Paranormal Order Wiki
Paranormal Order Wiki

I did it.

Álvaro Augusto[1]

Álvaro Augusto was the principal at Nostradamus High School and an Occultist, being one of the main antagonists of The Paranormal Order.

Álvaro was first mentioned in the 1st episode of The Paranormal Order, however he only appeared in the next episode, where his body was found in the school's bunker.[2]



Born in 1962, little is known about Álvaro's past. Possibly involved in the occultist world from the early age, he established himself as a respected teacher at an important university in São Paulo.[3]

Government registration records indicate that he was associated with a real estate company, but served as an educator, and later as principal at Nostradamus High School.

In 2005, Álvaro was an university professor and lived in the Blue Condominium in Canadense, at the 11th Street, house 28, right in front of the Devilish Mansion, where it currently lives Janaina Flom and her husband with their two sons, Eduarda Flom and Tim Flom.[4]

A few days after they moved in front of Álvaro's house, Frederico Mare wakes up in the middle of the night and sees Álvaro coming out of his parents' room carrying a black book, opening in one of his pages and showing him a strange symbol.[5]

Álvaro welcomes his new neighbors and begins to make constant visits to Fátima Mare, his lover, but in order to see his adopted son, Leonardo.[6] In one night, Álvaro performs an unknown ritual in Leonardo that makes him become a different person, acting like a child in front of his parents, but completely changing when alone with his brother.

At some point, Fred Mare witnesses Álvaro in a kind of pyramid or ruins with writings everywhere, with a statue of a man and a symbol on the ground. Álvaro has his body covered in text tattoos, and performs some kind of bizarre ritual that alters Leonardo's appearance while using Frederico as a source of Fear.[7]

On an unknown date, Álvaro, now the principal of Nostradamus High School, reforms the school in partnership with Giovanni Opspor's construction company,[8] building a bunker below the school library in the same format as the Blood symbol.[9]

In 2019, Álvaro initiates a series of kidnappings of his students,[10] torturing and murdering them in their bunker,[11] weakening the Veil, being his objective to perform the Blood Passage Ritual, to get inside Anthony Scelto's body.[12] This objective was strictly followed by several correspondence between the principal and a man named Virgílio.[13] To complete the preparations, Álvaro hires three new teachers, Alexsander Kothe, from history, Olavo Costa, from geography and Matias Dennis, from math, who would be charged with attracting the students with a false summer class.[14] As teacher Alex refused to participate in these atrocities, he had his memory erased by means of a Change Memory Ritual.[15] Álvaro came to kidnap and torture four girls: Evelyn Orlando, Fernanda Pinto, Julia Correia and Lina Kunsti. At the end of January 2020, just before committing suicide Álvaro sends the last correspondence to Virgílio, saying he has achieved his goal.[16]

The Paranormal Order/Initiation[]

One team of agents from Ordo Realitas that were doing a Scout in the bunker on account of the appearance of a powerful creature known as Degolified, find several aberrations created by Álvaro, besides finding his own corpse,[2] the agents noticed a last smile on Álvaro’s face,[17] symbolizing his joy of having fulfilled his role in the Deconjuration Order and passing his title of Tirigan to Anthony Scelto.[12]


Later, during the events of Paranormal Order: Deconjuration, another team of Order agents find Anthony in the Corridors of the Passage Hall, he saying that he was the current Tirigan. Before casting a ritual on Sukkalgir, Anthony holds the skull attached to his waist, saying that it was strange to think that at some point he would hold his own skull, implying that Anthony and Álvaro were sharing the same body.[18] After the agents' battle, Tirigan goes completely insane, being shot dead by Luciano Carvalho and being thrown into the hole generated in the center of the hall.[19]


Símbolo Alterar Memória

Change Memory Ritual: Álvaro performed a ritual to block the memories of Alexsander Kothe after he refused to participate in the atrocities that took place underground at Nostradamus High School,[11] with the help of Matias Dennis and Olavo Costa.[15]

"Summoning" Ritual: A ritual capable of creating new paranormal creatures, being used by Álvaro in an attempt to summon a monster not yet catalogued.

Blood Passage Ritual: A Passage ritual similar to the Knowledge Passage ritual, but in this one, torture and bloodshed are required, being used by Álvaro to merge his mind with Anthony Scelto.[13]


  • By exploring the rooms in the second floor of St. Menefreda Orphanage, were found correspondences, dated from 2019 to 2020, in which Álvaro reported to Virgílio, name that Kian, the leader of the Escribes was known in the occultist world.[16]
  • The initial idea was that principal Álvaro Augusto was an immortal vampire, something that was later discarded. The new idea was that he was alive since the Sumerian civilization, having stayed alive by successive body exchanges. However, Cellbit preferred to create another character to fullfill this role, the current Kian.[20]



  1. Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h21m55s)
  2. 2.0 2.1 His body found in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h00m31s)
  3. Álvaro's occultist file in Deconjuration - Episode 16 (watch on YouTube at 2h57m26s)
  4. Front Real Estate Company's record in Deconjuration - Episode 16 (watch on YouTube at 2h54m22s)
  5. Fred's report about his past in Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 3h20m42s)
  6. Fred's diary in Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 2h30m30s)
  7. Leonardo's Passage in Deconjuration - Episode 17 (watch on YouTube at 3h26m47s)
  8. Registration of reform in the Nostradamus School in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h21m01s)
  9. Nostradamus School's bunker blueprint in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 4h33m16s)
  10. Missing girls in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 2h29m31s)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Alexsander Kothe's memories in The Paranormal Order - Episode 1 (watch on YouTube at 5h12m34s)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Twitch. Clip "Álvaro Bunker" from Cellbit.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Correspondence sent to Virgílio in Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 2h36m58s)
  14. Hiring of new teachers in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 24m02s)
  15. 15.0 15.1 Álvaro using the Change Memory Ritual in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 2h18m21s)
  16. 16.0 16.1 Álvaro and Virgílio's letters in Deconjuration - Episode 6 (watch on YouTube at 1h21m19s)
  17. His smile in The Paranormal Order - Episode 2 (watch on YouTube at 3h03m04s)
  18. Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 4h07m07s)
  19. His death in Deconjuration - Episode 19 (watch on YouTube at 4h42m02s)
  20. Twitter. Tweet from rafael lange #Calamidade (November 26, 2021)