Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

U need something? I can do everything!

Davi Pomar[1]

Davi Pomar is a guy that lives in Tipora Island, where he works as a "handyman" in the village. He first appears in the 2nd episode of The Secret in the Island, when Bartô was taking Milo to Návia's house to take care of his bite wound.[2]

Later he appears at the barbecue interacting with the characters and soon after going to talk to Montel Florence, spending time talking to him.[3][4][5]


Davi is a young boy with fair skin, dark brown eyes and red hair shared in the middle. He wears a brown overcoat dressed over a beige vest, put over a white striped shirt, also wears blue jeans and a pair of brown boots.


Davi is helpful and agitated, always offering help and babbling too much in an attempt to please others.



Davi was born in August 9, 1995 on Tipora Island, by the island’s former parter, Olga Eiland.

The Secret in the Island[]

Day 2[]

Davi helped Maíra Suna and Francisco Oblito to prepare the Church Barbecue, and then stayed at the event, looking for someone who needed help, he approaches Amelie, Bárbara, Milo and Olivier, asking if they needed his help, all deny and advise him to talk to Montel, Davi approaches him and the two talk until the end of the barbecue.

Day 4[]

Davi was present at the church rally held by Evandro, he stayed there until he saw Bartô punching the officer, running away after this.

Day 5[]

After the infected animals' attack, Davi takes shelter inside the police station with the other residents, later witnessing the scene of the death of Bartô, getting desperate and running out of the police station, shouting to the other inhabitants that they would all die the next day.

Day 6[]

Davi remained inside the church all day, to protect themselves from death on the advice of Barnabé. As the Imaginary Friend emerges, Davi is saved by the group led by Wanderley, running out of the church and going to Návia's house.

Day 7[]

At dawn, David was inside the house of the doctor and seeing the people going to the beach, he accompanies them, arriving there he climbs Adrian's boat, leaving Tipora.


  • Davi is kleptomaniac.[6]


