Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

Kaiser is a skilled hacker responsible for developing the Supernatural Irregularities Recognition Central, an artificial intelligence that detects paranormal activity.


Today... I am not Cesar, I am not Kaiser... I am the Angel of The Night.

Cesar “Kaiser” Oliveira Cohen[2]

Cesar "Kaiser" Oliveira Cohen was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in The Secret in the Forest and Deconjuration.

Cesar was a Brazilian programmer and hacker, residing in São Paulo. After joining Ordo Realitas, he is one of the assigned members of the Carpazinha's Case. His father, Cristopher, also reveals himself to be a member of the Order and accompanies him on the mission.

He returned as a protagonist in Paranormal Order: Deconjuration, assuming a new alter ego: Kaiser. According to him, this name is used to escape from himself and stop creating relationships with other people, for fear of losing them. After the entry of his friend and brother of consideration Joui Jouki into the Sect of the Masks, the hacker is entrusted with the position of leader of the D-Force, this team that he named.[3]

Kaiser ceased to exist during the final day of Deconjuration, after confronting Kian and being the target of an Unexist Ritual performed by the Escribe.




During his childhood, Cesar had his black hair a little messy near the base of his shoulders, with long bangs and two strands covering the front of his ears, in all the photos of him as a child, it is possible to see him wearing the same type of clothing, a white shirt with violet sleeves and collar, along with black shorts that went to his knees, his skin was pale and his eyes black.

The Secret in the Forest[]


Cesar was a 30-year-old man who was tall. He had dark eyes and deep circles. His hair was black and big, shoulder length. He had a slender figure, always walking with a stooped posture, and was occasionally described by his father as "crooked". He often wears a brown sweater over a black shirt with a high collar and long sleeves. After developing cryophobia, he began to wear extra clothes to keep warm, whether they be sweatshirts or even old lab coats. It was constantly quoted that he looked younger than he was.

During the events of the 7th episode of The Secret in the Forest, Cesar ended up acquiring Joui's red sweater, putting it under his gray coat. This was to help Cesar with his fear of the cold, and Arthur with his fear of the color red.[4] In that same episode, the hacker acquired a small beard on his chin, making him look older.[5]

In the 13th episode of The Secret in the Forest, Cesar acquired a Lusidii form during the fight against The Miner. His transformation differed from the others by his white hair and his stripes, which were 4 curved lines on the left part of his face, resembling the scar that Cris had.[6] Additionally, Cesar has acquired a large deep scar running from his thorax to part of his chest, which was inflicted by the Miner's Pickaxe when he betrayed Team H.



Cesar returns in Paranormal Order: Deconjuration as "Kaiser" still having his deep, tired, and melancholic eye bags, now with a full beard and a piercing on his right eyebrow. He was almost always seen with a cigarette in his mouth, still sporting his long hair, though not as voluminous as before, now smoother and reaching the height of his chest. He wore a tight-fitting high-necked black sweater, with an oversized gray coat over it, featuring some purple details, along with black pants. Additionally, he carried a white Polaroid camera diagonally with yellow accents.


After the attack of the Degolified at the St. Menefreda Orphanage, Kaiser suffered severe burns on the left half of his body when a fire grenade he launched at the creature rebounded off the wall and landed near his leg.[7] The explosion scorched a significant portion of his clothing, leading Kaiser to turn his coat inside out, which now featured holes all over its surface. As a result of the explosion, Kaiser lost most of his facial hair and a significant portion of his scalp hair. He no longer had a beard or even the left eyebrow.[8]

After the battle against Sukkalgir, Kaiser reached 50% Paranormal Exposure and transcended, connecting with his Mark and undergoing a slight change in his appearance: his eyes shifted from a dark black to a vibrant purple hue, and "tattoos" of purple flowers emerged, covering his entire right arm, although they couldn't be seen due to his bandages.


The Secret in the Forest[]

Cesar was notably sarcastic, which could come across as rude to some people, and he often attempted to use humor to deal with various situations. Having developed social phobia as a child, he lacked many interpersonal skills and felt more comfortable dealing with electronic devices. He was notably one of the most intelligent in the group and would often express discomfort when conflicts arose.

After the death of his father, he became much more understanding of others' feelings of loss, even engaging in discussions with his colleagues about revealing the truth to Brúlio about the nature of his friend Getúlio's death.[9]


After the traumatic events that befell him, "Kaiser" became a colder, more melancholic, and considerably more serious and focused individual than he used to be. He avoided getting involved in situations and had difficulty with social interactions, except with the few people he trusted, such as the surviving members of Team H. He couldn't make direct eye contact with people, wore a tired expression, and was constantly seen smoking, showcasing the impact the previous mission had on his psyche.[10] Additionally, he experienced frequent anxiety attacks, and looking at photos of his friends and family helped him calm down. Nevertheless, this didn't prevent him from caring and having lighthearted moments with his friends when he deemed it appropriate.

Starting from the 15th episode of Deconjuration, Kaiser began to exhibit strange behaviors, attempting to appear more sociable and friendly, which confused his friends.[11][12] In the 17th episode of Deconjuration, after experiencing a crisis due to a lack of cigarettes, he reveals that he had been trying to become a hero, as he felt guilty for not considering himself one.[13][14] He expressed that in case he died, nobody would care.

