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For the title, see Tirigan.

The Markeds are the only ones that can break the laws of Reality, that force the Wretched Semblance of Kian.

Tirigan is the nineteenth episode of Paranormal Order: Deconjuration. It aired on May 15, 2021.


The end is near. Surrounded by corridors full of written texts in the walls, the Order agents, helped by Bruno, get themselves inside one more Anthony's games, the current Tirigan, heading to only one goal: stop the Deconjuration.


The team, along with Bruno, descended to the sewers of the Devilish Mansion. The occultist explains a little about this place, saying that although the Escribes are practically nomadic, this was the "core" of the cult, Tirigan's house, and as before that day no escribe could kill them, but now their "chains" had been released and that rule no longer applied. Dante uses his Paranormal Detection ritual and manages to see the texts. Luciano still thinks that Bruno may be a traitor to the agents, but Kaiser assures him that no. Bruno then talks about the Markeds, and explains that only they can enter the Passage Hall, and that, according to Gal, the agents should feel that.

Kaiser walks down the hall where he finds a paper written "Graduation",[2] and when Bruno picks it up, he turns the paper over and Anthony starts talking through his body. Anthony mentions how they evolved from his first class, and how he had prepared one more prank with the agents. They would have to use the keys of the coffins to open the door that would give to until then an unknown place and, since they did not bring the keys of the coffins, he gave spare keys to Hugo, Cassiano and Eduarda, that were somewhere in that place. After the conversation, Anthony appears along with the so-called Sukkal,[3] that begins to slowly chase the team.

The team stumbles upon rubble blocking their way and decide to pass another passageway filled with sewage, but before everyone enters, Sukkal advances on Kaiser, but Bruno throws himself in front. The creature closes its mouth on Bruno’s head, and when he frees himself from Sukkal, he leaves almost insane, crying and very agitated.[4] Passing through the water, they go to the first path on the right, and upon arriving they come several cages with Blood Zombies. When the agents prepare to kill the monsters, Ike, an Escribe, interrupts and begins to intimidate the team, then shooting Kaiser and Bruno.[5] The battle begins and the agents spend time aiming, Erin takes a shot that knocks him down, and Arthur, using his skills he acquired while transcending, realizes that unbalancing Ike can be a good idea and, in a clear shot, hits one of Ike’s legs, thus being easily finished by Bruno who breaks his neck with his sledgehammer.[6]

Following another path, they see a locked door with three keys. Following left, Kaiser hears Hugo, who was in a room playing video games guarded by a Escribe. They try to sneak in, but when he gets close to Hugo he notices Bruno, who until then was recognized by him as an enemy, and shouts, and the fight with the escribe Jushur that was guarding the boy begins.[7] The first to hit an attack is Luciano, who gets close to Hugo and shoots the escribe, but almost without effect. After a few attempts to shoot him unsuccessfully, and after Arthur uses his ritual on Luciano, Erin blows his arm and before Jushur can retrieve his arm, Luciano kills him with a shot to the head.[8]

Kaiser begins to play the game that Hugo was trying to finish at the behest of the Escribes. The game, which the first was confusing, was nothing more than controlling Sukkal itself. While searching for the first key to the door, Luciano collects some of Jushur’s things, and as Kaiser interacts with one of the on-screen pointers protecting the key, Sukkal suddenly appears and attacks Dante, having a similar effect on Bruno, and Kaiser grabs the key. Luciano finds a diary on a table, belonging to Anthony Scelto and at the same time, Mia sends a picture of a page from the diary of Arnaldo Fritz to Arthur via SMS.

Anthony's diary explains some things about Kian's plan, of how he, in Virgílio Scelto's body, planned to weaken Ordo Realitas, that it would be the "Markeds" birthplace. After destroying smaller occultist groups and killing all the Escribes to strengthen the Veil, he hid himself by transferring his consciousness to the body of Leonardo Gomes. With the lack of occultist groups, the Order lowered its guard while Tirigan prepared the return of Kian and that at that time the veil would be so damaged that the markeds would finally be born at the propitious moment for the Deconjuration.

