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Arthur Cervero, after losing almost everything he had, joined Ordo Realitas to protect what he had left.


I'm a Vulture... And we die for who we love.

Arthur Cervero[2]

Arthur Cervero is one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in The Secret in the Forest, Deconjuration, Calamity and The Secret in the Island.

He was a musician and member of the biker gang Scoundrel Vultures in Carpazinha,[3] who joined Ordo Realitas after losing his colleagues during a fight against the Black Death Carrion. After this incident, he became part of the Team H, a group that investigated the paranormal manifestation known as Holy Cradle.

With only his adoptive mother, Ivete Beicur, as his family, he moves to São Paulo and starts living with one of his teammates, Kaiser. They, together with a few other agents, form D-Force, a team destined to investigate the return of the first occultist, Kian.

Some time later, he is placed as leader of a new group, the Team Vultures, with the aim of finding the so-called Relics of Calamity.[4]


The Secret in The Forest[]

Miniatura Arthur sem cicatriz em O Segredo na Floresta

Arthur was a short man, 5.41 feet tall, strong, [5] with light skin, brown hair shaved on the sides, long beard and heterochromia in the eyes: a bluish green eye and a brown one.[6] He always wore a black jacket over the uniform t-shirt of his gang, the Scoundrel Vultures, with a caricature of a gaucho showing the middle finger, he also wore leather pants, typical of a biker. Arthur had a tattoo of two angel wings on his back.[7]

Miniatura Arthur sem braço em O Segredo na Floresta

He acquired three scars on his face during the battle against the Carrion, being hit with its huge claws.[8] He was stabilized by Elizabeth Webber with her medicinal skills and his wound healed with the help of the nurses at Carpazinha Hospital. With his wounds in an acceptable state, Arthur began to walk with pieces of bandages spread over the areas where Virgulino's claws had hit him, until the 10th episode, in which the wounds are completely healed by Green Crystals of The Doctor.[9]

Arthur luzidio em O Segredo na Floresta

Right after the "nightmare" that Team H has when sleeping at the Holy Cradle Hotel, everyone receives new clothes made by The Tailor, with Arthur's having a blue hood connected by straps that lead to his pants, also using gloves of the same color and not having fabric that covers the area of his chest.[10]

In the 13th episode, he acquires a Lusidii form, whose main changes are his grayish skin in a dark tone. It is possible to notice a stripe going up from your upper lip and going to the end of your nose, another going up from the top of your left eyebrow and going to your hair.[11] A few moments later, still in the Holy Cradle Mines, his left arm is brutally torn off by The Miner with his own hands, by planting his huge pickaxe on the vulture's shoulder.[12] This time, he had been saved by The Gatekeeper with his package of green crystals.[13]


Miniatura Arthur em Desconjuração

Arthur grows his hair on the sides and trims the length of his beard and mustache. Furthermore, he now has a new tattoo on his neck: the symbol of the Scoundrel Vultures on a shield with wings at the ends. Arthur wears a green social shirt with a raised collar, with one of the buttons open and a black overcoat with the same Vultures symbol embroidered on his chest. On his back, Arthur carries the black cover of his old guitar, which he now uses to store his equipment.[14]

During his mission at St. Menefreda Orphanage, Arthur obtains another large tattoo of one of the Feel Through Ritual Symbols on his back, acquired in a paranormal manner after interacting with a cursed paper left by Anthony in the Orphanage's library.[15]

Miniatura Arthur 50% em Desconjuração

When telling Agatha about his Emission Symbol tattoo, she offers to have it removed with a ritual. Agatha then uses her Flesh Out ritual, which almost completely tears the skin on Arthur's back.[16] He is later healed by a Healing Ritual used by Joui, obtaining a large spiral scar that covers his back.

After reaching 50% Paranormal Exposure in the final episode of Deconjuration, Arthur connects with his Mark through the element of Blood and, as a result, gains white streaks in his hair and beard, and his canine teeth become sharp.[17]


Miniatura do Arthur em Calamidade

In Calamity, Arthur has longer, shoulder length hair, and keeps it half-up in a small ponytail. He still has white streaks in both his beard and hair. He wears a black vest with the Scoundrel Vultures coat of arms on the left side over a white social blouse, as well as black pants with large pockets and some ties and high-top sneakers.[18] It is possible to see the Mark of Guaxinim tattooed on his right hand and another tattoo on his wrist, this being the symbol of infinity.[19] He carries a black guitar case on his back, where he now keeps a large sniper rifle.

The Secret in the Island[]

Miniatura Arthur Cervero em O Segredo na Ilha
Miniatura Arthur Cervero Mascarado em O Segredo na Ilha

In his brief appearance in The Secret in the Island, Arthur keeps his hair tied back in a ponytail, with the white streaks standing out in his beard and hair. He wears a black military vest under a black coat, as well as black pants and black combat boots. He carries his sniper rifle on his back, in addition to wearing a gas mask with green lenses, customized with his scar marks stamped in green.[20]


The Secret in the Forest[]

Unlike what is expected of gang members, Arthur is a sensitive, kind-hearted boy who is attached to his family and friends due to the loss he suffered as a young man. He generally has a playful attitude, and makes friends very easily. He's not usually shy about talking about his true feelings, no matter how embarrassing they may be.

After the tragic events that occurred to him, Arthur became a more protective person to the precious people in his life.[2] However, his sweetness and kindness remain part of his personality, showing that, despite Above all, he is a strong person and tries to do the best he can to protect the people he loves, in addition to always trying to alleviate tense moments.


After the events that occurred to him during the Carpazinha case, starting from the attack of Aracnasite, where the boy had only managed to run, as well as the encounter with the Carrion, where he saw all his loved ones from the Scoundrel Vultures dying one by one without him being able to do anything, Arthur created an enormous feeling of impotence and weakness, also intensifying his desire to become stronger to protect those he loves.

Arthur still appears quite friendly and cheerful, initially, but undeniably someone more serious, and often worried.

Due to the amount of trauma acquired since the second season, Arthur demonstrates that he has developed a certain degree of psychic depression. He tries to hide his feelings of helplessness, anxiety and his depressive “peaks” with a contagious and pleasant mood to be around, rarely expressing their negative emotions.


After the events of Paranormal Order: Deconjuration, Arthur, now having lost a large part of his team and family, shows himself with a more professional and serious attitude, rarely losing control, and often being the pillar of situations, demanding focus from his team, and giving a lot of support to those who need it, especially having been through similar situations. Even so, when in more relaxed situations, Arthur still does not lose his friendly personality, even though his cheerful attitudes are partly a mask to hide his real feelings.


  • Ballistic Knowledge: As a Gang Member, he has extensive knowledge about weapons and ammunition. Arthur shot for the first time at the age of 15, as mentioned in the 4th episode of The Secret in the Forest.
  • Gang Member: Having joined a gang at the age of 18, Arthur has expertise in carrying out theft, making him extremely stealthy and sneaky in numerous situations.
  • Musician: Arthur has skill in musical instruments and music theory. He went to music college in Minas Gerais and, even with one arm, still mainly plays the guitar.
  • Sniper: In Calamity, Arthur became a sniper. His sniper shooting skills are very efficient, even more so when added to the paranormal abilities he has developed.



Arthur Cervero was born on June 22, 1992,[21] inside Carpazinha, in Rio Grande do Sul, son of Brúlio and Amanda Cervero. In 2014, after a car accident, his mother and younger brother, Henrique Cervero, died when Arthur was 22 years old. At a certain point in his life, he went to Minas Gerais to study music.[22] He returns to Carpazinha with the intention of dedicating himself to his family and friends, acting as guitarist in his band with Scoundrel Vultures.

