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Paranormal Order Wiki

I’m willing, because my goal is to kill the Devil... either on Kian’s side or on their side.

Boris Lukic[1]

Boris Lukic was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Calamity.

He was one of the former Markeds from Kian's side, working with the other Escribes due to an agreement with Kian involving The Devil itself. He first appeared in the 2nd episode of Calamity, invading the Leone's Mansion with some other partners, and principally following his brother, Damir Lukic.[2]

After the events of the 11th episode of Calamity, Boris allies with Team Vultures, turning himself against Kian. In the middle of the battle against him, Boris is attacked by him and knocked down next to his brother, who soon becomes unconscious, he then uses one of his Paranormal skills to stay conscious, but soon after is heavily trampled by Kian, who makes him faint. Kian, realizing that Boris was still alive, crushes his head with his foot, blasting his head brutally and killing him next to his brother.[3]


Miniatura Boris Lukic em Calamidade

Boris was a man of great stature, fair skin and enlarged muscles, with a face full of age marks, gray hair and light green eyes. He had his left arm full of Escribes tattoos written in Serbian, the language of his homeland.

He wore an ordinary brown beret; a dark long-necked shirt along with a gray and greenish overcoat similar to a blazer, with some green belt loops at some points; a brown dress pants, and ordinary shoes. In his overcoat, Boris had a brazier brooch from the Lukic Family in one of the folds.[2]


Boris had a serene, obedient and even naive personality. He rarely tried to oppose people, especially his brother, who Boris obeyed without asking questions and even gave up some actions if he told him not to. Among all the Escribes in the markeds group, Boris was the one who cared the most and showed empathy for people, showing that the only thing that kept him there was his agreement and his brother.

In battle, when he could, he tried to keep the front line, using a combined weapon with Damir to cause more damage, and tried to help those in danger, especially his brother. His calm semblance made him most of the time with a gentle smile on his face.



Boris Lukic was born in 1980. Little is known about Boris, and one of the few known information is that, with Damir, they're connected to “The Devil's Show” from the Davo Brothers, especially to Lucas Davo and The Devil itself on his past. At a certain time between the end of Deconjuration and the beginning of Calamity, Boris and his brother were recruited by Kian's Escribes, as a support in the chase for the Relics of Calamity. The only reason the two brothers were recruited was a deal, with Kian killing the Devil in exchange for their help.

For Lucas.

Boris Lukic[4]


Boris and Damir invaded the Leone's Mansion along with the other Escribes, being part of the cult’s leading group, together with Gal, Artemis and T-Bag. The two brothers worked in pairs, while decimating the entire Famiglia Leone with the occultist group, in search of important documents on the Relics of Calamity for Kian. When they get what they wanted, they are interrupted by a paranormal force that stains all documents with blood and the Symbol of the Pact, that Boris and Damir knew it was related to the Devil. But as they go upstairs to the ground floor of the mansion, they actually meet Joui Jouki, that was filled with an uncontrollable hatred. While Kian is taken by an unknown man to outside the mansion, the five markeds try to survive against Joui, who begins to decimate the Escribes one by one. Boris and Damir try to attack him together, but are easily counterattacked, having to opt for the impending escape through the portal that Rana created.

After these events, the brothers go to their own mansion, where they meet Jovan, the family's butler. It becomes apparent that Boris and Damir have changed their faces, having insecurities about the deal they made with Kian. After a brief rest, the two are teleported to the ruins of Domus Aurea, along with the other Escribes. They have a brief dialogue with each other, with Boris stating he still does not rely heavily on Kian and Damir mocking ironically. When Kian appears, the two follow him through the ruins, with him explaining that he himself built this site and that the place had stored three of the Relics, one of them being that of Blood. Kian orders the Markeds to go the way where the Relic of Blood has been stored, feeling a slight discomfort when thinking about what might be there. The Markeds follows the path, battling various monsters, including Armored Blood Zombies and a Cyclops. As they walk through a maze, Boris pulls a lever, leaving the whole place illuminated, but closing all the doors of the place and invoking a giant Minotaur. The five try to work together to defeat the creature, with Boris and Damir trying to help each other as the Minotaur grabs them and sticks them on its horns. After an arduous battle, with Gal finalizing the monster, the Markeds follow the trail, avoiding the Cyclops again and arriving at a location where there were several armaments, with Boris acquiring an ancient helmet from Roman times. They move on, arriving in a room similar to a bloody chapel, with a worn out throne at the end of the corridor, containing the Symbol of the Pact. But unexpectedly, the door behind the throne opens, and hoping to finally find the Devil, the two brothers are surprised to see agents of the Order, that Gal recognizes as the Metallic Dragons. The groups clash, with Damir helping Boris stay on the front line with his Blood Armor. After a long battle, the Markeds manage to kill all the Metallic Dragons, but suffering the loss of Artemis, who had her head blown off by Leandro Hans. Boris feels it would be unfair to leave the body of the ally there and remains with the desire to bury it elsewhere, but is prevented by Kian, who appears again talking not to cling to the deaths, since nothing would exist after Calamity. Unable to contradict, Boris only watches Kian use his Unexist Ritual, making Artemis’s body disintegrate. Kian orders Boris, Damir and T-Bag to move on, while he converses with Gal. On the way, the three pass by a woman they never saw, and soon after, they find a secret exit located beneath the Arch of Constantine.

