Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

Beatrice Portinari is a florist that, after witnessing a terrible massacre, joined Ordo Realitas to discover more of her past.


My name is Beatrice, Beatrice... Remember me! Beatrice, I was a Marked, I was a Marked! To know all is to lose all...

Beatrice Portinari[2]

Beatrice Portinari, whose original name is Lilian Galen,[3] was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Deconjuration.

She was a florist who was always in the company of her bird, Orpheu. After undergoing a process of paranormal transformation, Beatrice suffered a ritual that made her lose the memories of 11 years of her life. After witnessing a terrifying paranormal creature, she met Tristan Monteiro who recruited her to Ordo Realitas.

Beatrice, after suffering a mortal wound by the Traveler, was protected by her potoo, who was eventually killed by the creature. But the bird’s death caused her to regain her memories and know everything, turning into an Existed. Her friend from the orphanage and considered brother to her, Dante, upon realizing that Beatrice would continue suffering in that form, gave her a mercy shot in the head, ending her suffering.



Beatrice as a child was a short girl, had long brown hair up to her back, with freckles on her body, more visible on her face and arms, wore a purple t-shirt with stars and a moon in the center, dark pants and black sneakers.


Miniatura Beatrice em Desconjuração

Beatrice was a young 23 years old woman, 5'5 feet tall. She had a snub nose and freckles all over her body, more visible in her hands, torso and cheeks. Her hair was brown, at the height of her shoulders. At 18, she fell from a bench while drunk, breaking her elbow and in need of medical assistance in an ECU. The stitches applied were poorly done, leaving a long scar extending down her right elbow.[4]

Beatrice wore a white T-shirt with a "U" neckline, with a mysterious gold necklace in the shape of a moon hanging from her neck and a black bodice on the underside of her torso. Above the white T-shirt, she wore a black overcoat slightly larger than her size, with fur on her top and a leather crossbody bag on the side, where she carried her gardening tools.

On her right wrist was a hair band and a bracelet, on her left wrist was a black leather strap, an elastic bracelet and she had a tattoo of the Flesh Out Ritual in the left forearm.

Existed Form[]

Miniatura Beatrice Existida normal em Desconjuração

After dying in combat while trying to protect Beatrice, Orpheu revealed itself as a barrier to guarding and locking the agent’s lost memories. The moment the Traveler broke her animal’s neck, Beatrice began to acquire all her memories again, consequently getting closer to the truth that had been revealed to her when she returned to the orphanage in 2017. Upon reaching 90% paranormal exposure, her skin slims and begins to fill with texts similar to those of the creatures seen in the St. Menefreda Orphanage, her eyes are now in a whitish tone and, at last remembering the answer on the Other Side, ends her transition as an Existed.[5]

When Beatrice is attacked, both her eyes and mouth glow yellow, becoming in a totally aggressive and strong state.


Beatrice was not very outgoing, nor very reclusive, dealing well with social interactions in general, having curiosity about the unknown. She was very kind, and wanted to help those who are in need of help, showing herself quite selfless. This sweet side was even more present when it comes to Orpheu.


  • Crossbow: Beatrice trained with Tristan to handle crossbows, becoming a great whaler. Being a naturally silenced weapon, Bea could attack without making noises, giving her some advantage in stealth combat.
  • Floriculture: By living with her mother who was a florist, Beatrice acquired skills for gardening.



Lilian Galen was born in 1997 and grew up on the St. Menefreda Orphanage together with Dante and other kids, until she was adopted by Clara. During an unknown event, Bea lost 11 years of her memory, making her past completely uncertain, with the exception of some flashes she still remembered. Beatrice recalled growing up in an orphanage, and some of her memories involved Arnaldo Fritz, that visited the orphanage and read "The Divine Comedy" to her and Dante, her only friend in that place. Arnaldo nicknamed them as "Beatrice" and "Dante", in homage to the poetry, and as Beatrice didn't remember her real name she began to refer to herself as Beatrice Portinari.

