts are still written and glowing in yellow on his body, but on his arms, you can see various bands wrapped around his forearms.[13]

During the battle in the Colosseum in the 11th episode of Calamity, Kian sustains some cuts in combat inflicted by Joui Jouki using Shinokage, resulting in him having a wound in the shape of the kanji for "Death" on his back.[14]



Kian is described as an incredibly intelligent, arrogant, and silent figure, possessing an extremely manipulative personality, always saying the right things at the right time.[15] When he was still Chained, despite his nearly infinite knowledge, Kian couldn't conjure any kind of ritual, making him an influential but not powerful figure. After returning as a Marked, he appears much more animated, speaking loudly, always carrying a tone of superiority in his voice, sometimes mocking what he deems futile actions, and walking and gesturing confidently.


During the events of Calamity, Kian is seen as an imposing, confident, and serious figure, maintaining a low tone of speech and rarely getting surprised, always feeling superior to those around him. However, he easily becomes irritable and loses his composure when strongly contradicted or when he encounters something he doesn't understand. This is especially evident during his battle with the Team Vultures and the former Marked Escribes, where he shouts and acts quite uncontrollably, in contrast to his typical demeanor of seriousness.[2]



Kushim was born approximately 4000 years ago, around 1980 B.C., living with his parents in a peaceful village in ancient Sumer. There, he led a happy and normal life for a child of the time until his city was suddenly attacked by a group of ruthless warriors known as the "Escribes", feared for their acts of brutality and macabre cruelty towards their victims. Remarkably, they inscribed all their terrifying deeds on their own skin, believing that by keeping people's fear in their tales on their bodies, it would make them stronger, unaware that they were actually gaining power by indirectly connecting with the Paranormal. The leader of the group, "Gal-Sal", found Kushim's family, abducted his parents, turned them into slaves, and made the boy watch as he slowly tortured them until they were torn apart and completely unrecognizable. The extreme fear experienced by Kushim weakened the veil, causing his parents to become horrendous, paranormal-distorted creatures that would serve as beasts and assist the Escribes in their various massacres and murders.[4]

Kushim was then taken by Gal-Sal, serving as a source of Fear for the group, living every day with the people he feared most and with his parents, who were now only monsters. He developed a deep hatred for all those who used the Paranormal to commit horrendous acts, vowing to find a way to destroy the supernatural and all those who benefited from it. After being kept under the group's control for a long time, witnessing countless gruesome genocides and terrifying acts, Kushim became the first human to achieve 100% Paranormal Exposure. At that moment, he communicated directly with the Other Side by creating the first occultist ritual, the Transcendence.

He was taught everything about the occultism: all the elements, powers, and most importantly, the truth to unlink the Other Side from Reality. However, along with all this knowledge, he discovered that only the mysterious "Marked" individuals could harness all that dark power, while he himself was just another "Chained", forced to follow the reins of Reality, unable to use what he had just learned.

Kushim then understood that, to actively use the full power of the Other Side, he needed to become Marked. He began to develop his plan, orchestrating a prophecy, an order of events called the "Deconjuration Order", the way to finally obtain his Mark and thereby put an end to the Other Side. The local faith of the time said that everything had been created when the gods An, the deity of the sky, and Ki, the deity of the earth, were united and then separated. The union of these gods led him to adopt a new name, Kian, The Realizer of the Calamity, the one who would unite the Other Side with Reality and then separate and destroy it completely. His first act was to use his Paranormal knowledge to drive Gal-Sal insane, usurping his leadership position among the Escribes, and then committing the same massacres in an attempt to weaken the veil and generate fear. Over the years, this group would continue to commit the same acts throughout history, trying to instill fear of Kian's return with his complete wisdom.

To realize his plan, Kian often changed bodies in search of the perfect vessel. This process would be repeated for millennia: his power was so immeasurable that it had to be unbound, separating his Mind, housed in a chosen vessel, and his Knowledge, which had to be stored in something without consciousness, such as a statue or a mindless body.[16]


