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Classes are a number of different playing styles created and introduced in the series Paranormal Order. It was introducted in Paranormal Order: Deconjuration with the name Archetypes as building routes of your character’s style and role in both investigation and battle, granting abilities and skill bonuses as rewards. In Paranormal Order: Calamity, the definitive name became Classes, with the addition of a set of subclasses known as Trails, that creatively change the way the player can use their abilities to survive in the universe.

To the full system, buy the Official Playbook.

Deconjuration - Archetypes[]

The mechanics of Archetypes were related to two elements of the Deconjuration system: the Paranormal Exposure and the Transcend ritual. To acquire the Archetypes and their specific abilities, the individual needed to achieve 30% paranormal exposure and then Transcend. Doing this, the Other Side, besides giving more power and strength, would allow one to choose between three Archetypes: Combatant, Investigator and Occultist. Each archetype was related to specific parts of the system:

  • Combatant was related to the user's resistance and power abilities;
  • Investigator was related to the user's expertise abilities;
  • Occultist was related with occultism abilities and the user's sanity.

By transcending with 30% paranormal exposure without a cursed object with a ritual, the individual could choose an abiltity from their archetype.[1] By transcending with an object, the individual would choose its archetype and would learn the ritual of the object.


The Combatant archetype granted a 1/4 bonus of its current Constitution as permanent and current Health Points;[2] with each barrier overcome, the basic health gain passed to 1/3 of its Constitution.[3]


  • Advanced Recovery: By resting for at least 8 hours, the life recovering die raises from 1d3 to 1d6.[4]
  • Quick Draw: Allows you to withdraw firearms and other items using free actions during combat.[4]
  • Enhanced Initiative: Ensures advantage in all rounds of initiative.[4]
  • Skilled Fighter: Allows you to use 2 physical attacks, with one disadvantage each, in the same round.[5]
  • Quick Reflexes: Reaction to even surprise attacks.[5]
  • Perfect Blocking: When having a draw on a block, completely reduces the damage that would be received.[5]
  • Resistant: Grants natural armor, causing all physical damage to be reduced by 3.[6]
  • Draw Attention: Ensures, if successful in an Intimidate test, that the target attacks the summoner in the next round, preventing a hit that would be performed on an ally.[6]
  • Fighting Technique: Ensures advantage when keeping a target immobilized.[6]
  • Perfect Combat: Having a Disaster roll during combat has the same effect as a normal Failure roll.[7]
  • Devastating Blow: Hitting 2 melee hits on the same target causes the affected, if it doesn't get a Good roll in Constitution, to fall to the ground, losing the round.[7]
  • Invincible: Even with 0 Life Points and Serious Injury, the character stands up fighting until they fail a Constitution test. When you are in this state and are hit with damage other than Serious Injury, it only results in one more Constitution test.[7]


The Investigator archetype granted 8 extra skill points being possible to put 1 in 8 different skills;[8] With each barrier passed, the basic point gain goes to 2. The skills were specific action tests, as such as Search, Medicine, Shoot, Use Computers, etcetera.


  • Evasion: Completely reduces damage from attacks that would have their damage halved in Dodge test success.[9]
  • Stats Up: Increases 1 on any attribute.[9]
  • Specialist: Choose a non-combatant skill to not fail unless you have a Disaster roll.[9]
  • Quick Reflexes: Reaction to even surprise attacks.[10]
  • Enhanced Initiative: Ensures advantage in all rounds of initiative.[10]
  • Strategic Dodge: Failing a Dodge test reduces damage by half.[10]
  • Breach Analysis: Analyzes the enemy, finding a breach and ensuring advantage in physical attacks on the target.[11] This ability can only be performed once per target, even if done by another Investigator.[12]
  • Accurate Aim: Doubles the damage of an Extreme shot if the user is aiming.[11]
  • Epiphany: Analyzes the site, and can use the environment to your advantage.[11]
  • Motivation: If an ally has zero Health Points, the Investigator can spend their main action to make a speech and motivate them to stay alive, ensuring that they do not fail the next Constitution test.[13]
  • Investigative Instinct: Ensures advantage in all Search and Listen tests, advantage in Luck tests regarding the Search skill and advantage in Intelligence tests on the ability "Epiphany".[13]
  • Cautious: Rolling a Disaster out of a fight has the same effect as a normal Failure roll.[13]


The Occultist archetype granted a 1/4 bonus of its current Power as Occultism Points;[14] With each barrier overcome, the base point gain increased to 1/4 of your maximum Power for Occultism Points. The Occultism Points were used for the execution of rituals, being recovered in the interval of 1 hour.