Her first memory is waking up in an empty room, with a golden pendant and a mysterious and silent bird watching her, which she eventually names as Orpheu. Some time later, while working in her mother’s old flower shop, Beatrice hears cries of despair on the sidewalk and goes to check what happened on the spot, witnessing a crowd of people fleeing from a deformed and changing creature. In the middle of this crowd, there were two people using fire to fight the creature: Erin Parker and Tristan Monteiro. Beatrice, for a reason she could not explain, didn't go into shock to witness the whole event, running immediately to help people escape. After the fight, the paranormal entity flees and disappears from view. Tristan sees in Beatrice the potential to become an agent, asking for her mobile number and telling her to leave the premises. Erin and him, while investigating the origin of the monster, enter an apartment where they witness a slaughter: one of the Order agents unconscious on the ground, where there were the remains of two hitherto unrecognized persons (Leonardo Gomes and Fernando Carvalho) and a man awake on the middle of it all. After a few months, Beatrice begins her martial arts training and use of croosbow, while learning about paranormal entities with the help of Tristan.[6] This way, Beatrice joined Ordo Realitas together with her potoo Orpheu, in order to understand her abstruse past.


Some time after she concluded her training, on October 31, 2020,[7] Beatrice receives a message from Tristan with a time to meet him at a bar and, after arriving at the location late and going through a riddle, she discovers that a refrigerator in the corner of the place was fake and was there to hide a secret passage, with stairs that descend somewhere. When Beatrice walks down these stairs, she finds familiar faces talking, and then, she's introduced to some agents and gets to know the operational base of the Ordo Realitas, passing by the medical ward and the ammo shop. Together with her new team, Beatrice enters Mr. Verity's office and is informed of the case Elizabeth Webber of, an veteran agent that went missing during a personal investigation. The group is assigned to investigate her whereabouts and, if possible, bring her back. The first location the group goes investigating is the New Dawn Building, where Liz rented an apartment before disappearing. Upon arriving at the establishment, Beatrice, Orpheu, Tristan, Arthur and Erin enter the place, leaving Kaiser and Fernando on the van. After interacting with the doorman, Josivaldo, and the syndic, they take the elevator to the apartment 501, with the false promise to come back in 10 minutes after checking the place. Upon entering the elevator, the team notes that the parking button is torn and judge the environment by its old condition, and after a few conversations, Beatrice unlocks Elizabeth’s apartment, entering the environment along with the team, where an investigation into what’s left of the site that appeared to have been abandoned for some time begins. During the investigation, Beatrice discovers a chair that was right in front of a hole, and while spying through it, the florist discovers a place full of blood with pieces of people, a horrible scene that seemed to be right in the apartment's next door, to which the syndic had said it was his. The team gets scared by the scene and decide that they need to go there right after finalizing the investigation at Liz’s apartment.

The group is soon completed with the arrival of Kaiser and Fernando, with the programmer breaking down the door, curiously at the same time all the lights go out and they spend time investigating in the dark with their flashlights, soon coming across Joui Jouki outside the apartment, which had just defeated one of the cultists who, according to him, was the first of many who would come to exterminate them. After that, it begins a deadly fight between the group, the cultists and some creatures that were inside the apartment, but the agents of the Order ended up winning.

Finally, everyone investigates the bloody apartment more calmly, Beatrice explains to Joui what they found inside Elizabeth’s apartment, and then goes to a door they had not checked, listening to what appeared to be the snoring of a large engine,[8] the florist decides to unlock the door even after that, coming across a red room with a huge symbol and several candles, with an enormous beastly blood zombie that advances on the woman, leaving Beatrice in shock and paralyzed to see this creature.[9] Concerned about the life of the agent he was recruiting himself,[10] Tristan Immediately gets in the way, pushes the florist to the side and almost knocks her down, but Joui is agile and secures Beatrice, taking her away from the fight a few moments later, with the goal of keeping her safe. After a difficult confrontation in which Tristan almost dies to the creature, the group manages to stabilize him and Beatrice and Fernando leave the building to take him to be treated at the Ordo Realitas Base, and when they find Marcela, Beatrice expresses her guilt saying that it should be her in place of Tristan,[11] the doctor consoles her and the two agents return to the building again, talking amicably the whole way and getting to know each other better, there's also the moment when Beatrice implicitly speaks that she knows nothing about herself.[12]

