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The Blood Beast is a Blood creature, that was born from Goliath Strach's body, after he has taken refuge on the Crystal Cavern, where he could finally find a new chance to see. However, the long exposure to the crystals caused him to be slowly consumed by them, becoming this creature.

The Beast was a major stumbling block during the investigation of the Order agents in the cavern, always being drawn to where the crystals were active, which allowed it to see the environment around it. After many attempts to contain and exterminate the creature, the agents' mission failed, killing several agents, with the creature continuing free through the cave until it was contained by Mia with the help of the Déjà Vu Radio.


The Blood Beast is a huge quadrupedal creature, with an extremely fat body, already completely deformed and far from being humanoid, like its original body. Its skin is red and fleshy, with visible tendons and veins, very similar to the Blood Zombies' skin. On its back, it has large crystals deeply embedded in its skin. In its face, a huge drop-shaped mouth, always open, showing its several sharp teeth, and above, two parts similar to a mole’s snout.


To defeat the Blood Beast, Mia must lure it to the containment zone of the Crystal Cave and activate its panel. For this, it is necessary that Mia activates, in order, the crystals of Sector 2, Sector 7, Sector 8 and Sector 11. After that, and after opening the containment zone, Mia needs to go in and activate the doors with the Beast inside, however, using her Déjà Vu Radio to roll back her position and escape before the doors close. After that, Mia must go to the Cave’s Control center and set off the explosives to kill the Blood Beast for good.


The Blood Beast is blind, but it can see through the crystals present in its cave, always being attracted to them when activated and attacking everyone who is in their field of vision extremely aggressively, chasing anyone who sees until it can no longer find them. The long period present in the cave allowed it to learn to move easily through the site, through huge tunnels dug by it. Also, after the Eye has been activated, the creature appears to have made the place their lair, since inside it could see constantly.


  • Tunnel Digging: The Blood Beast uses its huge claws to dig tunnels underground in the cave to move quickly and reach places that it could not because of its large body.


  • Blood Beast has a theme song named Goliath