This archetype possessed unique abilities that were attained from the passage of certain paranormal exposure barriers:

  • From 35%, the occultist could remove 2 points of any attribute and put in other.[15] The point limit in its attributes was 20.[16]
  • From 40%, the occultist could learn an ability and a ritual, or 2 abilities at once.[17]
  • From 45%, the occultist could use Health Points to summon a ritual instead of Occultism Points.[18]


  • Macabre Identification: It is possible to determine whether an object is cursed or not just holding it, without the need for testing or ritual.[19]
  • Accessible Ingredients: Picking up ritual ingredients becomes more accessible and can be performed as free action during combat.[19]
  • Favorite Ritual: Set a ritual as your favorite, reducing sanity damage and Occultism Points by 1. This ability cannot be used in rituals that only spend 1.[19]
  • Unshakeable Mind: Provides advantage in sanity tests when encountering paranormal creatures[20] and when summoning rituals.[21]
  • Enhanced Initiative: Ensures advantage in all rounds of initiative.[20]
  • Occultist Camouflage: For 1 hour, the user’s skin is covered by a thin illusory layer, leaving all the tattoos of their body hidden.[20]
  • Unbreakable Focus: Allows you to use two rituals in the same round, or use a ritual without losing concentration in another.[22]
  • Other Side Affinity: Recovers 2 Occultism Points per hour instead of 1.[22]
  • Paranormal Defense: By spending 3 Occultism Points, guarantees a disadvantage to the attacker.[22]

Paranormal Order RPG - Classes[]

From Calamity, the Other Side and the rules changed, and consequently, the system also changed. The now called Classes are chosen during the character's creation. The three previous Archetypes remain, except for the Investigator, that had the name changed to Specialist. Besides that, players can choose a Trail for their Class, and can have unique abilities of their Trail, and also use the feature of Versatility, being able to acquire abilities of different Trails from the one that the character chose.


Arte promocional do livro de regras - Combatentes

Trained to fight with all types of weapons, and with the strength and the courage to face dangers head on. It is the type of agent who prefers more direct approaches and tends to shoot first and ask questions later.

Paranormal Order RPG Playbook

The character starts with 20 HP (+Vigor), 12 SAN and 2 EP (+Presence). At each new Paranormal Exposure Level, you gain 4 HP (+Vigor), 3 SAN and 2 EP (+Presence).

The Combatant trails are:

Class Abilities[]

  • Special Attack: A combatant can spend 2 EP to add a bonus to their attacks, either to the damage or to the test.[23]


Arte promocional do livro de regras - Especialistas

An agent who relies more on wit than brute force. A specialist uses technical knowledge, quick reasoning or even trickery to solve mysteries and face the paranormal.

Paranormal Order RPG Playbook

The character starts with 16 HP (+Vigor), 16 SAN and 3 EP (+Presence). At each new Paranormal Exposure Level, you gain 3 HP (+Vigor), 4 SAN and 3 EP (+Presence).

The Specialist trails are:

  • Elite Shooter;
  • Field Medic;
  • Infiltrator;
  • Librarian;[fn 4]
  • Negotiator;
  • Perseverant;[fn 5]
  • Smuggler;[fn 6]
  • Technician.

Class Abilities[]

  • Expert: A specialist can roll a bonus die in a skill they chose at character creation if they spends 2 EPs.[24]
  • Eclectic: A specialist can spend 2 EP to become trained in a skill temporarily.[25]

Field Medic[]

  • Paramedic: The character can spend 2 EP or more to heal a target.[26]


  • Eloquence: The character can spend 1 EP to fascinate another character.[27]


  • Optimized Inventory: The character receives more inventory spaces, which they can use to carry the team's equipment.[28]


Arte promocional do livro de regras - Ocultistas

The Other Side is mysterious, dangerous and, in some ways, captivating. Many scholars of the entities get lost in their dark realms in search of power, but there are those who aim to understand and master the paranormal mysteries to use them to combat the Other Side itself. This type of agent is not only a connoisseur of the occult, but also has a talent for connecting with paranormal elements.

Paranormal Order RPG Playbook

The character starts with 12 HP (+Vigor), 20 SAN and 4 EP (+Presence). At each new Paranormal Exposure Level, you gain 2 HP (+Vigor), 5 SAN and 4 EP (+Presence).

The Occultist trails are:

  • Conduit;
  • Exorcist;[fn 7]
  • Flagellator;
  • Graduated;
  • Intuitive;
  • Paranormal Blade;
  • Parapsychologist;[fn 8]
  • Possessed.[fn 9]

Class Abilities[]

Paranormal Blade[]

  • Accursed Blade: The character can use Occultism to perform attacks.[29]
  • Paranormal Gladiator: When making a successful attack, the character receives 2 temporary EPs.[30]
  • Blade of Fear: To the "Paranormal Blade" trail, it is granted to learn the Blade of Fear Ritual, that can be used once per scene, making that, when hitting a target in combat, leaves them instantly into the Dying status.[31]

Notes and references[]


  1. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  2. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  3. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  4. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  5. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  6. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  7. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  8. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.
  9. This trail is exclusive to the add-on Surviving the Horror.


  1. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 2h32m24s)
  2. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 2h33m51s)
  3. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 2h44m21s)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 2h32m55s)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 1h28m21s)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 1h28m58s)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 10m28s)
  8. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 2h56m24s)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 40m35s)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 41m01s)
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 41m25s)
  12. Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 42m56s)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 17m37s)
  14. Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 13m51s)
  15. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 3h18m31s)
  16. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 28m19s)
  17. Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 59m46s)
  18. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 28m26s)
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 3h05m17s)
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 3h20m08s)
  21. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 1h01m19s)
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 1h03m29s)
  23. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 23m50s)
  24. The Secret in the Island - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 59m50s)
  25. The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 2h19m07s)
  26. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 42m30s)
  27. The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 22m41s)
  28. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 4h44m40s)
  29. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 15m00s)
  30. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 46m45s)
  31. Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 3h49m12s)