Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki
For the other Ordo Realitas agent and geologist, see Daniel Ferrero de Rossi.

Daniel wrote paranormal tales his whole life, not imagining that the fear caused by his stories actually weakened the Veil and caused real horrors in the world. When he found himself involved in an investigation by members of Ordo Realitas and discovered what he had accidentally caused, he sought to join the order and fight what he created all his life.


I think something, or someone, wanted us to meet right now.

Daniel Hartmann[2]

Daniel Hartmann was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in The Paranormal Order.

He used to be a writer of macabre tales and supernatural reports of great success[3], but what he didn't know was that the fear caused by his work weakened the Veil. When he became involved in an investigation of the Order and was confronted by agent Tristan Monteiro[4], he realized what he had accidentally done and decided to work with the organization to fight the paranormal and its monstrous creations.

Daniel was killed by the Degolified during the Scout in the Nostradamus High School bunker, being devoured in half by the creature.[5]


Miniatura Daniel em O Segredo na Floresta

Daniel was a tall man of 28 years, red hair, green eyes[fn 1] and about 5'8" feet tall.[6] He had a very pale skin, a full and long beard,[7] with shaved hair from the sides and stuck in a bun, plus a sedentary physique.[8] During the events of The Paranormal Order, he wore a gray overcoat with a pocket and, on the inside, a blue shirt with a hood. His eyes had deep dark circles that transmitted tiredness and anxiety at the same time. He carried a metal canteen that appeared to contain alcohol, but after his death it was revealed that it was just water.[9]


Most of the time, he acted sarcastically because of his vast experience in the production of texts and the development of ideas, always analyzing the inconsistencies in people’s speeches.[10] He used to be very suspicious of everything and hardly put trust in those who did not belong to the main group. It is also possible to notice that Daniel did not deal very well with desperate or out of control people, often walking away or losing patience.[11]

Daniel was an intelligent man, who most of the time thought before acting. He also demonstrated a comprehensive knowledge of the paranormal compared to his companions, especially in the way he used to manifest and spread, this is probably due to the fact that he had to deal with the consequences of the accident involving his horror tales, adding to the fact that he was a horror writer, who constantly studied how fear could change people’s behavior.

Daniel was previously obstinate in seeking inspiration for his books, as is revealed on the 13th episode of Deconjuration, when he visited the Devilish Mansion in search of a "perfect and ideal inspiration" for his new story, the children’s reports of the atrocities committed by Vanessa Ângelo in the past,[12] which eventually became the story told in his book, "The Lurker".[13]


  • Paranormal Study: Beeing a writer of horror tales gave Daniel a good knowledge about the paranormal creatures of the veil and how the veil itself works.
  • Hidden Language: Daniel also understood a lot the language and symbols that the Occultists use, knowing how to unravel mysteries hidden by them.
  • Writer: Daniel, being a writer and having already published several books, had enough knowledge of narrative and how to write stories.



Daniel Hartmann was born in a small town on the coast of Santa Catarina between 1991 and 1992. With his mother dying soon after his birth, Daniel was cared for by his father[8] until his disappearance in an unknown year.[14] At some point in his life, Daniel became a very successful writer, specializing in horror books and supernatural tales. He was fascinated by the paranormal world and possessed a vast knowledge of cultures and religions dealing with the afterlife, as Daniel desperately sought some kind of contact with his deceased mother.[15]

In 2018, Daniel visited the Devilish Mansion to investigate its past involving the "Missing Family" and its other residents.[16] There, finding the tapes and photos of Salazar Lourenço, the photographer who lived in the house in 1997, Daniel creates the draft of a creature that ended up not being used in his tales.[17] As he investigated, Daniel discovered the stories of Vanessa Ângelo, told by the voices of spirits of the children linked to the house, and Fátima Mare, told by her adopted son.[18] From there, he had inspiration for his tales "The Lurker"[13] and the "Drowned Woman"[19], creatures that became reality without the writer’s knowledge.