Kushim would continue orchestrating his plans and switching bodies as the years went by. About two thousand years since becoming the first Occultist, he formed new relationships, seemingly leaving the Escribes behind. He had given up his plans to become a Marked, founding the secret organization Ordo Calamitas, focused on destroying the Paranormal.[17] There, he took on the identity of Veritus, leading from the main base in Rome, in the ancient Roman Empire. In the year A.D. 67, after a successful mission to acquire the Relic of Energy, the true cause of the great fire of Rome,[18] the team consisting of the former warriors Amalia, Celestine, Faustus, Gaius, Marius, and Remus celebrated by drinking and commemorating. Suddenly, they were interrupted by an attack from the Element of Death, which began invading their base and killing their warriors.[19] The members ended up escaping and were trapped in the room where the energy artifact was located. By luring the Markeds to stay close, the Relic consumed Gaius's body unsuspectingly, giving rise to Amphitruo. Soon, before the chaos, all those who did not die were separated, starting chaotic games created by the wielder of the Relic of Energy, The Host.[20]

Kian found himself in the first challenge proposed by Amphitruo, which consisted of a game where he and his companions had to kill each other to survive, while trying to find a way to save everyone present. Kian saw two trusted agents, Faustus and Amalia, assassinating Marcellus and Cascadia, who were also former team partners. He continuously refused to harm any of the warriors or take sides, but also lost faith in defending Reality, seemingly sacrificing himself to save the last two remaining in the room.[21]

It is revealed that in the 7th episode of Calamity, Kian in the present contacts the statue of Veritus while investigating Domus Aurea,[22] a place directly connected to Semper Clausa in its undergrounds, thus obtaining memories that in the future he would be able to complete the Deconjuration and become a Marked.[23] Veritus, who somehow faked his death, moves to confront Amphitruo and Celestine, the last surviving warrior of the Order. After the Host witnesses the first Occultist before him, he decides to make a deal with Celestine, handing over the Relic of Knowledge to the warrior to stop Kian.[24] After these events, there are no further reports on how the events unfolded, only that Kian would continue with his plans to weaken the veil and eliminate the Paranormal in the future.

Mandraque Ângelo[]

Mandraque Ângelo and Vanessa Ângelo were the first residents of the Devilish Mansion in 1970, with Mandraque being the architect behind the initial design of the house.[25] In a diary written by Vanessa, she constantly idolized Mandraque, stating that he had "blessed her with knowledge",[26] also describing something called the "Passage", which would transfer Mandraque's consciousness to another individual.[27] After an exploration of the house, D-Force found various clues about Mandraque, primarily statuettes that were described as his likeness but notably resembled Leonardo Gomes, another occultist involved in the "Deconjuration" case. It was later discovered that this was Kian's true appearance, appearing as the Wretched Semblance in his vessels. After several tests, Vanessa finally managed to deconjurate Kian, storing his knowledge in a statue, the Vessel of Knowledge.[16] Now, only one Vessel was missing to store his memories, and according to Vanessa, "the condominium’s current watchman was perfect...".[28]

Virgílio Scelto[]

Virgílio Scelto was one of the residents of the Blue Condominium, living in the house next to the Devilish Mansion with his older brother, Nestor Scelto. During their youth, Virgílio and his brother heard stories about their neighbor being a witch who gave dolls to children, and shortly after receiving the gift, the children mysteriously disappeared.

In 1970, Virgílio became the condominium's watchman,[29] and due to the screams coming from his neighbor's house, he decided to enter and investigate the mansion alone. He disappeared for days and returned some time later, saying things that only he would know but acting like a completely different person. After returning, Virgílio handed a golden key to his brother before disappearing again.[25]

Kian then began to actively engage in the occultist underworld in order to attract the attention of Ordo Realitas, something he quickly achieved, as in 2002, a group of agents composed of Mr. Verity, Arnaldo Fritz, Chizue Akechi, and Francisca Parker, with the support of Cristopher Cohen, started investigating various cases with mysterious figures with tattoos on their bodies as the main suspects, all connected to an extremely dangerous cult known as the "Escribes".[30] After months of investigation, an agent with a censored name identifies the supposed "Kian", the name by which the members of this cult refer to their leader, a kind of god who opened his mind to a higher truth, known as Virgílio in the occultist circles.[10]

A surprise operation was carried out at a location where Occultists were planning a ritual using two sacrifices. The operation failed to save the sacrifice victims, but Virgílio "Kian" was executed during the operation. It was later revealed that his "death" along with the Escribes was part of Kian's plan to strengthen the veil and lower the guard of the Order. Before being killed in Virgílio's body, he managed to transfer his consciousness to Leonardo Gomes, a child present at the operation site.[31] Leo was taken to the St. Menefreda Orphanage by Arnaldo and grew up there with Kian hidden inside him.