When paying more attention at the entrance, the agents realize that everything is closed, and worried, they enter slowly and Beatrice takes a scare when faced with Kaiser aiming directly at her,[13], both calm down, and then Erin informs that they would go down to "end it all" in the parking lot. The group then descends the stairs to the parking lot, and Beatrice notes that there is a lot of dust in the parked cars, demonstrating that some have been there for months. In the middle of it all, Joui recognizes some trucks that he saw carrying people as subjects, and warns the team, with the florist being horrified by the information. During all this, the agents hear echoing through the environment a noise, almost like a strange music coming from the other side of the parking lot, but Beatrice can distinguish - along with this sound - voices of people talking and growling, as well as a noise that she had never heard before, as if it were a kind of connected tool.[14] The florist also feels a strange aura coming from the same direction as the sounds, as if something terrible was waiting for the agents.[15]

Beatrice then warns the others about the noises, Joui approaches to the noises gradually and asks the florist to give him cover, which she readily agrees, taking her crossbow in hand and accompanying him stealthily. After killing a cultist to avoid being seen, the florist returns to the group and warns them that they can advance, returning to join Joui. The team thinks of an improvised plan and with unpredictable conclusions, the plan ends up working, despite having some unforeseen when one of the men distrusts the agents, but they end up winning another fight between the team, the cultists and some creatures. The group finally finds the leader of all this, the syndic Sidney Souza, and split up: Bea, joined by Kaiser and Joui rescue a homeless man who was being tortured by a cultist, while the others confront the liquidator in a battle that almost kills Erin and leaves Arthur and Luciano badly hurt. The team completes again and Beatrice carries Erin to the Order's van on the way meeting the man they managed to save, who presents himself as Jeremias, the group then decides to take him along to the base, hoping to help him and treat his injuries along with the other team members who got injured.

Inside the base the florist expressed much concern for Tristan and also for the homeless, very injured, scared and hungry. After some time, Jeremias decides to discuss the case with the group, revealing that Elizabeth had been taken in a truck somewhere. After some time, Beatrice decides to transcend, revealing to Agatha that she does not remember 11 years of her life, only remembering meaningless flashes and a bizarre symbol that resembles some she has ever seen, along with the face of despair of her mother, then she felt a void and woke up with Orpheu watching her and a pendant around her neck.[16] Agatha then replies that she probably suffered a ritual of memory erasure, and that she might be able to recover her memories if she began to transcend. Following the advice of the occultist, the florist enters the transcend symbol and learns the Flesh Out ritual.[17]

After that, the group discovers a mysterious message on Sidney’s cell phone about a delivery (the same deliveries of people by the trucks) and Beatrice soon makes the deduction that a sequence of letters at the end of this message (ST. MENEF. ORPH.) was referring to an orphanage, the same in which she grew up, the St. Menefreda Orphanage. She then reveals to the whole group about her memory loss and about her memory flash in which her mother appears next to a boy who grew up in the orphanage along with her, doing a ritual.[18] Unfortunately, the florist does not remember the location of the orphanage, so the agents try to find it on their own, curiously failing for a secrecy requested by Mr. Verity himself, getting only an old photo with the children of the Orphanage, where Beatrice appears in the middle. Upon analyzing this photo, she discovers that her childhood best friend, Dante, was arrested in the cells of the Order’s base. While visiting his cell, the occultist curiously calls Beatrice as Lilian, but later insists that he does not know her, despite the florist believing that this would be impossible, since they were very close in childhood. The agents then decide to release him and take him on the mission, since, unlike Beatrice, he remembered the location of the orphanage.

After some confrontations with occultists and creatures that seemed to live in the orphanage, the group arrives in the ward, in the left corner of the orphanage, where Beatrice hears Orpheu sing for the first time before flying straight into the room, and when entering to find out the place, the florist sees her mother for the first time after a long time, but the woman disappears as soon as she tries to approach, leaving Beatrice confused because her appearance resembles the occultists they had recently fought, something she insists does not match her mother’s memory.[19] After this bizarre situation, the agents try to surround a group of occultists outside, but end up being seen by Henri, who comes to Beatrice and Dante and calls the florist Lilian, further confusing her and forcing the agents to confront Dante about what he knows. It is when he reveals that he remembers Beatrice, but refuses to tell more, showing to be worried about what could happen now that the occultists knew of the presence of the agents.

