Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

If they think they're crazy, I'm more!

Francisco "Chico" Albuquerque[2]

Francisco "Chico" Albuquerque (Francisco Albuquerque) is one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Signals from the Other Side.[3]

Chico is one of the members of the group The Five, a group formed by the former member of an organization that fights the paranormal, Morato Vertaler. On his ID card, his role in the group is to be the group’s technology specialist, having creativity and improvisation in the handling of technological devices.[4] Chico appears in the 1st episode of Signals from the Other Side, driving his van and turning on the light towards a Dark Crawler, making it impossible to escape and allowing his partners to fight it.[5]


Miniatura do Chico em Sinais do Outro Lado

Chico is a light-skinned man, 4'9'' feet tall,[6] has brown eyes and long and messy hair, with a goatee to do. A pierced eyebrow and red spirals on his cheeks, on his head wears reflective glasses with various colors, which has a metallic object with electrical wires glued with silver tape, and headphones on his neck.

He wears a black blouse from the band The Pression, with sleeves alternating between yellow and black, with the sleeve of his right arm rolled up, in that same arm wearing a brown glove with yellow and on his wrist two bracelets: one of thorns and the other with a kind of visor. Over his shirt he wears a beige jumpsuit, plus a fanny pack and several bags and bandoleiras with various objects such as tools and a walkie-talkie with his name. He wears baggy pants and boots. It is possible to see hanging on his shoulder a bag with various technological objects, including a turntable and a kind of antenna. On her waist is a small golden brooch.

After the events of the 5th episode of Signals from the Other Side, Chico starts using two paranormal piercings: one in the ear, on the top and one in the middle on the tongue, both with golden color and adorned with sigils of Knowledge on its structure.


Chico is a calm and cheerful person, being the smartest of his team and knowing how to use various technological things in his favor to compensate for his short stature, it is apparent that Chico loves to learn about and use any type of digital device. In most situations he takes the front to decide what to do, having the main ideas and being widely heard by his partners.



Francisco Albuquerque was born on January 21, 1970, in Minas Gerais, the son of Lindomar Albuquerque and an unknown mother. Not much is known about his past, but Chico always had a love for the band The Pression. In one of the shows that Chico was, he ended up meeting Dara Alice Venturini, a young medicine student who also enjoyed the band. The two became friends from that day on, in addition to having joined the group The Five, under the leadership of Morato Vertaler. In addition to meeting Dara, Chico also met Alexandre, Guizo, Lírio Tellini and Voytek Nowak. One day, while the group returned from a sewer, Voytek eventually disobeyed an order from Morato, going the other way and being caught by a herd of paranormal creatures that shattered his body in front of the group. Chico felt very guilty for not having stopped Voytek, taking the blame for the death of the companion to himself. However, this did not stop them from continuing their adventures.

Rituals and Abilities[]


Chico didn't demonstrate any ritual.


Optimized Inventory: The user adds his Intellect to his Strength to calculate his carrying capacity.

Nerd: Once per scene, the user can spend 2 EP to do a Current Affairs test. If they pass, they receive useful information.[7]

Expert: The user chooses two skills in which it is trained. When it makes a skill test, it can spend 2 EP to add +1d6 in the test result.[8]

Ecletic: When doing a skill test, the user can spend 2 EP to receive the benefits of being trained in it[9]

Ingenuity: When using the Eclectic ability, the user can spend 2 additional EPs to receive the benefits of being a veteran in a skill.

Mend: The user can spend a full action and 1 EP to remove the broken condition of an adjacent equipment until the end of the scene. In addition, all general equipment has its category decreased by 1.

Paranormal and Cursed Items[]

Paranormal Items[]

Scanner de manifestação paranormal de Energia em Sinais do Outro Lado

Energy Paranormal Manifestation Scanner: A device with Sigils and connected with several objects from The Five.[10] This item is able to identify any and all paranormal manifestations of Energy around it, as well as creatures from other elements that have Energy as a complement.[11]

Cursed Items[]

Arte brinco e piercing de Conhecimento em Sinais do Outro Lado

Mind Shield Jewels: A golden ear ring and piercing with Sigils of Knowledge to the fullest extent. These accessories generate a psychic barrier, causing the bearer to receive 10 Mental Resistance.

Arte Teclado de Energia em Sinais do Outro Lado

Neural Connection Keyboard: An USB keyboard covered with Energy glyphs shining purple. When connected to a device, the item generates electromagnetic waves that send signals from the system directly to the synapses of the user’s brain, effectively connecting his mind with the machine.