The Secret in the Forest[]

Arthur Cervero meets the team of agents from the Order at the bar Ape Hangers, where he was going to participate in a show that night.[3] Arthur interacts with the team while Thiago Fritz separates to investigate the location. Some time passes and the team misses Thiago and goes looking for him. Arthur comes across his friend Getúlio killed by creatures that appeared to be giant spiders oozing Black Sludge, and the members of the Order try to convince him that these events are experiments on animals carried out by mad scientists, hiding the paranormal from him. They then ask Arthur to evacuate the pe Hangers bar, where his band's concert was taking place, for everyone's safety. Arthur returns to the bar and, with his father's help, they evacuate the bar in time. Arthur returns to see the team and notices a giant spider that had consumed Thiago.[23] They begin to flee and fight the monster as best they can to save Thiago. Arthur, as a civilian, can't help much and Liz asks Joui to get Arthur out of the place. With the sacrifice of Cristopher, Cesar holds a funeral right there in honor of his father. Arthur is very shaken by everything that happened suddenly. Even though they don't understand much, Arthur and his father give the team time to recover before explaining what had happened.

The next day, the Vultures become very incisive, wanting to understand what had happened the day before. The team decides to tell the gang about the paranormal and, with the sudden disappearance of Gregório,[24] a former member of the Vultures, they begin to question whether the Haunteds had any involvement with the occultism. Arthur decides to go to the house in the forest together with the team to investigate. At the House, the group finds Gregório injured and discovers that the place was the Haunteds's base. After facing some monsters, the group stand before the Haunteds who took Gregory hostage. The battle ends with most of the haunted people dead and Gregório too.[25] Brúlio arrives along with other members of the Vultures. He hugs Arthur, who was shaken by Gregório's death. The two recompose themselves and prepare to fight the other Haunteds that remain. In the meantime, they find Crazy Gramps in the mansion and decide to leave him alone in his room. Just before the Haunteds arrived, the crazy old man went down desperately and opened the lock to the basement. The group left the situation for later and organized the room for the battle against the other Haunteds, who arrived later. In the middle of the fight, a creature breaks down the basement door that had been barred by the team.[26] The creature appears and enters the battle, intensifying the conflict. Although only one of the Haunteds manages to escape, the creature begins to attack those who were in the mansion. It controls Thiago, Cesar and Brúlio, making them attack Liz, Joui and Ivan, respectively. Arthur witnesses Brúlio kill Ivan and then kill himself under the control of the Carrion.[27] After that, the creature goes after him and rips his face off, leaving him dying on the floor.[8] Liz barely manages to save Arthur, and he becomes the only survivor of the Vultures in the battle. Due to Joui and Arthur's serious injuries, Thiago takes the team to the hospital.

Arthur wakes up lost and looking for his father in the hospital. Liz and Joui comfort him and Arthur comes to his senses about the death of his entire gang. Some time passes and Thiago picks the three up at the hospital to hold a funeral. They pay homage to the Vultures and Arthur stays with Ivete, as the two support each other. After that, they rest a little and, in the meantime, they receive a call from the city police officer saying that there is something strange happening in the cemetery where the body of Rafael Montes was buried. They decide to return to the mansion and finish exploring the place. They find the body of the Crazy Old Man in the basement, which had a plain black card and some papers. They find other papers around the house and leave immediately.

So, they head to the cemetery to analyze the situation of Rafael Montes' body. Suspecting that the man's body was turning into the same creature seen in the mansion, they split up. While Thiago and Cesar dug the man's grave to set it on fire, Liz, Arthur and Joui distracted the elderly owners of the cemetery. Some things get out of control, but the team resolves the body situation and returns to rest at the bar. Then, they start to discuss the investigation and, after a moment of relaxation, they all fall asleep.

Everyone is woken up by noises at the bar door. Thiago answers the door and the police officer Victor was there. He asked about the violation of Rafael's grave in the cemetery. Thiago easily convinces him with his lies and makes the man calm down about it and leave. The team returns to their investigations and fills Arthur in on what they knew so far. They come to the conclusion that they need to go to the "cave", mentioned in the papers found in the mansion. They get ready and head to the forest. Entering the dense forest, they come across a hidden civilization, Holy Cradle.

Arthur is confused by the discovery, however, as most of the residents of that city were peaceful and receptive, just like himself. The group enters the city and meets figures such as The Gatekeeper, The Helper and The Blacksmith. They also find Murilo and Cibele, who were missing in Carpazinha. Now with the names Collector and Nurse, respectively, both decided to start living in Holy Cradle. They walk around the city accompanied by the Blacksmith, the local leader. The team is quite intrigued by the fog-filled maze at its center.

Thus, Thiago and Joui enter the maze with the Helper, while Arthur, Liz and Cesar wait outside. The two return and say they found nothing suspicious. They get together and intend to continue, but Thiago, who found it strange that the Lusidii refused to use fire, lit his lighter in front of the maze. That caused a wave of fog throughout the city and the appearance of creatures to attack them. The Helper separates himself from the group during the fight. Once they deal with some creatures that were nearby, they head to the blacksmith shop again and find the Helper dead with a Spiral Symbol drawn on the side of the body. Everyone is terrified by what happened, including the Blacksmith, who says that there is no violence or hatred in Holy Cradle. The team commits to investigating and finding out who caused the murder.

The Blacksmith takes them to the hotel to rest. There, they meet The Hotelier, who tells them the hotel's strange rules and gives them the keys to their rooms. Everyone goes to their room and rests. At night, everyone suffers from an extremely realistic shared dream caused by a creature called the Guilt Parasite. In this dream, each person faces representations of people who were part of their lives. Arthur faces his father, Brúlio. He is brutally murdered in the dream by the representation of his father.[28] Joui, finally, kills the parasite and everyone wakes up. When faced with Joui's Lusidii form, Arthur is quite excited about the change. They walk through the city and realize that the Lusidii were treating them as suspects of the murder. The Blacksmith protects them; however, he still says it's very strange that this happened right when they arrived in the city. A funeral for the Helper takes place, but the team, as Ignarus, was unable to participate. The team talks to the Blacksmith after that and investigates the occultist symbol. They are taken to the farm and talk to The Farmer who claims that her animals are being attacked by something that draws these symbols. They spend the night in the barn and, at dawn, a creature attacks a cow and runs into the middle of the forest. Thiago, Cesar, Liz and Joui go after them and Arthur takes care of the cow. He bandages the cow and names her Jennifer. He hears a loud sound and, after a while, his friends come out of the forest, severely injured.

After that, the team goes to the hotel to rest and Arthur spends the night at The Doctor's house, helping him take care of the injured cow. He only meets up with the team again the following morning and they give him context about Murilo's death and the Gatekeeper's disappearance. After that, they talk to the Blacksmith and decide that they should go to the city's cave, due to the discovery of a door that existed inside which had a card entry like the one found on the body of the Crazy Gramps. The team then joins The Miner to enter the Holy Cradle Cavern. Inside the mining cave, the team faces several dangerous creatures. Arthur manages to deal well with the creatures and, at a certain point, acquires his Lusidii form.[11] When the group arrives near the door in the cave, they place the card and the door lights up a panel with the marked symbol. After seeing this, the Miner says that the team really was different and decided to show them the part of the cave with black crystals. Arriving there, they find the Gatekeeper, holding a knife and stabbing the Spiral Symbol into the ground. The Miner growls and suddenly attacks the team, betraying them. A battle begins and Arthur is attacked by the Miner, who brutally rips off his arm.[12] Arthur is unconscious for much of the fight and is stabilized by the Gatekeeper.[13] Thiago finally manages to kill the Miner, who was carrying Cesar close to the black crystal - in order to connect him with the Holy Cradle forever. Arthur is awakened and is shocked by the absence of his arm. The Gatekeeper explains the situation, and reveals that the Blacksmith knew who they were from the beginning and told them how everyone in the city should behave towards them. Furthermore, the Gatekeeper tells about his brothers who were trapped in the center of the labyrinth and that only the Blacksmith knew how to get there. The team decides to trust the Gatekeeper and, with his help, they enter the mine bunker.

