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You can't bring her back. What is taken by Death... can't be reversed.


Change is the twelfth episode of Paranormal Order: Deconjuration. It aired on March 27, 2021.


With an air of sadness and tension hanging over the Devilish Mansion, the group of agents continues their investigation, trying to face their conflicts and undergoing new changes in their lives.


The Traveler was killed, but at the cost of the existence of Beatrice. Dante transcends using his necklace, learning a ritual of knowledge. Also, he had the right of having an answer and a choice, deciding to ask if he could bring Jasmin back to life, but he can’t, and he then learns the Psychic Read ritual.

Erin, having difficulty accepting the death of her teammates, acts like Beatrice and Tristan weren't dead, while Joui and Kaiser are upstairs, and after a brief talk where Kaiser reveals that he has had his memories recovered, Joui goes into the hallway and sees Erin talking strange along with Luciano, that explains the situation. Joui and Luciano go to the music room and talk a little bit about the 'key' that Kaiser found. Arthur speaks through the wire that he's going upstairs with Dante, and Joui is going where Kaiser is. Luciano talks a little more with Erin, who still insists on saying that Tristan and Beatrice are there and that they are not dead. Dante goes where Beatrice is and asks Arthur to leave him alone, the boy understands and leaves the place leaving only the occultist there, alone with what was once his childhood best friend, and now it’s just a shell desperately trying to exist again.

Dante hugs Beatrice while having flashbacks from his childhood on the orphanage with her, especially when she was braiding his hair, and then, with that memory, he starts cutting his hair, leaving only a long strand to remember her and the rest of his hair is short, his vision was also healed by the paranormal.

Everyone goes upstairs, Kaiser erases all the photos taken from the fight, Dante passes by Joui and Kaiser and ends up going to the computer room with them, Joui questions whether Dante really cares about Beatrice and the two have a brief discussion about his change both in appearance and in his behaviour, while Kaiser picks up a rug to cover the window and returns to the coffin room. Meanwhile, Dante and Joui close Beatrice in the room and go to the coffin room. Erin passes Tristan’s blood through the notebook and goes to the coffin room along with the rest of the team.

Arriving in the room, Kaiser takes the front and when he puts the crystal in the yellow coffin, it also shines in yellow and it opens, the hacker pushes the lid and slowly appears a very rotten body and in his hands there is a leather book, black sticks in the eye socket and a camera with a photo. Kaiser takes the book, where it’s written on the cover “Vanessa Ângelo's Diary" and Dante takes the camera with the photo. The two items appear to be cursed with symbols. Dante hands the camera to Arthur and Kaiser reads the diary.

After the reading, where it is also mentioned the name of Mandraque, they decide to take the police radios and rummage further, but Luciano hears a noise coming from the coffin, catches everyone’s attention and Arthur takes a surprise bite of a beastly zombie, Joui quickly pulls out his katana, and attacks the monster. Erin also pulls out her shotgun while Arthur dodges another bite from the monster, also trying to attack, but by the fright, he misses both shots. Joui finishes the monster without much difficulty. Kaiser hears a noise in the floor below and as everyone goes to check it out, they realize that the policewoman has become another beastly zombie. And turning the corridor where Beatrice is, they notice another Blood Zombie destroying the door and throwing himself on top of the Existed. Dante, realizing the situation, tries to stop him by immediately going after the monster. Kaiser and Joui go to help the occultist, but Joui ends up falling on Kaiser, Erin arrives at the same moment helping the gymnast to get up, and after a few shots they almost kill the creature. Beatrice, with the same behavior as an Existed of only attacking someone if the person attacks first, begins to throw several punches at the monster killing it instantly, and tries to attack Dante, who was now the closest target, but Kaiser manages to throw her on the ground and immobilizes her. There, after much suffering, she begins to blink. Dante begins to stop the wound as he shouts for Joui to fetch human ashes. He runs after while Beatrice is still in a situation of life and death, he sees this light coming from the Existed fading, she makes a noise and faints. Kaiser lights a cigarette, draws a symbol on a Polaroid photo, his eye turns purple and a fog comes out of his teeth with him talking Cineraria, creating a very strong fog. Joui arrives on the scene and delivers the human ashes to Dante, who does the healing ritual, but much stronger due to the ritual of Kaiser. He sees Beatrice waking up and putting her hand on his face, even handcuffed. Arthur attempts to fetch handcuffs from the Blood Zombie upstairs to no avail.

