Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

In Veil-damaged environments, it can sometimes be difficult to discern facts from your own brain's paranoia.

Paranormal Order RPG Playbook

The Figures are a kind of Knowledge criature that arise from the paranoia and Fear generated by the delirium of an observer in weak veil places, thanks to the constant fog in these places.

They had their first appearance in the 9th episode of The Secret in the Forest, after Thiago Fritz lit a lighter in front of the Infinite Labyrinth and started the Holy Cradle's "Night".[2] These creatures have been sighted several times since the arrival of Team H in the village, emerging from the very paranormal fog that fills the village at the night.


Figures are ghostly, transparent-looking creatures, vaguely humanoid, but without any sort of face. Your body looks like a kind of solidified fog, much like the fog itself present in weak veil places, but capable of causing real damage.


These entities, as they manifest themselves from the scare of a possibility of a monster in the mist, seek frightened people to feed on the feelings triggered by the scare.