In the bunker, the team makes discoveries about Subject 01 and discover that the Spiral Symbol used Potential Energy from its Sources to generate life and prosperity around it. Furthermore, they find the complete accounts of Eva van Gloss's expedition to Heilag Vagga, in which she mentions a Deconjuration Order. They also find a stained leaf with a pentagram showing only two points. In one there was the symbol from the bunker map of the Nostradamus High School and in the other, the Spiral Symbol of the Holy Cradle. Finally, Thiago, Joui and Arthur find pages from the Crazy Gramps' diary, which revealed that, to enter the center of the labyrinth, it was necessary to draw the Spiral Symbol on one's own body. A dilemma breaks and Joui becomes very insistent, saying that he would be the one to do this. Arthur despairs and says that he had already lost everything he had. He cries and screams saying that he was weak and useless and begs the team to let him be useful by marking the symbol on his back. Everyone is unanimous that he was not useless and refused to let him do that. Thiago is incisive when he says that he will mark the symbol on him, since he has already been in a situation of connection with the symbol before when he was inside Aracnasite. When Thiago describes this, the Gatekeeper is shocked and states that Thiago had already connected with the Holy Cradle before, meaning he was a real Lusidii. Everyone is confused, but Thiago says he has made up his mind. The team cries over Thiago's sacrifice, as they don't know what would happen to him when they destroy the Saint. Thiago reassures them and asks the Gatekeeper to draw the symbol on his back. When he finishes, Thiago sees everything white and only Liz, Joui, Cesar and Arthur have colors for him. When they leave the bunker, the Gatekeeper sacrifices himself to create a distraction so the team can get to the labyrinth.

They walk for a while inside the labyrinth following Thiago and eventually arrive at the entrance to the cave of Holy Cradle. As they enter the cave, they come across several cells and in one of them was Kenan Thomas, the last member of Team Kelvin. He tells how he got there and reveals that the Blacksmith was Miguel Cariad, another member of Team Kelvin. They free Kenan and take the explosives he had hidden before being arrested. They open the other cells and find the dying and besieged Springs. Liz understands that killing them would weaken the Saint, but Arthur and the rest of the team reject the idea. She still tries to finish the springs, but Thiago talks to her and calms her down. They head to a larger area of the cave and come across the huge and bizarre manifestation of the Dimensions Parasite. They decide to blow it up and Kenan begins climbing to deploy the explosives. The Blacksmith appears and tries to prevent them from destroying it, since this would result in the death of innocent civilians who were victims of the already victorious plan of the scientists. A fight begins and the Blacksmith, even fighting, keeps begging the team not to do that. Finally, Liz finishes the Blacksmith and Kenan soon finishes installing the explosives. When everything was ready to explode, Thiago smokes one last cigarette and everyone says that everything would work out. However, before they explode, a creature manifests itself in the Blacksmith’s body and the team begins to face The God of Death. The creature holds Liz for a few seconds, however, the woman ages quickly. Arthur tries to help by drawing a molotov, but afraid to hit his friends with the throw, he didn't made it. In the middle of the battle, Kenan goes crazy and becomes a suicide bomber. Cesar kills him before he explodes all and the detonator falls in front of Thiago. He grabs the detonator and asks everyone to run to the exit. Then the God of Death grabs him and makes time pass very slowly for him. Arthur is shaken by his friend’s sacrifice and flees to the exit followed by Joui, Liz and Cesar. Outside, they are faced with the traumatizing sight of Holy Cradle on fire and all the Lusidii burning alive. They leave the forest and go to Ape Hangers, where they perform a tribute to Thiago. Arthur talks with Ivete and decides to go together to São Paulo and join Ordo Realitas.[29]

A few weeks pass and Arthur meets with the team for a meeting with Mr. Verity. On the way, Arthur hands some Vultures shirts to Joui, Liz and Cesar as a sign of affection and the three gladly accept. Arthur attends the meeting with Verity and, though embarrassed, helps the team report the case.

In the end, Arthur meets Agatha Volkomenn, the newly and first occultist agent of the Order.


Arthur moved in with Kaiser and Ivete to an apartment in São Paulo, right next the Ordo Realitas Base, being periodically visited by Joui Jouki. About 2 weeks before the start of the events of Deconjuration, Arthur adopts a street kitten, naming her Jennifer, as a tribute to the cow.[30] Soon after the adoption, Arthur begins to hear a dripping sound in his apartment with no apparent source.[31]

He learned to deal with the fact that he didn't have an arm, getting along very well with such an event. During the months that passed, he also trained to learn to play the guitar with only the remaining hand. He also learned how to help his best friend, Kaiser, on his panic attacks when necessary.[32] Tristan said, right in the 1st episode, that Arthur participated in few missions during these six months, spending most of his time helping Ivete in the sale of the base’s weapons. Moreover, he seems to have won the trust of Mr. Verity, who was willing to comment on several important things with him.[33]


Elizabeth Webber and her apprentice Gustavo Dohmer went missing two weeks ago. Following the last traces left by the woman, Arthur, along with Kaiser, Erin, Fernando, Tristan, Beatrice and later, Joui go in search of her. The group finds evidence from Liz’s latest studies, which indicated a link between the death of Leonardo Gomes, the Holy Cradle case and the Deconjuration Order. Concerned about her friend’s life, Arthur, Joui and Kaiser spare no effort to find her with the help of their new companions. They face the New Dawn Building Occultists, and, with the information obtained and the help of a new ally, Dante, the team finds the Orphanage where Elizabeth was kept locked.

Arthur gets extremely happy seeing Liz good and well, despite the text tattoos on the woman's skin. As soon as her friend leaves the cell in which she was imprisoned, Arthur and Joui run to hug her, both crying, while Kaiser takes a picture of the moment. At the time of the escape, the group has to face a Degolified, that kills Gustavo Dohmer and makes Kaiser seriously hurt himself with a grenade. Arthur, even in shock for almost losing his friend, goes to comfort Liz who was crying desperately into the body of her police friend. Arthur comforts her by saying that they were nothing without her and that she should not belittle herself.[34] Liz hugs Arthur saying she kept hope for all this time because of them three. At the door of the Orphanage, the group is barred by the Escribes, the occultists responsible for kidnapping Liz. At the meeting, the agents are easily stopped by the antagonists, clearly much stronger than they are. With all paralyzed, Gal murders Elizabeth with Joui's katana in front of everyone.[35] Arthur is forced to watch the scene, unable to do anything but cry and beg them to stop. The occultists arrest everyone in the orphanage and Erin and Fernando rescue the team. Everyone, after discussing the next step, decides to go to the Devilish Mansion after Kaiser’s researches.