Leonardo Gomes[]

After transferring his mind into Leo, Kian remained dormant within the young boy, who appeared to act like a normal child, playing and casually interacting with other orphans. Leonardo was adopted in 2005 by Heitor Mare and Fátima Mare and moved to a mansion in Canadense.[32] There, he met Álvaro Augusto, also known as "Tirigan", who introduced the boy to the world of occultism with the intention of awakening Kian within him. After witnessing the occultism for a considerable time, Leonardo finally reached 50% Paranormal Exposure. Álvaro then used the couple's son, Frederico Mare, as a source of Fear to facilitate the Passage, causing Kian to awaken in Leo's body, resulting in the Wretched Semblance. During his stay at the Devilish Mansion, Leonardo met Anthony Scelto and introduced him to knowledge from the Other Side, initiating the return of the Escribes. After the Passage was completed, Leonardo's personality underwent a drastic change, convincing Frederico to kill his parents and Anthony to kill his grandparents.[33] Kian returned to the orphanage with Anthony, now in control of Leo's body.[34]

Upon returning to the orphanage, Kian began recruiting several children from the facility to help him carry out his plan, sharing his entire story and his desire to eradicate the Paranormal. It is known that he became extremely close to Gaspar, Jasmin, and also selected Gal to be the Destiny Realizer, the one who would make the Deconjuration happen.

However, in 2009, a fire destroyed the orphanage and killed many children. The Order later discovered that the fire was caused by The Host in Arnaldo Fritz's body,[35] with the goal of killing Kian. However, Leonardo survived after being saved by Gaspar.[36] Jasmin, Leonardo, and "Dante" then began living on the streets and practicing occultism. After some time living with them, Kian secretly murdered Jasmin with a knife without Dante's knowledge,[37] intending to use the occultist to complete his plan.

In 2017, Beatrice Portinari returned to the destroyed orphanage, where she was received by Leonardo and other children covered in tattoos all over their bodies. She was taken to the "Deconjuration Room", where she was tied up and completely connected to the Other Side after discovering a horrifying truth that forced her mother, Clara, to join the Escribes to reverse this process.[38]

In January 2020, Leonardo's body was torn apart by a creature resulting from a ritual and was found dead in the arms of Dante.[39]

Fernando and Luciano Carvalho[]

Before transferring his mind, Kian prepared for the final stage of the Deconjuration Order. Still inhabiting Leonardo's body, he manipulated Dante and Luciano, two Markeds, to assist him in completing the Passage. First, Kian informed Dante that they were going to save a terminally ill child, and for that purpose, they would need two volunteers, Luciano and Fernando. Kian told Luciano that he would help save his husband, who was dying of cancer, and asked the military man to bring a kidnapped child to the designated location, with Denis Batista being that child.

After Luciano abducted the child and brought his husband to the meeting, Kian knocked him out to convince Dante that they were genuine volunteers,[40] and Dante, trusting his childhood friend, began performing rituals to "save the child", unaware that he was inadvertently performing the Deconjuration. Kian couldn't actively use any rituals but could manipulate others into using them. He made Dante transfer Fernando's mind into Luciano's body, and Kian's knowledge was stored in Fernando's empty body, which became the Vessel of Knowledge. Kian's mind was also hidden inside Luciano, and Denis's mind, who served as a source of Fear, was transferred to Leo's former body[41]. As a result, Fernando's body acquired the Wretched Semblance and became an Existed, and the child's body transformed into The Needy, a monster that destroyed Leonardo's body, where the boy's mind was located.[42] Dante believed that Leo had died because of him. Simultaneously, Erin and Tristan intercepted the creature, later capturing Dante. Luciano continued to live with his husband, with Kian inside him. Gal went to the location where the Passage occurred and retrieved the Knowledge Vessel, beginning his role in the Deconjuration from that point onward.[43]

On November 7, 2020, the Final Day of the Deconjuration, Kian's plan to become a Marked was finally completed. During a fight between the Order's agents and Gal at the orphanage, Luciano Carvalho reached 50% Paranormal Exposure. He then decided to Transcend to become more powerful and aid his partners in the fight. However, Kian, who had been dormant within the agent, performed the Passage using the body of a Marked, with Tim Flom serving as a source of Fear, creating his own Mark and awakening in Luciano's body. The First Occultist returned, breaking free from his chains and gaining the ability to use his powers freely.[6]

