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Cristopher Cohen, born in the US, was the first Van Damme's stuntman. He moved to Brazil to work in a movie and felt in love with the country. Many years later, Cohen finally accepted to join the Order.

Son, I love you...!

Cristopher Cohen[2]

Cristopher Cohen was one of the protagonists from the series Paranormal Order, present in The Secret in the Forest.

He was an American actor and stuntman, known for his work in action films abroad, until he moved to Brazil and started a family. Christopher was one of the best friends of Arnaldo Fritz, one of the most renowned agents of the Ordo Realitas. Because of Arnaldo, he had his first contact with the Order and the paranormal, but he avoided joining the organization to protect his family. In 2020, after numerous attempts by the Order to convince him to join them, Christopher accepted the proposal and was assigned to a team consisting of Elizabeth Webber, Joui Jouki, and two of his acquaintances: Thiago Fritz, Arnaldo's son, and Cesar Cohen, his son.

In his first and last case in the Order, Cristopher decided to sacrifice himself to protect his team by jumping on top of a Aracnasite that kept Thiago trapped inside it. He ended up being devoured by several small spiders, having his body dismembered into several parts.[3]


Miniatura Cristopher em O Segredo na Floresta

Cris was a huge man, 6.5 meters tall and a very muscular body, being described by many as "a closet". During The Secret in the Forest, he had short gray hair, usually wearing a white tank top, black pants and simple shoes, and has a huge scar, which covers much of the left side of his face. Cris obtained this scar after a suicide attempt in which he burned his own face. He had tribal tattoos on both arms, and a tattoo on his back, representing scales of what appears to be a dragon or a snake.


Not only for his physical aspect but also for his very scandalous nature, Cristopher was someone who hardly went unnoticed. Always talking loudly and trying to ensure the well-being of everyone around him, although most of the time it was the definition of lack of subtlety, Cris could become friends with everyone he met, and was a "big daddy" for the team members. His protective character and willingness to sacrifice for the good of others were central points of his personality and motivated his death in a last gesture of altruism.[4]


  • Stuntman Experience: Having had a stunt experience for years, Cristopher has amazing endurance, making him recover from scars, injuries and trauma at an impressive speed.
  • Physical: Cristopher had an incredibly strong body, as an obvious result, he has an extreme strength and an impressive resistance, which makes it most often take the front line in a fight and serve as a "wall" for his companions, absorbing all the damage.
  • Advanced Driving: For having made several action films, Cristopher has a natural talent in driving, and performed several radical maneuvers with the car without harming his passengers, making him a great driver.[5]



Cristopher Cohen was born in August 11[6], 1960, in California, US, and due to his physical disposition, he became a highly recognized stuntman. He worked in large productions abroad, including with the star Jean-Claude Van Damme.[7] After being called to be a stuntman in a Brazilian movie with the actor Arnaldo Fritz, he fell in love with Brazil and, after two years studying Portuguese, decided to move to the country, where he met his wife, Cláudia Oliveira, and had a son, Cesar Oliveira Cohen. He formed a close friendship with Arnaldo and his family, including his son, Thiago Fritz. It was even on account of the actor that Cristopher discovered about the activities of the Order, however, to prevent his family from having contact with the paranormal, he decided that he would not join the organization. However, this happened eventually.[8]

Both the death of Arnaldo and the discovery of what exists on the other side of the veil made Cris fear for the safety of his family. In an act that he would regret for the rest of his life, he decided to get away from his wife and son, keeping with them as little contact as possible. At that time, he went into a deep depression and tried to kill himself by setting his own body on fire, but during the process, he realized what kind of example he would be giving to Cesar and gave up the idea. However, he gained a huge scar on his face as a reminder of this moment.

After this, he gradually began to recover his life, and his remarkable good mood, always feeding the hope of reconnecting with his son.[9] In the following years, the Order tried to recruit him repeatedly, until, only in 2020, on the condition that they never involve his family, Cris agreed to join the organization. What he did not know, however, was that in the meantime, Cesar had already joined the paranormal combat and both would be part of the same team.[8]

The Secret in the Forest[]

In what would be Cristopher’s only mission, the team was sent to Carpazinha, Rio Grande do Sul, to investigate the disappearance of another Order team, the Team Kelvin, and the strange murder of a local resident.