After countless unsuccessful attempts to contact his mother, he ended up sinking his sorrows into drinks, becoming an alcoholic. In addition, he also stopped writing his paranormal tales because of demotivation.[15]

After discovering that the fear caused by his stories was affecting the world, and that a creature of his tales had come true and murdered pregnant women,[20] Daniel joined Ordo Realitas to compensate for his actions.[21]

The Paranormal Order[]

After several small individual cases for Order, on the dawn of February 29, 2020, Daniel received a mysterious email with a location, time and a code to show for a case.[7] There, he was introduced to the Nostradamus School case, along with Thiago Fritz and Elizabeth Webber, in which an educational building was consumed by flames and a fireman was mutilated.[22]

As the investigations progressed, the group invades the apartment of Alexsander Kothe,[23] who managed to recognize Daniel as a supernatural writer, even having a copy of "Tales of a Needy Creature" on his bookshelf. From their first meeting, Daniel treated Alex harshly, always distrusting his true motivations.

At the end of the mission, during the Scount in the school's undergrounds, Daniel carried a shotgun[24] while bravely facing the transformed Degolified, shooting the creature non-stop in order to buy time for his companions to find a way to destroy it. However, being too close, he ends up being seriously injured, and finally, devoured by the monster.[5]


On the 13th episode of Deconjuration, it's revealed that the eye that haunted Kaiser, Arthur Cervero and Ivete Beicur was the creature "The Lurker", originated from one of the books written by Daniel at the time he visited the Devilish Mansion. It's discovered that the creatures manifested on the spot through the Forced Haunt Ritual carved into their respective coffins.[25]

Later, it's revealed that Frederico Mare, a person being investigated by D-Force, had also been interviewed by Daniel as a source of inspiration for writing one of his next books.[18]


  • Tales of a Needy Creature: Such collection was his most famous book, selling several copies nationally. The main tale is about a creature that attacked pregnant women to feed on their babies,[26] which gave rise to the monster The Needy, which eventually came to manifest in the empty body of Denis Batista after the Passage of Kian[27]. It has never been explained exactly what the other tales in the series are about, only that the 27th story, titled "The Wolf", is about a man who turns against his companions.[28]
  • The Lurker - and other horror stories: This work is a collection of several horror tales, some of them inspired by Daniel’s discoveries about the past events of the Devilish Mansion.[16] Among these, there is "The Lurker",[13] inspired by the story of Vanessa Ângelo told by mysterious voices of the mansion, and "The Drowned Woman",[19] inspired by the macabre murder of Fátima Mare, which gave rise to paranormal creatures of the same name.
  • Between the Horse and the Wolf: This work brings together several tales, like the others. No story in this book is known.[29]
  • The Lurker and Other Stories: This work is a posthumous collection of several short stories previously released by Daniel, published years after his death as a way to spread his stories to more fans of his books and the supernatural as a whole. It gathers his most famous stories, such as "The Lurker", "Photophobia" and "Damned Mother's Day", in a unique book.

Manias and Phobias[]

Alcoholism: Daniel was an alcoholic for a time in his life, which resulted in several friends distancing from him[30] and even in the loss of motivation to write. Daniel has only overcomed this addiction after being recruited by Tristan Monteiro, no longer drinking alcohol since then.[21] Being sober for two months, he carried his old canteen of drinks as a way to deal with his alcoholism, taking with him, in addition to always reminding him of his past, show that alcohol no longer controls him and that he has control over himself now.[31]


Arma de Fogo em A Ordem ParanormalPistol A standard firearm.
Espingarda de Daniel HartmannShotgun An 882 model Remington rifle with four shots ammunition capacity and one more in the chamber, with a high firepower. It was briefly used by Daniel.[24]


