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The Crystal Zombies are Blood creatures, that first arose from the body of Oswald Magani. The long exposure to the Crystal Cave caused several paranormal crystals to burst from the creature and leaving it with an even more frightening aspect. Being a variation of the Blood Zombies, after its appearance, the creature wandered around the medical ward attacking anyone who approached it, including Theo Portlash, who was eventually cornered and killed by it, also turning into this monster later. Subsequently, both Zombies were killed by Mia during the investigation of the Crystal Cave.


The creature originated from Oswald has a distorted body, being a quadrupedal creature with elongated arms and legs, and in place of its face is only possible to see several green crystals, which are also present throughout the rest of its body.

Now, Theo's version has a more similar appearance to a Humanoid Zombie, still having some crystals on its body, but wearing a necklace with a whistle and being with the "Paranormal Flashlight" merged in its hand, this item carried by the agent on his death. The creature inherited the strong smell that Theo possessed, being even more smelly than the ordinary Blood Zombies.


Oswald's Crystal Zombie appears to have a strong understanding of the environment around it, being able to perceive the presence of victims at a long distance and attacking them in a violent and frantic way.

Unlike his uncle’s version, Theo’s Crystal Zombie tries to run away from anyone who comes close to it, moving slightly around the Cave to stay as far away from whoever is following it.


  • The Scream: Oswald's Crystal Zombie can release a loud scream, causing mental damage in those who listen.
  • The God of Fear's Vision: The Crystal Zombies, unlike other Blood creatures, seem to see, making it necessary to sneak up on them to kill them.