In the 20th episode of Deconjuration, Kaiser transcends with 50% Paranormal Exposure, gaining the realization that his insecurities are merely in his own head and that the self-image he holds might not necessarily align with how others perceive him.[15] This leads Kaiser to become more confident and notably more assured in his actions and conversations.


  • Virtual Experience: Due to Kaiser's background as a hacker, he had a natural aptitude for using computers and extracting information from the digital realm, making him an excellent gatherer of information on the internet.
  • Programmer's Instinct: Thanks to his programming talent, Kaiser possessed an advantage in quickly sorting, organizing, and categorizing things, as seen in the 5th episode of The Secret in the Forest, where he efficiently organizes various documents. This ability also granted him keen observation skills, as he often had to read small text on the computer.
  • S.I.R.C.: After the loss of his father and his best friend during his last mission, Kaiser went through a period of introspection and developed the Supernatural Irregularities Recognition Central, an artificial intelligence capable of identifying paranormal activities. The acronym S.I.R.C. is a tribute to his father, Cristopher.
  • Agility: Being slender, Kaiser possessed surprising agility.



Cesar Oliveira Cohen was born on January 5, 1990,[16] in Manaus, Amazonas, the child of Cláudia Oliveira and Cristopher Cohen, an American actor and stunt double. The family moved to São Paulo shortly after his birth. Later, his father returned to the United States, leaving Cesar at the age of 12 with his mother in Brazil. He grew up harboring resentment towards his father, who, in his perception, was never present.

As a child, he developed a certain degree of social phobia, leading to his panic attacks, such as in the time that, after being caught with his best friend Bruno intentionally losing a game of chess, the physical education teacher then forced him and his friend to play a game of chess in front of the entire class, threatening suspension for the loser. Cesar became extremely nervous, not due to the threat, but because of the large number of people watching him. This phobia led him to isolate himself at home and find solace in technology. Through frequent interactions with computers, he became a skilled programmer and hacker. Over time, he managed to overcome his phobia, becoming capable of social interactions without much trouble, although he still preferred to stay at home when possible. During a period of his adolescence, he developed an addiction to sleeping pills, a habit he continued into adulthood, although in a more controlled manner.

Before joining the Order, Cesar used to hack into systems of companies like banks and earned money by assisting them in fortifying their security. He discovered the existence of the paranormal world and the Order while investigating a mysterious forum on the Deep Web where there were indications of people disappearing due to a mysterious symbol that drove them insane. During his investigation of this forum, he crossed paths with the hacker Samuel, who eventually recruited him into the Ordo Realitas because of his investigative skills.

The Secret in the Forest[]

Cesar was one of the investigators chosen for the Carpazinha Case, his first mission, along with four other members: his father Cristopher Cohen, Elizabeth Webber, Joui Jouki, and Thiago Fritz. They traveled to the town of Carpazinha in Rio Grande do Sul to investigate the sudden disappearance of Team Kelvin, one of the top teams of the Order, which was searching for clues about the mysterious death of a man named Rafael Montes. During the week they spent investigating the case, Cesar lost his father, witnessed a civilian lose his entire family brutally, and nearly killed Joui after being controlled by a creature. However, despite all these traumatic events, the team uncovered Carpazinha's secret: an entire town of innocent people connected to an immensely powerful Entity of Death. After witnessing the sacrifice of Thiago, his friend and chosen brother, Cesar and the others ventured into the heart of Holy Cradle, a Cave. There, they discovered the whereabouts of Team Kelvin Team and witnessed a horrific monstrosity that was defeated by Thiago Fritz's final heroic act. Cesar emerged from there utterly shattered, yet he concealed his suffering as much as he could to aid the surviving team members in escaping the hellish landscape the city had become after the entity's destruction. The sight outside the destroyed cave was maddening: dozens of innocents screaming, burning, and dying brutally amidst the blazing forest. This moment was likely traumatizing for Cesar's life.


Cesar goes to live with Arthur and Ivete in São Paulo, often visited by Joui Jouki when possible. During this time, he creates the S.I.R.C., and continues to be actively involved in the Order, eventually becoming the leader of the Research Team. However, as a consequence of his traumas from the previous case, he starts smoking and experiences panic attacks more frequently. He develops the habit of taking and collecting polaroid photos to help him manage his moments of anxiety. Additionally, he adopts a codename: Kaiser.


Elizabeth Webber and her apprentice Gustavo Dohmer disappeared two weeks ago. Following the last traces left by Elizabeth, Kaiser along with Arthur, Erin, Fernando, Tristan, Beatrice, and later Joui, starts to search for her. The group uncovers evidence of Liz's recent research, which pointed to a connection between the death of Leonardo Gomes, the case of Holy Cradle, and the Deconjuration Order. Concerned for their friend's life, Kaiser, Joui, and Arthur spare no effort in locating her with the help of their new companions. They confront the New Dawn Building Occultists, and with the acquired information and the assistance of a new ally: Dante, the team finds the Orphanage where Elizabeth was being held captive. Kaiser is relieved to find his friend alive, despite the tattoos on her skin. Despite his anxiety, Kaiser embraces Liz and expresses his happiness to see her well. During their escape, the group faces various monsters, and Kaiser is gravely injured after mistakenly throwing a grenade at a creature: the Degolified. After the battle, Kaiser is unconscious and is treated by Liz. Despite the pain, he feels relieved that he didn't harm any of his friends in the explosion. At the Orphanage's entrance, the group is intercepted by the Escribes and Gal, the occultists responsible for Elizabeth's kidnapping. In the encounter, the agents are easily subdued by the group, who are clearly much stronger. With everyone immobilized, Gal kills Elizabeth with Joui's katana in front of everyone. Kaiser is forced to witness the scene, unable to do anything but watch. The occultists imprison everyone in the Orphanage, and Kaiser is visited by his childhood friend, now allied with the Escribes: Bruno. The two discuss the events, and after handing Kaiser a chess pawn, Bruno provides hints about the next location of the investigation: the "Devilish Mansion".