After the team fought the occultists in a sort of challenge, they confronted Dante again about having lied that he did not know Beatrice, to which he replied that as soon as he called her Lilian and she did not recognize, he knew instantly that something had taken her memories and, because of his knowledge of the paranormal, he believed that Lilian had a dangerous memory of some creature that was erased for her safety, but if she found out about her past, a creature could return, or gain more strength.[20] Dante continues, saying he does not know about what happened to Beatrice in the lost years, since she had been adopted just before the orphanage caught on fire and this was the last time he saw her, until the florist visits him in his cell.[21]

During the investigation in the rooms that the team did not investigate, Beatrice is the target of a "mirror" ritual, which makes a perfect duplicate of herself, with the same memories and behaviors of the original. This duplicate confuses Orpheu that flies up on a shelf and stays there until the moment Anthony Scelto, an Escribe who was proposing several puzzles to teach them about the Other Side Elements, appears and kills the duplicate, turning it into a puddle of flesh and blood. The potoo then goes back to ts tutor’s shoulder, getting quiet again.[22] Soon after, the agents go upstairs, finding the agent Elizabeth Webber in the cells on the left side, along with other victims of the torture of the Escribes who accompany them through the rest of the orphanage.

WUpon entering a room next to the elevator full of writings and a large symbol on the floor, Beatrice notes that her potoo becomes restless, beginning to utter its song. It flies, in the middle of the air starting to shine and emit light, appearing several writings on its body, it lands on a chair opposite the room. The florist stranges all this, having a flash of memory when looking around her inside the room, remembering that the ritual that made her lose her memories was performed there.[23] She then approaches Orpheu, trying to understand what had happened to it, realizing that the writings on its body are worldly stories, someone telling its routine, something totally different from what is written in the Escribes and Existeds.[24][25] Stepping on the big symbol, Beatrice has another flash of memory, remembering a moment when she arrived at the orphanage - when the place was already destroyed - holding a flashlight, she enters the place and the flash ends. After all this, the florist is in shock, nervous and anxious, sweating cold when witnessing this abnormal situation,[26] she leaves the room, shaken, and Orpheu stops shining.

The agents then cross the left side of the orphanage, confronting new creatures, and Beatrice ends up taking an accidental shot from one of Joui's arrows in the shoulder,[27] but Dante quickly heals her. TThey continue their way and end up having an encounter with Nina, one of the orphanage children who was killed brutally and became a Degolified, being defeated with a riddle after killing many of the prisoners accompanying the group. The team finally arrives at the outside area of the floor below, full of Existeds who try to hold them and pull their belongings. They arrive at the entrance of the orphanage, but face the escribes who kill Elizabeth, take the remaining prisoners and place the agents in the cells upstairs. At that moment, Beatrice didn't resist much, but insisted on not being touched, going to the cell without giving much work.[28]

Fortunately, Erin and Fernando arrive at the orphanage and remove the team from the cells, and confused by what had happened, they update themselves as they all descend to the entrance, where Dante draws the Transcend symbol, encouraging the others to enter it and strengthen learning rituals. When Beatrice enters the symbol to transcend, she reveals that she doesn't feel priority for Kaiser despite entrusting her life to him, and also reveals that she doesn't care so much about Arthur for not having much proximity with him.[29] However, she was not strong enough for the ritual, being rejected by the Other Side, she is thrown out of transcendence,[30] who was on the outside watching her sees Beatrice disappearing instantly when she entered the symbol, with Orpheu still "floating" where she was.[31] The florist soon faints from the psychological damage of this experience, with her potoo flying around her, she gradually begins to appear again, Fernando takes her to sit on the bench outside, where she expresses her disappointment and insecurity with what happened, and unable to learn rituals, which the agents disagree with and try to convince her otherwise.[32][33]

Everyone goes back to the Order after that, reuniting with Tristan, where a discussion about Dante being free starts, but it quickly ends as the team express trust on the occultist after all that happened on the orphanage. They take him to Mr. Verity's office, where Beatrice tries to speak the mission report, but the leader of the Order interrupts her so that someone more experienced speaks, at the end of the interaction he agrees to let Dante enter the Order, after everyone (except Tristan) agree that he is trustworthy. After that, Beatrice and Fernando show the base for the new member of the organization, even taking him to get tattooed in Agatha's room, but eventually they all leave to attend Elizabeth’s symbolic burial.