The group proceeds with the investigation and goes to this mansion. They discover that this was the house where the family that adopted Leonardo Gomes lived for a few months before he returned to the Orphanage. The team then investigates the mansion and faces several entities. The Traveler was changing Kaiser's photos and even deleted his memory, which left Arthur extremely worried about his friend. The battle against the creature, in addition to killing two policemen, transformed Beatrice into an Existed, after Orpheu was killed. After this clash, Arthur vent to Kaiser about not feeling so much the pain of losing his companions, since Tristan died for the Traveler and Beatrice was as an existed. Kaiser consoles him and Arthur cries in his friend’s arms. In addition, an entity of the books of Daniel Hartmann, The Lurker, was tormenting Arthur, Kaiser and Ivete. They found out that their cat, Jennifer, was marked by the entity, which had been watching the three ever since. The fight against the Lurker was intense, resulting in Joui, Arthur, Kaiser and Ivete wounded and exhausted. They face some more monsters in the house, among them the Listeneds and the Drowned Woman. Arthur excels playing guitar with only one arm, since it was necessary to play the song "Spiralem Melodiam" to defeat the monsters and achieve progress.[36] He gets emotional thinking about his band and his gang after getting the song finished. After finishing up at the mansion, they find out about an old resident still alive, Frederico Mare, and go to interrogate him. With Fred's report, they find out about Álvaro Augusto and his connection with Leonardo Gomes and the Deconjuration.

Everyone heads to the cemetery at Joui's request, who was acting weird in the day. The Sect of the Masks appears and Joui reveals to have made some kind of agreement with them to protect the team and defeat Kian and the Escribes.[37] The goodbye is painful for Arthur, who cries saying that Joui had promised that it would be the three forever. Despite suffering, Arthur manages to understand and trust Joui, promising to pick him up along with Kaiser. After the event, everyone returns to the base. Kaiser finds a letter from Joui, asking for his friend to be strong and reaffirming that he was able to lead the team. Kaiser is shaken and shows the letter to Arthur as well, who reads and cries with Joui’s words. The two recompose and join the group to review the documents. Eventually, Arthur receives a call from the neighboring children of the Devilish Mansion saying there was something wrong going on. Because they got attached to the children and were worried, the group rushed to the place, finding Henri and Enpap-X. A brutal confrontation occurs, of which Kaiser and Erin gets out extremely hurt. Everyone turns their attention to Erin, and with this, Henri approaches and takes Kaiser as a hostage, intending to kill him. At the time of execution, Bruno appears and convinces Henri to let him himself kill his old friend. Arthur tries to run to avoid his friend’s death, but it’s too late. Bruno then surprises everyone by attacking Henri unnoticed and helping Kaiser heal and get up. Arthur is a few seconds in shock, trying to understand what happened. Bruno explains that it finally arrived the Final Day of the Deconjuration. They recover, but Henri gets up by surprise. There is a battle and Henri, wounded, uses the Blood Link Ritual to connect Kaiser, Arthur and Luciano's life to him, threatening to kill himself and take them all along. Therefore, the agents allow him to escape. The team gathers and enters the Mansion, where the children are together with Gal and Kian.

At the end of this stage, Arthur and the other agents return to the St. Menefreda Orphanage, where they meet Gal, Kian and Tim, besides the bodies of Beatrice, Orpheu, Tristan and Elizabeth hanging from a tree. Arthur uses his Hatred ritual and comes on top of Gal with everything, however, he gets very hurt in the process. With Arthur about to be finished by Gal, Verity appears and saves him.[38] Amid so much blood, death and chaos, Arthur is rescued by the Sect of the Masks thanks to the Cineraria Ritual cast by Kaiser.[39] He survives along with Dante, both being teleported back to the Ordo Realitas Base, with the weight of losing Kaiser, Erin, Fernando and Luciano plaguing them.


A time has passed, Arthur is seen in the Ordo Realitas' research room in front of Kaiser's desk, that was the way it always was: messy.[40] Arthur finds a photo with him, Ivete, Kaiser, Joui, Jennifer and drawings of his mother Cláudia Oliveira, his father Cristopher Cohen, Thiago Fritz and Elizabeth Webber next to the people in the photo, along with a password, which Arthur deduces is the password to a file on his deceased best friend’s computer. Entering the password, he finds a video of Kaiser in October 31, 2020. The video is like a goodbye from the hacker if things had taken a different direction and now he was dead. Arthur cries as he hears his friend’s words and when the video ends, the scene ends.[41]


After several months, Arthur is called by Verity to discuss a new case in which he would be tasked as leader. Accompanied by Dante, the two go to Bariguara, a small town in the interior of Mato Grosso, to find their teammates and investigate the case. Arthur leads the team consisting of Carina, Balu and Rubens, besides Dante himself.[4] Together, they investigate Elza's house, a resident who had been acting strange for some time. They explore the place, talk to the neighbor, Eusébio Teixeira, and find notes that indicate how to open the trapdoor found hidden in the woman’s house. The big lock that locked it is opened and, shortly after, sounds of beat and a child calling "Mommy?" are heard. Arthur and his team faces The Needy, and, after an intense battle, the team defeats the creature, finding, soon after, one of the pages of Arnaldo Fritz's Grimoire.

After four days and back at the base, Arthur and the whole team meet Verity and Clarissa, already waiting for them. In a request to Verity, Arthur named the group as Team Vultures, as a tribute to his deceased family. Soon after, assigned to a mission, the team and Clarissa went to Italy, where Arnaldo had kept his documents on the Relics. Arriving on the site and finding almost all the Famiglia Leone brutally murdered, the team analyzed the perimeter, and as soon as they found the first Blood Zombies, the consecutive battles began, but everyone did very well. Down the Leone's bunker and in another quick battle with more zombies, the group soon headed to the computer room, where Rubens backed off the time of the cameras and soon understood that the slaughter had been carried out by the Escribes and Kian. Walking ahead and wondering who was waiting for them in the safe, the agents opened the big door, where there was not even what they thought. Marco Leone, already in a form almost taken by blood, being held by the own Devil.

Seeing the very incarnation of Hell, there was nothing left but to fight, but the Devil seemed to have other purposes, a War and a pact. With this, doing the Leone's patriarch remove from within a box with the Symbol of the Pact and give to the agents, the Devil disappeared through the portal. With its departure, dozens of Zombie to the mansion's bunker, where the agents had to deal with such a horde quickly. Passing them all, the group went up to the second floor, where, in a medical ward, they fought with a Blood Titan, who later they discovered to be Carina’s mother, Patrizia Leone. And as soon as this was reported, the group mobilized for the colleague’s pain, one of the few Leones left, and held a symbolic burial with Patrizia’s remains.

The other day, after a rest in the bloody living room, Arthur and the team heard a familiar voice and many others in the background: Agatha and much of the Order had arrived in Italy, already ready to make the Leone's Mansion a temporary base.

Upon being awakened the next day, while his companion Carina was transcending, Arthur invites Agatha to lunch a plate of pasta with meatballs, and upon returning, joins with his team, to decide their next destination. The team then decides to go to The Colosseum, to investigate the place. Upon arriving, all infiltrate among the security guards, but Arthur stands out, being recognized by one of the cleaners of the place, because of a music video that he recorded with some members of the Scoundrel Vultures. However, the plan fails, and upon being discovered, in combat, Arthur first uses his blade of blood, and ends up ending the confrontation without any new injury.

But that was not all, a little further on, as they defeated the security guards of the colosseum, Arthur spots one of his former companions, Joui Jouki. Instantly the agent is overcome by tears and doubt whether Kaiser was alive, the moment lasts a few minutes, and Arthur demonstrates more tranquility now that he is with his friend.

After some puzzles and conversations, Team Vultures arrives at Ordo Calamitas, and so they begin to investigate. Verity asks Arthur to choose which way to go between the corridors, and so it is done, the agents go through several doors with the The Host Symbol. Until they find several statues of ancient warriors, Arthur ends up touching that of Marius and thus all return to the past, reliving the lives of the old markeds from Ordo Calamitas.

After the trance, the doors with the symbol begin to open, for the games of The Host, Arthur touches the second and third door, playing as Marius, but when the Warrior is defeated, Arthur remains passed out until the confrontation against the Unforgotten Wraiths.