The group, after being rescued by Erin and Fernando, holds a symbolic funeral for Liz at the cemetery. After returning to the base to discuss about Kian with Mr. Verity, they are invaded by the Sect of the Masks. Following a conversation with the masks, everyone wakes up the next day, returning to the base to investigate. Kaiser realizes that only the group remembers what happened.

They visit the mansion and discover that this was the house where Leonardo Gomes "Kian" was adopted for only a few months before returning to the Orphanage. The team investigates the mansion and faces various entities. Two of them had been tormenting Kaiser for weeks: the Traveler and The Lurker. The first altered Kaiser's photos, erasing faces, thus devouring his memories. After its first appearance, the creature killed Tristan and caused Kaiser to lose memory of those in the photos. The battle against the Traveler, in addition to killing two innocent police officers, turned Beatrice into an Existed, after Orpheu was killed. Kaiser regained his memories after the monster was defeated. The second creature was tormenting Arthur and Ivete as well. It was discovered that their cat, Jennifer, was marked by the entity, which had been observing the three since then. The fight against the Lurker was intense, resulting in Joui, Arthur, and Ivete being severely injured, along with Kaiser being exhausted and seriously wounded. Nevertheless, he managed to land a precise shot and kill the creature. After these conflicts, Kaiser begins to question what it means to be a hero, seeing how Tristan acted and how he was treated by people around him. He concludes that he's not fit to be one. Despite Joui's attempts to convince him otherwise, Kaiser remains unconvinced and starts behaving strangely. He noticeably tries to appear friendlier and more sociable, which worsens his sociophobia, causing him to manifest nervous tics and panic attacks.

They face more monsters in the house, including the Listened and the Drowned Woman. At a certain point, Kaiser runs out of cigarettes and has a breakdown. Joui tries to help, but Kaiser becomes irritable and claims to know he's "weird" and that nobody would care if he died. After an intense argument, Joui tells Kaiser that he's like a hero to him, asking him to take care of the group when Joui is no longer there. After finishing the investigation at the mansion, they discover an old resident still alive: Frederico Mare, and they interrogate him. With Fred's account, they learn about Álvaro Augusto and his connection to Leonardo Gomes and the Deconjuration. Kaiser seems quite affected by Frederico's mental state, stating that the man lived a lie and that it was very bad. He suggests trying to bring some meaning back to Frederico's life alongside the Order, which makes Joui proud. During the mansion's investigation, the group encounters a group of teenagers who knew about paranormal events that happened there: Cassiano, Hugo, Eduarda, and Tim.

After concluding the investigation at the mansion, everyone heads to the cemetery at Joui's request, as he had been acting strangely all day. The Sect of the Masks appears, and Joui reveals that he made a deal with the sect to protect the team and defeat Kian. The departure is painful for Kaiser, affirming that he will go to hell to save his friend. After the incident, everyone returns to the base. Kaiser finds a letter from Joui, asking him to stay strong and reaffirming that the hacker is capable of leading the team. After reading the letter, Kaiser is shaken but composes himself and joins the group to analyze the documents about Kian.

Eventually, Arthur receives a call from the neighboring kids of the Devilish Mansion, reporting that something is wrong. Concerned, the group rushes to the location, finding various Existeds and blood everywhere, but mainly two figures standing out in the fog: Henri and Enpap-X. Henri engages in an enigmatic dialogue about the "Deconjuration Order," then releases the creature towards the agents. A brutal confrontation against the monster ensues, with Kaiser facing it on the front lines. As a result, he and Erin are severely wounded. Everyone turns their attention to the agonizing Erin on the ground. At this point, Henri approaches and takes Kaiser hostage with the intention of killing him. In the moment of execution, Bruno appears and convinces Henri to let him kill his former friend. Bruno then surprises everyone by attacking Henri unnoticed, helping Kaiser heal and get back on his feet. Still in shock, Kaiser tries to comprehend what happened. His childhood friend explains that the final day of the Deconjuration had arrived, and he decided to betray the Escribes and assist the Order in the fight against Kian. They recover with the assistance of Clara, but Henri unexpectedly rises and gruesomely kills her while laughing uncontrollably. An intense battle takes place, and wounded, Henri uses a ritual to link the lives of Arthur, Kaiser, and Luciano to himself. Threatening to slice his own throat, after realizing the danger Henri posed, the agents allow him to escape. The team regroups and heads to the Mansion, entering its sewer system where they believe the teenagers are located.