Upon returning to the base, everyone goes to Mr. Verity's office, where they are informed of who is Kian and the cult that idolizes him: the escribes. Kaiser then reveals the next place they should go, the former house of Leonardo Gomes when he was adopted: the Devilish Mansion. However, before they could do anything with this information, the base is invaded and all cells are opened, with occultists escaping, soon the invaders inflict a trance state on the agents, transporting them to a kind of "another dimension" where Beatrice appears without Orpheu. After repeating a type of combined speech involuntarily, they are instructed to ask something - anything - to the invaders, which ends quickly after a naive question from the florist.

The agents then wake up the next day, as if nothing had happened, they visit the base and realize that no one remembered what happened, then they decide to act normally not to cause concern. The team attends a meeting with Mia, to rethink the evidence and investigate what was happening to Kian, the scribes and everyone involved in the Decommissioning, marking their next key location as the Devilish Mansion. Before leaving, Beatrice gets a tattoo of the Flesh Out Ritual on her arm,[34] while the other agents prepared as well, after that they finally head to the next investigation site.

Unlocked Memories[]

During the Devilish Mansion investigation, Beatrice was attacked by the Traveler, that killed Tristan previously. The monster bites her neck with one of its mouths, absorbing her memories, until it reaches a barrier, making Orpheu start to shine and attack the creature. The creature gets more aggressive and kills the bird, breaking the barrier that protected her memories. Thus, Beatrice recovers her memories.

On February 12, 2009, Bea saw the news about Arnaldo Fritz's death in a plane crash. When she asks her mother about it, Clara, she avoids talking about it. Over time, Beatrice begins to think that Clara was hiding something. Because of her curiosity, she realizes that her mother was making too many "business trips" for an ordinary florist. When she breaks into her room, she finds a drawer marked with a moon that was always locked. Upon taking the key and unlocking it, Beatrice finds numerous confidential documents from a secret agency of paranormal hunters, Ordo Realitas. Clara lives a double life as an agent, and was particularly interested in the disappearance of her friend and mentor, Arnaldo Fritz. In these same documents, a place of interest was marked: the St. Menefreda Orphanage, containing several reports of a fire at the site the day before Arnaldo’s death.

In 2017, Beatrice returns to the destroyed orphanage, completely dark, with a bicycle and a flashlight. Driven by curiosity, she found several orphans who had never left the site even with the fire, all in plain clothes living in the dark with their bodies covered in tattoos. Beatrice was received by Leonardo Gomes and guided to the Deconjuration's Room by Gal, where she is tied up in a chair and has her body covered in various tattoos of horror and fear stories, being connected completely to the Other Side. In this way, she obtained all Knowledge, power, and truth entering her mind with a single answer, a terrible truth that caused Clara to surrender and join the Escribes in order to block this knowledge of Beatrice through a ritual. Her barrier of protection revealed itself as Orpheu, who would keep her sane as long as she was safe.

By breaking the block and regaining her memory, her tattoos emerged again and began to shine. Beatrice gradually ceases to exist, thus becoming an Existed.[35]

As much as she transformed, the Order’s agents continued to keep her "alive", hoping to have some kind of return to the florist, but after resting at the base, Dante was able to use his Psychic Read Ritual, reading Beatrice’s mind, realizing that she was suffering and that death was her only salvation. Later, the occultist shot his childhood best friend, ending her suffering, and consequently her life. Beatrice was buried by Dante himself in the orphanage, under a tree where the two used to be together reading The Divine Comedy in their childhood. After Dante revisited her tomb, he didn't notice because of his blindness, but her grave was open and her body had disappeared. Later, it was revealed that her body was hanged in the giant tree in the center of the orphanage's courtyard by Gal.

Quirks and Phobias[]

Merinthophobia: Beatrice is afraid of being tied up. On a playful night in her childhood at the orphanage, one of the children, Anthony Scelto, tied her up and with a cloth in her mouth inside a warehouse and left her there. She stayed a whole night inside until Dante found her and that made her develop the phobia.[36]


Adrenaline Addiction: After being in contact with an Energy Existed in the orphanage's dorms, Beatrice eventually developed a temporary addiction to adrenaline. Triz throws a coin upwards and, according to the result, he shas to attack an ally or an enemy. Subsequently this mania was overcomed.