Kaiser, Dante and Joui leave Beatrice on the van, while Dante heals Arthur’s wounds in the room and Luciano stays outside in the van area. The people inside the house talk, but Luciano feels that Fernando will come back, but he does not want him to go through it, before punching the van, Fernando comes back, lost and screaming for Erin. He almost notices and releases Beatrice in the form of Existed inside the van, but Erin and Joui manage to stop him earlier, and talk to Fernando.

Erin resolves to transcend again along with Kaiser, the Other Side shows not to care about them since they do not bring a cursed object, but make them even stronger. Kaiser acquires the 'Quick Draw' skill, being able to pick a gun as a free action. Fernando and Erin talk mainly about her mental state, which manages to accept Tristan’s death after a sentimental conversation. Kaiser gets up and goes where his friends are. Joui transcends with the coffin photo and manages to learn the Forced Coincidence ritual.

Fernando shows the intention to transcend, but lets Arthur go first, with the coffin camera. He learns the Curse Tech ritual, and after Fernando enters the symbol of transcendence, he sees himself in his original body. After a brief conversation with Luciano, Fernando feels again that he is not welcome on the Other Side, and thus Luciano transcends, acquiring the 'Macabre Identification' skill.

Luciano comes back, asking for some explanations, while Dante, Joui, Kaiser and Arthur talk in the kitchen. At the end of the conversation, they decide to light the purifying incense of knowledge and break open the closed door of the first floor. Dante asks for the doll that Kaiser had found earlier and he hands it over, and then they go to break down the door, Kaiser feels that he gave one of his best kicks, but it’s like he’s going to kick a wall and he gets hurt and falls to the ground. He lights the incense, which shines in yellow and turns off almost instantly, resolving to light in the coffin, but they don't have time to light both.

After a few failed attempts, they read the book again and see that they have to light in the middle of the mansion, which they presume to be the room with the table. Erin shoots at the dresser, but her shots ricochet and almost hit her. Everyone comes down, except Arthur and Kaiser, who talk about their problem of how the deaths are getting normal, almost automatic. They hug and come down with the group, and when it lights up, they hear a voice repeating "this smell, no, not here! Hi, hi, hi... idiots.", and when they light up again these voices speak "No, hi, hi, hi, it's upstairs [...] Shut up! They'll hear it. Hi, hi, hi... idiots". They go up and when they go to the closed room, now hearing things like "Hi, hi, he doesn't know where's the middle..", they go to several rooms and in one of the rooms they find the 'center'. It comes out a yellowish smoke of incense making a path that goes down to the floor below, they arrive in the photos room that is where the smoke ended, and opening the door they see a new interior, a room full of dolls, all very old, plus a wardrobe ajar and a rocking chair, and the episode ends.

Documents and evidences[]

Main page: Documents
Evidence Description
Diário da Vanessa Angelo fechado
Vanessa Ângelo's closed diary. Found in the hands of Vanessa's body herself in the yellow coffin in Devilish Mansion.[2]
Câmera amaldiçoada
Camera marked with the Curse Tech Ritual Symbol. Found inside the yellow coffin in Devilish Mansion.[3]
Foto com símbolo ocultista
Photo marked with the Forced Coincidence Ritual Symbol. Found inside the yellow coffin in Devilish Mansion.[4]
Diário da Vanessa Angelo aberto
Vanessa Ângelo's open diary.[5]

Mandraque, my love, I will complete the Passage. I will accomplish it for you. Thank you thee f'r choosing me. Thank you for showing me the truth and indulging me so much power! I shall begin to distort the Veil as you has't decre'd. I will do as you has't nev'r seen bef're. The pu'rile sacrifices art imminent! The center point of this mansion will serve as a place for oblation. I will mark the environment with the purifying incense of knowledge.

Episode cast[]


  1. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 11m00s)
  2. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 52m50s)
  3. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 53m31s)
  4. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 54m12s)
  5. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 55m12s)