After an argument, Dante has a conversation with Bruno about how everyone was being manipulated. Following in the dungeon, the team finds a written paper that says that "only those amalgamated have to be in the shelf.", this being the bookshelf full of portraits of several acquaintances of the Order and other individuals related to the agents. They recognize some faces as: Gabriel Opspor, Leonardo Gomes, Francisca Parker, Cristopher Cohen, Agatha Volkomenn in her original body, and most of the team alive. Exploring the bookcase a little, they see that everyone on the team is with their names shining in yellow, and is also seen revealed names, such as the picture frame of the old Virgílio, where they see the name Kushim, while in Beatrice's there's the name "Lilian Galen".

The "puzzle" was to put people who share their mind or body on the same shelf. By putting Kushim, Virgílio and Leonardo Gomes on the first shelf, Luciano and Fernando on the second and Agatha and Gabriel on the third, Anthony says that there's still some missing ones, and by putting The Host with Francisca in the fourth, the Escribe repeats that there's still some missing. Sukkal appears by surprise and attacks Erin, but they quickly flee from the creature and return to the Blood Zombies' room, head to a box, and push the box that Dante realizes there's several Existeds inside, and go to a room full of luggage (and other items) and find a book talking about the ritual of two minds in the same body, used in the ritual that united Fernando and Luciano, theorizing that Leonardo Gomes may have used the body of Fernando who was never buried as a receptacle. They also find a letter from Álvaro Augusto, talking about how Eva van Gloss's project would fail, and that Nubi would guide Mick Vultz to make the plan fail and make it work for the benefit of the Deconjuration. The team goes to the next room, where they find a wooden statue, with 6 crystals talking about the markeds and six pillars with the writings: "The Wronged", "The Hero", "The Protector", "The Remorseful", "The Obstinate" and "The Remembered".

They run from Sukkal after it has appeared again, and go to a room with two coffins locked by a password word and a paper, written "grandparents", these being Nestor, and Graça. Upon unlocking the coffins, they see the bodies of the elderly holding the photo of Álvaro Augusto and Anthony, and after continuing to flee from Sukkal, they reveal the secret of the bookshelf by joining the portraits of Anthony and Álvaro, the two Tirigan. Continuing the mission, the agents go to a room with two more escribes, Kish, a relatively tall, redheaded man with his straight hair and Erika, a woman who carries two chains and with signs of vitiligo on her skin and once again they begin to fight. Arthur begins with his hatred ritual on Bruno, who becomes furious, almost beating Kish to death. At this time, Erika uses his chains to trap Kaiser and Bruno. As Luciano prepares his Flesh Out Ritual, Kaiser and Bruno break free from the chains and Bruno steps on top of the escribe. Erin shoots Kish, and Luciano uses the Flesh Out on him who can no longer speak of so much blood on his face. Erin shoots him after he throws himself in front of Erika with the intention of saving her, and she kills him. Bruno kills Erika in just one attack and unexpectedly the former escribe attacks Kaiser. Arthur tries to throw himself in front of Kaiser to protect his friend, but Bruno, with hatred, hits a sledgehammer on his best friend, who looks relatively good. The ritual’s effect ends and they recover together with Sukkal arriving. The agents find and rescue Cassiano and go to the statue room, solving the enigma of the pillars and rescuing Eduarda. Now with the three keys, the team goes to the main door, put the three and the door opens.[9]

They see an ancient room, magically lighted, with a symbol pasted on paper and a five-meter statue of Leonardo Gomes with cuneiform symbols, a throne with a Transcending symbol below and Anthony sitting on it. The Escribe, with the attitude of a teacher, begins to speak, and he explains how Kian can't change his appearance and how he knows everything about the Other Side, but can't conjure a ritual, because he is flawed, that he can't do anything, but he knows everything. He pushes Sukkal in the direction of the investigators, who begins to walk towards the symbol made on paper and chalk. As the creature walks, Anthony holds the skull attached to his waist and dialogues how strange it is to think that at some point he would hold his own skull. The team soon understands: the current Tirigan is nothing more than Anthony and Álvaro amalgamated in the same body. The Escribe removes a paper stuck in the skull, with the same symbol made on paper drawn, and on the other side, just a word: DESPAIR. The paper falls slightly until joining the others, and a reaction happens: Sukkal begins to scream, opening a crack in the ground and sucking all the light from the environment, revealing its final shape, expanding exponentially in size, and losing its physical body, causing it to become a large creature formed only of energy and chaos, gaining a ghostly appearance.