The dream began in a dark pitch, a frivolous and indecipherable pitch. And then there was a fall, a very big fall. I narrated as if I was telling someone to listen, as if I was telling a story in third person. What I said was "And that’s how I got here". This place, "here", was a public bathroom with four cabins, which had no door and no roof. It was just an endless extension up. It was in shades of gray, completely dirty and grimy, and had a faded blue with a very, very precarious light. I had a density in the air, I felt like I was inside a slime and I saw myself in third person, but I was aware of my feelings all the time.

I was in that place for a long, long, long time and I was only in one corner, leaning against the wall, sitting. And in that corner, I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep, and there was blood, constantly. I don’t know where it came from, because I didn’t feel pain, but it came out of me. It was dark and very, very viscous. I was there a long, long time ago; I never changed, nothing changed, and I never found anyone.

I was hungry, thirsty and there was always blood.

Until one day, I felt in my conscious that, out of pity, some manifestation of life - which could be close to that environment - decided to show me that I was not alone there. In that same corner, from which I never left, the ground moved and went up, as if it had been pulled by a rope, and a cage, almost black, which before should be of a... of a copper a little rusty, formed around me.

The ground got up and from there a cage was formed pulled by a rope. And... I started to go up.

Everything went completely black and I just felt the movement of the climb. Until I went through a kind of hole, as if I was through a gelatinous foil that divided the bathroom of that other place. It was thin and the other side was a dark place; it was a very, very dark place, which was in complete darkness. It was very hard to see anything that was there. Suddenly I saw myself surrounded by many shapeless forms, images and beings unknown. Maybe I can call them monsters, but not those we can imagine, the ones they tell in horror stories. But I don't know what they were, each one was different from the other and were not even close to anything you can imagine, I swear!

I remember some forms, but they are indescribable. When the cage finished going through the gloom, I could see that one of them was pulling a rope and holding it. The cage stopped and they stared at me for exactly three minutes, no movement, no communication. I didn’t try anything either. I just stared at them with dead fish eyes, I felt absolutely nothing. It was a very, very strange situation to see all those beings, from inside that cage, trapped, not knowing where I was, why I was and how long I was, and face them for three minutes, feeling absolutely nothing.

After this happened, I went back down; I went back down and went back to that corner that I always stayed in. Time continued passing, with hunger, thirst and blood. Until I had a day that I met my mother again. I can not explain, but it was a person who, in that dream, I had a very, very close relationship with, and that, coming out of a hole in the wall - a very small hole -, she was present: she was a mouse. I can’t explain how or why, but I felt it was her.

I thought it was her.

I wanted to believe it was her.

And that was the happiest day of my life, of that life.

I held her! I felt her! We played and spent time together again. She walked all over my body. Until I found myself back in that corner, and in a flash of reality, I saw myself with some rat gnawing at my thigh that was already in the flesh.

I decided to leave that place. I can’t remember my motivation, I can’t remember what changed at that moment, I just got up, opened one of the doors of the cabins and crossed, facing a staircase, a narrow, dirty staircase, and I ran. I ran as if in an absolute chase - and there was absolutely nothing following me. But it was a chase.

And I saw the mouse in the middle of the stairs and this time it was going into a gap from the stairs, and I said "Stop! You can’t vanish now! Come back!" And I was screaming, screaming very loudly. When this happened, the whole,e entire surface, began to break, and everything was explained, it became clear in my mind, "This is how it happens, this place simply exists, underneath all the other places, it simply exists, in different ways and without reason".

I ran through the stuck pieces of the stairs that hadn’t finished breaking loose to fall back into that limbo. And I went through that, through the gloom, again, that same place I went through when I first met the monsters. And I saw in front of me that gray and putrid shape condensing into a silhouette, with a faded overcoat that went to the ground: the mouse becoming human.

It was an overcoat that went to the ground, maybe it was beige or yellow. It wasn’t a pretty thing, it was a mouse turning into a human and in all its details. I didn’t identify anyone, but I felt it was a calling.