Upon his return, Kian displayed extreme excitement at having successfully executed his plan, speaking loudly and confidently,[12] inviting everyone present to assist him in causing the Calamity. Only Gal accepted his offer, and after the others declined, Kian initiated a massacre, killing each agent present at the moment, demonstrating overwhelming power compared to those in the vicinity. The Order narrowly escaped thanks to Joui's agreement with the Sect of the Masks and the sacrifice of Kaiser, who stayed behind and was subsequently killed by Kian.[44] Afterward, The Realizer of the Calamity set out to complete the final part of his grand plan, still assuming the appearance of Luciano. Kian intended to recruit his own Markeds, pursue the Relics, use them, and then destroy them.


During the 10 months that passed since the events of the Day of Deconjuration, Kian increased his strength and influence, recruiting more occultists and his own Markeds to aid him in the Calamity. He was seen at the Leone's Mansion after his Marked Escribes carried out a massacre on the family. There, he accessed the Famiglia Leone's safe and read the documents left by Arnaldo Fritz inside. Suddenly, the mansion started to be invaded, and the Symbol of the Devil's Pact could be seen on the papers. Kian deduced that the Devil himself was there. However, he was surprised to see Joui Jouki, a member of the Sect of the Masks, invading the place. Kian couldn't understand why the young man was there since he hadn't done anything to disturb the balance, theoretically preventing the cult from acting. A few minutes after Joui's appearance, Kian was removed from the mansion by an Unknown Occultist.[45]

Kian was only seen again at the St. Menefreda Orphanage, where he briefly met with Gal and explained their next destination. The Escribes then headed to Domus Aurea, and Kian teleported there. He explained to his Markeds that he had been removed from the mansion by something called "Tenebris"[46] and that the answers they sought were in those ruins, just like the Order's agents. He led his followers through the ruins of the location and encountered the statue of Veritus. Kian passed out upon touching it but later regained his memories as the Leader of Ordo Calamitas. He divided his Escribes into groups and proceeded through the corridors of the Semper Clausa.

Some time passed, and he appeared in the Devil's Chapel after his Markeds had destroyed the Metallic Dragons. After a brief discussion about what to do with the body of Artemis,[47] who had been killed in the battle, Kian decided to speak with Gal privately. As soon as everyone left the room, Kian thanked the Escribe and told him that his sister was alive in Tenebris. Gal, taken aback by this information, was caught off guard by the Blade of Fear. Kian betrayed his most loyal follower, calling Clarissa Leão to the room and revealing an agreement he had made with her, in which his role was to let Gal die at the hands of the former agent.[48] He left the room to find the remaining Markeds.

He encounters Damir, Boris, and T-Bag and tells them that Gal had stayed behind with Clarissa to make a plan since she was a traitor to the Order. They then walk through The Colosseum and notice a great battle taking place. When they meet Agatha, she tries to escape from the Escribes but is quickly immobilized by Kian. The girl struggles to break free from the hands of the Occultist. At that moment, Joui, Carina, and Dante arrive at the scene after following the sounds of the young girl. An argument ensues, and Kian attempts to strike Agatha using the Blade of Fear; however, Aaron shoots him, causing him to lose balance and miss the strike partially.[49] Agatha falls unconscious, and Kian notices the Grimoire in her hand, looking visibly confused as he had never seen that book before. The Magistrate then appears and engulfs Kian in shadows to hold him in place while a showdown between the Marked individuals unfolds.

Kian easily defeats the Magistrate and, upon returning, realizes the betrayal of his own Markeds.[50] He prepares to kill everyone present, but he is interrupted by Mr. Verity, who appears suddenly.[51] The leader confronts Kian, who becomes confused for a moment. For some reason, the Occultist couldn't kill him, but Kian didn't care about sparing the "old man"; he could simply kill all the Markeds present. Kian uses the Blade of Fear on Boris,[52] who instantly collapses, while Carina inserts the last page into Arnaldo's Grimoire, causing the Escribe to lose the ability to use his rituals.[53]