The team draws their weapons, and Erin, using her ritual, throws one of her grenades wrongly, but luckily, it wasn’t one that worked. Sukkal goes after the team, and all the agents lose their sanity just by looking at her, Kaiser uses his Dissipate Spirits Ritual, Erin throws a working grenade, bursting the creature into flames, but clearly does not deal as much damage as it could because it is fire resistant. She attacks using a scream pulse that shakes the sanity of the agents, while Dante hides behind the pillars. Anthony begins to go crazy laughing, and the team continues in combat, Kaiser uses his Acacia ritual again and the creature screams in pain, with a few shots it already seems to weaken so much that it seems to erase so weak that it is. Dante takes off his blindfold and kills Sukkal with a shot to the chest, but before it dies it uses its last skill, Paranormal Explosion, and with that, the agents receive a several sanity damage, leading to only Erin Parker getting zeroed,[10] and getting completely insane. She develops a trauma of an insane idea that Chaos should reign, and that she always has to carry an explosive item, and if she zeroes her health points, the character must say one last sentence and explode. Furious with the situation, Luciano takes two shots at Anthony who has gone completely insane. The escribe dies, and the investigator throws the body into the crack that had opened. Arthur hugs Erin, trying to comfort her. Luciano starts a discussion with Arthur and Kaiser about trusting each other, but both feel that they have more on the Other Side than the normal Reality, systematically they reached 50% Paranormal Exposure, and they begin to be drawn to the Transcending symbol in the armchair, and the episode ends with Kaiser sitting on it to transcend.

Documents and evidences[]

Main page: Documents
Evidence Description
Papel Graduação frente e verso
White paper written "GRADUATION", on its back the Graduation Symbol is marked. Found in the Corridors.[11]
Televisão com menu paranormal
Television broadcasting a paranormal game having in Sigils the word "Sukkal" and under it, the word PLAY?. Used to give one of the hexagonal keys to D-Force.[12]
Representação documentos Anthony
Several drawings of younger Leonardo Gomes and Anthony Scelto and others mentioning Tirigan. Some records of Anthony’s adoption to St. Menefreda Orphanage are also found when he was around 14 years old in October 2005.[13]
Diário do Anthony
Anthony Scelto's diary. Found by Luciano Carvalho in the Corridors.[14]

Dear diary, I come back here once again...
Tirigan is really so amazing. Only he and Kian could be capable of such a mind-blowing and ingenious plan.
It all started with Virgílio’s plan to weaken that "Order," which according to the Deconjuration Order would be the birthplace of the Markeds:
He told me that the escribes destroyed most of the smaller occult groups, becoming the main existing occult nucleus. Kian then strengthened the veil, forcing the death of all the escribes and hid himself by transferring his consciousness to a child.
For several years, there are no longer large occult groups and paranormal events are always isolated cases without major conspiracies behind. Organizations that fight the paranormal get used to easy work, need fewer resources, fewer agents, and less training. Tirigan uses the phrase "They will let their guard down".
Meanwhile, Tirigan, the last living Escribe, is responsible for bringing the powers back to Kian when he grows up enough.
Unforeseen things happened with the adoption of Leonardo, but Tirigan used his influence to manipulate the couple to move to the Mansion (the one I lived next door!!!) that he said had "high paranormal exposure" and carry out his plan anyway.
With the return of Kian, the Escribes secretly begin their return. -> starting with me!!! what an honor...
And when the time comes, Kian will return with the Escribes and the existeds, stronger than ever, brutally damaging the veil like never before! Tirigan believes it will be so damaged that for the first time in millennia, the birth of the Markeds will take place in a situation conducive to the Deconjuration.
Tirigan told me that when I grow up and the time comes, I will be able to be part of the Deconjuration Order! He explained that if the veil is damaged enough, we will become the same by the Blood.
I was really blessed by the Other Side for becoming a piece of it all, ever since Kian showed me the Knowledge of the Other Side. HOW GLORIOUS IT IS TO BECOME A PART OF THIS DAMN GAME!!! I can’t wait to go live in the orphanage with Leonardo.
Tirigan told me that I just need to help him straighting things up to my grandparents...

