Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

Chosen... I am the Chosen.

Dara Venturini[2]

Dara Alice Venturini[3] (Dara Alice Venturini) is one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Signals from the Other Side.[4]

Dara is one of the members of the group The Five, founded by the former member of an organization that fights the paranormal, Morato Vertaler. On her ID card, her role in the group is to be the medical support, assisting and protecting her allies, as well as being a great investigator. Dara appears in the 1st episode of Signals from the Other Side, inside Francisco Albuquerque's van during a group ambush against a Dark Crawler.[5]


Miniatura Dara em Sinais do Outro Lado

Dara is a fair skinned 19-year-old woman, 5.15 feet tall,[6] short brown hair and dark eyes, having a cyan blue sash tied around her head. On her neck, there's a red choker with gold details. She wears a black overcoat, with a red aviator glasses model of golden frame hanging on her greenish blouse from the band The Pression, with white details and a red bow on the collar. At the bottom, she wears brown pants with folded bars, brown shoes with a red sock on her right foot and a cyan blue sock on her left foot.

Above her clothes, she has several bags and bandoleiras with various objects, such as an UV flashlight, a kind of radar and pliers. Also has a walkie-talkie on her left arm, that next to her hand, wears a brown and cyan glove. Hanging on her shoulder, there is a huge bag that stands out her body.


Dara is a calm and careful girl, being very subtle both in her actions and in tone of voice, always seeking to help people in the best possible way. For her more peaceful and serene way, Dara does not participate in the games and is not as loud as her companions, becoming more concerned with their physical integrity and the walk of the mission.

After being kidnapped, Dara is connected to the origin of the transmission, and there, she understands the purpose, the objectives, everything about the signal. When she meets her friends, she shows herself more apathetic and direct with them, knowing that only the realization of the Passage is what needs to be done to make everything okay.



Dara Alice Venturini was born on December 13, 1977, in Minas Gerais. Not much is known about her past other than having suffered a car accident with her family as a child (being that her worst memory[7]), but Dara was a medicine student, and also had a great passion for the band The Pression. In one of the shows that Dara was, she ended up meeting Francisco Albuquerque, a very small man, but who also had a huge passion for the band. The two became friends from that day on, and had joined the group The Five, under the leadership of Morato Vertaler. In addition to meeting Chico, Dara also met Alexandre, Guizo, Lírio Tellini and Voytek Nowak. One day, while the group returned from a sewer, Voytek eventually disobeyed an order from Morato, going the other way and being caught by a herd of paranormal creatures that shattered his body in front of the group. The shock of having seen the scene together with the group affected Dara, who was very sorry for the loss of her partner. However, this did not stop them from continuing their adventures.

Signals from the Other Side[]

In the early hours of October 29, 1997, the Five ambushed a Dark Crawler, a creature they were chasing all day. Dara was inside the van along with Chico and Xande, following the unfolding of the ambush and meeting with her friends. The group soon after entered Café’s Pizzaria, waiting for Morato who had sent a message to meet them. While waiting, Dara sat down at one of the tables, being served by Vicente Santos, one of the waiters of the place, asking for a 4 cheese pizza with a bunch of Gorgonzola.

The group gathered, arguing about Morato’s delay, which was never delayed, until a redhead man, 20 years old, entered the place. After identifying yourself as Calisto Besatt, he makes a secret request to Mandy, who leads him to the back of the establishment. With this situation, the group decides to separate, with Dara staying with Guizo and Xande inside the site. As Lírio and Chico go to move some things in the van, Guizo and Xande notice the furnace of the funds opening, which Dara does not notice. After the other two return, the furnace opens once more and everyone sees Calisto and Mandy leaving. The group questions Mandy about the furnace, but getting no answer, but Calisto calls them to the back, saying he knew Morato. They then go to the back, coming across an office full of various notes, boxes, papers, posters, cabinets and modified items. Calisto explains that he's part of an organization that also fights the Paranormal and that is an expert in languages of this organization. He talks to the group that Morato was investigating the Aliens alone, only that all the information he had kept in his terminal were corrupted, except a video in which he explained that he was finally coming to the end of his investigation, that there had several disappearances where he was and that if he disappeared, everything The Five needed was in a folder with the group symbol. They then decide to follow in the footsteps of their leader and follow the journey to the Zucchini Farm, a farm located in the south of Minas Gerais, in the town of Varminho.