Kian becomes extremely furious and attacks those who were bothering him the most. He attacks Boris, who is lying on the ground, crushing his skull with his foot, killing him instantly.[54] Joui starts taunting him, repeatedly saying that he had already lost, making Kian increasingly angry. The Escribe grabs Joui and begins punching him relentlessly, shouting at the young man as he beats him to death.[55] Kian throws Joui's lifeless body to the ground and continues yelling at him, stating how childish he was and how he didn't understand the complexity and magnitude of his millennia-old plan.[2] Arthur, Balu, and Rubens arrives at the scene with a box requested by Verity, and the battle continues. Kian begins to attack all the agents and traitorous Marked individuals present, shouting insults and striking relentlessly. He goes after T-Bag with a furious look, grabbing his face and crushing his head with his bare hands. Shortly after, he releases Theodore, who is in agony on the ground, and crushes his head with a stomp, killing him in the same manner as Boris.[56] However, with little strength left and in despair, Kian tries to convince them to return and fight alongside him in the Calamity. When he sees himself on the verge of being defeated by the Order,[57] almost powerless and about to faint, he warns the agents:

I will return... You won't stop the Calamity.


Kian faints, and the team takes advantage of this moment to place the ring from the box requested by Verity on his finger. A kind of armor appears around Kian, immobilizing him and sealing him with the Dark Restriction.[7]

Contained, The Realizer of the Calamity is taken by Verity to Brazil and imprisoned in a special cell at the Ordo Realitas Base.[8] Some time later, he receives a visit from Henri, while the Team Vultures, Verity, and some other agents were away. The former Escribe sees Kian's state—sealed and chained—and laughs at his situation. Then, he transforms in front of the Occultist, revealing himself to be The Devil, offering a pact to Kian.[58]

Kian and the Calamity[]

Kian was the first man to connect with the Other Side. And now, he also wants to be the one responsible for ending it all: Kian wants to kill everyone to destroy the paranormal. But for that, Kian needs to find the relics, use them, and destroy them.

Trailer of Paranormal Order: Calamity[59]

Kian, upon returning as a Marked, is capable of fully understanding the Other Side and summoning any ritual he desires. This enables him to know the secret of how to end the Paranormal, which is his primary goal. Kian states that to eliminate the Paranormal, it is necessary for all people who are aware of it to be annihilated so that there are no means for entities from the Other Side to manifest. Therefore, Kian decides to recruit Markeds to assist him in this massacre, which he refers to as the Calamity.

The Calamity, however, is highly complex and of great proportions. In this regard, Kian intends to use the Relics of Calamity to expedite the process. These Relics provide Markeds with the same level of power that Kian possesses, equivalent to 100% Paranormal Exposure. Kian plans to seek them out to use on his Markeds, granting them unimaginable powers, and then ultimately conclude the Calamity and subsequently eradicate the paranormal once and for all. Among the Markeds recruited by Kian are Gal, Artemis Deordelin Rodrigues, Boris Lukic, Damir Lukic, and T-Bag.[60]

The Calamity is initially described as a massacre, a genocide of all those who are knowledgeable about the Paranormal to destroy it. However, The Magistrate explains the Calamity as a war among the entities from the Other Side within Reality. She states that to follow the path of this widespread war, the destruction of the relics is required, which is Kian's goal, according to her. Destroying a relic would sever the connection between the entity of an element and Reality, resulting in unknown consequences. She affirms that if the Despair Mask were to be destroyed, the rules of the Other Side would be exposed to any and all possibilities, potentially allowing even Kian to define destiny.[61]

Rituals and Abilities[]


Símbolo Inexistir

Unexist Ritual: While pointing for the body of his target, Kian suspends him in the air and makes Escribes' tattoos begin to appear on his body, until these same tattoos begin to emit a strong yellow glow, the target then can either disappear instantly, as if it had never existed, or disappear slowly in Sigils of Knowledge.[62]

Teleport Ritual: Kian can teleport anywhere he wants, but there are cases where he needs to see the place he wants to go, using for example a photo.[63]

Deadly Touch Ritual: Kian touches his target, making him age extremely fast to death.[64]

Símbolo Rejeitar Névoa

Reject the Fog Ritual: This ritual causes any effect of a paranormal ritual used in a certain area to be drastically weakened.[65]

"Levitation" Ritual: Kian can levitate and move small objects just by raising his hand.[66]

Símbolo Lâmina do Medo

Blade of Fear Ritual: Kian creates a translucent blade around his hand, echoing an impossible melody in the environment, which, when piercing a target, leaves him dying instantly.[48]


Cursed Entity: Kian knows everything about the Other Side and is therefore able to make anyone invoke the ritual they desire during his presence without having to transcend.[26]

Secret of the Other Side: Kian possesses an absolute knowledge of the Other Side, thus knowing such a "secret" that turns everyone who hears it into an Existed.[67]

Precognition: As a sixth sense, the user feels the approach of others around them, gaining +5 defense for short-range attacks. That way, Kian can’t be caught off guard.[68]

Supernatural Physical: Kian has a physical condition completely enhanced by the Paranormal, he is extremely fast, agile, strong and resistant, being able to face several elite agents of the Order even without rituals.

