The inner walls of the final bed marked by the grooves of the bones of the one who suffered the worst of all punishments: be buried still alive, cursed by the spiral.
Paranormal Order RPG: Surviving the Horror
The Entombed[1] is a paranormal Death creature, that resembles a destroyed coffin or sarcophagus, but hides a terrible trap for those who dare to plunder it.
Mixing with the scenery, this creature usually has the appearance of a gray sarcophagus adorned with spirals, rotted and sealed, but with cracks and openings, already destroyed by Time.
On its lid, it is possible to see engraving in wood of the despair of that or those who were destined to the cruelty of being buried still alive and through the cracks and openings, there are numerous twisted bony limbs.
The Entombed initially is hidden, almost imperceptible, only being possible to hear sounds of beats, as if a drum was nearby, in varied rhythm and volume, which can attract people nearby believing there is someone alive. This sound becomes deafening when the Entombed begins to creep towards its terrified victims and then captures them into its own body, making them another part of the eternal percussion of Death.
- The design of the Entombed's coffin ornamentation was influenced by Giger's style, Scorn, Christian crypts, and Egyptian sarcophagi.[2]
- The walls of the crypt depicted in the Entombed's artwork were heavily inspired by the Catacombs of Paris.[3]
- ↑ Twitter. Tweet from Jambô Editora (July 1, 2024)
- ↑ Twitter. Tweet from Toca dos Monstros (November 13, 2024)
- ↑ Twitter. Tweet from Toca dos Monstros (November 13, 2024)