Dara was the driver of the 3-hour trip, driving Chico’s van calmly. During the trip, she was talking to Lírio, who showed his bone knife and told the story of how he received it and how it was made. However, almost at the end of the road, she and Guizo notice a black van behind them, as if chasing the group. She steps on the accelerator, fearing the chase, but is surprised by the van changing lanes and hitting them. With a lot of effort, Dara holds the wheel and stays on the track, watching the black van shoot out on the road and disappearing inexplicably when making a turn. After a few minutes trying to assimilate this whole situation, the Five finally arrive at the Zucchini Farm.

There, they meet the Magal Benza family, composed by the father Adágio, the mother Alberta and one of the sons, Luan. They have a brief conversation with each of the members before departing for the investigation, separating into two groups. While Lírio and Xande help Adágio with the burnt corn, Dara follows Guizo and Chico to the family home, where they find several tapes played next to the TV. They then realize that one of the tapes has one of the titles written with Morato’s handwriting, deciding to play it. The three watch Morato pretending to be someone from a company that repairs antennas while passing information about what is happening on the farm between the lines. After that, Guizo puts another tape, unnamed, and the three begin to feel something strange, with Dara seeing several symbols appearing on the screen flashing along with a noise, which shakes her mind a little. They keep checking the tapes, watching a movie tape and an amateur movie made by Jerson, one of the missing farmers. After Lírio and Xande arrive together in the house and the three pass the tapes they had seen before, they put the tape with the year 1992, where Jerson records the family during the June party. Suddenly, the video cuts, with Morato appearing and saying that there is a secret in the tree house, where he was based. The video returns, to a scene a month before Jerson’s disappearance, where he films something passing through the window, but the video distorts and ends.

The group then decides to go to the tree house after discovering the information that Morato had left behind, and before everyone gathered there, Chico goes to the van to get something. When he returns, he hands a Tamagotchi to Dara, who is super happy to have received the gift. The Five then turn their attention to figuring out how to climb the treehouse without a ladder. After a continuous effort along with a rope and a ritual of Xande, Dara is the first to climb, meeting in a kind of room with various things scattered as bookshelves, boxes and most importantly: monitors with terminals and other technological devices. She notices various documents on the table, various drawings of creatures and also sees photos of the residents of the farm sticked to the wall. As the group investigates, Chico realizes that to access Morato's terminal, he would need five requirements. He asks for the ID cards of his friends and along with his, inserts them to access the terminal. He finds several of Morato’s notes saying about the types of Aliens present on the farm, people on the other side of the lake, mysterious signals and a mention of a black van, as well as recordings of cameras installed in the house. The group sees a recording of Morato sleeping and soon after a silhouette approaching him and another recording of someone hooded climbing into the tree house. In addition, they see the latest footage from the outside camera, which distorts for half a second showing the black van touching the tree house and dozens of men in suits surrounding the farm.

While all this was happening, Guizo followed the trail of a strange larva that was in the house, encountering a room hidden behind a bookshelf, revealing another desk with computer and the folder that Morato held in the video. The group approaches and Dara sees with her friends their ID photos linked to the drawing of a creature that looks creepy, in addition to the photo of Voytek. They then open the folder, coming across a kind of guide to identify and combat the Aliens that Morato was investigating. After this, they all decide to go back to the van, and halfway through, Lírio and Xande decide to go talk to Adágio to see if he exhibited any abnormal behavior. During this time, Dara was analyzing the guide with Chico, seeing that there are several types of parasite aliens, one of the categories that Morato mentioned. After Lírio and Xande return saying that Adágio could not recognize colors, blinked one eye at a time often and that his blood was green, Dara assimilates him to an Interfloral, immediately seeing how to make it leave the host without him being surprised. The group then tries to strategize to push him into the lake, but the timing fails when Lírio pushes him before the farmer sees Xande levitating something. Adágio is knocked down to the edge of the lake, but upon touching a little of his arm in the river, he has an agonizing reaction, starting to tremble. His fingers distort and suddenly, his head explodes, with tentacles emerging in place.

