The Dissociateds are living beings whose minds have been completely broken by Other Side, originating from intense insanity in environments with damaged veil or near a large source of Fear. On these rare occasions, the being suffers such strong fear that it serves as a channel for the Fear that penetrates reality, becoming that enemy.
It is normally common as transformed humans, but in rare situations, animals can be dissociated into this being, only possible if they spend time in an environment influenced by the Other Side.
Dissociateds are not exactly paranormal creatures, being on a threshold between Reality and the Other Side. Therefore, much weaker than the real creatures, but still dangerous for civilians or novice Order agents, especially if they are in a horde.[1]
![Miniatura Pessoa Dissociada em O Voo da Morte](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ordemparanormal/images/b/b3/Miniatura_Pessoa_Dissociada_em_O_Voo_da_Morte.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/124?cb=20230723064030&path-prefix=pt-br)
The transformation into a Dissociated is an irreversible process, with damage so intense that the body somatizes the trauma to the brain, supposedly altering its being. Some of these changes are long fingers like claws, extended jaws and skin that repels light, appearing like a gray figure.
When transforming, the Dissociated completely loses their human mind to the Other Side, becoming a threat and trying to kill any living being they encounter simply because they no longer understand Reality. It is almost irrational, only able to operate on simple devices, such as a doorknob, but nothing more complex than that.
The greatest danger when facing it lies in the fact that its presence can indicate that other people around him are transformed, and can act like a large horde united by insanity.
- The original name of the creature would be "Possessed" and would have a more spectral appearance to match the Energy aspect of the mission, however after an analysis carried out by Cellbit, the creature began to have a more humanoid design and had its name changed.[2][3]
- The Dissociated, in one of his last conceptual arts, had sharp claws and a visible purple aura around its body, the latter being the artist's idea due to the creature's original name.[4]
- ↑ The Death Flight
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- ↑ Twitter. Tweet from Dr. Awmlins (March 21, 2023)