After dealing with Sukkalgir and Tirigan in the Corridors, Kaiser and the other agents return to the Ordo Realitas Base, after transcending with 50% Paranormal Exposure and discovering the truth about himself. The "D-Force" gets ready to stop the Deconjuration, and Kaiser bids farewell to Ivete, leaving the teenagers safely in the Ape Hangers and promising to come back to celebrate together. They go to the St. Menefreda Orphanage, where they find Gal, Kian, and Tim, as well as the bodies of Beatrice, Orpheu, Tristan, and Elizabeth hanging from a tree. The team battles against Gal, who proves to be extremely agile and powerful. Kaiser witnesses the death of Erin, who explodes after being fatally attacked by the occultist, as well as the deaths of Alexia and Samantha, two of the reinforcements who arrived. During the battle, Gal had drawn a Transcend symbol on the ground, triggering the transcendence of Luciano, causing Kian to return as a Marked. He reveals his plan to end all things paranormal by killing anyone who possesses knowledge of it, offering the Calamity to everyone present. Kian ends up killing Fernando after a failed attempt to convert him to his side, intending to do the same with the remaining agents. However, the Sect of the Masks, along with Joui, appear to save them. Nonetheless, Kian performs a ritual that dissipates the fog and reduces the paranormal effects, delaying the Sect's rescue process. Kaiser soon realizes that he is the only one who can nullify the ritual's effect. However, Kian also realizes this and tries to persuade Kaiser not to use it, telling him it's much easier to flee since Joui put him at the top of the Sect's priority list. But Kaiser interrupts him, telling Kian to shut up, lighting his cigarette, and using his "Cineraria” ritual, allowing the Sect to save all survivors, leaving only him behind. He stayed back, keeping the ritual active while the rescue took place, sacrificing himself so that the others could survive. In the end, only Kaiser remains, face to face with Kian and Gal. Before being made unexisted by Kian, Kaiser tells him to add to his prophecy that Ordo Realitas will stop him. Kian pulls all of Kaiser's photos, reading all the texts behind them, and saying that Kaiser only died because he was surrounded by people. He makes everything vanish for Kaiser, who in the midst of emptiness is made unexisted, proclaiming himself the "Angel of the Night" while alone.

On October 31, 2020, before meeting the new agents, Kaiser recorded a farewell video for Ivete, Arthur, and Joui. The reason for recording it was the fear of leaving without expressing his true feelings to them, fearing to repeat the mistake he made when his father died and he was unable to say he loved him back. The video file was previously discovered by Arthur, but it wasn't accessed because the young man didn't have the password. However, after the events of the 20th episode of Deconjuration, Arthur finds a photo of him, Kaiser, Joui, and Ivete wearing the Scoundrel Vultures t-shirt, with several hand-drawn representations of Cesar's mother, Cristopher, Liz, and Thiago. On the back of this photo, Arthur finds the password to the video and manages to access it, becoming emotional over Cesar's words, where he said that his friends had become the light in his otherwise senseless life. Tearfully, Arthur says his goodbye, deeply missing his brother.

[...] Before I joined the Order, I was alone, without hope... I had already accepted that I was born to live a life filled with darkness, but you all became my light... You illuminated my life, my feelings, my paths... You are light. I hope I was able to look into your eyes and say everything I'm feeling... But in case I wasn't able to, I... I can't go thinking I might have made the same mistake again, so... I love you all, and thank you for everything, we'll meet again someday, goodbye.

Cesar "Kaiser" Oliveira Cohen

Quirks and phobias[]


Sociophobia: Irrational fear of relating to people or that your image will be exposed to many people. Cesar had this phobia since he was a child and grew up with almost no friends other than Bruno, Deep Web hackers and other anonymous individuals.

Cryophobia (partially lost): Irrational fear of being cold. Cesar developed this phobia in the 2nd episode of The Secret in the Forest, after seeing the Blood Zombies in the sanitarium's cafeteria, due to the fog and the weather being frighteningly colder than normal.[17]

In this environment that was much colder than usual and with this mist and fog that was hugging you, you are traumatized by that moment when you look to the side. The sight of these creatures without clothes in this cold situation makes you think that maybe they died of cold for some reason, and leaves you traumatized by this temperature..


Arachnophobia (partially lost): Irrational fear of spiders. Contracted, as with the rest of her group, during the encounter against the Aracnasite in the 3rd episode of The Secret in the Forest. [18] In addition to witnessing the death of his father, torn apart by the Dumped Spiders.

Panic Attacks: Cesar had his first panic attack in kindergarten in an activity with the objective of drawing his father, and then since suffers from this condition.[19] In the 3rd episode of Deconjuration, was more evident with Kaiser having a strong panic attack in the market, leaving him in the fetal position on the floor, sweating and calling for Arthur Cervero, who showed him polaroids of happy moments to calm down.[20][21]

Monophobia: Cesar has an irrational fear of loneliness.[22] He has had this fear for a long time, stating that before meeting Team H, he was totally alone and had accepted being doomed to a life of solitude. Despite leaning on the remaining team members after the events of The Secret in the Forest, Cesar still felt this fear of losing everyone and being alone again.