While her friends went up on the creature, Dara stayed with Chico behind, setting up a proximity mine to attract it. She kept her submachine gun in hand if necessary, but everything went well with Lírio, Xande and Guizo attracting the parasite to the mine and Chico blowing it up. Even so, the Interfloral remained alive, throwing itself at Guizo, while the rest of the team tried to catch the parasite to finish it. With the creature fleeing soon after taking Adágio’s body again, Xande and Lírio ran after it through the cornfield, while Dara, Chico and Guizo distracted Alberta, with Guizo using his ritual and pretending to be Adágio, even earning a kiss from Alberta. He asked Dara and Chico not to mention this to the rest of the group, and at the same time, Dara was already beginning to tell about the experience. The group reunites again and decides to take Adágio’s body to the van, and upon investigating him, Dara realizes that he was already dead and what kept him alive was the parasite. Shortly after, they are invited by Luan to dinner at home. The group enters and talks a little with Alberta and Luan, with Dara talking with Chico about the abnormalities that some animals were having. Dara, Chico and Lírio stay downstairs talking to the family, saying that maybe they were having an outbreak of infection for these abnormalities to be happening. After Guizo and Xande return from the second floor after having spoken with Donisvaldo, the other son of the family, the group gathers and leaves the house to the van. On the way, Dara begins to feel sad and guilty of not having been able to save Adágio from the parasite, being consoled by her friends.

They then head to the farm pen to examine one of the family cows. In the middle of the way, Dara was talking to Chico about the types of Aliens that the cow could have. Upon arriving at the cow, the group realizes that it is completely static and after Guizo cuts a part of it, they realize that it was already dead, and that the parasite had started for it and had laid its eggs inside it. After emptying it and burying it in one corner of the farm, the group decides to go to the other side of the lake. Along the way, Dara was listening to her favorite songs from The Pression with Chico, until a random guy gets close to the van with his car, challenging the group to a drag race in exchange for Dara’s phone. She accepts the challenge and the two start running on the road. The gyt starts in front, but Dara manages to follow him and overtake him soon after, while Xande taunts him at the window, departing to the other side of the lake and leaving him behind. As they get there, along with her friends, Dara feels something strange, as if a specific sound is in her mind and something has passed through the clouds of heaven, watching them.

Dara then decides to go along with Guizo, disguised, to a nearby firecamp, meeting three people around it. The three present themselves as Ludismila Soares, Eriberto Viamão e Edimeia Soares, the three people present on the investigation files that Guizo and Xande caught with Don. They talk about the aliens in the area and talk about their families having been abducted and wishing to be taken too. The two reunite with the rest of the group and then all approach the campfire to continue talking to the group, getting more information about what was happening there. Soon after, the group goes to an abandoned radio station, noticing the huge symbol of the station painted on the wall. They begin to investigate, finding various things scattered around the floor and the tables. Dara found several newspaper clippings saying that TV Varminho had been closed due to a leak of documents saying the station was a front for military operations. After gathering the information, the group realizes that several things scattered there had several characteristics for the alien Fummu, or Hose Mouth, as named by the group. After listening to an audio tape of an American man, the group begins to organize in order to confront Fummu, erasing any remaining smoke outside the establishment. Trying to trick the creature, the group leaves the station, and Chico throws a smoke grenade inside, closing the door. A few minutes pass and the group advances against the door, opening everything to find the creature, but having the misfortune to find nothing. At that same moment, the generator on their side explodes, hitting everyone but Xande. Dara begins to extinguish the flames in her body, while the creature reveals itself amid the smoke. During the battle, the Fummu attempts to launch a green flame at Dara, which narrowly dodges. She also remembers that there was a lighter fluid in one of the station’s cabinets. The Five continue to strike the creature, until it enters the station again, taking the fluid and launching against the group. It is soon killed by Xande, and Dara saves herself from being hit by the lighter. After this, Dara, along with Xande, stabilize Lírio, who nearly died from the flames during this battle.