  • Alexsander Kothe: Due to his traumas at Nostradamus School, Alex couldn't contribute significantly to the investigation, which left Daniel out of control to the point of attacking him. For a long time, Daniel despised Alex and disapproved his behavior before the team, even developing a trauma of paranoia that made him believe that Alex would still be a dangerous occultist or some paranormal creature.[32]However, in the last episode, Daniel, due to the therapy Alex gave him, he realized that Alex was not a paranormal creature and was not trying to "fool" them, but that he was actually a human too and expressed fear like everyone else.
  • Elizabeth Webber: Daniel and Liz worked together on the Nostradamus School case, Daniel treated Liz as a friend, also considering that they had similar behaviors. Finally, the two seemed to have a healthy relationship, despite the troubles in the investigation.
  • Gabriel Opspor (Agatha Volkomenn): Daniel never actually met Gabriel, but while Agatha controlled the boy’s body without the agents knowing, Daniel treated him aggressively and impatiently due to all the acts committed by him, shown in the camera footage found at Nostradamus School.
  • Thiago Fritz: The two seemed to get along well as co-workers, and maintained a balanced relationship, sharing even moments of stress, where Thiago offered cigarette to Daniel.[33] Still, the relationship between the two had troubled moments, as the time Daniel shot Alex, and Thiago was outraged, stating that Daniel did nothing but complain and even injured a civilian.




Episodes Appearances
The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 - "Episode 1" First Appearance
The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 - "Final Episode" Death
Deconjuration - Episode 19 - "Tirigan" Only Portrait

Notes and References[]


  1. Although he appears blonde and blue-eyed in some arts, Daniel is officially redhead with green eyes.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Twitch. Stream "ESPECIAL RPG - ORDEM PARANORMAL" of Cellbit (watch on Twitch at 2h32m35s)
  2. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 10m41s)
  3. Kaiser's search about Daniel in Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 12m45s)
  4. Twitter. Tweet from @OrdemParanormal
  5. 5.0 5.1 His death in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h37m40s)
  6. Appearance in YouTube. i'm on a game. Checked in September 28, 2022.
  7. 7.0 7.1 His first appearance in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 7m21s)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Twitch. Clip "OVERWATCH COM O PIMPOLHO" from lubatv. Checked in March 1, 2020.
  9. Canteen with water in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h39m29s)
  10. Daniel interrupting Elizabeth in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 59m57s)
  11. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h03m35s)
  12. Devilish Mansion's voices about Daniel in Deconjuration - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 4h20m01s)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Story "The Lurker" in Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 19m24s)
  14. YouTube. Ep. 99 - The Warrior of Dawn, with LUBA - ORDEMCAST. Checked in April 11, 2024.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Past. i'm on a game
  16. 16.0 16.1 Daniel's notebook about the Devilish Mansion in Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 3h14m36s)
  17. 17.0 17.1 Traveler's sketch in Deconjuration - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 28m11s)
  18. 18.0 18.1 Frederico questioning about Daniel in Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 3h16m06s)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Story "The Drowned Woman" in Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 43m28s)
  20. Newspaper clip about The Needy's victims in Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 52m50s)
  21. 21.0 21.1 Twitch. Stream "dia de REDDIT -> ferreiro VR? -> jogos de terror -> Umineko 23:00" of Cellbit in April 4, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 31m31s)
  22. Nostradamus School case in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 19m48s)
  23. Invasion at Alexsander's apartment in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h52m30s)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Scouting Equipment in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h35m14s)
  25. Forced Haunt Ritual in Deconjuration - Episode 21 (watch on YouTube at 2h10m41s)
  26. Tales of a Needy Creature. i'm on a game
  27. Execution of the rituals of Kian's passage in Deconjuration - Episode 21 (watch on YouTube at 2h26m43s)
  28. Story "The Wolf" in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h45m34s)
  29. 29.0 29.1 Elizabeth's bookshelf in Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h05m11s)
  30. Twitch. Clip "A ORDEM PARANORMAL (RPG DO CELLBIT) // Daniel Hartmann" from lubatv. Checked in March 8, 2020.
  31. Twitch. Clip "Daniel F" from lubatv. Checked in March 8, 2020.
  32. The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 5h39m11s)
  33. Thiago giving a cigarrete to Daniel in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h24m38s)
  34. Twitch. Stream "que ódio" of Bagi in June 13, 2020 (watch on Twitch)[expired stream]
  35. Between the Horse and the Wolf in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 41m03s)
  36. Luba reveals everything about Joui
  37. Traveler's manifestation in Deconjuration - Episode 21 (watch on YouTube at 2h09m42s)
  38. Alex e Daniel
  39. Ep. 99 - O Guerreiro do Amanhecer, com LUBA - ORDEMCAST. Checked in April 12, 2024.