Smoking: After Thiago's death, Cesar started an addiction to smoking, as it reminded him of Thiago, who was usually seen with cigarettes, as well as relieving his anxiety. When he stays a long time without smoking or realizes that his cigarettes are running out, he starts to get anxious, depressed and angry, having several anxiety attacks, being demonstrated mainly in the 17th episode of Deconjuration, in which after his cigarettes run out, he has an anxiety attack and argues with Joui.


I'm alone, everything around me is empty, I'm seeing a lot of silhouettes I don't know and they look at me with contempt or mockery, and their laughter echoes in the air. I don't know what their purpose is, but with each laugh I feel smaller. I feel like I'm in a big cave. I feel cold, but it doesn't seem to bother me too much, I'm too busy feeling the despair these people bring me.

And they deform in a process that feels agonizing, the laughter gets louder, and it echoes in this big cave I seem to be in. And people now have eight arms, four on each side, like spiders.

The laughs warp to a horrible high, and they get louder and louder inside my head. These people's faces also change, and they begin to take on a familiar shape. Their faces are slowly pulsing, and before I know it, they've turned into... my father.

I just want to get away from here.

Rituals and Abilities[]


Simbolo papel disspair

Dissipate Spirits Ritual "Acacia": With the Symbol drawn on the back of one of his polaroids and the chain wrapped around one of his arms, which holds his cell phone, Kaiser holds his hand up with his eyes closed. Then her eyes open to a purple tinge as he lowers her hand and whispers "Acacia." Then, a shower of small purple flowers begins to envelop the target, which squirms on contact while taking attack damage. To perform this ritual, simply wrap a chain around your arm while holding a functional electronic device and focus on your Symbol, and the user of this offensive ritual can cause massive damage to entities formed by the Energy Element. If the target is not composed of that Element, the ritual will still work, but less effectively.

Símbolo Caco de Vidro

Cineraria Ritual: After drawing the Symbol on the back of one of his Polaroids, Kaiser lights a cigarette, his eyes light up purple as he whispers "Cineraria" and a mist begins to come out between his teeth, occupying an area around him. To perform this ritual, just concentrate on your Symbol and the Fog of the Other Side will appear around the user in a radius of 5 meters, strengthening other rituals performed within that radius and providing a bonus to dodge and stealth. The more prevalent the fog proves to be, the more damaged the Veil is at that location. The Fear symbol stands out in the ritual's symbol, but it has been described that "this ritual belongs to everything, to all of the Other Side".[23]

Símbolo Sentir Através dois em um

Feel Through Ritual "Dendrobium": By marking one of the Symbols on himself and another on Dante, Kaiser begins to focus on the ritual and closes his eyes — when he opens them, they turn purple. He then points to the Symbol on his shoulder and says "Dendrobium," causing purple roots to appear along with a flower with several rapidly moving eyes, invisible beyond the sender and receiver. This now allows Dante to see through the Kaiser's eyes while he remains focused on the Symbol. To perform this ritual, you must mark two symbols: one on yourself, Absorption, and one on your target, Emission. Kaiser learns this ritual by transcending with a cursed doll's head found on the body of The Lurker, which has the symbol of Emission on its forehead.


Quick Draw: Allows the combatant to draw weapons or non-ritual items as a free action.

Resistant: The combatant gains natural armor, which resists 3 damage against any physical damage.

Enhanced Initiative: The combatant user gains advantage on all initiative checks.

Affinity with the Element of the Other Side: After transcending with 50% paranormal exposure, Kaiser connected with his mark through his connection to Energy. With this he gained advantage on Luck checks and advantage on all Energy rituals.

Perfect Combat: When the combatant rolls a disaster in the middle of combat, the effect is the same as a normal failure.


The Secret in the Forest[]

Pistol Standard firearm.
Karambit Knife A survival knife with a red blade.[24]
Funda de Kaiser em O Segredo na Floresta
A metal sling with a leather strap wrapped around it, used by Cesar to fire small rocks and red crystals, which caused burns. It was only used as an alternative to firearms in the fighting in Holy Cradle, being abandoned shortly before the end of the mission.[25]


Carabina M4 de Kaiser em Desconjuração
M4 Carbine
A rifle variant with a small flashlight attached to the underside, is loaded with 30 rounds.[26]
Cursed Bullets These are 9 bullets cursed with rituals to become more powerful and destructible. They were ornamented with the design of various waves.[27][fn 1]
Granada com emote
Nebula Grenade
A grenade made and gifted by Erin Parker, named "Nebula" with an embossed design of a tongue-out smiley emoji. It was used during the events at the St. Menefreda Orphanage, being responsible for the burns on Kaiser's head and body.[28][29]