In the end, in the fight against the spiders, Cris jumps on the back of the Aracnasite to try to rescue Thiago, but feels hypnotized by piercing part of the creature’s abdomen and seven other smaller spiders fall on his back, devouring him alive and destroying part of his body.[3] Before sacrificing himself, Cris screams loud and clear: "Son! I love you."[10] After his death, Cesar Cohen buries his body near the Ape Hangers Bar and, as a tribute, Thiago leaves the old watch of his father hanging on the grave and Liz puts the photo of her mother leaning on the cross.[11] In that same place, the Scoundrel Vultures were later buried and symbolic graves for Thiago Fritz and Kenan Thomas were dug up.


In some moment between the 6 months, Kaiser develops the "Supernatural Irregularities Recognition Central", an AI that detects paranormal activities being operated by the research team at the Ordo Realitas Base, being referred as "S.I.R.C." several times by him.


  • Arnaldo Fritz: The two were great friends, having first met during a recording made in Brazil. And because they were both actors, they ended up forming a bond of friendship. Arnaldo was even the point of access for Cris to enter the order, although he joined the organization after the death of his friend.[12][13]
  • Cláudia Oliveira: Cris, when moving to Brazil, meets Cláudia in some way, falling in love and marrying her later. As a result of this relationship, came Cesar, precious son to both parents. However, to prevent his family from getting involved with the dangers of the paranormal, Cristopher turns away from the family, not giving them any answers, thinking he is doing the best for both. Cris was devastated by the death of Cláudia, and years later consoles his son about the death of his mother.
  • Cesar Oliveira Cohen: Cris always cared very much about his son, even when he couldn't give due parental attention. Due to this, Cesar ended up creating a tension between the two, which Cris tried to solve, unsuccessfully, most of the time. During the investigations in The Secret in the Forest, Cris tried his best to restore the relationship with his son, with difficulties at first, but easing the mood in his final moments.
  • Elizabeth Webber: Although Liz treated him with contempt most of the time, Cris never seemed to see evil coming from her.[14] He even recognized and praised her research skills.
  • Joui Jouki: Because they had similar behavior, Cris ended up liking Joui, admiring his skills and way of being.[15]
  • Thiago Fritz: Cristopher had a friendly and sympathetic attitude towards Thiago. And for being his father’s friend, eventually Cris met him when he was younger.[16] Cris also put his trust in Thiago. A good example of this was before his death, moments before Thiago woke up from his spiral hypnosis, when Cristopher contacted him, asking Thiago to protect Cesar from the dangers of the paranormal in the course of the investigation, and the two sealed a promise, followed by a hug.[13]




Episodes Appearances
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 - "Team Kelvin" First Appearance
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 2 - "The Sanatorium" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 - "Arachnophobia" Death
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 - "Goodbyes" Spirit and Body
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 - "Hotel" Guilt Parasite
Deconjuration - Episode 1 - "Ordo Realitas" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 3 - "Transcend" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 4 - "Orphanage" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 5 - "Escribes" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 8 - "Reunion" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 9 - "Devilish Mansion" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 10 - "Photographs" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 11 - "Remember" Only photo
Deconjuration - Episode 19 - "Tirigan" Only portrait
Deconjuration - Episode 20 - "Kian" Only drawing[19]
Calamity - Episode 3 - "Pact" Only drawing[20]
Calamity - Episode 9 - "Synthesis" Only drawing[21]


  1. Twitter. Tweet from @cellbit (04/10/2020)
  2. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h29m7s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 His death in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h46m24s)
  4. Cris and his protective sense with the whole team in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h40m46s)
  5. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 58m59s)
  6. Comment on YouTube. Comment on video "answering questions about PARANORMAL ORDER". Checked in July 4, 2024.
  7. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 59m07s)
  8. 8.0 8.1 The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 24m01s)
  9. Cesar makes a joke with Cris and he gets happy seeing his son joking with him in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 52m38s)
  10. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h29m01s)
  11. Thiago and Liz place symbols representing their parents on the cross of Cris in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 40m32s)
  12. Cris and Arnaldo's friendship in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 40m53s)
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 09m49s)
  14. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h01m49s)
  15. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 59m42s)
  16. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 21m26s)
  17. YouTube. answering questions about PARANORMAL ORDER. Checked in July 4, 2024.
  18. Twitter. Tweet from Luis (August 11, 2024)
  19. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 4h19m18s)
  20. Calamity - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h00m01s)
  21. Calamity - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 2h58m30s)