Mensagem de Mia para Arthur
Text message sent by Mia to Arthur Cervero.[15]

I went back to the Order's base and did not find you here. Sorry I left in a hurry, I had the feeling that that page torn from Arnaldo’s diary would be somewhere in my father’s office. I was right about that!
I found some other notes from that translation along with this page, it doesn’t have much new information, but it seems to be a passage in cuneiform writing (from the Sumerian times) named "The Deconjuration Order".

Papel arrancado diário Arnaldo
Photo of the ripped page from Arnaldo Fritz's notebook. Sent by Mia to Arthur Cervero.[16]


Papel amalgamados
Introduction paper. Found by Kaiser in the table of the room with the portraits shelf in the Corridors.[17]

Only those amalgamated have to be in the shelf.

Estante de porta-retratos
Portraits shelf that emitted a paranormal energy and hid a secret passage to another area of the Corridors.[18]
Papel semblante desgraçado
Paper given to Hugo Longo by Anthony Scelto to be given to D-Force.[19]

Kian's Vessel of Knowledge always assumes the Wretched Semblance.

Livro Estudos sobre derivados rituais de possessão
Book "Studies on Possession Ritual Derivatives" with the Knowledge Passage Ritual Symbol. Found by Kaiser in the Corridors.[20]

The above symbol seems often connected to one of several possible mind-transfer rituals.
In the trajectory of human history there are several transcriptions mentioning Possession: two or more minds that were born apart paranormally inhabiting the same body. The rituals and methods to achieve this amalgamated state are diverse, with varying consequences.
There are constant records of two or more minds controlling the same body at alternate times, but other types of results can also be noted, such as a complete exchange of two minds from one body to the other, or even the "Substitution" - where one mind overlaps another existing one, retaining strong remnants such as memories, obsessions, quirks and personal tastes that endure even after the completion of the ritual.

Correspondência Confidencial de Álvaro
Classified correspondence sent by Álvaro Augusto to "Virgílio". Found by Dante in the Corridors.[21]

Confidential Correspondence
Álvaro Augusto
Nostradamus High School
Dear Virgílio,
As indicated, I have already begun the formalities of the next stage of the Deconjuration Prder. If everything goes as planned, the lack of paranormal experience of Eva van Gloss, plus her excessive attempt to understand the Other Side scientifically will be enough for her failure.
As you indicated, she was directed to the ruins of "Heilag Vagga" - the remnants of old failed attempts at Deconjuration. That won’t happen again, now that I’m Tirigan.
As a guarantee, Nubi instructed Mick Vultz (one of his most faithful "Lusidii") to directly interfere in the process of establishing the isolated society of the "Guardians". We will definitely succeed in this stage of the Deconjuration.
I have also started the stages for my Blood Passage at Nostradamus school.
Kian knows.

Papel vovos
Paper written "Grandparents". Found by Kaiser in the room of Graça and Nestor Scelto's coffins in the Corridors.[22]
Porta-retrato Álvaro
Portrait of Álvaro Augusto. Found inside Nestor Scelto's coffin in the Corridors.[23]
Porta-retrato Anthony
Portrait of Anthony Scelto. Found inside Graça Scelto's coffin in the Corridors.[24]
Papel o portador
Paper given to Cassiano Menta by Anthony Scelto to be given to D-Force.[25]

The Wretched Semblance wielder is unable to conjure the Entities.

Símbolo Salão da Passagem
Symbol made with crayons and papers in the floor of the Passage Hall.[26]


  • Due to the longer duration compared to the others, this episode had two breaks so that viewers and players could get some rest.
  • By the end of the episode, it had not been revealed that this would be the penultimate Deconjuration session, thus generating a higher expectation for the next.

Episode cast[]



  1. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 4h04m30s)
  2. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 00h17m02s)
  3. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 00h20m55s)
  4. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 00h29m20s)
  5. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 00h39m20s)
  6. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 00h53m15)
  7. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 01h04m10s)
  8. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 01h22m30s)
  9. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 03h54m00s)
  10. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 04h36m15s)
  11. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 16m49s)
  12. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h24m00s)
  13. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h36m40s)
  14. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h37m32s)
  15. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h37m55s)
  16. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h38m51s)
  17. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h51m16s)
  18. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h57m58s)
  19. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 2h06m00s)
  20. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 2h29m41s)
  21. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 2h36m12s)
  22. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 2h56m38s)
  23. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 2h58m35s)
  24. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 3h00m00s)
  25. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 3h37m42s)
  26. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 4h00m08s)