Until, arriving at the last door, all the team comes across the Host itself and they start talking, however, when the entity shows on a television, Gal, being tortured by their former companion Clarissa Leão, the agents have to decide whether or not to kill their enemy. Together with Dante, Arthur stands in favor of saving Gal, which yields an intense discussion with Joui.[42]

But that wasn't everything, as soon as the Magistrate arrives, a new choice has to be made, fight against, or for, the Sect of the Masks, and the agents collaborate with their mysterious ally. But that comes at a price, because due to this, Team Vultures fights against The Host, that at first, divided into five different personalities. One of them comes close to killing Arthur, but Dante saves him. Already against the Host of Arnaldo Fritz, Arthur does not suffer new serious injuries but ends the two fights, exhausted.

After a well-deserved rest, Arthur transcends, which now with 55% paranormal exposure, connects to the element of Blood. It is when already rested the team receives an emergency mission, split up to protect both the Colosseum and the Leone's Mansion.

Arthur goes along with Rubens and Balu to the Mansion, and find it being led at that moment by two other markeds, Yuki and Dominic. In readiness, the Mansion is invaded, and all agents begin to defend their new base, where the invasion, which at first, is made by creatures and occultists of Death element, ends with the entrance of Nubi, but with another challenge, the Sphinx Carrion, a creature that under Arthur’s leadership, is finished by the same after a tense fight, which does not take any of the markeds.

Returning to the Colosseum running, Arthur is faced with another shock, the death of another member of Team H. Joui dies with a smile on the face, while Arthur screams and cries in anger. He fights with his team against Kian, and as soon as Verity advises, Balu takes Kian down, allowing Arthur to pierce his head with the Blade of Blood, incapacitating the first occultist.[43]

After this hard battle, the mission of Arthur Cervero did not end, Verity says that his new destiny, would be to return to his hometown, Carpazinha, but before, he should, together with his team, say goodbye to all who were, among them, Joui and Kaiser. And so it is done, at a funeral, Arthur says goodbye to his old teams, but without receiving further news.

Verity calls him to a corner, next to Arnaldo Fritz's grave and says that his time is coming to an end, he knows how he will die, and he asks Arthur to continue caring for his family, the Ordo Realitas.[44]

The Secret in the Island[]

Arthur goes to the Tipora Island after being warned of an emergency call received by Samuel,[45] knowing that the island was one of the points of interest of the Order.[46] He goes with Walter to help Wanderley and Cavalcante, two rookie agents who had been sent there.[47]

Arriving there, Arthur sees a cluster of people on the island’s beach climbing on another boat. The pair then get off their boat and approach to understand the situation. They talk to the police chief of the island, that says that two young people, Amelie and Olivier Florence, managed to control the situation and save everyone. The two approach Arthur and explain about how one creature showed up in the church and killed several residents of the island, including Wanderley. Arthur tries to calm the two, talking and explaining a little more about the Order to them, noting the potential they had after surviving an attack by the Other Side. Finally, he asks about the main locations of the island taken by the Paranormal, and also notice the presence of the island cat, petting him. He then orders the two young to get on the boat so they can get off the island, as he prepares with Walter to investigate the place deeper.

After finishing with the remaining Blood Zombies from the corpses left behind, the duo go to the Moretti's Mansion to investigate it. Both go up to the 3rd floor, finding Leila Lima and Emério Cunha's bodies together in a room. Arthur picks up a journal thrown in the room and starts reading it, realizing that whoever wrote it mentioned something about a secret place under the mansion fireplace. He then calls Walter down there, and arriving at the fireplace, they notice a way out, leading to something below the mansion.

They arrive at a completely different place from the mansion, noticing a kind of gate barring one of the paths. Walter kicks it, opening passage and revealing a kind of archaic cave, containing several statues scattered at specific points and a broken bell in the center.[48] Arthur notices a door on the left side, recognizing the symbol engraved on it: the symbol of Tenebris. In the other corner, he also notices a thrown painting, with a kind of tower with a painted bell. Going to it, Arthur is attracted to the paint, perceiving everything melting and having the vision of being in front of this painted building, feeling that somehow, he was connected to that. Arthur then notices: he's in front of one of the six bells of Tenebris, the Impossible City. He then realizes that the answer to everything is closer and closer.[49]

But, this answer is for a story that still needs to be told.

Quirks and Phobias[]

Aracnophobia (partially lost): Irrational fear of spiders. Contracted, as with the rest of his group, during the encounter against the Aracnasite in the 3rd episode of The Secret in the Forest.[50]

Erythrophobia (mild): It’s the irrational fear of the color red. This phobia is a specific type of chromophobia, which is the irrational fear of colors. Acquired this phobia during the 6th episode, due to the great amount of blood he saw when he had his face cut off by the Carrion.[51] Despite still having the trauma today, Arthur has mild symptoms.


Temporary Social Anxiety: As a side effect due to the conflict against the Traveler, Arthur has developed social anxiety temporarily, which makes it difficult for him to socialize and interact with those he is not very close to.[52]



I recognize what opened the door. It appears again, walking like it walked.


Rituals and Abilities[]



Símbolo Medalhão

Blood Paralysis Ritual "Dystopia": After marking Enpap-X with this ritual symbol, Arthur wraps barbed wire around his arm, runs his hand through the blood of the ground and stains the Symbol tattooed on his chest, closing his eyes and saying "Dystopia" and opening his reddish eyes, causing the creature to be temporarily paralyzed.[53] To be used, it is necessary to mark the symbol bleeding on a target, draw in blood on the body itself and wrap a barbed wire on its own arm.[54]


Curse Tech Ritual "Rebirth": By opening the yellow coffin in the Devilish Mansion, they find, along with a dead body, two cursed items collected both by Dante, that would later be distributed between Arthur and Joui, with the camera going in the hands of the Vulture. When holding his cell phone, being close to a source of energy and talking "Rebirth", green rays come out of the source and go up through his body, leaving his eyes green and causing that, when it touches a firearm, it becomes cursed with skulls that move through it. The symbol itself gives the user the ability to curse a firearm for a certain period of time, infusing it to direct a certain amount of chaotic damage to the downed target. To use the ritual, one must focus on the symbol while holding some technological object, and must be close to some source of electricity.[55] Upon reaching 50% Paranormal Exposure, Arthur no longer needs components for the use of rituals, and when using this ritual a green electric pulse emanates from Arthur’s body, rising up to the hand in which he touches the weapon he wishes to curse.

Símbolo Papel Ódio

Uncontrollable Rage Ritual "Temple of Hate": This ritual was found carved into a guitar in the room of Frederico Mare, and by transcending with it Arthur learned this Uncontrollable Rage Ritual that when used on a target causes a great hatred and grants superhuman strength temporarily to that target. To use this ritual, it is necessary to cut off the palm of your hand and bleed over one of your eyes while concentrating on the symbol.[56]


Símbolo Amaldiçoar Tecnologia

Curse Weapon with Energy Ritual "Rebirth": Opening his eyes, purple rays leak and wrap his weapon with small skulls. Spending 5 EP (Effort Points) adds 3d6 Energy damage on your shots, that when fired, come out with purple rays.[57]

Símbolo Papel Ódio

Uncontrollable Rage Ritual "Temple of Hate": When casting this ritual, the affected person receives 1 extra die for attack tests and deals 1 extra die for melee damage. While under the effect, the affected can’t cast rituals and must use at least one of their actions to attack a creature in each of their turns or approach if it has no reach. If there are no creatures, the affected one flagellates. The amount of turns the effect lasts is set by 1d4 + 1.[58]



Investigative Instinct: Having the Investigator archetype, Arthur is easier to perceive certain details in documents and make connections between them, in addition to having high skills in skills important for investigation.