It was... it was the middle of an avenue, just as I finished climbing that staircase, crowded. And I ran. I ran after it in the middle of this crowded avenue. I don’t know who it was, I don’t know what it was, but I chased that overcoat like it was the thing I needed to do most at that moment.

In the crowd, my eyes fell into another form, a black raincoat, and I could only say "They are here". As I turned my face, I saw other shapes wearing the same cape. And as much as I couldn’t tell the difference between their faces - maybe they didn’t have faces -, I knew they were all turned in my direction.

I continued following the coat, which came down at a subway entrance. When we entered the underground, the others were still behind us, I reached the track line, where the train passed, still chasing him. I had arrived on the platform, I had passed a bunch of people; and it had disappeared. At that moment, I held my breath.

You know where... where you have to stop on the subway line? That yellow line? That you can’t cross? I was in that place and I had just found myself there, because I was in the middle of this chase and I realized that I could no longer walk from there. So I just stopped, held my breath, fixed my feet on the tips, right where the train stopped.

About two minutes after this pause, when everything stopped, everything stopped, everyone around me stopped, the whole crowd stopped, the light from the subway launched its beam. But it came tumbling. The train came tumbling off the track completely without control, scratching and dragging everything that passed by the way. When I looked to the side, I saw that everyone who was in line, absorbed, inert, and static, had thrown themselves in line.

Finally, I jumped too.


Símbolo Descarnar

Flesh Out Ritual: A ritual found on the body of Sidney Souza after being killed during the 2nd episode of Deconjuration. During her transcendence, Beatrice had learned how to use a ritual capable of stripping a target of choice, allowing her to leave the flesh of the victim exposed by staining a symbol with blood, either the same animal or herself. The entity connected to this ritual and the ritual itself were connected to the greatest hatred its user harbored, which in her case was injustice. Beatrice never used this ritual while she was alive.


Balestra da Beatrice
A weapon loaded with bolts and which has two LEDs for illumination at the ends.[37]
Pocket Knife This blade was stored with Orpheu, tied under its wing.[38]
Gardening Scythes These are gardening equipment loaded by the agent, but not used during missions.[39]


  • Arnaldo Fritz: Beatrice regarded Arnaldo as her family, even calling him her grandfather. He was the one that chose her name and that of Dante, based on the work Divine Comedy that he always read to the two when he visited them.
  • Arthur Cervero: Even though they cared about each other, it was said by Beatrice during her transcend ritual, that of the team, she cared less about Arthur because they were not very close at the time, And so, they never had much chance to develop a friendship due to Beatrice’s unexpected transformation into an Existed.
  • Clara: Clara is Beatrice’s adoptive mother and, naturally, they had a great affection for each other. When Beatrice became an Existed, Clara sacrificed herself to perform a ritual in order to block the memories that caused her daughter’s transformation. Because she became an escribe, she and her daughter have not seen each other since the event, and both died before their reunion.
  • Dante: Dante and Beatrice were best friends in childhood. The florist stated that he always helped her, like an older brother, and was very important to her. At first, the young woman was devastated to imagine that he did not remember her, and then outraged to discover the lie. Afterwards, however, Beatrice noted that Dante really cared about her, and apologized for her rudeness until then. The relationship of the two was walking well from this point, with affection on both sides.
  • Elga: Beatrice moved in with her friend Elga when her mother disappeared. The two must have a close relationship, but it is unknown if Beatrice told her anything about the Order or the Paranormal.[40]
  • Elizabeth Webber: Beatrice and Elizabeth didn't experience many things together, but Elizabeth recognized Beatrice’s potential and capabilities. After her death, Beatrice paid her respect at her funeral, discovering how people bid farewell to their loved ones.
  • Erin Parker: Erin and Beatrice knew each other. Apparently, Beatrice helped her at some point, making them both quickly develop a friendship.
  • Fernando Carvalho: Beatrice helped calm Fernando down and heard about his tragedy, showing herself to be a helpful and concerned friend of his.
  • Joui Jouki: Joui showed extra care for Beatrice for being new to her first mission, reminding him of himself in theCarpazinha case. Beatrice began to show affection for Joui as an investigation teammate, starting a bilateral friendship.
  • Kaiser: As much as Kaiser avoided any connection to anyone other than his two Team H teammates, Beatrice had increasingly shown interest in letting him feel more comfortable with his company and until the 6th episode, he starts to reciprocate her efforts in his own way.
  • Luciano Carvalho: She didn't interact so much with him, but felt that he loved his husband very much and understood his intentions.
  • Tristan Monteiro: Tristan was the first Order agent she came in contact with and was responsible for her training. Tristan eventually developed a greater affinity for her and Orpheus, and is the member for which Beatrice nurtured the greatest affection and admiration.


