I will try to honor them... everything I didn't do while they were alive.
Fabrizio Leone[1]
Fabrizio "Zio" Leone is an elite Italian agent belonging to the Famiglia Leone, a family of Italian mobsters who fight the Paranormal. He was called to Brazil together with Antonella, Giuseppe, Carla and Carina to help in the fight against Kian and the Escribes after the Order issued a state of emergency decree against the paranormal following Kian's ascension.[2]
In the battle against the Sphinx Carrion, Fabrizio climbs on top of his back and attacks him with his staff, but he is grabbed by him and is crushed by him against the ground, causing his spine to break, becoming quadriplegic, managing only to speak after what happened. After the battle, in the process of recovery, he falls into a comatose state.
Fabrizio is a 5'9" tall man with fair skin and reddish hair, one of the locks held back by a blue ribbon, parted in the middle. He wears brown pants and a white dress shirt with suspenders and the Famiglia Leone coat of arms on the chest.
Fabrizio is described as an extremely intelligent elite agent, as well as a great strategist. He was an ironic and sarcastic person, but after his family's massacre, he adopted a more serious demeanor.
Fabrizio was born on June 14, 1994, being part of the Leone family sideline, living in the family mansion, playing and training alongside his cousins and the other children of the house.
Fabrizio was first seen at the Order's base, the first time his cousin Carina Leone visited, he was sitting at a table with his father, his sister, and his cousin Carla Leone, talking about something. Fabrizio was seen by Dante after the complete massacre of his family sitting at the central table of the Leone Mansion, with an extremely serious and apathetic face, just looking at something in the notebook on the table.
The boy was present when Nubi's writings invaded the Leone Mansion, and after the arrival of Arthur, Balu and Rubens, the boy gets ready to continue the fight, staying with Balu at the bottom of the mansion's stairs, waiting for the enemies. down to fall into the explosive trap that had been placed by the 2 at the junction of the stairs earlier.
After they finish killing all the writs and the mummies of Nubi, the writ arrives, and summons the sphinx's ghoul, a colossal creature that slams into the ceiling of the mansion, causing Fabrizio to be in shock, however, to seek honor for his family, Fabrizio runs towards the Esphinx in the middle of the fight, climbs all over his body and hits several very strong blows on his head, breaking several bones of the creature. However, the creature grabs Fabrizio, and throws him against the ground, causing the young man to break his spine, becoming completely paralyzed, preventing him from moving his legs to escape, starting to die on the ground.
Fabrizio had his life saved by Rubens, and was rushed by Ivete to the basement of the mansion to be treated. After the sphinx is killed, Rubens talks to Renan, who claims that the boy will never be able to walk again in his life, as a result of the creature's attack.
Fabrizio's last appearance so far was in the medical wing of the Leone mansion, where he was visited by Carina, his cousin, who was informed by her sister that the boy was in a coma, and there was no confirmation if he would wake up or not.
Stick | Stick with a light blue ribbon tied around the handle. |
- Son of Giuseppe Leone;
- Stepson of Chiara Leone;
- Brother of Antonella Leone;
- Nephew of Patrizia Leone;
- Nephew of Marco Leone;
- Cousin of Carina Leone;
- Cousin of Carla Leone;
- His blood type is A+.
- His weight is 158 pounds.
- ↑ Calamity - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 0h20m8s)
- ↑ His first appearance in Calamity - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h16m08s)