Breach Analysis: Overcoming the barrier of 40% paranormal exposure, Arthur chose the ability to analyze the enemy, detecting a breach and ensuring advantage and more damage in physical attacks on the target. This ability can only be used once per target, even if done by another investigator.[59]

Epiphany: Overcoming the barrier of 45% paranormal exposure, Arthur chose the ability to analyze where he is, being able to use the advantages of the environment in his favor, both in combat and outside them.[60]

Affinity with the Element of the Other Side: After transcending with 50% paranormal exposure, Arthur connected with his Mark through his connection with the Blood. With this, he acquired advantages in strength and advantage tests in all Blood rituals.[61]

Motivation: Overcoming the 50% barrier of paranormal exposure, Arthur chose the ability to, if an ally is at zero health, he can spend his main action to make a speech and motivate him to stay alive, ensuring that he does not fail the next constitution test.[62]


Affinity with the Element of the Other Side: Arthur has affinity with the Element of Blood, allowing him to conjure Blood rituals without the need for ingredients.

Stealth-Trained: Hiding becomes a free action during combat.[63]

Elite Shooter: When Arthur aims he has one more damage die if he takes a critical roll.[64]

Sneak Attack: For every 10% paranormal exposure, he gains 1d6 extra damage when performing stealth attacks, totaling 5d6 extra.[64]

Stealthy and Letal: As a sniper, his stealth attacks deal more damage when he uses his rifle for a long-range attack. Instead of extra D6 damage, it now deals extra D8 damage.[64]

Lucky Strike: The threat range of its user is doubled, in the case of Arthur, from 16 to 20 counts as critical.[65]

Quick Draw: Drawing weapons becomes a free action during combat.[66]

Elite Aim: Spending 2 EP (Effort Points), your user can aim and shoot in the same turn, dealing 1d6 extra damage.[66]

Magnum Opus: By being a famous artist, once per mission, the player can determine, in an interaction scene, that a character recognizes him for his work, receiving +10 in Diplomacy, Deception, Intuition and Intimidation with that character.[67]

Blood Weapon: Spending 2 HP (Health Points), your user can design a 1d6 blade of blood damage from their own blood and, with 1 more EP, use it in the same turn.[68]

Expertise: If not satisfied with your test, the player can roll again the die at the price of 2 EP.

Iron Blood: The user’s blood flows aggressively with paranormal elements, ensuring perfect health, receiving 3 HP plus 1 HP per EXP level (Paranormal EXPosure).

Eclectic: By spending 1 EP, a specialist can perform a test of a skill (Will, Technology, Drive, among others...) as if it was trained on it.

Cursed Items[]

Shinokage de Joui em Calamidade

Shinokage: Joui's katana, made of Knowledge, with a black blade with Sigils of the Other Side on it. It was taken by Arthur after his friend’s death.


The Secret in the Forest[]

Magnum A .44 Magnum given to Arthur by his father.[69]
Shuriken Some metal shurikens possessed by Arthur, despite he never used.[70]
Martelo de Arthur Cervero em O Segredo na Floresta
A small checkered hammer detailed with tree branches in spirals. It was used only as an alternative to firearms in combat in Holy Cradle, being abandoned shortly before the end of the mission.[71]


Glock silenciada
A silenced weapon with a small flashlight attached at the bottom.[72]
Custom knife A custom knife with the symbol of the Scoundrel Vultures made as a gift for his brother Henrique.[73]


Rifle de precisão do Arthur
Sniper rifle
A large weapon with extreme precision used to deliver critical strikes on targets.[74] After the 4th episode of Calamity, his rifle features a telescopic sight, increasing his aim by +5 when aiming at a target.[75]
Magnum The .44 Magnum given by his father,[69] being temporarily kept in his closet and reacquired at the 4th episode of Calamity.[76]


