Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

Evelyn Orlando was one of the murdered girls by the Nostradamus High School occultists.[1][2]


It is known that Evelyn was a brunette girl with green eyes.[3]


There's not much about her, only that on November 30, 2019 she was reported missing[4] and murdered by occultists. Alexsander Kothe saw her murder and turned himself against the occultists, having his memory erased after this.[5][6]

In March 2020, she would be found by the Order agents as a Flesh Aberration, a creature that is a junction of her with Fernanda Pinto, in which Elizabeth Webber destroys with several shots.[7][8]

Notes and reference[]


  1. Evelyn had the same age as Gabriel, Mathew and Agatha.

