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For them... For them... For them...


Alexandre (Alexandre), better known as Xande, was one of the protagonists of the series Paranormal Order, present in Signals from the Other Side.[2]

Xande was one of the members of the group The Five, founded by Morato Vertaler, a former member of an organization that fights the paranormal. On his ID card, his role in the group was to be the responsible for the occult knowledge, being able to identify the presence of paranormal entities. Xande first appeared in the 1st episode of Signals from the Other Side, leaving from Francisco Albuquerque's van and advancing against a Dark Crawler with his cursed bat.[3]

At the end of the investigation in the TV Varminho's Tower, Xande decided to sacrifice himself for the team so they could enter the connection. So he was tortured by the Outsider and melted by the being, losing all his memories and everything he once was.[4]


Miniatura do Alexandre em Sinais do Outro Lado

Alexandre was a light-skinned young man, 5.74 feet tall,[5] having long wavy hair of dark blonde tone and blue eyes. He wore a yellow cap turned back with some white triangles and various triangle-shaped scratches. He also wore a black bandana balaclava with some white triangles, just like in his cap. He wore a yellow shirt of gray sleeves with a print of 3 black triangles, with "occult" written, and a black blouse with the sleeves rolled up underneath, as well as wearing a black shorts with knee pads. He also wears in the middle of his chest a golden brooch with the symbol of The Five.

On his body, there were several bags and bandoliers with various objects, including a knife, a turntable and small jars. Running through his body, there were silver chains, more apparent on his right arm and left ankle, that wrapped a baseball bat full of barbed wire. On his other arm, he carried with him a yellow skateboard with various details and metal adornments on the edges, as well as thorns on its wheels and with sigils and green rays on the bottom of the skateboard. He also had several injuries on both legs, some being scratches caused by falls while skateboarding and others by dog bites.[6]


Alexandre was a very serene and inattentive young man, preferring to listen to his songs on his headset rather than talk to people most of the time. When he was not focused on his music, Alexandre proved to be very playful, short-tempered and even a little silly, speaking slowly and calmly, or loud and noisy. Xande, however, also had his more serious side, completely changing his posture when he noticed that his friends were worried or in danger, getting very angry at hearing the name "Voytek"[7] being mentioned. Alexandre was brave and did not think twice before facing danger if it helped his companions in any way.



Alexandre was born in November 27, 1978, in Minas Gerais. Since his childhood, Xande was interested in conspiratorial and supernatural subjects such as aliens and the occult, eventually discovering the online video blog of Guilherme Santos, better known as Guizo, where the young man posted footage of supposedly haunted places or where extraterrestrial beings had been sighted. In his teen age, Xande also developed an interest and skill in skateboarding, enjoying riding and practicing maneuvers in the abandoned buildings and sites that appeared in Guizo’s videos, usually invading places with a bandana covering part of his face because he believes he is committing a crime and does not want to be identified. In one of his getaways while going to skate in another abandoned place, Xande and Guizo met, the first practicing tricks on the site, and the second recording for his blog. The two quickly became close friends, sharing their interests for the paranormal and otherworldly beings and chatting all afternoon. Later on the same day, Xande and Guizo witnessed an unknown paranormal event, where they first met and helped the former agent Morato Vertaler, who took an interest in the duo, eventually recruiting them both to "The Five", his own team hunting for supernatural beings known as "Aliens".

On the team, Xande also met Francisco Albuquerque, Dara Alice Venturini, Lírio Tellini and Voytek Nowak. However, during the first mission of the group, the situation began to become more dangerous than Morato imagined, ordering them to retreat and leave the sewer where they were. However, Voytek disobeyed the leader’s orders, telling the rest of the team that they would be able to defeat the Aliens on the spot if they returned to the sewer. Despite not feeling comfortable with the idea, Xande agreed with Voytek after Guizo supported the decision to return and fight the creatures so he could film them. However, as they returned on their way out, Voytek was surprised by a horde of Aliens, being dismembered and brutally torn apart by the creatures. Terrified, the rest of the team ran out of the sewers, while Morato stayed behind to contain the monsters. The team would later return to the same location, but Voytek’s body would never be found, leaving only a dogtag on the ground and a sense of sadness and guilt in the survivors of the incident.

