Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

A mysterious agent who only works alone.


Aaron is a veteran agent of Ordo Realitas who worked with Mr. Verity, Chizue Akechi, Arnaldo Fritz and Antônio Pontevedra.

He had his first appearance in the 1st episode of Deconjuration, sitting at one of the tables of the Ordo Realitas Base.[2]


Signals from the Other Side[]

Miniatura Aaron jovem em Sinais do Outro Lado

The young Aaron already wore a gas mask with reddish lenses to cover his face, a coat with a hood pulled up to hide his hair, and a gray sweater underneath, with a buckle in the middle. He was also wearing a pair of sniper gloves, black pants with a buckle tied around his left leg, and some kind of brown boot. Additionally, he carried his sniper rifle via a bandolier on his arms.[3]

Deconjuration and Calamity[]

Miniatura Aaron em Calamidade

Aaron is an agent who conceals his face with a gas mask with reddish visors and a coat with a raised hood, obscuring his hair, and a gray sweater underneath. In his hands he wears a pair of gray sniper gloves and on his feet, dark boots. Aaron carries a sniper rifle on his back, slung by a bandolier in his arms.


Aaron is shown to be extremely introspective, rarely making gestures and never even speaking to anyone.[2]


Signals from the Other Side[]

On October 30, 1997, Aaron was with his team, made up of Verity, Chizue Akechi and Arnaldo Fritz. At the request of Calisto Besatt, the group went to Café's Pizzaria,[3] a little busy roadside pizzeria in the region of Minas Gerais, where Arnaldo had said he would study and destroy some paranormal items he had found on missions. Aaron stayed with Verity and Chizue waiting for Arnaldo, and soon after, the group left.


Aaron was seen a few times at the Ordo Realitas Base, silent, going on his next mission, always carrying his huge sniper, almost the size of him.

At the final day of the Deconjuration, Aaron, along with Mr. Verity and Team Spies, went to help D-Force, that were battling against the Escribes' leader, Gal, at St. Menefreda Orphanage. The five agents split up and Aaron uses his hookshot to get up in the tree of the external area of the building.[4] He picks up his sniper and, using his knee as a support for it, he starts aiming in Gal, that was fighting against Clarissa Leão, Alexia Grifo and Samantha Hale.[5] Aaron shoots, but Gal dodges it, and the shot creates a hole in the ground.[6] Later, Aaron is rescued by the shadows of the Sect of the Masks and taken to the Ordo Realitas Base.[7]


Aaron arrives with Arthur Cervero at the Ordo Realitas base after a precision rifle training session, quietly saying goodbye to the scoundrel soon after and separating.[8]

After Arthur’s reports of the invasion and massacre of the Leones at Italy, Verity decides to transfer the base of the Order momentarily to the Leone's Mansion. This way, Aaron ends up going with all the other agents there. He's seen in the mansion's main office during the Team Vultures meeting with Verity, Marc Menet and Agatha Volkomenn. Balu tries to talk with him and he just moves away, bothered. After some time, Arthur greets him in LIBRAS with the "Hi" signal and he answers back with the same signal.

Aaron also was in The Colosseum during the Order's war against the Escribes, being the main responsible to prevent Agatha being killed by Kian, shooting from the stands and hitting his arm. After the end of the war, he descended to the arena, taking the unconscious Agatha to outside.


Sniper rifle A large structured weapon to deliver shots of long range and precision inflicting high damage on the target.
Hookshot A weapon responsible for launching a hook capable of suspending its user in the direction of the shot.[4]


  • It's possible that Arthur Cervero had already seen Aaron's face, since it's confirmed that Arthur trained with Aaron.
  • During the "Revealing the Deconjuration", it was revealed that if Aaron's shot was an "Extreme" roll, the target would receive 80 damage corresponding to his sniper's max damage.[9]
  • It was revealed by Cellbit that Aaron was with Verity in another case before they were called by Clarissa to help in the fight against Gal, and because of this, he decided to go with the leader.[10]
  • During the 4th episode of Calamity, Arthur makes a hand sign to Aaron and he answers with a similar sign, demonstrating that Aaron knows LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language).[11]
  • Even though it never had been shown up until today, Aaron's face is already illustrated.
  • Aaron had already transcended once.[12]



Episodes Appearances
Deconjuration - Episode 1 - "Ordo Realitas" First Appearance
Deconjuration - Episode 8 - "Reunion" Present
Deconjuration - Episode 20 - "Kian" Present
Calamity - Episode 0 - "Prologue" Only flashback
Calamity - Episode 4 - "Amphitheatrum" Present
Calamity - Episode 5 - "Ordo Calamitas" Photo and Messages
Calamity - Episode 9 - "Synthesis" Present
Calamity - Episode 11 - "Warrior" Present
Calamity - Episode 12 - "Eyes" Present
Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 - "The Four" Present (Past)


  1. Twitter. Tweet from Ordem Paranormal (January 30, 2021)
  2. 2.0 2.1 His first appearance in Deconjuration - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 25m33s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Aaron at Café's Pizzaria in Signals from the Other Side - Episode 5 (watch on YouTube at 2h07m11s)
  4. 4.0 4.1 His hookshot in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 2h48m40s)
  5. Aaron aiming Gal in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 2h48m50s)
  6. Aaron shooting Gal in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h02m28s)
  7. Sect of the Masks saving Aaron in Deconjuration - Episode 20 (watch on YouTube at 3h55m40s)
  8. His appearance in Calamity - Episode 0 (watch on YouTube at 58m30s)
  9. Deconjuration - Episode 21 (watch on YouTube at 2h00m55s)
  10. Deconjuration - Episode 21 (watch on YouTube at 23m57s)
  11. Calamity - Episode 4 (watch on YouTube at 1h14m41s)
  12. Twitch. Clip "Curiosidade "Aaron"" from Cellbit.