  • Aaron: Initially, like the other agents of the Order, Arthur did not approach or talk much with Aaron, however, after the events of Deconjuration, Arthur sought to learn more about how to use a rifle, going to the shooter to learn more about how to use the gun, becoming Aaron’s apprentice. At the beginning of Calamity, Arthur is seen next to him, talking and apparently being very close to him.
  • Agatha Volkomenn: Arthur searched for Agatha after the events of The Secret in the Forest to stop feeling so helpless through Occultist Rituals. Over time, the two became closer, being him one of the few people who knew what happened in her past. Arthur treats Agatha as a younger sister and demonstrates irritation at learning of the terrible things she had to go through, showing his tendency to want to protect her.[77] Arthur shows great love for Agatha and tries to express it whenever he can.[78] As embarrassed as the young woman is in most of these interactions, Agatha seems happy to have Arthur in her life.
  • Amanda Cervero: Arthur, since his childhood, has been in contact with the Vultures gang. Even so, his mother was an important influence, being a kind person. Even after Amanda’s death, Arthur keeps the memories of her and his late brother, Henrique Cervero, with him.
  • Antônio Pontevedra: Arthur showed much respect for Antônio due to the fact that he was an experienced and competent agent underscored by Verity. Arthur worried about Balu when he suddenly walked away from the group, and realized his uneasiness when his axe was marked with red veins by the Devil. Balu said his axe was important to him because it was in his brother’s possession. These interactions demonstrate that both are beginning to create a closer relationship.
  • Beatrice Portinari: Even though Beatrice and Arthur weren't so close, it was evident that he cared for her. Arthur tried to help and protect Bea as much as he could, as she was the newest newcomer to the Order. When the Traveler jumped on the young girl, he fought hard against the monster to save her. As soon as Bea turns into an Existed, Arthur helps Dante to take care of her, despite being quite shaken by what happened. At her funeral, Arthur says that she will be remembered and avenged by all the Order.
  • Brúlio Cervero: Arthur was always very close and loving to his whole family. His mother and brother died while he was very young, which caused Arthur to become very attached to his father. He received support from his father after deciding to pursue a music career and eventually having his band with other gang members.[22] It is apparent that Brúlio nurtured great pride in his son and did everything to protect him. During the fight against the Carrion, Brúlio died in front of his son, causing a sense of guilt in Arthur for not being able to save him,[27] as demonstrated in the dream originated by the Guilt Parasite at the Holy Cradle Hotel.
  • Carina Leone: Not yet so close, Arthur and Carina demonstrate respect and a partnership relationship with each other. It's possible to see that they form a great investigative duo, where both seek to investigate and decipher the mysteries of each case. After the Famiglia Leone massacre, Arthur showed himself as a friendly shoulder to Carina, assuring her that they would avenge her family members as a team, and consoling the agent in her moments of mourning. For having gone through a similar situation in the Carpazinha mission, Arthur has shown great empathy with such a situation.
  • Clarissa Leão: Arthur originally respected her as an agent and knows how hard she struggled and trained after the tragic events of the final day of the Deconjuration, and recognized the pain and tried to calm her down in moments of emotional imbalance, even though Clarissa walked away and denied help. However, this all changed after Arthur and his team found out about Clarissa’s betrayal, and Arthur lost all respect for her and no longer saw her as an ally.
  • Dante: Arthur has shown himself to be polite to Dante since they met, believing him not to be a bad person. Their relationship became even closer after the past months of Deconjuration, with them becoming a very tuned duo and supporting each other in times of difficulty.
  • Elizabeth Webber: Even though Liz has walked away from everyone after the events of The Secret in the Forest, Arthur is very grateful to her for everything she has done for him and the team in the past. Arthur respected her and admired her excellent research skills. He was very sad and affected when he saw Liz shrinking, showing how much he cared about her.[34] Arthur was very shaken by losing her, even proving to be the most balanced compared to Kaiser and Joui.
  • Erin Parker: Even though Arthur and Erin weren't close, it was clear that he cared about her. Arthur supported Erin in moments of mourning the girl had after losing Tristan. When she went crazy, Arthur tried to calm her down as much as he could. Finally, he saw the woman explode and became desperate with what happened, mourning her death.
  • Fernando Carvalho: As much as Fernando and Arthur were not close, it was evident that he cared for him, and the two shared some moments together, as when they played the guitar in the Devilish Mansion due to their mutual love for music. In addition, Arthur transcended in front of Fernando, and he did not agree with that and was worried about what would happen to Arthur. Nevertheless, Ferdinand respected Arthur’s decision to transcend.
  • Gregório Igorovich: For Arthur, Gregório was like a second father. For participating in the same gang, the two were close friends. In addition, Gregório participated in Arthur’s band, sometimes acting as a vocalist during the shows. When Gregório was kidnapped by the Haunteds, Arthur felt determined to save his companion, but he died, much to the Vulture’s chagrin.
  • Henrique Cervero: Despite the 10-year gap between the two, Arthur was extremely attached to his little brother, doing everything with him and teaching everything his mother and father taught him when he was the same age. Arthur felt very sorry for his death, blaming himself for the tragedy. After returning to Carpazinha, after being away in Minas Gerais for 5 years, Arthur decided to do a show in honor of his brother who would be turning 18 on the day and would be joining the Vultures officially. However, this show never happened due to the attack of the spiders nxet to the bar.[79]
  • Ivete Beicur: Just like the other gang members who lived with him, Ivete is also a very important person to Arthur.[29] However, because of the events where Ivete is the last of the Scoundrel Vultures, together with Arthur, he approaches her even closer, even considering her a maternal figure during the outcome of his adventure with Team H, calling her that. Currently, Ivete is Arthur’s emotional pillar, and he has risked his life to protect her.[80]
  • Jennifer: Since their first meeting, Arthur has shown immense affection for all the animals of the Holy Cradle Farm, but especially by one of the cows, named Jennifer by him.[81] He feels guilty for failing to save her after the destruction of Holy Cradle and honors her, adopting the kitten Jennifer.
  • Joui Jouki: The two also spend some time together during the investigation in Carpazinha and become friends. This brings the two closer together, both in moments of tension and in more relaxed situations. Eventually, Joui and Arthur, along with Kaiser, become best friends, wanting to protect each other at all costs. Arthur treats Joui as a brother and greatly regrets his sacrifice for the Sect of the Masks, swearing to save him from the situation he put himself in to protect the group. After nearly a year apart, the two reunite in the quest for the Relics of Calamity. Arthur, who had not cried for a while, was thrilled to see his friend back, having even returned the shine in his eyes, something he had not had for a while. Arthur is very happy to have him back in his life. Soon after discovering Joui’s death, he is very shaken and disappointed, knowing that he had had his "brother" back only to be separated again, yet Arthur thanks Joui for helping him during the battle against Kian and bids him farewell with pride of what his partner was able to do.
  • Kaiser: During Team H's journey at the Carpazinha case, Arthur and Cesar eventually became friends, having some preferences in common, as well as sharing similar experiences. And so Cesar was seen giving emotional support to Arthur at various times. The two showed up closer after the tragic events of Holy Cradle, keeping a more present and intimate fellowship than before, even arriving to live together. Eventually, the two began to treat each other as brothers and even expressed the love they feel for each other, showing the strong bond of brotherhood they developed in that time together. Arthur suffers greatly from Kaiser’s death and claims that his brother was light in his life.
  • Luciano Carvalho: Arthur knows the importance of Luciano’s skills to the team, even though he does not agree with all his attitudes. Despite this, he treats Luciano with respect and protects him as a team member. After Erin got insane, Luciano talks to him about doing everything necessary to stop the Deconjuration, even if it involves killing an ally. At the time, Arthur agreed with Luciano, but told him that the priority would be to save as many lives as possible, saying that both his and Erin’s were equally valuable. After the revelation of Kian on Luciano, Arthur was perplexed by what happened, but tried to fight him and protect Verity and the other remaining agents, even if without success.
  • Murilo, Marcelo and Ivan: The three were Arthur’s best friends since childhood, and possessed a strong bond, which led them to join the same gang, and eventually create a band together. Arthur ended up getting torn after losing them during the fight against the Carrion.
  • Rubens Naluti: Already known by names, Arthur did not expect someone smaller than him in the Order, thus having the opportunity to create healthy jokes with the height of Rubens. In addition to the jokes, they demonstrate, like everyone else on the team, great partnership and respect.
  • Mr. Getúlio: Arthur, along with Marcelo, Ivan and Murilo, grew up making the life of Mr. Getúlio a hell. Even with this, they all maintained a fondness for him, who, even being a reclusive man, was kind and kind to those who really knew him.
  • Mr. Verity: Arthur shows himself quite respectful towards him, avoiding making unnecessary jokes or comments in his presence, choosing to listen more than talk. On the other hand, Verity tends to respond positively to the man’s attitudes, showing great confidence in him and having him as his right-hand.[33] Verity protects Arthur and consoles him from his pain as much as he can, demonstrating how much the two care about each other’s well-being.[82]
  • Thiago Fritz: Thiago and Arthur, although not exactly close, had good interactions. Both respected each other as team members and maintained a good relationship of companionship. After the events of The Secret in the Forest, Arthur feeds this feeling of helplessness by, mainly, not being able to do anything in the fight against The God of Death, while his friend sacrificed himself. This made Arthur admire him even more, being eternally grateful for all that Thiago did for everyone.
  • Tristan Monteiro: Arthur cared about Tristan and respected him as a teammate. The two were close as friends and always talked when they had time at the base. After his death, Arthur was very shaken and felt for what happened, but remained the most balanced he could to support the team at that time.


  • Initially, Arthur was going to be only a special cameo of Guaxinim on the RPG and appear temporarily, as well as The Helper. However, due the unexpected death of Cristopher Cohen, in the 3rd episode of The Secret in the Forest, and the support of the community, Arthur joined the protagonists' group.
  • Arthur's motorcycle name is Princess.[83]
  • Arthur's Instagram is "arthurzinho_guitarrista".[84]
  • The day Amanda and Henrique Cervero died, Arthur would have gone along with them on the road trip, but due to a fight between the brothers, the two did not want to be close to each other, which made Arthur not go.[85]
  • Arthur cries for no reason sometimes.[86]
  • Arthur's favorite food is lasagna.[87]
  • He trained to learn to play the guitar with one arm during the months after the loss. He plucks the chords and pulls the strings at the same time, like in this video.
  • Cellbit informed in one of his streams that, along with Tristan, Arthur is one of the characters who have more points in appearance, explaining his high charisma.
  • Arthur likes bubblegum a lot, especially blue.[88][89][90]
  • Arthur's favorite kind of pizza is Pepperoni.
  • Arthur's ritual names are tributes to albums/musics that features Guaxinim's favorite guitarist, Kiko Loureiro. For examples, Rebirth and Temple of Hate from the band Angra, and Dystopia from Megadeth.
  • In the cover of the 1st episode of Calamity, Arthur appears with his arm and scars on the opposite side, which was later clarified as an artist’s mistake.[91]
  • Arthur's G-Force favorite hero is Tangatatoa.[92]
  • Arthur’s name and look were inspired by the same name character from the british series Peaky Blinders.[93]
  • Arthur became relatively famous after posting a video playing guitar with the other Scoundrel Vultures on YouTube.[67]
  • His lighter has a purple rose sticker, in tribute to Kaiser.
  • Arthur is one of the three characters featured on the cover of the Paranormal Order RPG Playbook.[94]
  • In Surviving the Horror, it is revealed that the white streaks in Arthur's hair and beard are acquired by him not as a direct consequence of his Affinity with Blood, but by the manifestation of Fear as a reflection of his development; reflecting his father, Brúlio, and Mr. Verity.