Quirks and Phobias[]

Cynophobia: Irrational fear or aversion to dogs. Alexandre developed this phobia by, while skateboarding a lot, being constantly chased and attacked by dogs. He demonstrates this fear with the presence of Kiko, even with the fact that the animal is completely docile and harmless.[6]

Rituals and Abilities[]


Símbolo Armaldiçoar Arma com Sangue

Curse Weapon with Blood Ritual: The user imbues his weapon or ammunition with the Element of Blood, causing it to deal +1d6 Blood damage, or, in its Student version, +2d6.[8]

Símbolo Polarização Caótica

Chaotic Polarization Ritual: The user creates a paranormal magnetic aura, being able to levitate objects and people, or even repel and attract these.[9]

Símbolo Descarnar

Flesh Out Ritual: This ritual causes lacerations to manifest on the skin and organs of the target, who suffers 6d8 Blood damage and suffers severe bleeding. At the start of each turn, the target must take a Fortitude test, and if it fails, suffers 2d8 Blood damage.[10]

Símbolo Tela de Ruído

Noise Screen Ritual: This ritual creates an Energy layer that covers the user’s body and absorbs kinetic energy. The user receives 30 temporary HP, but only against ballistic, cutting, impact or drilling damage. Alternatively, this ritual can be used as a reaction when taking damage, causing the user to take 15 resistance only against that damage.[11]

Tecer Ilusão

Weave Illusion Ritual: This ritual creates a visual or sound illusion and can only create simple images or sounds.[12]

Símbolo Invocar Névoa

Cineraria Ritual: The user manifests a fog loaded with paranormal essence, causing rituals cast within the area to be strengthened.[13]

Símbolo Velocidade Mortal

Deadly Speed Ritual: The user distorts the passage of time around the target, making it extremely fast. The target receives one additional move action per turn, or, in its Student version, one additional standard action per turn.[14]

Símbolo Amaldiçoar Arma com Conhecimento

Curse Weapon with Knowledge Ritual: The user imbues his weapon or ammunition with the Element of Knowledge, causing it to deal +1d6 Knowledge damage, or, in its Student version, +2d6.[15]

Símbolo Perturbação

Disturbing Ritual: The user gives an order that the target should be able to hear (but don't need to understand). If it fails in the resistance, it must obey the order on its own turn in the best possible way.[16]

Símbolo Cicatrização

Cicatrization Ritual: The user speeds up the time around the target’s wounds, which heal instantly. The target recovers 3d8+3 HP, but ages 1 year automatically.[17]

Símbolo Armadura de Sangue

Blood Armor Ritual: The caster’s blood runs out of the body, covering it in the form of a carapace that provides +5 in Defense.

Símbolo Luz

Light Ritual: It makes an object emit light of alternating colors and bright (but not producing heat) in an area with 9m radius.


Accursed Blade: When it casts the Curse Weapon ritual, the user can use Occultism for melee tests with the cursed weapon.[18]

Occultist Camouflage: The user can spend a free action to hide symbols that are drawn on his skin, making them invisible to other people besides himself. In addition, when using a ritual, it can spend +2 EP to use it without using ritualistic components and without gesturing, using only concentration.[19]

Paranormal Gladiator: Whenever it hits a melee attack on an enemy, the user receives 2 temporary EP.

I Already Knew It: The user receives mental resistance equal to the value of his Intellect.

Cursed Items[]

Skate Amaldiçoado do Alexandre

Chaotic Skate: Alexandre’s skateboard with sigils and green rays on its bottom. It is not known for sure when it was cursed, but there is a kind of "chaotic consciousness" within it that provides +5 Defense to the user.[20]

Arte Tênis de Energia em Sinais do Outro Lado

Mild Sneakers: A pair of skate shoes. It has burnt parts and neon cables running around it. These shoes amplify the wearer’s mobility, making them faster and more resistant to falls.[21]

Arte Óculos de Morte em Sinais do Outro Lado

Glimpse of the End: A pair of sunglasses filled with symbols and spirals in its metal frame. When you look at a creature through its lens, it reveals its greatest weaknesses and vulnerabilities.[22]


Taco com arame farpado de Alexandre em Sinais do Outro Lado
A wooden baseball bat with stripes on its handle and a rolled chain that connects it to its arm, plus barbed wire wrapped in the rest of its length. During a combat, Alexandre used to use both his Curse Weapon with Blood Ritual, and his Curse Weapon with Knowledge Ritual on his bat, making it with the appearance related to the respective element.