  • Agatha Volkomenn: Although Kaiser and Agatha never got close, he ended up interacting with her due to Arthur's strong friendship. On the final day of the Deconjuration, Kaiser goes to Agatha's office with Arthur, where she is excited to see that they have reached 50% paranormal exposure. Before leaving for the confrontation at the St. Menefreda Orphanage, Arthur says that both he and Kaiser care a lot about Agatha, but the latter does not know how to express such a feeling, leaving the two agents extremely embarrassed. It is known that Kaiser made one last request to Agatha after Joui joined the Sect of the Masks, but this remains unknown to this day.
  • Arthur Cervero: Cesar and Arthur had a visible friendship, in casual moments in the middle of the investigation. Cesar also showed empathy for Arthur, due to everything he's been through (like the moment the team enters the mines of Holy Cradle, where he comforts Arthur with a hug)[30] and respected him as a member of the team. In the third season, Arthur and Kaiser had a much closer relationship, showing a similar partnership to the one Kaiser had with Thiago. Kaiser leaned heavily on Arthur, being one of the pillars to calm him down in moments of panic and anxiety that he had to face constantly.[20][21] Kaiser, in his video, said that Arthur was the greatest story of overcoming that existed for him, saying that he always got up even knowing that someone would put him down again, stating that he was living proof that anything can be achieved. if you have love in your heart. In his words, Arthur was one of the lights that lit his way.
  • Beatrice Portinari: As much as Kaiser and Beatrice were not close, it was evident that he cared for her, Kaiser is worried about Beatrice and suggests staying behind the next time in gradually loosening up in the presence of girl and building a friendship beginning. [31] After Beatrice becomes an Existed, Kaiser is extremely uncomfortable seeing what happened and Dante's suffering. He instinctively pulls away at first, but then he tries to keep his balance and helps Dante think about how to keep her safe in this state.[32][33] Kaiser is one of the only members of the team who still had hopes of reversing Beatrice's situation, however, he respected Dante's decision to end his suffering.[34]
  • Bruno: Former and only best friend before The Secret in the Forest. At one point, they drifted apart and reunited after a few years. Not recognizing their friend very well and going against their choices, they end up fighting and losing contact.[35] After being captured by the Escribes and kept in a cell at the St. Menefreda Orphanage, Kaiser was visited by his old friend who hands him a black pawn and has a brief conversation before leaving. Kaiser despised him for his choices, and claims he will make him pay for everything that is happening, but at the same time, he cannot fully hide the affection he once felt for him.[36] However, with Kaiser close to being killed by Henri, Bruno appeared and saved his friend, reestablishing their friendship and revealing himself to be against the Escribes by uniting with the Order's agents.
  • Cristopher Cohen: Your relationship with your father was never very good. Due to Cris' absence at various times in Cesar's life, he never treated his father with respect, even at the beginning of the investigation, where the two worked together for the first time. Having difficulties expressing himself emotionally, Cesar rarely showed love in front of his father. Even so, as the investigation progressed, he seemed to show more affection, like the time he cheered for him in the arm wrestling match against Brúlio.[37] Cris' death shook him deeply, making him reveal that he loved him, but had difficulties expressing himself due to his absence. Subsequently, Cesar made several tributes to his father, such as the printed photo kept and the program created in his name, confirming the importance of Cris in his life.
  • Dante: Initially, Kaiser was a little indifferent to Dante, but over time, he came to see him as a true teammate. He trusted his words and treated him with respect. After the trauma Dante went through from losing Beatrice and going blind, Kaiser was shown to be much more friendly and empathetic towards him, saying that being a team is about being there for each other in times of pain.[38] Furthermore, Kaiser was willing to use his "Dendrobium" ritual to make Dante see again, if only for a few moments [39] and also handed him a picture he had taken of Beatrice for him to have as a keepsake of his sister.[40]
  • Elizabeth Webber: Their relationship has always had ups and downs. At first, the two did not get along, and they usually argued or fought over what happened in the investigation.[41] However, as time went by, Cesar maintained a respectful relationship with Liz, and they began to treat each other better. In the final fight of The Secret in the Forest, it is visible that he is extremely disturbed to see his friend being aged in seconds by the God of Death, being concerned about her well-being. In the third season, after the appearance of Liz, it was shown that the relationship between the two became closer, with Kaiser clearly demonstrating that he cares for her. Kaiser goes through post-traumatic shock after all the events of the St. Menefreda Orphanage, most notably Liz's brutal death in front of everyone.[42] At Liz's funeral, Kaiser leaves as a memory a photo of the moment of the prank "Never Have I Ever" at the Bar , a moment that the two had become closer, and that was remembered as a happy moment in the midst of so much sadness.
  • Erin Parker: As much as Kaiser and Erin weren't close, it was evident that he cared for her. They got closer according to the events of the season, talking a little more about her, and sometimes letting her light a cigarette for him. His first impressions of the engineer were that she looked cool, and Kaiser, while wary, admired her passion for explosions. The hacker wanted Erin to help him with certain "quests" in English in the RPGs he played, as she was fluent in that language.
  • Fernando Carvalho: At first, Kaiser thought Fernando was "a little crazy" due to his color-changing eyes, but admitted to liking his flowered shirt. As much as Kaiser and Fernando showed that they care for each other, he revealed in his first transcendence ritual that if he were to kill someone on the team to bring his mother back to life, he would kill him.[43]
  • Ivete Beicur: Cesar started to get closer to Ivete after the deaths of the Ape Hangers, where he stays with her in the tombs trying, however he can, to make her feel welcome in her time of grief.[44] After the Events from The Secret in the Forest, Ivete decides to go to São Paulo and live with Arthur and Kaiser in the same house. In these months that have been closer together, Kaiser seems to have developed a familial attachment to her, wanting to protect her and asserting, even if indirectly, that he loves her.[45][46] Kaiser, because he was quite traumatized in relation to the loss of family members, avoided as much as possible that Ivete was exposed to danger, getting extremely irritated when he couldn't.[47] In his farewell video, Kaiser reveals that sometimes, while Ivete was making breakfast for him and Arthur, he would cry, but she couldn't tell if it was nostalgia for having a mother again or if it was because he had brought her and Arthur into the world of the Order and the occult. This shows that, for him, Ivete was a very strong mother figure and also reveals the guilt she felt for being one of those responsible for revealing the paranormal to them.
  • Joui Jouki: Even though he is cold towards his teammates, Cesar treated Joui like a friend during much of the investigation. Due to Joui's friendly nature, the two often chatted and exchanged ideas when they were alone. Cesar even went so far as to say that Joui was the kindest person he had ever met.[48] Also, he was shown to be very concerned when he shot Joui while under the Carrion's control, staying for hours at the hospital until he receives some news from his friend.[49] Even without seeing him for a while, Kaiser was very concerned about Joui, his well-being, and especially his mental health. Despite their arguments, they were still the best of friends, and they cared equally for each other's well-being. At the end of the 17th episode of Deconjuration, when Joui was about to surrender to the Sect of the Masks, he states that he will go to hell to get him,[50] and clearly has a brotherly relationship with him, with the two claiming to be "brothers".[51] After Joui's farewell, it's clear how much Kaiser misses him, who remembers his friend at different times. In his farewell video, he admits that Joui's kindness touched him, and that for him, Joui's heart was impossible to corrupt, due to the purity that came from him, stating that he was one of the lights of his life. After learning of his death, Joui watches Kaiser's farewell video in tears, admitting how grateful he was to him for being his brother and that he was proud that he was the hero he knew he was, calling him the Angel of The Night.
  • Luciano Carvalho: Kaiser wasn't someone who interferes so much in situations, but he had to do it when he saw Luciano pointing a gun at Joui.[52] Therefore, it was clear that Kaiser is more cautious around him. Over time, Kaiser got closer to Luciano, losing his mistrust and starting to care about the military, despite not supporting all of his decisions.
  • Samuel Norte: Kaiser and Samuel became close due to their time together in the Technology Center, located in the Order's Base. In addition to working together, they had a great friendship, sharing tastes and interest in video games. At the symbolic burial of Kaiser and Joui, Samuel demonstrates how much he misses his friend, and the pain it causes him.
  • Thiago Fritz: Thiago was like a brother to Cesar, and an important person for him during the investigation, being the person who most supported the team throughout the investigative process. The two spent quality time together, both in cooperation at work and in casual times between Team E, showing how close they have become to each other. Their bond was a strong brotherhood, with both risking themselves to protect the other, mirroring the great friendship between their own parents, Arnaldo and Cristopher.
  • Tristan Monteiro: They had few interactions in the moments they were together, but they had a friendly relationship. Tristan tried to boost Kaiser's self-esteem, saying that the scar he acquired after the Degolified's attack on the Orphanage made him more handsome, and even offered to play with him, as shown in the 9th episode of Deconjuration.