Immortality: Having obtained all the knowledge of the Other Side, Kian became an entity of Knowledge, thus achieving immortality. That can be seen in the 12th episode of Calamity, where Arthur Cervero pierced his forehead with his Blade of Blood, a fatal strike, but it only knocked down the occultist.[69]


  • Kian is the longest-living character in the entire Order's universe, counting body changes, Kian is over 4000+ years old.
  • Kian was already being written since the first season of Paranormal Order.[70] The initial idea was that the principal Álvaro Augusto was an immortal vampire, something that was later discarded. The new idea was that he was alive since the Sumerian civilization, having been alive by successive body exchanges. However, Cellbit preferred to create another character to fulfill this role, the current Kian.[71]
  • Kushim, as the portrait of his true face is named, is the oldest name ever recorded, found on a tablet that is estimated to be from the Uruk period (4000-3100 BC) in ancient Sumer.[72][73]
  • It was said by Cellbit in one of his streams, that if Luciano Carvalho would die during the campaign while carrying Kian’s dormant memories, the story would have few changes because the Game Master already had in mind another plot that involved the revelation of Kian in Luciano, if this happened.[74]
  • So far as is known, Kian's Mark is represented by the Other Side Symbol.[75]
  • Kian is the Marked that most killed Markeds in the RPG, having killed Fernando Carvalho, Kaiser, Boris Lukic, Joui Jouki and Theodore Bagwell.
  • Kian has no connection to the story of Enigma of Fear.[76]
  • One of the inspirations for the symbol marked on Kian’s face was the character Jellal Fernandes from Fairy Tail.[77]
  • Kian is one of the five characters featured on the back cover of the Paranormal Order RPG Playbook.
  • Kian has three theme songs: "Kian", "The Mark of Kian" and "The Realizer of the Calamity", with two of them being battle themes.
  • The reason for Kian being from Sumer is that it is the civilization with the oldest writing records, also being the main characteristics of Knowledge.



Episodes Appearances
Deconjuration - Episode 3 - "Transcend" Only Photo (Leonardo Gomes)
Deconjuration - Episode 4 - "Orphanage" Only Photo (Leonardo Gomes)
Deconjuration - Episode 6 - "Elizabeth" Full Appearance (Fernando Carvalho)
Deconjuration - Episode 9 - "Devilish Mansion" Only Photo (Leonardo and Virgílio)
Deconjuration - Episode 10 - "Photographs" Only Photo (Leonardo and Virgílio)
Deconjuration - Episode 13 - "Remorseful Witch" Only Photo (Virgílio Scelto)
Deconjuration - Episode 19 - "Tirigan" Statue and portrait (Virgílio Scelto)
Deconjuration - Episode 20 - "Kian" Present (Fernando and Luciano)
Calamity - Episode 1 - "The Beginning of the End" Only Video (Luciano Carvalho)
Calamity - Episode 2 - "Revenge" Present (Luciano Carvalho)
Calamity - Episode 5 - "Ordo Calamitas" Present (Veritus)
Calamity - Episode 6 - "Games" Present (Veritus)
Calamity - Episode 7 - "Betrayal" Present (Luciano Carvalho)
Calamity - Episode 8 - "Choice" Only Video (Luciano Carvalho)
Calamity - Episode 11 - "Warrior" Present (Luciano Carvalho)
Calamity - Episode 12 - "Eyes" Present (Luciano Carvalho)