  • Francisco Albuquerque: Alexandre and Chico were good friends, coming from their years together as part of the group The Five. In addition, Xande had great confidence in his friend, his intelligence and his decisions, although sometimes he was irritated by the way Chico communicated, with "riddles" and signs, as if he was not clear enough in what he speaks sometimes. Chico and Alexandre used to smoke together, since Xande was angry when he thought Chico had smoked without him.
  • Guilherme Santos: Alexandre and Guizo were best friends and, whenever they could, called each other during the mission, both to talk about information, as well as for jokes and plays. Alexandre trusted Guizo to the extreme, forming a duo with him to help him using rituals during battles, or just to have fun together.
  • Dara Alice Venturini: Alexandre and Dara, as part of the same group, were naturally friends. This becomes clear in several scenes in which Alexandre had a "crush" and great admiration for Dara, demonstrating that he was very jealous of her with other people, or treating her as a goddess - feelings developed over the years as a team, in which she always took care of his injuries, giving him the feeling of "duty" to repay this care and protection.[23]
  • Lírio Tellini: Alexandre and Lírio had a certain rivalry with each other, as it was notorious the way Xande judged the partner’s actions and behaviors at certain times. However, despite such disagreements they had, Alexandre liked and cared for Lírio.
  • Morato Vertaler: Alexandre had a great admiration for Morato, being happy to see him back in "TV Varminho", following his lead with confidence.


  • Alexandre is the youngest protagonist of all campaigns.
  • Alexandre and Guizo shared their birthday on the same day (November 27) and "died" on the same day (October 31, 1997).
  • Alexandre and Guizo had a secret greeting that they repeat several times.[24]
  • One of the music bands heard by Alexandre was Charlie Brown Jr., showed in the 2nd episode of Signals from the Other Side.[25]
  • Another artist Alexandre listened to, also shown in the 2nd episode of Signals from the Other Side, was Juvi, that creates combat songs, making reference to the official composer of the Official Soundtracks of Paranormal Order.[26]
  • Alexandre had synesthesia, a neurological condition where the five senses are combined, allowing him to see colors according to the music he listens to.[27]
  • Alexandre had a secret greeting with Chico which is just the opposite of what he had with Guizo.[28]
  • Alexandre's favorite keyboard key is "B".
  • The "OCCULT" print on Xande's shirt was created by himself during adolescence, believing it to be a genius design because most people could not decipher what was written by the unconventional way of diagramming.[29] However, when he met Guizo for the first time, the young man was almost instantly able to understand Alexandre’s pattern.
  • Because they studied the occultism together, Guizo and Xande gave their own nomenclatures to the entities of the Other Side, usually calling them by the main color they manifested, such as "Yellowish" or "Purplish". In addition, they also had a list of proper names for each ritual, calling, for example, the "Decadence" ritual "Putrish".
  • Because Alexandre’s surname was never revealed, as a joke, Guaxinim said that his surname was "Lange", doing so, Xande, the lost cousin of Cellbit.[29][30]



Episodes Appearances
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 - "Aliens" First Appearance
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 - "Parasite" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 - "Still Me" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 4 - "Chosen" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 - "The Four" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 6 - "TV Varminho" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 7 - "Transmission" Death

Notes and References[]


  1. Although Guaxinim said that Alexandre was 19, he had not yet made his birthday in November 1997, having 18 years during the season.


  1. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 3h25m39s)
  2. Twitter. Tweet from Ordem Paranormal (October 26, 2022)
  3. His first appearance in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 13m13s)
  4. His death in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 7 (watch on YouTube at 3h27m17s)
  5. Twitter. Tweet from Guaxinim (November 3, 2022)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Cynophobia in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h11m24s)
  7. Alexandre tells about Voytek in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h24m40s)
  8. Cursed bat in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 13m53s)
  9. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 3h26m38s)
  10. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 21m17s)
  11. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 30m12s)
  12. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h09m39s)
  13. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 4h35m05s)
  14. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 25m32s)
  15. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 36m14s)
  16. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 47m40s)
  17. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 3 (watch on YouTube at 1h16m04s)
  18. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 15m00s)
  19. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 21m07s)
  20. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h28m01s)
  21. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h35m33s)
  22. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h35m59s)
  23. Twitch. Stream "Transcending with Leo Santi - Carol and Guaxinim #Transcendendo" of Cellbit in November 10, 2022 (watch on Twitch at 1h02m29s)
  24. Their greeting in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 19m17s)
  25. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 32m38s)
  26. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h07m04s)
  27. His synesthesia in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 32m50s)
  28. Signals from the Other Side - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 1h26m50s)
  29. 29.0 29.1 YouTube. STOS - Ep. 4: "Chosen", with GUAXINIM - ORDEMCAST. Checked in December 23, 2022.
  30. YouTube. STOS - Ep. 4: "Chosen", with GUAXINIM - ORDEMCAST. Checked in December 23, 2022.