Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

I don’t even know who you are but... you should know that you’re bringing hope to all of us.

Graça Scelto[1]

Graça Scelto was Nestor Scelto's wife. She first appeared in the 10th episode of Deconjuration, when Luciano Carvalho goes to her home to seek some kind of help for the van of his team, that would have been sabotaged when the car wires were cut making it impossible for the team to escape the condominium.[2]


Graça, just like her husband, Nestor, had pale and flabby skin because of her age. She wore a long light blue dress that goes all the way to her feet, her hair was short and whitish, between her dress she appeared to wear a white shirt, and wore sneakers the same color as her dress.[3]


As shown in the 10th and 13th episode of Deconjuration, the old lady was willing to help the visitors by taking their cell phone to call the police as requested by Luciano, and inviting the agents who went to their home to find out more about Virgílio, always keeping a smile on her face and answering the questions asked by the researchers.



Not much is known about the lady’s past, only that she herself went to meet her husband after the events involving his brother, Virgílio, remaining faithful to the husband, and living with him in the same house of the condominium for the rest of the time they stay together. Nestor and his wife Graça, now an elderly couple, had their death recorded about 15 years ago.[4]


The old woman lived with her husband Nestor and her puppy Estrela. She had her first contact with the agents when they divided to seek help from the neighboring houses of the Devilish Mansion. Luciano ended up in her backyard, asking the lady to call the police with the story that the children damaged his car, and she questioned why he didn't call alone, but ended up giving in to the man’s request. When she was about to call the MP, Luciano decided that it was not a good idea to involve the police force, since everyone was carrying firearms, apologized for the inconvenience, claiming that it was no longer necessary to ask for help, The lady then returned to her home staying with her husband the rest of the afternoon.[5]

The other day, when it was already dark, the investigators again went to her home, but this time, it was to talk to her husband, who had been recognized as the brother of the former watchmen of the condominium.[6] The agents were Dante and Joui Jouki, that in a friendly way, were invited to enter their home and talk with her partner, Nestor. All the time, Graça was receptive and remained faithful to her husband all the while, aiding him with his blindness along with Estrela, his guide dog.

During one of Kaiser's researchs to find more about Anthony Scelto, he found that Graça Scelto along with her husband, Nestor Scelto, have been registered as deceased for more than 15 years. Due to a ritual put in the house, it returns to at least 15 years before, thus bringing Graça, her husband Nestor and the dog Estrela back, but after the visit of the team the house is completely transformed, being an old house and abandoned for years, without the presence of any of the residents.[7]

During the 19th episode of Deconjuration, the D-Force, investigating the Corridors of the Devilish Mansion, came across two coffins: one of them having a rotten corpse of a woman wearing a completely dirty and worn blue dress and a paper on her face, with something written related to Graça: SWEETY.[8]