After everyone recovers from the battle, Guizo alerts the group that saw several silhouettes in suit by his camera near the camp, taking several other people and putting them inside a van. As the group investigates the remains of the silhouettes, Dara notices a flashing light across the lake, and with her knowledge of cryptography, she notices someone blinking SOS in morse code, imagining that Don was asking for help. However, as the group returns to the station to investigate one of the computers, Dara, bored, stays in the van to listen to something. She turns on the radio and begins to hear only a noise that gets louder and repeats. She has a strange feeling. She begins to hear the signals. There's someone communicating with her. Someone asking if she already noticed that she's different, that she has been very efficient. They're seeing this. And that's good. Interested in the signal, Dara continues listening to the radio, closing her eyes and imagining the blinking symbols in her mind. She begins to understand. She knows where they have to go. She knows where they came from. She knows it’s more important than they are. They already chose. And suddenly, her trance is interrupted by Xande who came out of nowhere and tried to save her friend. However, she gets angry because she was very curious about what was happening, and amid the omission of what she felt, leaves Xande hurt asking him not to fill her bag. Dara puts her songs back to play, while the rest of the group arrives to head back to Zucchini Farm.

Arriving at the house, Dara accompanies the group entering, meeting Alberta and Luan in front of the TV room, as if they were hypnotized and strangely Adágio coming from the kitchen, greeting them. She goes up with Chico to the second floor, meeting with Don, Kiko and Xande. Don explains that a black van arrived at his house and that Adágio had left it. After a series of conversations, Dara goes down the window with Chico and Xande, meeting with Lírio and Guizo outside. The group tries to organize their next steps, heading to the tree house. As Chico begins to fiddle with the computer terminal and Guizo returns to the house to pick up some specific tapes, Dara has her mind interconnected with that of Guizo so they can communicate. She tells him which tapes Guizo should take, while he and Lírio try to confront Adágio at home. After some time, Chico, who was talking to someone in the terminal through the strange symbols, asks Dara and Xande to leave the room and leave him alone. The two descend from the tree house at the time Lírio and Guizo finish the service with Adágio's body. They talk about the kind of aliens that would be present in the tree house, comparing to a Memoflygian. They go up to the tree house and continue waiting for Chico. In a moment, Lírio notices a strange movement outside, coming across Voytek. He tries to advance to the fellow, who disappears, but is prevented by Dara, who warns him about him being a hallucination of the Memoflygian. After a while, Chico asks everyone to go down the tree house and wait inside the van. A few minutes pass and everyone hears a cry from Chico through their communicators.

Upon hearing Chico’s cries, Dara turns on the van as soon as possible and drives to the tree house, helping Xande get up there. She picks up the radio and tries to calm Chico by the connection, but without success. However, Xande manages to arrive in time to lose the creature there and calm the little one. Xande takes Chico down, leaving him in the care of Dara and Lírio. The group reunites in the van again to watch all the tapes that Morato had left on his recordings. Soon after, Guizo and Xande return to the tree house to investigate, finding Morato’s notes. As they take these papers to the van, Dara takes a look at them, and at first, she can see several words and symbols translated, but in the blink of an eye, they return to the original. The Five then decide to explore the nearby sites of Varminho to find some clue of what to do. But in the middle of it all, during the telepathic communication of Dara and Guizo, something similar to a growl is transmitted from her to him, which makes them a little scared.

The group takes the road and a while later, stops at a convenience store at a gas station. In that same store, they find the man who bet a drag race with them, Bryan, who tries to assault Lírio, but is stopped by the wall and punched by Xande. He tries to escape, but Dara grabs him and knocks him to the ground, mocking him for thinking he could date her. He flees and leaves the group in peace, ready to investigate the store, looking for a computer to be able to communicate with the Memoflygian again. They set up a strategy to distract Vilmo Brotto, the store clerk, pretending that Xande was injured on tape while Dara lurks in his office. She turns on the computer, coming across the same terminal as before, and starts talking to the Memoflygian. It mentions Voytek, says he is at the origin of the transmission and asks where Chico and Lírio are. Dara replies that she is on the spot, turning her gaze and seeing Voytek at the door. She continues talking, while calling Guizo and Lírio for telepathic communication, but the conversation lasts little when Lírio appears abruptly and the illusion disappears. Dara asks Lírio to leave and continues talking to the Memoflygian, who says it is being deceived. The conversation continues, until Voytek appears again and begins to approach Dara, asking to connect with her. The Memoflygian transforms and begins to put her fingers deeper into Dara’s mind, repeating several times that she is the Chosen.