  • The name Beatrice Portinari is inspired on the historic figure of same name, and muse of Dante Alighieri, author of the poem Divine Comedy.
  • Beatrice's bird, Orpheu, would originally be a caramel mongrel dog with the name of Dante. But the master didn't allow once there was already a dog on the RPG and didn't allow to be named Dante, since Rakin's character had the same name.
  • Beatrice was the only protagonist from Deconjuration that transcended but never used a ritual.
  • Beatrice was also the responsible for the first die roll in Deconjuration. She rolled a Finding test, and as she failed, it is unknown what the roll was for.[41]
  • It was revealed on the Extra Episode of Deconjuration that there was in fact a way to bring Beatrice back from the Existed form. In that case, the players should bring her to her mother, Clara, in order to redo the Erase Memory ritual, as she previously did. That would be almost impossible as they would have to make her enter the van with the agents on the 18th episode of Deconjuration and survive the attack of Enpap-X, to then find her mother.
  • Beatrice was the first protagonist to reach 100% Paranormal Exposure. However that was led to her transformation into an Existed, and eventually, her death.



Episodes Appearances
Deconjuration - Episode 1 - "Ordo Realitas" First Appearance
Deconjuration - Episode 2 - "Blood" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 3 - "Transcend" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 4 - "Orphanage" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 5 - "Escribes" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 6 - "Elizabeth" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 8 - "Reunion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 9 - "Devilish Mansion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 10 - "Photographs" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 11 - "Remember" Transformation into an Existed
Deconjuration - Episode 12 - "Change" Present (Existed)
Deconjuration - Episode 13 - "Remorseful Witch" Present (Existed)
Deconjuration - Episode 14 - "The Lurker" Present (Existed)
Deconjuration - Episode 15 - "Divine Comedy" Definitive Death
Deconjuration - Episode 17 - "Sacrifice" Only Photo
Deconjuration - Episode 19 - "Tirigan" Only Portrait
Deconjuration - Episode 20 - "Kian" Only Body


  1. Twitter. Tweet from Rafael Lange #Desconjuração (October 29, 2020)
  2. Deconjuration - Episode 15 (watch on YouTube at 1h41m37s)
  3. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 2h14m47s)
  4. Triz's stream from the day 02/21/2021 (watch on Twitch in 2h11m33s)
  5. Deconjuration - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h17m59s)
  6. Triz's stream at day 03/21/2021 (watch on Twitch in 1h30m51s)
  7. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 06m24s)
  8. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h48m50s)
  9. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 06m57s)
  10. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 09m15s)
  11. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h35m01s)
  12. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h44m05s)
  13. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h46m37s)
  14. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h57m21s)
  15. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h57m46s)
  16. Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 2h49m12s)
  17. Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 2h54m28s)
  18. Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h09m34s)
  19. Deconjuration - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 55m59s)
  20. Deconjuration - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h28m33s)
  21. Deconjuration - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h30m01s)
  22. Deconjuration - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h50m55s)
  23. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h30m48s)
  24. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h33m10s)
  25. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h40m47s)
  26. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h37m50s)
  27. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 3h35m38s)
  28. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 04m37s)
  29. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h24m23s)
  30. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h26m44s)
  31. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h28m06s)
  32. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h31m55s)
  33. Deconjuration - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h36m13s)
  34. Deconjuration - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 2h09m13s)
  35. Deconjuration - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 3h16m37s)
  36. Triz's stream at day 03/21/2021 (watch on Twitch in 2h10m30s)
  37. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h20m12s)
  38. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h25m08s)
  39. Triz's stream at day 05/17/2021 on Twitch
  40. Triz's stream at day 03/21/2021 (watch on Twitch in 2h11m8s)
  41. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 00h10m41s)