  • Alexandre: Chico and Xande are colleagues and have a good friendship relationship. Both like lollipops, which Chico keeps in the van and shares with Xande. The two appear to have a common interest in drugs, being told by Xande that they usually smoke together. Chico was extremely shaken to see Xande stay behind during the escape at the TV Varminho's Tower 6th floor.
  • Dara Alice Venturini: Chico met Dara in a show of The Pression.[12] The two are close friends and are usually the "brains" of the group, discussing the plans more rationally and making the most important decisions about the plans, and easily understand each other, somewhat different from the others in the group. The relationship between the two became even more affectionate after Chico presented Dara with a Tamagotchi, who knew it would be the taste of the friend.
  • Guilherme Santos: Chico and Guizo are close because they are part of the same team. Because both are the most interested and knowledgeable of technological devices of the group, they usually rely on this area, Chico even trusted Guizo to put a piercing in his tongue, even in doubt if he would know how to do it.
  • Lírio Tellini: Chico and Lírio have a good relationship as team partners, having diverse interactions due to the difference in height of the two, despite this, Chico trusts Lírio to help him in tasks that he can not fulfill alone, being supported by the same.
  • Morato Vertaler: Chico and Morato are the two leaders and heads of The Five, so Chico proved to be the one who updates him on field missions. Chico treats Morato as a close friend, not caring about insulting him if he thinks he is acting recklessly.
  • Vicente Santos: Vicente is a close friend of Chico, who met him at Café's Pizzaria due to Morato being friend of the owner. Vicente owes Chico money, and continues without paying him, but he is tolerant of it, even though he covers it from time to time.
  • Voytek Nowak: Was a close friend of Chico’s before he passed away. Chico feels, and is sure, that he is one of the main culprits in Voytek’s death.[13]


  • Chico is the protagonist with the lowest height of all campaigns.
  • Chico's height is inspired in the actor Danny DeVito.[6]
  • The Pression is Chico and Dara's favorite band.[14]
  • Chico has gastritis, as told by him during a conversation with Alberta Magal.[15]
  • In the first episode of Transcending after its hiatus, LJoga revealed that Chico has ADHD.[16]
  • Chico’s favorite food is chicken strogonoff with potato sticks.[17]
  • Chico has a hidden spot in the van to store weed.
  • Chico’s favorite song is the fifth track on the album I cried, so what?, from The Pression, named Sed.
  • Chico makes lollipops with drugs in them.
  • Chico’s favorite pizza flavor is chicken with catupiry.
  • According to Lírio, Chico hates being called Francisco.
  • Chico is the unofficial leader of The Five, as he said in "Chosen".
  • Chico has already rented devices for a film that Arnaldo Fritz acted.
  • Chico's father had a beetle car.
  • Chico has his birthday on the same day as LJoga’s mother.[18]
  • Chico's favorite cartoon was The Jetsons.[19]



Episodes Appearances
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 - "Aliens" First Appearance
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 - "Parasite" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 - "Still Me" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 4 - "Chosen" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 - "The Four" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 6 - "TV Varminho" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 7 - "Transmission" Present


  1. Twitch. Clip "DIA 7 ESTAMPA NOVA NA !LOLJA 🎅#SubathonDoLuis 🎅 !subathon !meta" from LJoga.
  2. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h54m38s)
  3. Twitter. Tweet from Ordem Paranormal (October 24, 2022)
  4. Energy Paranormal Manifestation Scanner in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h48m09s)
  5. His first appearance in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 10m06s)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Twitter. Tweet from @LJoga (October 27, 2022)
  7. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 58m31s)
  8. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h08m23s)
  9. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h03m15s)
  10. Energy Paranormal Manifestation Scanner in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h49m24s)
  11. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h48m36s)
  13. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h56m59s)
  14. His favorite band in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 10m49s)
  15. His gastritis in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h36m01s)
  16. Twitch. Stream "TRANSCENDING with Leo Santi - "Aliens" with LJoga and Gary #Transcendendo" of Cellbit in November 3, 2022 (watch on Twitch at 0h28m3s)
  17. His favorite food in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h27m46s)
  18. Twitter. Tweet from Luis (March 21, 2023)
  19. YouTube. answering questions about PARANORMAL ORDER. Checked in July 4, 2024.