Ana Gabriela, better known as Jinki Winkki or just Jinki, is a streamer and content creator.
Jinki was one of the new players of the Paranormal Order series, playing as Shanyqua da Silva in the Christmas special, Gruesome Christmas.
- Shanyqua da Silva (POGC): Shanyqua is a black woman with long braids and wearing a red beret with white details. After family complications, she decides to meet with former school friends at the Goodwill Moon's Camp, seeking not to spend Christmas alone.
- Jinki is one of the various names that can be found on the gravestones in Enigma of Fear, more specifically in the Graveyard of Melodies maze. On her gravestone, has the phrase "Purple is the most beautiful color." written.
Jinki as Shanyqua in Gruesome Christmas