A few minutes pass and Kian reappears, ordering Nubi to invade the Leone's Mansion to prevent the escape of the Order’s agents, with the aim of causing panic, and saying that Gal stayed behind planning strategies with Clarissa, a traitor, aiming to decimate the Order once and for all. Kian heals the injuries of the three, and tells them that they must return to the Colosseum to see if any agents still remained on the scene. Knowing that Kian would finally accompany them, Boris and Damir follow, taking greater interest after Kian tells them that the Order has allied with the Devil. Moving on, the four come across Agatha, who had just killed two Escribes and was with the Grimoire on her hand. Realizing their presence, Agatha begins to flee to the center of the Colosseum, being stopped by Kian, who holds her by the neck, while the three follow him, also encountering Joui, Dante and Carina. They have a brief dialogue, with Kian introducing his Markeds to the a, and using an Illusion Ritual, causing Boris and Damir to see Clarissa’s memory by seeing Team Vultures accepting a pact with the Devil. In this memory, Boris can see Joui participating and receiving the box. Kian tries to use his Blade of Fear on Agatha, but misses the blow when hit by a shot from Aaron, hitting the young woman partially. He holds the Grimoire in his hands, while The Magistrate appears, consuming Kian with her shadows and leaving only the Markeds in the arena.

The three agents try to convince the three Escribes to turn against Kian, saying that they would be betrayed just as Gal was betrayed by his idol. Boris recognizes Joui as the masked from the Leone's Mansion and is ordered by Damir to kill the "Devil's Minions", but Dante holds the three Escribes with his Ooze Tentacles Ritual, preventing them from moving. Joui and Carina continue to insist that they did not ally with the Devil, with Joui saying he was just a pawn for the entity and Carina saying that they chose to be on the Magistrate’s side to kill both The Host and the Devil, who had declared itself an enemy of the Order. Damir, realizing this, questions whether they can have an alliance to kill Kian and soon after the Devil and after that, have a truce between the two sides, and Joui agrees, thus ending the fight. The six discuss making a plan for Kian not to notice the revolt of his Markeds, while Dante shows Damir memories revealing what Kian did and how the Devil is now an enemy of the Order. Boris apologizes to Carina for participating in the invasion that decimated the agent’s entire family and argues with T-Bag about his goal for the current moment. Upon seeing Kian begin to return, they try to organize themselves to pretend to be fighting, but Kian gets angry upon realizing the betrayal of his Markeds. He threatens to kill T-Bag, but is prevented by Mr. Verity, that catches his eye, saying he knows something that even Kian doesn’t. With him in shock, Verity orders everyone to advance, with Carina taking the grimoire and moving away. However, before she can use it, Kian uses his Blade of Fear, piercing Boris' chest, which falls to the ground in agony. Damir despairs trying to cure his brother, but is knocked down by Kian as well. Boris is cured once and tries to get up, but is stopped by Kian who steps on his body again. He holds on a little longer, while his brother is healed by Dante. Damir runs away, but not before looking back and seeing Kian stepping on Boris' head, blowing his head off and taking all the chances of the Lukic brothers realizing their dream of killing the Devil together.

Rituals and Abilities[]


Boris never demonstrated any ritual.