  • Due to the fact that Cesar appears to be much younger than he really is, both in official and fanarts, Calango asks Cellbit to add a small beard to the character.[53]
  • Calango is said to have been inspired by the appearance of L from Death Note for character creation and at Nobunaga from Hunter X Hunter for its appearance in Paranormal Order: Deconjuration.
  • According to Calango, Cesar is a bit arrogant and selfish, wanting to save the people he loves so he doesn't experience the sense of loss he felt with every friend who ever came into his life.[54]
  • Cesar really likes the song "Stereo Love".[55]
  • Calango said on a stream that Cesar's hair look after suffering the grenade accident was based on Tetsuro Kuroo from Haikyuu.
  • Cesar broke the high score on the new Ape Hangers Tetris machine.
  • The user photo on Cesar's computer is the Red Phantom, a character from G-Force.
  • Cesar's favorite pizza is chicken with cheese.[56]
  • Most of Cesar's ritual names are based on the names of flowers or plants, in honor of his mother.[57]
  • Cesar's mother presented him with violets whenever he did something that pleased her. When Cesar asked her why she gave him so many flowers, she replied "One day you will miss being presented with flowers".[58]
  • His favorite color is violet.
  • When was thinking of a codename for Cesar, Calango came between the names "Melchior" and "Kaiser", both references to Chrono Trigger. She ended up choosing "Kaiser" as it was a derivative of the name Cesar.
  • Cesar's mother has not been defined as dead since the beginning of the adventure. However, in the 2nd episode of The Secret in the Forest, Cesar takes a photo of his mother to calm down and Cris comments "She was pretty, wasn't she?", and that was the moment when it was decided that she was dead, since that was the only way the scene would have coherence. Therefore, not even Calango knows for sure how she died, but he says that, probably, the woman caught an illness and died.[59]
  • According to Calango, Cesar was created in a hurry and over the course of the campaigns he gained more and more details of personality and background.
  • Cesar loves watching videos from the "Você Sabia?" channel.
  • Cesar has a hero in the G-Force comic named in his tribute, called the "Angel of the Night".
  • Cesar is one of the five characters featured on the back cover of the Paranormal Order RPG Playbook.[60]
  • It was said by Calango on one of his streams that Cesar's preferred musical style would be old emo songs, giving Linkin Park as an example.[61]
  • Cesar has his birthday on the same day as Calango, January 5.
  • Cesar is one of the only Markeds to kill another Marked, that being Kenan Thomas.
  • One of the phrases spoken by Kaiser during "Sacrifice" originates from a video of the game Omori that Calango saw days before the session.[62]
  • The old Summon the Fog ritual was officially named Cineraria in the Playbook as a tribute to Kaiser.
  • Cesar liked Pokémon and knew the franchise well.
  • Cesar liked The Legend of Zelda.
  • As he mentioned in 8th episode of The Secret in the Forest, Cesar has gastritis.
  • Cesar once spent 8 days without sleeping.[63]