Dara begins to have a vision in her mind: a dirty hallway with several cables and an adorned door in front. However, this connection is cut off when Lírio hits the Memoflygian and makes it take its fingers from her mind. In a moment, the wall hits the creature again, but has a vision as if he had killed Voytek, starting to go crazy. He is calmed down by Dara, who reminds him that this was not the real Voytek. She also lets out a huge scream to call Xande, who comes on fire with his skateboard. The Memoflygian continues to be beaten by Lírio, but it attacks Dara again through her mind, causing several flashbacks of an accident with her family and leaving her confused and shaken. She steps away from the computer, putting herself behind Lírio, who jumps up with his cursed Leonora and crushes the creature’s head, which falls apart in mid-air. The group then reunites after a very difficult experience, creating a relaxed and comforting moment. They rest for a while, with Lírio trying to force himself to smile to rest, but being comforted by Dara and Guizo. They then return to the road to the Zucchini Farm, and arriving there, they come across the scene of Alberta, Luan and Don standing in front of the door, with Adágio’s corpse on the ground. The group mourns the loss of the family and consoles Alberta and Luan, asking them to go up to the second floor to talk a little with Don, who vents about the feeling of not having his father around and having to be responsible in the house. The group tries to encourage him, saying that he is strong and will do very well, and tell about the experiences that have already passed, and that they had to move forward in order to remain firm and strong. Don draws a smile, saying that they have arisen was his greatest luck and that maybe one day, they might be The Six, soon after climbing up to his room to sleep.

During this conversation, Dara begins to watch her friends get ready to sleep inside the house, and that’s where she feels something strange: why does she feel so far from the group? Why does it seem like she’s not a part of The Five? And that’s where everyone realizes: a great silence. No sound of leaves, wind, nothing. And then, they notice a thin layer of fog inside the house and outside it. And as she opens one of the windows, Dara sees something surprising: the black van, parked in front of the house, with dozens of men in suits holding guns pointed towards the house. They start to strafe the house, and some of the group are hit, but by a kind of aura of energy, which seems to mark symbols in them. The group splits up, trying to organize what to do, and while Chico protects the family upstairs, the rest begin to close the windows of the house while they continue to be machine-gunned. They realize that everyone is being targeted except Dara. And when closing the last window, they feel a change in the environment, and again silence takes over. Suddenly, several steps are heard outside, and Chico sees from above people grouping and joining, connecting to each other. They begin to make the same noise together, as if they were summoning something or something. It is at this moment that Xande, without patience, leaves the house and advances against one of these groups. Lírio and Guizo follow him, and the three see something unbelievable: a kind of huge flying object, with a completely strange shape, floating imposing in the field. Dara, unsure whether to go up or not, decides to stand by the door to see more, and then she feels. She heard the Signal. She understood the call. Is there something worse than Pain and Death?

She feels that everything has been so light up here. Even those who died could not have been saved by them. They’re all young, and it’s not their fault what happened. But what could be worse than Pain and Death, getting closer and closer? They’re just going after their mentor, who disappeared. Could be the eternal despair or the cold solitude something worse than Pain and Death? It’s almost as if the innocence of the group forms a shield. They are The Five! No matter the challenge, they will eventually overcome. But Dara will never be alone while they are here. And she's ready to understand what is worse than Pain and Death. She'll want to die. She'll want to suffer. And she won’t have any of that stuff.

It is here.