Affinity with the Element of the Other Side: Boris had affinity with the Element of Death, allowing him to cast Death rituals without the need for ingredients. He can also use Death rituals as a standard action, rather than a full action, and can develop a certain affinity for Death’s paranormal powers.[5]

Volatile Attack: When attacking with a melee weapon, Boris could spend 1 EP to double the strength bonus applied to the weapon’s damage, going from +6 to +12.[6]

Precognition: Boris possessed a sort of sixth sense that warned him of imminent dangers, receiving +5 defense against short-range attacks.[7]

Powerful Attack: Spending 2 EP adds +5 as a bonus on an attack roll and can be added to the skill roll or attack damage.[8]

Escape from Death: Once per scene, by taking massive damage or any damage that leaves his life below zero, Boris could use that power and not enter the Dying state.[5]

Cursed Items[]

Capacete de Boris Lukic

Bloody Helm: An ancient Roman helmet, able to resist to ballistic and Blood attacks.[9]


Gadanha de Boris em Calamidade

A kind of long-handled sickle, widely used on farms to cut hay.
Foice de Boris em Calamidade
Cursed Sickle
Combining his scythe with the cane that Damir carries, Boris formed a kind of sickle cursed with Knowledge, which dealt considerably more damage and is heavier, having to be used with two hands. When used, the cut makes several texts in sigils of the Other Side appear on the enemy’s skin. At its base, it bears the symbol of the Lukic Family; and by the blade is written "Nostis omnia perdet omnia" in Sigils of Knowledge, which translating from Latin means: "To know everything is to lose everything".[10]


  • Artemis Deordelin Rodrigues: Boris saw Artemis as a colleague as well as the rest of the team, despite this, his naive way of acting caused him to try to honor her colleague, which caused tension with the rest of the team, and disapproval for Kian.
  • Theodore Bagwell: Boris treated T-Bag as nothing more than a teammate, but showed respect for the latter's interests when, in the Colosseum, he asked what his goal was, genuinely interested in knowing if Theodore's intentions could align with those of the Lukic twins, so that the trio could join the other three Markeds, who were part of the Order, with the intention of defeating Kian.
  • Damir Lukic: As his twin brother, Boris has always shown respect and concern for Damir. But mainly, Boris saw his brother as an example and sometimes even acts as a shadow of him, as if Damir was the one who gives the orders to him; in a way that he could even be manipulated into acting in a different way than he really thinks if his brother thinks otherwise. In his encounter with Team Vultures, Boris followed his brother and allied with the group to defeat Kian. Boris, in his last moments of life, watched his brother on the ground about to die as well, hinting that they failed and failed to fulfill their role as a family.[3]
  • Gal: Like the rest of the team, Boris saw Gal as a leader, but not to the point of obeying him and being manipulated as he is with Damir.
  • Kian: Boris showed great disapproval of Kian’s actions as to the team itself, when he tried to do something about Artemis, Kian disapproved at the time the way of acting of the same, and unexisted the woman's body as a point, which just upset Boris. Despite this, by the agreement and the power of him, he did not try to impose himself against him. In the events of the Colosseum in which he discovers the truth behind what Kian speaks of, Boris and his brother join Team Vultures to defeat Kian, However, after he returns from his battle with the Magistrate, Boris is pierced with the Blade of Fear by the Realizer of the Calamity. Boris faints and was always reinforced to try to return, but Kian did not stop attacking him on the ground, until he finished him, crushing his head with his foot, ending the journey of one of the Lukic twins.
  • Lucas Davo: The death of Boris and Damir’s father is one of the main reasons that reinforce them to hunt the Devil, since apparently he was responsible for his death, with the Brothers allying themselves with anyone who helps them accomplish their goal. They use the phrase "For Lucas" as a reinforcement to move forward.[11]


  • The Serbian tattoos on Boris' arm means "At the sound of the seventh shot, the sons of Lucas swore vengeance".
  • Boris' name is from slavic origin, meaning "warrior", "fighter" or "combatant", reference to his focus on melee attacks.
  • The surname Lukic is originated from Serbia, meaning "Son of Luka".
  • The name Boris was inspired by the name of the cat of the streamer Carolinga.[12]
  • According to Damir, he and Boris played a prank in childhood that they pretended to be dead.



Episodes Appearances
Calamity - Episode 1 - "The Beginning of the End" Only Video
Calamity - Episode 2 - "Revenge" Full Appearance
Calamity - Episode 7 - "Betrayal" Present
Calamity - Episode 11 - "Warrior" Death
Calamity - Episode 12 - "Eyes" Only Body


  1. Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 2h20m09s)
  2. 2.0 2.1 His first appearance in Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 8m16s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 His death in Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h33m29s)
  4. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h20m42s)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Calamity - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h17m36s)
  6. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 38m30s)
  7. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h32m03s)
  8. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 2h50m36s)
  9. Calamity - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 3h31m28s)
  10. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 23m55s)
  11. Calamity - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h20m33s)
  12. Twitch. Stream "Transcending with Leo Santi - Episode 11 with Luba and Mount" of Cellbit in November 25, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 38m44s)