  1. Deconjuration and Enigma of Fear ARG in Twitch. Stream "..." of Cellbit in 10/17/2020 (watch on Twitch at 13h5m33s)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 8m25s)
  3. Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 03h32m23s)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kushim's past in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 1h39m21s)
  5. Deconjuration Order in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 52m31s)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Kian becomes a Marked in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h25m57s)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dark Restriction in Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 1h44m11s)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Kian's cell in Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 3h57m04s)
  9. Leonardo's face in Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 4h04m02s)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Virgílio's Occultist file in Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 1h18m58s)
  11. Appearance of the Vessel of Knowledge in Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 6h10m24s)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Kian's appearance in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h30m51s)
  13. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h52m25s)
  14. Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h37m08s)
  15. His manipulation in Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 3h52m43s)
  16. 16.0 16.1 Vanessa's Diary Page about the Vessel in Deconjuration - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 3h13m26s)
  17. Ordo Calamitas in Calamity - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h13m37s)
  18. Great Fire of Rome in Calamity - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h34m00s)
  19. Invasion of the God of Death in Calamity - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h41m29s)
  20. Emergence of Amphitruo in Calamity - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 4h02m09s)
  21. Calamity - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 50m02s)
  22. Kian connects with Veritus in Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 35m14s)
  23. Calamity - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 4h58m38s)
  24. Agreement between the Host and the Magistrate in Calamity - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 5h01m23s)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Account by Nestor Scelto in Deconjuration - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 3h33m33s)
  26. 26.0 26.1 Book "The Remorseful Lil' Witch" in Deconjuration - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 33m14s)
  27. Vanessa's diary in Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 55m27s)
  28. Vanessa's diary page about the Passage in Deconjuration - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 3h49m18s)
  29. Virgílio's Employee Record in Deconjuration - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 3h23m04s)
  30. Verity discusses the old Escribes and Virgílio in Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 3h33m02s)
  31. Anthony's diary in Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h40m06s)
  32. Leonardo Gomes' adoption certificate in Deconjuration - Episode 16 (watch on YouTube at 1h47m04s)
  33. Frederico Mare's account in Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 3h18m33s)
  34. Adoption revocation certificate in Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 1h27m17s)
  35. Fire at the Orphanage in Calamity - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 39m51s)
  36. Calamity - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 42m21s)
  37. Kian mentions Jasmin's death in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h36m41s)
  38. Beatrice Portinari's memories in Deconjuration - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h14m34s)
  39. Leonardo Gomes' occultist file in Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 1h13m57s)
  40. Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 27m55s)
  41. Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 58m40s)
  42. The Needy in Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 3h11m22s)
  43. Execution of Kian's Passage rituals in Deconjuration - Episode 21 (watch on YouTube at 2h26m47s)
  44. Kaiser's sacrifice in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h54m52s)
  45. Kian being taken out from the Leone's Mansion in Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 4h02m50s)
  46. Kian tells about Tenebris in Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 23m10s)
  47. Kian using the Unexist Ritual on Artemis' body in Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 4h55m00s)
  48. 48.0 48.1 Kian betraying Gal in Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 4h57m34s)
  49. Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 1h30m12s)
  50. The Markeds' alliance in Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 2h13m35s)
  51. Verity's secret in Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 2h35m36s)
  52. Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 2h51m13s)
  53. Carina using the Diary of God in Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 2h52m46s)
  54. Kian killing Boris in Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h33m29s)
  55. Kian killing Joui in Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h54m33s)
  56. Kian killing T-Bag in Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 1h02m48s)
  57. Arthur defeating Kian in Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 1h43m29s)
  58. The Devil offering a pact to Kian in Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 4h24m58s)
  59. YouTube. Paranormal Order: Calamity - Trailer.
  60. Invitation to recruit the Markeds in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h40m46s)
  61. Magistrate describes the Calamity in Calamity - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 44m59s)
  62. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h39m08s)
  63. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h40m34s)
  64. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h44m28s)
  65. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h51m30s)
  66. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h58m24s)
  67. Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 3h57m14s)
  68. Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h10m34s)
  69. Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 1h43m30s)
  70. Twitch. Stream "O UNICO STREAMER DO MUNDO QUE VAI ZERAR RESIDENT EVIL" of Cellbit in April 22, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 1h24m58s)
  71. Twitter. Tweet from rafael lange (November 26, 2021)
  72. YouTube. Explanatory video about the "Kushim" tablet.
  73. Wikipédia. Kushim (Uruk Period).
  74. Deconjuration - Episode 21 (watch on YouTube at 52m26s)
  75. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h53m01s)
  76. YouTube. Answers from the Other Side, with CELLBIT - ORDEMCAST Ep. 43.
  77. Twitch. Clip "inspiração da marca da cara do kian" from Cellbit.