She was taken and forgotten by her friends. The Outsider, a conscious and extremely intelligent creature, took her so that she could achieve its goals: find out more about the transmission, understand the Signal and understand everything. While Dara was in the Transmission, she understood the goal: the creature needed a chosen person to perform the Passage to the impossible place, Tenebris. For this, she was encapsulated and connected to the creature’s ship, which resembled one of the six bells of the Impossible City. She was connected to the Transmission, absorbing all the knowledge she needed to understand the creature’s purpose and the purpose of performing the Passage. And she was aware that this choice to perform the Passage is also a sacrifice: would be Dara free enough to choose to abandon her own freedom in order to become one with Tenebris? However, she had to decide that with her friends.

So she tried to send messages to them through the terminals, which were received and translated by them, who shortly afterwards remembered her. And after a while investigating, the group finally met with Morato in the TV Varminho's Tower and reached the sixth floor, where they found Dara connected to the bell. But several setbacks prevented everyone from finding her in the transmission. Morato sacrificed himself to protect his pupils and Xande also sacrificed himself to allow Lírio, Guizo and Chico to connect. The three arrive at the transmission, and begin to explore the site, searching for Dara. The silhouettes of the place say that "the Chosen is at the door", and they continue walking until they find Dara, apathetic, in front of what should be the wall with the station’s symbol, but which now contained a huge door with a symbol adorned in front. She says she understood everything, she realized everything, she knows the purpose. She knows the bell, she knows the signals, she knows everything. She knows she needs to go there.

Dara also questions why Xande is not with them, and is annoyed that everyone should be there, even though only one could accomplish the Passage. The silhouettes gather around the group, saying in unison that all are one and all are destined to become one thing. Something greater, something better. They also say that only one person can pass to Tenebris, the primordial manifestation of Reality. And Dara is determined to be the one to accomplish that. She is asked by Chico and Lírio why she wants this choice, and she says she has no other choice. Everyone in the transmission begins to feel that they are all chosen and that the freedom to perform the Passage is a paradox. The three realize that the Transmission has transformed Dara, though she still has her essence. They say that even if she doesn’t want to, they know that this is her choice, but that she can make that choice thinking about The Five. Thinking of Xande, Morato, everything.

Dara, for a second, I thought I had understood them, I thought they meant no harm. But everything they do is parasitize, invade us... as they invaded your mind as they so invade mine!

Francisco "Chico" Albuquerque[8]

However, Chico and Lírio are still very sad to know that she despised the noble act of Xande having sacrificed himself to protect them, and that nothing was worth it. He then turns his back, and notices a passage opening behind them, showing a choice: perform the Passage or return to the normal world. At this moment, Guizo, silenced for a long time, tells Chico and Lírio to come back, saying that he needs to talk to Dara. The two return to the normal world while Dara and Guizo talk on the transmission.

She hears from her friend that he may finally have realized his dream: to be in touch with things in more ways than paranormal he could discover. That’s all he’s dreamed of since he was a child. And entering a paranormal city might be his best chance to become one with what he’s always wanted. Upon hearing this, Dara understands. All this has more to do with Guizo. The door opens. She decides to let Guizo make the passage, knowing that even losing another friend is a choice that makes a lot of sense. The two say goodbye with a tight hug, and Guizo stands in front of the door, taking another step and entering the passage. The door closes, and Dara, with nothing else to do, returns through the other door, returning to the normal world.

Rituals and Abilities[]


Dara doesn't have any ritual.


Paramedic: The user can use a standard action and 2 EP to heal 2d10 HP from an adjacent ally.[9]

Ecletic: When doing a skill test, the user can spend 2 EP to receive the benefits of being trained in it.[10]

Expert: The user chooses two skills in which it is trained. When it makes a skill test, it can spend 2 EP to add +1d6 in the test result.[11]


Submetralhadora de Dara em Sinais do Outro Lado
Sub-machine gun
Custom red and blue color submachine gun with a keychain of a smiling emoji.[12]