Episodes Appearances
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 - "Team Kelvin" First Appearance
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 2 - "The Sanatorium" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 - "Arachnophobia" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 - "Goodbyes" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 - "The House" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 6 - "Virgulino" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 7 - "Cemetery" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 8 - "The Secret" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 9 - "Holy Cradle" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 - "Hotel" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 11 - "Symbol" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 12 - "Tower" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 - "The Cave" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 14 - "The Door" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 15 - "Source" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 16 - "Team H" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 1 - "Ordo Realitas" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 2 - "Blood" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 3 - "Transcend" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 4 - "Orphanage" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 5 - "Escribes" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 6 - "Elizabeth" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 8 - "Reunion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 9 - "Devilish Mansion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 10 - "Photographs" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 11 - "Remember" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 12 - "Change" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 13 - "Remorseful Witch" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 14 - "The Lurker" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 15 - "Divine Comedy" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 16 - "Melody" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 17 - "Sacrifice" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 18 - "Enpap" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 19 - "Tirigan" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 20 - "Kian" Death
Calamity - Episode 3 - "Pact" Only Photo
Calamity - Episode 9 - "Synthesis" Only Photo

Notes and references[]


  1. All units have been used


  1. Twitter. Tweet from Rafael Lange #Desconjuração (October 30, 2020)
  2. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 4h01m03s)
  3. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 4h19m34s)
  4. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 1h42m33s)
  5. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 2h19m55s)
  6. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 2h29m25s)
  7. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 4h58m06s)
  8. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 05m46s)
  9. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 2h28m29s)
  10. Character introduction from Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 56m48s)
  11. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 1h30m05s)
  12. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 1h47m54s)
  13. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 38m18s)
  14. Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 2h53m43s)
  15. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 06m53s)
  16. Calango. Aniversário Kaiser. Checked in May 24, 2021.
  17. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 2h23m14s)
  18. Arachnophobia in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h12m50s)
  19. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 2h39m56s)
  20. 20.0 20.1 Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 55m56s)
  21. 21.0 21.1 Kaiser has a panic attack in the market and Arthur calms him down with his polaroid photos in Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 1h09m53s)
  22. Revealed on Cesar's sheet in Twitch. Stream "eu fui césar cohen" of Calango in May 24, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 3768s)[expired stream]
  23. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h8m9s)
  24. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h07m17s)
  25. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 23m15s)
  26. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h47m06s)
  27. Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 1h13m00s)
  28. Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h40m42s)
  29. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 4h55m38s)
  30. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 16m10s)
  31. Beatrice and Cesar talk about their lives and their lack of memory in Deconjuration - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 1h09m47s)
  32. Kaiser gets bad and walks away from the situation in Deconjuration - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h35m15s)
  33. Kaiser suggests that Dante use the handcuffs to hold Beatrice and facilitate her safety in Deconjuration - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h39m14s)
  34. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 1h47m11s)
  35. Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 4h08m09s)
  36. Bruno visits Kaiser in his cell in Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 10m15s)
  37. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h18m39s)
  38. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 2h58m46s)
  39. Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 30m58s)
  40. Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 1h05m04s)
  41. Liz and Cesar discuss what happened at the Ape Hangers bar in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 2h29m39s)
  42. Kaiser becomes apathetic and even less communicative after the events of the episode 6 of Deconjuration. This is seen at the beginning of episode 8 of Deconjuration.
  43. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h5m10s)
  44. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 2h50m29s)
  45. Kaiser asks Ivete to stay safe in another apartment while he and Arthur sort things out. the situation with eyes on Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 2h01m02s)
  46. Kaiser says, indirectly, that he loves Ivete on Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 2h01m57s)
  47. Kaiser argues with Joui and Arthur about Ivete going or not to the Devilish Mansion in Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 1h19m53s)
  48. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 50m39s)
  49. Cesar is anxious waiting for news from Joui and Arthur in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h41m04s)
  50. Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 3h53m34s)
  51. Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 3h55m21s)
  52. Deconjuration - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 1h02m54s)
  53. {{Cite ep|2|7|t=8390} }
  54. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 1h26m41s)
  55. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h26m25s)
  56. Ivete says she brought Kaiser's favorite pizza in Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 1h45m03s)
  57. Acacia., Cineraria. and Dendrobium. are real plant names.
  58. YouTube. eu fui cesar cohen.
  59. Twitch. Stream "eu fui cesar cohen" of Calango in May 24, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 3797s)
  61. Twitch. Live "q vontade de toma um caldo da dona maria" by Calango (watch on Twitch in 19m21s)
  63. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 2h32m08s)