Episodes Appearances
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 - "Arachnophobia" First Appearance
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 - "Goodbyes" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 - "The House" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 6 - "Virgulino" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 7 - "Cemetery" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 8 - "The Secret" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 9 - "Holy Cradle" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 - "Hotel" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 11 - "Symbol" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 12 - "Tower" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 - "The Cave" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 14 - "The Door" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 15 - "Source" Present
The Secret in the Forest - Episode 16 - "Team H" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 1 - "Ordo Realitas" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 2 - "Blood" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 3 - "Transcend" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 4 - "Orphanage" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 5 - "Escribes" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 6 - "Elizabeth" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 8 - "Reunion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 9 - "Devilish Mansion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 10 - "Photographs" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 11 - "Remember" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 12 - "Change" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 13 - "Remorseful Witch" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 14 - "The Lurker" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 15 - "Divine Comedy" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 16 - "Melody" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 17 - "Sacrifice" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 18 - "Enpap" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 19 - "Tirigan" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 20 - "Kian" Present
Calamity - Episode 0 - "Prologue" Present
Calamity - Episode 1 - "The Beginning of the End" Present
Calamity - Episode 3 - "Pact" Present
Calamity - Episode 4 - "Amphitheatrum" Present
Calamity - Episode 5 - "Ordo Calamitas" Present
Calamity - Episode 6 - "Games" Present
Calamity - Episode 8 - "Choice" Present
Calamity - Episode 9 - "Synthesis" Present
Calamity - Episode 10 - "Time" Present
Calamity - Episode 11 - "Warrior" Briefly in the end
Calamity - Episode 12 - "Eyes" Present
The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 - "Florence" Present

Notes and references[]


  1. Even though he said he was 28 years old on April 15 in the 7th episode of The Secret in the Forest, Arthur had not yet celebrated his birthday on June 22, being 27 years old during that season.


  1. Twitter. Tweet from Rafael Lange (October 27th, 2020)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Secret in the Forest - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 2h8m50s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 His first appearance in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 1h06m00s)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 1h06m45s)
  5. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 1h12m58s)
  6. Guaxinim confirming the color of one of Arthur's eyes on Twitter. Tweet from Guaxinim (May 21, 2021)
  7. Wings tattoo on The Secret in the Forest - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 1h04m37s)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Carrion scratching Arthur in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h02m42s)
  9. Doctor using the Green Crystal on Arthur in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 45m13s)
  10. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 3h24m36s)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Lusidii Arthur in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 1h57m15s)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Miner ripping off Arthur's arm in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 2h31m27s)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Gatekeeper saving Arthur in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 13 (watch on YouTube at 2h38m05s)
  14. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 29m45s)
  15. Deconjuration - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h52m01s)
  16. Agatha using the Ritual of Peeling on Arthur in Deconjuration - Episode 16 (watch on YouTube at 23m23s)
  17. Arthur after Transcending with 50% Paranormal Exposure in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 14m30s)
  18. Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 58m54s)
  19. Infinity symbol tattoo on Calamity - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 19m36s)
  20. The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 2h42m34s)
  21. Twitter. Tweet from Guaxinim.
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 3h07m51s)
  23. Aracnasite in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 2h53m53s)
  24. Gregório's disappearance in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 2h56m18s)
  25. Arthur killing Rodolfo in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h24m49s)
  26. Black Death Carrion in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 4h25m06s)
  27. 27.0 27.1 Brúlio's death in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h03m40s)
  28. Parasite's Dream in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 2h45m09s)
  29. 29.0 29.1 Ivete decides to join the Order in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 16 (watch on YouTube at 3h25m02s)
  30. Jennifer's adoption in Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 33m49s)
  31. Drippings' start in Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h36m21s)
  32. Arthur calming down Kaiser in Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 1h10m10s)
  33. 33.0 33.1 Arthur's importance in the Order in Deconjuration - Episode 16 (watch on YouTube at 12m06s)
  34. 34.0 34.1 Arthur comforting Liz in Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 5h57m54s)
  35. Elizabeth's death in Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 6h22m38s)
  36. Arthur playing Spiralem Melodiam in Deconjuration - Episode 16 (watch on YouTube at 3h51m25s)
  37. Joui becomes a Mask in Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 3h57m44s)
  38. Verity saving Arthur in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 2h39m02s)
  39. Sect of the Masks saving Arthur in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h55m12s)
  40. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 4h18m58s)
  41. Kaiser's goodbye video in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 4h20m39s)
  42. Arthur saving Gal in Calamity - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 33m49s)
  43. Arthur defeating Kian in Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 1h43m29s)
  44. Dialogue between Verity and Arthur in Calamity - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 4h20m21s)
  45. Wanderley calling reinforcements in The Secret in the Island - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 3h38m48s)
  46. Tipora on S.I.R.C. in The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 3h12m31s)
  47. Arthur and Walter arrive at Tipora Island in The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 2h39m10s)
  48. Tenebris' Bell Cavern in The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 3h19m39s)
  49. Bell's Painting in The Secret in the Island - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 3h21m50s)
  50. Aracnophobia in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 3h12m50s)
  51. Erythrophobia in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 2h31m32s)
  52. Temporary Social Anxiety in Deconjuration - Episode 12 (watch on YouTube at 5m03s)
  53. Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 3h10m34s)
  54. Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 2h27m20s)
  55. Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 2h45m00s)
  56. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 3h12m29s)
  57. Calamity - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 1h05m28s)
  58. Calamity - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 3h44m25s)
  59. Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 42m52s)
  60. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 15m33s)
  61. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 16m48s)
  62. Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 17m37s)
  63. Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 3h19m11s)
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 3h32m50s)
  65. Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 3h34m03s)
  66. 66.0 66.1 Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 3h47m04s)
  67. 67.0 67.1 Calamity - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 2h45m36s)
  68. Calamity - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 3h29m55s)
  69. 69.0 69.1 Brúlio's Magnum in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 2h36m22s)
  70. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 9 (watch on YouTube at 3h00m55s)
  71. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 10 (watch on YouTube at 22m00s)
  72. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h17m18s)
  73. Vultures' Knife in Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 2h52m11s)
  74. Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 3h20m03s)
  75. Calamity - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 1h39m45s)
  76. Calamity - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 3h16m03s)
  77. Agatha's scars in Deconjuration - Episode 18 (watch on YouTube at 1h39m46s)
  78. Arthur hugging Agatha in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 1h04m11s)
  79. Henrique's birthday in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 1h34m18s)
  80. Arthur saving Ivete in Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 3h13m27s)
  81. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 11 (watch on YouTube at 2h25m04s)
  82. Verity hugging Arthur in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 4h08m17s)
  83. His moto in The Secret in the Forest - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 15m52s)
  84. The Secret in the Forest - Episode 8 (watch on YouTube at 1h15m38s)
  85. Guaxinim tells about Arthur's story in July 2020 (Deleted VOD)
  86. Deconjuration - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 2h29m50s)
  87. His favorite food in Deconjuration - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 3h35m52s)
  88. Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 1h26m32s)
  89. Deconjuration - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 1h16m07s)
  90. Deconjuration - Episode 14 (watch on YouTube at 1h22m56s)
  91. Twitter. Tweet from AST 🐋 (September 11, 2021)
  92. Twitch. Stream "Transcendendo com Leo Santi - Episódio 3" of Cellbit in September 30, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 38m7s)
  93. Twitch. Stream "Transcendendo com Leo Santi - Episódio 3 30/09 17h" of Cellbit in September 30, 2021 (watch on Twitch at 25m52s)
  94. Livro Oficial de Regras - Ordem Paranormal RPG