  • Alexandre: Xande is a dear friend of Dara, being part of the same group as her. And whenever they interact, it’s with affection and charisma. Dara doesn’t seem to bother with the way Xande treats her, and also doesn’t hesitate to help or protect him in case he comes in handy. She seems to be very tolerant of her way of being, even if he sometimes reveals silly ideas, and she has to be the voice of the team’s reason.
  • Francisco Albuquerque: Dara and Chico met at a show from The Pression,[13] becoming close friends. They interact a lot with each other, since they are the "geniuses" of the team. Not only for that, but also for simply being good friends and caring about each other. Among several other casual interactions of friendship, they take turns as drivers of the van, even if, Dara is the fixed driver of the group. They have a slight contrast of personality, being Dara more gentle and calm, and Chico a little more agitated, but that does not make them so different, are even somewhat similar in some ways, as the fact that they like the band Pression. Another proof of his friendship is when Chico presents him with a Tamagotchi, something that Dara loved to receive and his friend already knew she would like.
  • Guilherme Santos: Dara and Guizo are good friends, have confidence and care for each other, although sometimes Dara disapproves of his friend’s ideas about the Aliens and his silly plans in general.
  • Lírio Tellini: Dara and Lírio have a great relationship because they are teammates, with Dara approaching Lírio because she always has to take care of his injuries after several missions, acting with concern and disapproval the impulsive actions of Lírio.
  • Morato Vertaler: Not much is known about Morato and Dara’s relationship, however, it is apparent that she cares about her leader, as she became anxious after Morato was late for his meeting with the team in "Aliens".
  • Vicente Santos: Dara treats Vicente normally like any other of her friends, being very kind to him. However, he is very anxious and shy around her, stammering and doing the things that Dara asks without hesitation.[14]


  • The Pression is Dara and Chico's favorite band.[15]
  • Dara's favorite color is green.[16]
  • Dara's favorite food is gorgonzola cheese soup.[17]
  • If she had the option, Dara would choose a rabbit to be her tamagotchi pet.[18]
  • To create Dara, Carolinga got inspired by Winona Ryder's 90s style[19] and the personality of Dana Scully, a protagonist of Arquivo X.[20]
  • Dara wears 2.5 size shoes.
  • Dara's birth day and month refers to the birth day and month of Taylor Swift, one of Carolinga's favorite artists.[21]
  • Dara's hair was quite inspired on the character Rachel Green from the series Friends.[22]
  • If she ever had an Elemental Affinity, Dara would have affinity with the element of Knowledge, according to Carolinga.[23]
  • Dara doesn't have the appendix, according to Carolinga.[24]



Episodes Appearances
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 - "Aliens" First Appearance
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 - "Parasite" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 - "Still Me" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 4 - "Chosen" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 - "The Four" Photo, drawing and Flashback
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 6 - "TV Varminho" Photo and drawing
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 7 - "Transmission" Presente


  1. Twitch. Stream "A DARA É LINDA DEMAIS" of Carol in October 28, 2022 (watch on Twitch at 0h10m15s)
  2. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 3h08m50s)
  3. Twitter. Tweet from carol (November 13, 2023)
  4. Twitter. Tweet from Ordem Paranormal (October 27, 2022)
  5. Her first appearance in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 12m15s)
  6. Twitch. Stream "A DARA É LINDA DEMAIS" of Carol in October 28, 2022 (watch on Twitch at 0h9m47s)
  7. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 3h03m04s)
  8. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 3h45m40s)
  9. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 57m28s)
  10. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 56m55s)
  11. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h08m23s)
  12. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 12m40s)
  14. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 34m07s)
  15. Her favorite band in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 12m35s)
  16. Her favorite color in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h49m34s)
  17. Her favorite food in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h28m01s)
  19. Twitch. Stream "Transcending with Leo Santi - Carol and Guaxinim #Transcendendo" of Cellbit in November 10, 2022 (watch on Twitch at 0h42m48s)
  20. Twitch. Stream "Transcending with Leo Santi - Carol and Guaxinim #Transcendendo" of Cellbit in November 10, 2022 (watch on Twitch at 0h43m53s)
  21. Twitter. Tweet from carol (December 13, 2022)
  22. YouTube. Quem é Dara?, com Carol - ORDEMCAST.
  23. YouTube. Quem é Dara?, com Carol - ORDEMCAST.
  24. Twitter. Tweet from carol (September 18, 2023)